Verify that Shared Library Files Have Root Ownership

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System-wide shared library files, which are linked to executables during process load time or run time, are stored in the following directories by default:


Kernel modules, which can be added to the kernel during runtime, are also stored in /lib/modules. All files in these directories should be owned by the root user. If the directory, or any file in these directories, is found to be owned by a user other than root correct its ownership with the following command:

$ sudo chown root FILE


Files from shared library directories are loaded into the address space of processes (including privileged ones) or of the kernel itself at runtime. Proper ownership is necessary to protect the integrity of the system.


Shell script

The following script can be run on the host to remediate the issue.


find /lib/  -type f ! -uid 0 -regex '^.*$' -exec chown 0 {} \;

find /lib64/  -type f ! -uid 0 -regex '^.*$' -exec chown 0 {} \;

find /usr/lib/  -type f ! -uid 0 -regex '^.*$' -exec chown 0 {} \;

find /usr/lib64/  -type f ! -uid 0 -regex '^.*$' -exec chown 0 {} \;

Ansible playbook

The following playbook can be run with Ansible to remediate the issue.

- name: Find /lib/ file(s) matching ^.*$ recursively
  command: find -H /lib/  -type f ! -uid 0 -regex "^.*$"
  register: files_found
  changed_when: false
  failed_when: false
  check_mode: false
  - DISA-STIG-UBTU-20-010428
  - NIST-800-53-AC-6(1)
  - NIST-800-53-CM-5(6)
  - NIST-800-53-CM-5(6).1
  - NIST-800-53-CM-6(a)
  - configure_strategy
  - file_ownership_library_dirs
  - low_complexity
  - low_disruption
  - medium_severity
  - no_reboot_needed

- name: Ensure owner on /lib/ file(s) matching ^.*$
    path: '{{ item }}'
    owner: '0'
    state: file
  - '{{ files_found.stdout_lines }}'
  - DISA-STIG-UBTU-20-010428
  - NIST-800-53-AC-6(1)
  - NIST-800-53-CM-5(6)
  - NIST-800-53-CM-5(6).1
  - NIST-800-53-CM-6(a)
  - configure_strategy
  - file_ownership_library_dirs
  - low_complexity
  - low_disruption
  - medium_severity
  - no_reboot_needed

- name: Find /lib64/ file(s) matching ^.*$ recursively
  command: find -H /lib64/  -type f ! -uid 0 -regex "^.*$"
  register: files_found
  changed_when: false
  failed_when: false
  check_mode: false
  - DISA-STIG-UBTU-20-010428
  - NIST-800-53-AC-6(1)
  - NIST-800-53-CM-5(6)
  - NIST-800-53-CM-5(6).1
  - NIST-800-53-CM-6(a)
  - configure_strategy
  - file_ownership_library_dirs
  - low_complexity
  - low_disruption
  - medium_severity
  - no_reboot_needed

- name: Ensure owner on /lib64/ file(s) matching ^.*$
    path: '{{ item }}'
    owner: '0'
    state: file
  - '{{ files_found.stdout_lines }}'
  - DISA-STIG-UBTU-20-010428
  - NIST-800-53-AC-6(1)
  - NIST-800-53-CM-5(6)
  - NIST-800-53-CM-5(6).1
  - NIST-800-53-CM-6(a)
  - configure_strategy
  - file_ownership_library_dirs
  - low_complexity
  - low_disruption
  - medium_severity
  - no_reboot_needed

- name: Find /usr/lib/ file(s) matching ^.*$ recursively
  command: find -H /usr/lib/  -type f ! -uid 0 -regex "^.*$"
  register: files_found
  changed_when: false
  failed_when: false
  check_mode: false
  - DISA-STIG-UBTU-20-010428
  - NIST-800-53-AC-6(1)
  - NIST-800-53-CM-5(6)
  - NIST-800-53-CM-5(6).1
  - NIST-800-53-CM-6(a)
  - configure_strategy
  - file_ownership_library_dirs
  - low_complexity
  - low_disruption
  - medium_severity
  - no_reboot_needed

- name: Ensure owner on /usr/lib/ file(s) matching ^.*$
    path: '{{ item }}'
    owner: '0'
    state: file
  - '{{ files_found.stdout_lines }}'
  - DISA-STIG-UBTU-20-010428
  - NIST-800-53-AC-6(1)
  - NIST-800-53-CM-5(6)
  - NIST-800-53-CM-5(6).1
  - NIST-800-53-CM-6(a)
  - configure_strategy
  - file_ownership_library_dirs
  - low_complexity
  - low_disruption
  - medium_severity
  - no_reboot_needed

- name: Find /usr/lib64/ file(s) matching ^.*$ recursively
  command: find -H /usr/lib64/  -type f ! -uid 0 -regex "^.*$"
  register: files_found
  changed_when: false
  failed_when: false
  check_mode: false
  - DISA-STIG-UBTU-20-010428
  - NIST-800-53-AC-6(1)
  - NIST-800-53-CM-5(6)
  - NIST-800-53-CM-5(6).1
  - NIST-800-53-CM-6(a)
  - configure_strategy
  - file_ownership_library_dirs
  - low_complexity
  - low_disruption
  - medium_severity
  - no_reboot_needed

- name: Ensure owner on /usr/lib64/ file(s) matching ^.*$
    path: '{{ item }}'
    owner: '0'
    state: file
  - '{{ files_found.stdout_lines }}'
  - DISA-STIG-UBTU-20-010428
  - NIST-800-53-AC-6(1)
  - NIST-800-53-CM-5(6)
  - NIST-800-53-CM-5(6).1
  - NIST-800-53-CM-6(a)
  - configure_strategy
  - file_ownership_library_dirs
  - low_complexity
  - low_disruption
  - medium_severity
  - no_reboot_needed