Send TCP/UDP host metrics to the Datadog API

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To get insights about your TCP/UDP connections, you can gather statistics through a Crontab Entry and forward them to your Datadog platform.

To do this, use Linux sockstats located in: /proc/net/sockstat.

Here is an example code snippet to get you started:

This submits your data to Datadog through an HTTP POST.

A more proper way to do this would be to send metrics and events using DogStatsD. You may adapt your cron job to forward your data locally in UDP to your Agent, find more here.

You retrieve from this:

  • TCP:
in usetotal established connectionsinteger (number)
OrphanOrphaned tcp connections
(not attached to any user file handle)integer (number)
TWTIME_WAIT connectionsineger (millisec )
AllocTCP sockets allocated( All type for example, ESTABLISH, CLOSE_WAIT, TIME_WAIT, etc)
memtotal memory for TCP socketinteger (KiloBytes)
  • UDP:
inusetotal established connectionsinteger
memtotal memory for UDP socketinteger (KB)
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