CI Visibility is not available in the selected site () at this time.


GitLab is a DevOps platform that automates the software development lifecycle with integrated CI/CD features, enabling automated, continuous deployment of applications with built-in security controls.

Set up tracing in GitLab to collect data on your pipeline executions, analyze performance bottlenecks, troubleshoot operational issues, and optimize your deployment workflows.


Pipeline VisibilityPlatformDefinition
Running pipelinesRunning pipelinesView pipeline executions that are running. Queued or waiting pipelines show with status “Running” on Datadog.
Partial retriesPartial pipelinesView partially retried pipeline executions.
Manual stepsManual stepsView manually triggered pipelines.
Queue timeQueue timeView the amount of time pipeline jobs sit in the queue before processing.
Logs correlationLogs correlationCorrelate pipeline spans to logs and enable job log collection.
Infrastructure metric correlationInfrastructure metric correlationCorrelate jobs to infrastructure host metrics for self-hosted GitLab runners.
Custom pre-defined tagsCustom pre-defined tagsSet custom tags to all generated pipeline, stages, and job spans.
Custom tags and measures at runtimeCustom tags and measures at runtimeConfigure custom tags and measures at runtime.
ParametersParametersSet custom env or service parameters when a pipeline is triggered.
Pipeline failure reasonsPipeline failure reasonsIdentify pipeline failure reasons from error messages.
Approval wait timeApproval wait timeView the amount of time jobs and pipelines wait for manual approvals.
Execution timeExecution timeView the amount of time pipelines have been running jobs. Gitlab refers to this metric as duration. Duration in Gitlab and execution time may show different values. Gitlab does not take into consideration jobs that failed due to certain kinds of failures (such as runner system failures).
Custom spansCustom spansConfigure custom spans for your pipelines.

The following GitLab versions are supported:

  • (SaaS)
  • GitLab >= 14.1 (self-hosted)
  • GitLab >= 13.7.0 (self-hosted) with the datadog_ci_integration feature flag enabled

Configure the Datadog integration

Configure the integration on a project or group by going to Settings > Integrations > Datadog for each project or group you want to instrument.

Fill in the integration configuration settings:

Enables the integration.
Datadog site
Specifies which Datadog site to send data to.
Selected site:
API URL (optional)
Allows overriding the API URL used for sending data directly, only used in advanced scenarios.
Default: (empty, no override)
API key
Specifies which Datadog API key to use when sending data.
Enable CI Visibility
Controls the enablement of CI Visibility features, including pipeline tracing, critical path computation and performance monitoring. Ensure this box is checked to activate these capabilities.
Service (optional)
Specifies which service name to attach to each span generated by the integration. Use this to differentiate between GitLab instances.
Default: gitlab-ci
Env (optional)
Specifies which environment (env tag) to attach to each span generated by the integration. Use this to differentiate between groups of GitLab instances (for example, staging or production).
Default: none
Tags (optional)
Specifies any custom tags to attach to each span generated by the integration. Provide one tag per line in the format: key:value.
Default: (empty, no additional tags)
Note: Available only in and GitLab >= 14.8 self-hosted.

You can test the integration with the Test settings button (only available when configuring the integration on a project). After it’s successful, click Save changes to finish the integration set up. If the button fails, click Save changes and check that the first webhooks sent are successful by looking at the history in the “Recent events” section below.

Configure the integration on a project or group by going to Settings > Integrations > Datadog for each project or group you want to instrument. You can also activate the integration at the GitLab instance level by going to Admin > Settings > Integrations > Datadog.

Fill in the integration configuration settings:

Enables the integration.
Datadog site
Specifies which Datadog site to send data to.
Selected site:
API URL (optional)
Allows overriding the API URL used for sending data directly, only used in advanced scenarios.
Default: (empty, no override)
API key
Specifies which Datadog API key to use when sending data.
Enable CI Visibility
Controls the enablement of CI Visibility features, including pipeline tracing, critical path computation and performance monitoring. Ensure this box is checked to activate these capabilities. It’s only present starting from GitLab 17.7, and isn’t required in prior versions.
Service (optional)
Specifies which service name to attach to each span generated by the integration. Use this to differentiate between GitLab instances.
Default: gitlab-ci
Env (optional)
Specifies which environment (env tag) to attach to each span generated by the integration. Use this to differentiate between groups of GitLab instances (for example, staging or production).
Default: none
Tags (optional)
Specifies any custom tags to attach to each span generated by the integration. Provide one tag per line in the format: key:value.
Default: (empty, no additional tags)
Note: Available only in and GitLab >= 14.8 self-hosted.

You can test the integration with the Test settings button (only available when configuring the integration on a project). After it’s successful, click Save changes to finish the integration setup. If the button fails, click Save changes and check that the first webhooks sent are successful by looking at the history in the “Recent events” section below.

Enable the datadog_ci_integration feature flag to activate the integration.

Run one of the following commands, which use GitLab’s Rails Runner, depending on your installation type:

From Omnibus Installations:

sudo gitlab-rails runner "Feature.enable(:datadog_ci_integration)"

From Source Installations:

sudo -u git -H bundle exec rails runner \
  -e production \

From Kubernetes Installations:

kubectl exec -it <task-runner-pod-name> -- \
  /srv/gitlab/bin/rails runner "Feature.enable(:datadog_ci_integration)"

Then, configure the integration on a project by going to Settings > Integrations > Datadog for each project you want to instrument.

Due to a bug in early versions of GitLab, the Datadog integration cannot be enabled at group or instance level on GitLab versions < 14.1, even if the option is available on GitLab's UI.

Fill in the integration configuration settings:

Enables the integration.
Datadog site
Specifies which Datadog site to send data to.
Selected site:
API URL (optional)
Allows overriding the API URL used for sending data directly, only used in advanced scenarios.
Default: (empty, no override)
API key
Specifies which Datadog API key to use when sending data.
Service (optional)
Specifies which service name to attach to each span generated by the integration. Use this to differentiate between GitLab instances.
Default: gitlab-ci
Env (optional)
Specifies which environment (env tag) to attach to each span generated by the integration. Use this to differentiate between groups of GitLab instances (for example, staging or production).
Default: none
Tags (optional)
Specifies any custom tags to attach to each span generated by the integration. Provide one tag per line in the format: key:value.
Default: (empty, no additional tags)
Note: Available only in and GitLab >= 14.8 self-hosted.

You can test the integration with the Test settings button (only available when configuring the integration on a project). After it’s successful, click Save changes to finish the integration set up. If the button fails, click Save changes and check that the first webhooks sent are successful by looking at the history in the “Recent events” section below.

Direct support with webhooks is not under development. Unexpected issues could happen. Datadog recommends that you update GitLab instead.

For older versions of GitLab, you can use webhooks to send pipeline data to Datadog.

Go to Settings > Webhooks in your repository (or GitLab instance settings), and add a new webhook:

  • URL: https://webhook-intake./api/v2/webhook/?dd-api-key=<API_KEY> where <API_KEY> is your Datadog API key.
  • Secret Token: Leave this field empty.
  • Trigger: Select Job events and Pipeline events.

To set custom env or service parameters, add more query parameters in the webhooks URL. For example, &env=<YOUR_ENV>&service=<YOUR_SERVICE_NAME>.

Set custom tags

To set custom tags to all the pipeline and job spans generated by the integration, add a URL-encoded query parameter tags with key:value pairs separated by commas to the URL.

If a key:value pair contains any commas, surround it with quotes. For example, to add key1:value1,"key2: value with , comma",key3:value3, the following string would need to be appended to the Webhook URL: ?tags=key1%3Avalue1%2C%22key2%3A+value+with+%2C+comma%22%2Ckey3%3Avalue3.

Advanced configuration

Set custom tags

You can set custom tags for all pipeline and job spans from your GitLab projects to improve traceability. For more information, see Custom Tags and Measures.

Integrate with Datadog Teams

To display and filter the teams associated with your pipelines, add team:<your-team> as a custom tag. The custom tag name must match your Datadog Teams team handle exactly.

Correlate infrastructure metrics to jobs

If you are using self-hosted GitLab runners, you can correlate jobs with the infrastructure that is running them.

Datadog infrastructure correlation is possible using different methods:

The GitLab runner must have a tag in the form host:<hostname>. Tags can be added while registering a new runner. As a result, this method is only available when the runner is directly running the job.

This excludes executors that are autoscaling the infrastructure in order to run the job (such as the Kubernetes, Docker Autoscaler, or Instance executors) as it is not possible to add tags dynamically for those runners.

For existing runners:

  • GitLab >= 15.8: Add tags through the UI by going to Settings > CI/CD > Runners and editing the appropriate runner.

  • GitLab < 15.8: Add tags by updating the runner’s config.toml. Or add tags through the UI by going to Settings > CI/CD > Runners and editing the appropriate runner.

After these steps, CI Visibility adds the hostname to each job. To see the metrics, click on a job span in the trace view. In the drawer, a new tab named Infrastructure appears which contains the host metrics.

CI Visibility supports Infrastructure metrics for “Docker Autoscaler” executors. For more information, see the Correlate Infrastructure Metrics with GitLab Jobs guide.

CI Visibility supports Infrastructure metrics for “Instance” executors. For more information, see the Correlate Infrastructure Metrics with GitLab Jobs guide.

CI Visibility supports Infrastructure metrics for the Kubernetes executor. For this, it is necessary to have the Datadog Agent monitoring the Kubernetes Gitlab infrastructure. See Install the Datadog Agent on Kubernetes to install the Datadog Agent in a Kubernetes cluster.

Due to limitations in the Datadog Agent, jobs shorter than the minimum collection interval of the Datadog Agent might not always display infrastructure correlation metrics. To adjust this value, see Datadog Agent configuration template and adjust the variable min_collection_interval to be less than 15 seconds.

CI Visibility does not support Infrastructure metrics for other executors.

View error messages for pipeline failures

Error messages are supported for GitLab versions 15.2.0 and above.

For failed GitLab pipeline executions, each error under the Errors tab within a specific pipeline execution displays a message associated with the error type from GitLab.

GitLab Failure Reason

The following table describes the message and domain correlated with each error type. Any unlisted error type results in a Job failed error message and an unknown error domain.

Error TypeError DomainError Message
unknown_failureunknownFailed due to unknown reason.
config_erroruserFailed due to error on CI/CD configuration file.
external_validation_failureunknownFailed due to external pipeline validation.
user_not_verifieduserThe pipeline failed due to the user not being verified.
activity_limit_exceededproviderThe pipeline activity limit was exceeded.
size_limit_exceededproviderThe pipeline size limit was exceeded.
job_activity_limit_exceededproviderThe pipeline job activity limit was exceeded.
deployments_limit_exceededproviderThe pipeline deployments limit was exceeded.
project_deletedproviderThe project associated with this pipeline was deleted.
api_failureproviderAPI failure.
stuck_or_timeout_failureunknownPipeline is stuck or timed out.
runner_system_failureproviderFailed due to runner system failure.
missing_dependency_failureunknownFailed due to missing dependency.
runner_unsupportedproviderFailed due to unsupported runner.
stale_scheduleproviderFailed due to stale schedule.
job_execution_timeoutunknownFailed due to job timeout.
archived_failureproviderArchived failure.
unmet_prerequisitesunknownFailed due to unmet prerequisite.
scheduler_failureproviderFailed due to schedule failure.
data_integrity_failureproviderFailed due to data integrity.
forward_deployment_failureunknownDeployment failure.
user_blockeduserBlocked by user.
ci_quota_exceededproviderCI quota exceeded.
pipeline_loop_detecteduserPipeline loop detected.
builds_disableduserBuild disabled.
deployment_rejecteduserDeployment rejected.
protected_environment_failureproviderEnvironment failure.
secrets_provider_not_founduserSecret provider not found.
reached_max_descendant_pipelines_depthuserReached max descendant pipelines.
ip_restriction_failureproviderIP restriction failure.

Collect job logs

The following GitLab versions support collecting job logs:

  • (SaaS)
  • GitLab >= 15.3 (self-hosted) only if you are using object storage to store job logs
  • GitLab >= 14.8 (self-hosted) by enabling the datadog_integration_logs_collection feature flag

Job logs are collected in Log Management and are automatically correlated with the GitLab pipeline in CI Visibility. Log files larger than one GiB are truncated.

To enable collection of job logs:

  1. Click the Enable job logs collection checkbox in the GitLab integration Settings > Integrations > Datadog.
  2. Click Save changes.
Datadog downloads log files directly from your GitLab logs object storage with temporary pre-signed URLs. This means that for Datadog servers to access the storage, the storage must not have network restrictions The endpoint, if set, should resolve to a publicly accessible URL.
  1. Click Enable job logs collection checkbox in the GitLab integration under Settings > Integrations > Datadog.
  2. Click Save changes.
Datadog downloads log files directly from your GitLab logs object storage with temporary pre-signed URLs. This means that for Datadog servers to access the storage, the storage must not have network restrictions The endpoint, if set, should resolve to a publicly accessible URL.
  1. Enable the datadog_integration_logs_collection feature flag in your GitLab. This allows you to see the Enable job logs collection checkbox in the GitLab integration under Settings > Integrations > Datadog.
  2. Click Enable job logs collection.
  3. Click Save changes.

Logs are billed separately from CI Visibility. Log retention, exclusion, and indexes are configured in Log Management. Logs for GitLab jobs can be identified by the datadog.product:cipipeline and source:gitlab tags.

For more information about processing job logs collected from the GitLab integration, see the Processors documentation.

View partial and downstream pipelines

You can use the following filters to customize your search query in the CI Visibility Explorer.

The Pipeline executions page with Partial Pipeline:retry entered in the search query
Facet NameFacet IDPossible Values
Downstream Pipeline@ci.pipeline.downstreamtrue, false
Manually Triggered@ci.is_manualtrue, false
Partial Pipeline@ci.partial_pipelineretry, paused, resumed

You can also apply these filters using the facet panel on the left hand side of the page.

The facet panel with Partial Pipeline facet expanded and the value Retry selected, the Partial Retry facet expanded and the value true selected

Visualize pipeline data in Datadog

Once the integration is successfully configured, the CI Pipeline List and Executions pages populate with data after the pipelines finish.

The CI Pipeline List page shows data for only the default branch of each repository. For more information, see Search and Manage CI Pipelines.

Further reading

PREVIEWING: gorkavicente/appsec-serverless-library-compatibility