
If you are unable to download applications directly from the Chrome Web Store because of security reasons, leverage Datadog’s extension detection system, available for the Datadog Synthetics Chrome Extension v3.1.6+, to record Synthetic browser tests.

  1. Download the Datadog test recorder extension’s latest CRX file.

  2. Upload this CRX file to your internal application store and repackage the extension. The new extension’s icon appears in the Chrome browser next to your extensions.

    the icon that appears in your browser
  3. Create your browser test by defining your test configuration (such as the test name, tags, locations, and frequency) and clicking Save Details & Record Test. To get started with your recording, first download the Datadog test recorder extension.

  4. Click the recorder extension icon on the top right hand corner of your browser. The Datadog test recorder extension automatically detects the extension uploaded in your internal application store.

  5. Start recording your browser test’s steps and click Save Recording when you’re done.

    record your browser tests

Note: Datadog releases test recorder extension updates on the Chrome Web Store. You can manually update your internal extension to record browser tests.

Further Reading

PREVIEWING: drodriguezhdez/add_public_docs_log_summarization