Unless otherwise stated, you can convert between system properties and environment variables with the following transformations:
To set a system property as an environment variable, uppercase the property name and replace . or - with _.
For example, dd.service becomes DD_SERVICE.
To set an environment variable as a system property, lowercase the variable name and replace _ with .
For example, DD_TAGS becomes dd.tags.
Note: When using the Java tracer’s system properties, list the properties before -jar. This ensures the properties are read in as JVM options.
Environment Variable: DD_TRACE_AGENT_PORT Default: 8126 The port number the Agent is listening on for configured host. If the Agent configuration sets receiver_port or DD_APM_RECEIVER_PORT to something other than the default 8126, then dd.trace.agent.port or dd.trace.agent.url must match it.
Environment Variable: DD_TRACE_AGENT_URL Default: null The URL to send traces to. If the Agent configuration sets receiver_port or DD_APM_RECEIVER_PORT to something other than the default 8126, then dd.trace.agent.port or dd.trace.agent.url must match it. The URL value can start with http:// to connect using HTTP or with unix:// to use a Unix Domain Socket. When set this takes precedence over DD_AGENT_HOST and DD_TRACE_AGENT_PORT. Available for versions 0.65+.
Environment Variable: DD_TRACE_HEADER_TAGS Default: null Example: CASE-insensitive-Header:my-tag-name,User-ID:userId,My-Header-And-Tag-Name Accepts a map of case-insensitive header keys to tag names and automatically applies matching header values as tags on traces. Also accepts entries without a specified tag name that are automatically mapped to tags of the form http.request.headers.<header-name> and http.response.headers.<header-name> respectively.
Prior to version 0.96.0 this setting only applied to request header tags. To change back to the old behavior, add the setting -Ddd.trace.header.tags.legacy.parsing.enabled=true or the environment variable DD_TRACE_HEADER_TAGS_LEGACY_PARSING_ENABLED=true.
Environment Variable: DD_TRACE_ANNOTATIONS Default: (listed here) Example: com.some.Trace;io.other.Trace A list of method annotations to treat as @Trace.
Environment Variable: DD_TRACE_RATE_LIMIT Default: 100 Maximum number of spans to sample per second, per process, when DD_TRACE_SAMPLING_RULES or DD_TRACE_SAMPLE_RATE is set. Otherwise, the Datadog Agent controls rate limiting.
環境変数: DD_HTTP_SERVER_TAG_QUERY_STRING デフォルト: true true に設定すると、クエリ文字列パラメーターとフラグメントが Web サーバースパンに追加されます
Environment Variable: DD_TRACE_128_BIT_TRACEID_GENERATION_ENABLED Default: true When true, the tracer generates 128 bit Trace IDs, and encodes Trace IDs as 32 lowercase hexadecimal characters with zero padding.
Environment Variable: DD_TRACE_128_BIT_TRACEID_LOGGING_ENABLED Default: false When true, the tracer will inject 128 bit Trace IDs as 32 lowercase hexadecimal characters with zero padding, and 64 bit Trace IDs as decimal numbers. Otherwise, the tracer always injects Trace IDs as decimal numbers.
Environment Variable: DD_TRACE_OTEL_ENABLED Default: false When true, OpenTelemetry-based tracing for custom instrumentation is enabled.
Environment Variable: DD_AGENT_HOST Default: localhost Hostname for where to send traces to. If using a containerized environment, configure this to be the host IP. See Tracing Docker Applications for more details.
Environment Variable: DD_INSTRUMENTATION_TELEMETRY_ENABLED Default: true When true, the tracer collects telemetry data. Available for versions 0.104+. Defaults to true for versions 0.115+.
Environment Variable: DD_TRACE_DB_CLIENT_SPLIT_BY_HOST Default: false When set to true db spans get assigned the remote database hostname as the service name
Environment Variable: DD_TRACE_PROPAGATION_STYLE_INJECT Default: datadog,tracecontext A comma-separated list of header formats to include to propagate distributed traces between services. Available since version 1.9.0
Environment Variable: DD_TRACE_PROPAGATION_STYLE_EXTRACT Default: datadog,tracecontext A comma-separated list of header formats from which to attempt to extract distributed tracing propagation data. The first format found with complete and valid headers is used to define the trace to continue. Available since version 1.9.0
Environment Variable: DD_TRACE_PROPAGATION_STYLE Default: datadog,tracecontext A comma-separated list of header formats from which to attempt to inject and extract distributed tracing propagation data. The first format found with complete and valid headers is used to define the trace to continue. The more specific dd.trace.propagation.style.inject and dd.trace.propagation.style.extract configuration settings take priority when present. Available since version 1.9.0
Environment Variable: DD_TRACE_PROPAGATION_EXTRACT_FIRST Default: false When set to true, stop extracting trace context when a valid one is found.
These extraction and injection settings have been deprecated in favor of the dd.trace.propagation.style.inject, dd.trace.propagation.style.extract, and dd.trace.propagation.style settings since version 1.9.0. See Propagating Java Trace Context. The previous b3 setting for both B3 multi header and B3 single header has been replaced with the new settings b3multi and b3single.