aws.pricing.awsamplify (gauge) | The cost of awsamplify per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awsappsync (gauge) | The cost of awsappsync per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awsbackup (gauge) | The cost of awsbackup per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awsbudgets (gauge) | The cost of awsbudgets per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awscertificatemanager (gauge) | The cost of awscertificatemanager per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awscloudmap (gauge) | The cost of awscloudmap per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awscloudtrail (gauge) | The cost of awscloudtrail per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awscodecommit (gauge) | The cost of awscodecommit per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awscodedeploy (gauge) | The cost of awscodedeploy per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awscodepipeline (gauge) | The cost of awscodepipeline per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awsconfig (gauge) | The cost of awsconfig per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awscostexplorer (gauge) | The cost of awscostexplorer per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awsdatasync (gauge) | The cost of awsdatasync per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awsdatatransfer (gauge) | The cost of awsdatatransfer per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awsdatabasemigrationsvc (gauge) | The cost of awsdatabasemigrationsvc per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awsdevelopersupport (gauge) | The cost of awsdevelopersupport per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awsdevicefarm (gauge) | The cost of awsdevicefarm per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awsdirectconnect (gauge) | The cost of awsdirectconnect per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awsdirectoryservice (gauge) | The cost of awsdirectoryservice per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awselementalmediaconvert (gauge) | The cost of awselementalmediaconvert per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awselementalmedialive (gauge) | The cost of awselementalmedialive per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awselementalmediapackage (gauge) | The cost of awselementalmediapackage per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awselementalmediastore (gauge) | The cost of awselementalmediastore per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awselementalmediatailor (gauge) | The cost of awselementalmediatailor per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awsevents (gauge) | The cost of awsevents per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awsfms (gauge) | The cost of awsfms per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awsglue (gauge) | The cost of awsglue per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awsgreengrass (gauge) | The cost of awsgreengrass per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awsiot1click (gauge) | The cost of awsiot1click per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awsiotanalytics (gauge) | The cost of awsiotanalytics per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awsiot (gauge) | The cost of awsiot per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awslambda (gauge) | The cost of awslambda per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awsmediaconnect (gauge) | The cost of awsmediaconnect per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awsqueueservice (gauge) | The cost of awsqueueservice per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awsrobomaker (gauge) | The cost of awsrobomaker per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awssecretsmanager (gauge) | The cost of awssecretsmanager per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awsservicecatalog (gauge) | The cost of awsservicecatalog per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awsshield (gauge) | The cost of awsshield per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awsstoragegatewaydeeparchive (gauge) | The cost of awsstoragegatewaydeeparchive per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awsstoragegateway (gauge) | The cost of awsstoragegateway per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awssupportbusiness (gauge) | The cost of awssupportbusiness per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awssupportenterprise (gauge) | The cost of awssupportenterprise per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awssystemsmanager (gauge) | The cost of awssystemsmanager per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awstransfer (gauge) | The cost of awstransfer per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.awsxray (gauge) | The cost of awsxray per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.alexatopsites (gauge) | The cost of alexatopsites per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.alexawebinfoservice (gauge) | The cost of alexawebinfoservice per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonapigateway (gauge) | The cost of amazonapigateway per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonappstream (gauge) | The cost of amazonappstream per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonathena (gauge) | The cost of amazonathena per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonchimebusinesscalling (gauge) | The cost of amazonchimebusinesscalling per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonchimecallme (gauge) | The cost of amazonchimecallme per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonchimedialin (gauge) | The cost of amazonchimedialin per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonchimevoiceconnector (gauge) | The cost of amazonchimevoiceconnector per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonchime (gauge) | The cost of amazonchime per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonclouddirectory (gauge) | The cost of amazonclouddirectory per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazoncloudfront (gauge) | The cost of amazoncloudfront per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazoncloudsearch (gauge) | The cost of amazoncloudsearch per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazoncloudwatch (gauge) | The cost of amazoncloudwatch per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazoncognitosync (gauge) | The cost of amazoncognitosync per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazoncognito (gauge) | The cost of amazoncognito per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonconnect (gauge) | The cost of amazonconnect per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazondax (gauge) | The cost of amazondax per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazondocdb (gauge) | The cost of amazondocdb per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazondynamodb (gauge) | The cost of amazondynamodb per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonec2 (gauge) | The cost of amazonec2 per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonecr (gauge) | The cost of amazonecr per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonecs (gauge) | The cost of amazonecs per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonefs (gauge) | The cost of amazonefs per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonei (gauge) | The cost of amazonei per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazoneks (gauge) | The cost of amazoneks per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazones (gauge) | The cost of amazones per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonets (gauge) | The cost of amazonets per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonelasticache (gauge) | The cost of amazonelasticache per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonfsx (gauge) | The cost of amazonfsx per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazongamelift (gauge) | The cost of amazongamelift per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonglacier (gauge) | The cost of amazonglacier per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonguardduty (gauge) | The cost of amazonguardduty per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazoninspector (gauge) | The cost of amazoninspector per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonkinesisanalytics (gauge) | The cost of amazonkinesisanalytics per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonkinesisfirehose (gauge) | The cost of amazonkinesisfirehose per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonkinesis (gauge) | The cost of amazonkinesis per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonlex (gauge) | The cost of amazonlex per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonlightsail (gauge) | The cost of amazonlightsail per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonml (gauge) | The cost of amazonml per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonmq (gauge) | The cost of amazonmq per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonmsk (gauge) | The cost of amazonmsk per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonmacie (gauge) | The cost of amazonmacie per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonneptune (gauge) | The cost of amazonneptune per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonpinpoint (gauge) | The cost of amazonpinpoint per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonpolly (gauge) | The cost of amazonpolly per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonquicksight (gauge) | The cost of amazonquicksight per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonrds (gauge) | The cost of amazonrds per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonredshift (gauge) | The cost of amazonredshift per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonrekognition (gauge) | The cost of amazonrekognition per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonroute53 (gauge) | The cost of amazonroute53 per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazons3glacierdeeparchive (gauge) | The cost of amazons3glacierdeeparchive per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazons3 (gauge) | The cost of amazons3 per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonses (gauge) | The cost of amazonses per unit. Shown as dollar |
aws.pricing.amazonsns (gauge) | The cost of amazonsns per unit. Shown as dollar |