
After you start ingesting your costs in Cloud Cost Management, set up budgets and visualize how you are tracking against budgets.

Create a budget

  1. Navigate to Cloud Cost > Plan > Budgets.

  2. Click the Create a New Budget button.

  3. Enter the following details:

    • Budget Name: Enter a name for your budget.
    • Start Date: Enter a start date for the budget (this can be a past month). Budgets are set at the month level.
    • End Date: Set an end date for the budget (can be in the future).
    • Provider(s): Budget on any combination of AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, or other SaaS (including Datadog or custom costs).
    • Dimension to budget by: Specify a dimension to track the budget, along with its corresponding values. For example, if you wanted to create budgets for the top 4 teams, you would select “team” in the first dropdown, and the specific teams in the second dropdown.
    Budget Creation View: fill in budget details.
  4. Fill in all budgets in the table. You can automatically copy values from the first month to the rest of the months by clicking the copy button.

  5. Click Save in the bottom right.

View budget status

The Budgets page lists all of your organization’s budgets, highlighting the budget creator, any budgets that have gone over, and other relevant details. Click on View Performance to investigate the budget, and understand what might be causing you to go over budget.

List all budgets

From a View Performance page of an individual budget, you can toggle the view option from the top left:

You cannot view budget versus actuals before 15 months, since cost metrics are retained for 15 months.
  • You can view the budget status for the current month:

    Budget Status View: view current month
  • Or can view the budget status for the entire duration (all):

    Budget Status View: view total budget

Investigate budgets

Use the dropdown filter or Apply Filter option in the table to investigate over-budget dimensions.

To investigate budgets:

  1. From the individual budget page, filter budgets using the dropdown at the top, or “Apply filter” in the table to investigate dimensions that are over budget.
  2. Click Copy Link to share the budget with others to help understand why budgets are going over. Or, share budgets with finance so that they can understand how you’re tracking against budgets.

Delete budget

To delete a budget, click the trash icon on the Budgets page.

List all budgets

Further Reading

Additional helpful documentation, links, and articles:

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