
To send your Python logs to Datadog, configure a Python logger to log to a file on your host and then tail that file with the Datadog Agent.

Configure your logger

Python logs can be complex to handle because of tracebacks. Tracebacks cause logs to be split into multiple lines, which makes them difficult to associate with the original log event. To address this issue, Datadog strongly recommends using a JSON formatter when logging so that you can:

  • Ensure each stack trace is wrapped into the correct log.
  • Ensure all the attributes of a log event are correctly extracted (severity, logger name, thread name, and so on).

See the setup examples for the following logging libraries:

*The Python logger has an extra parameter for adding custom attributes. Use DJANGO_DATADOG_LOGGER_EXTRA_INCLUDE to specify a regex that matches the name of the loggers for which you want to add the extra parameter.

Configure the Datadog Agent

Once log collection is enabled, set up custom log collection to tail your log files and send them to Datadog by doing the following:

  1. Create a python.d/ folder in the conf.d/ Agent configuration directory.
  2. Create a file conf.yaml in the conf.d/python.d/ directory with the following content:
    ##Log section
      - type: file
        path: "<PATH_TO_PYTHON_LOG>.log"
        service: "<SERVICE_NAME>"
        source: python
        sourcecategory: sourcecode
        # For multiline logs, if they start by the date with the format yyyy-mm-dd uncomment the following processing rule
        #  - type: multi_line
        #    name: new_log_start_with_date
        #    pattern: \d{4}\-(0?[1-9]|1[012])\-(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])
  3. Restart the Agent.
  4. Run the Agent’s status subcommand and look for python under the Checks section to confirm that logs are successfully submitted to Datadog.

If logs are in JSON format, Datadog automatically parses the log messages to extract log attributes. Use the Log Explorer to view and troubleshoot your logs.

Connect your service across logs and traces

If APM is enabled for this application, connect your logs and traces by automatically adding trace IDs, span IDs, env, service, and version to your logs by following the APM Python instructions.

Note: If the APM tracer injects service into your logs, it overrides the value set in the agent configuration.

Once this is done, the log should have the following format:

2019-01-07 15:20:15,972 DEBUG [flask.app] [app.py:100] [dd.trace_id=5688176451479556031 dd.span_id=4663104081780224235] - this is an example

If logs are in JSON format, trace values are automatically extracted if the values are at the top level or in the top level extra or record.extra blocks. The following are examples of valid JSON logs where trace values are automatically parsed.

  "message":"Hello from the private method",
  "message":"Hello from the private method",
"message":"Hello from the private method",

Further Reading

PREVIEWING: drodriguezhdez/add_public_docs_log_summarization