
The Results Explorer provides visibility into all test runs and CI batches for Synthetic Monitoring and Continuous Testing.

Search and manage your CI batches in the Synthetic Monitoring & Testing Results Explorer
Search and manage your test runs in the Synthetic Monitoring & Testing Results Explorer

You can accomplish the following actions:

  • Compare test runs executed against various devices and browsers to pinpoint cross-browser and device issues
  • Examine performance issues with result timing facets and filter runs by failing status codes
  • Try onboarding search queries to get started with searching in the Explorer

Create a search query

Navigate to Digital Experience > Synthetic Monitoring & Testing > Continuous Testing and click on an out-of-the-box search query to start viewing your test batches or runs and create visualizations.

Out-of-the-box search queries available in the Explorer
  • View failed tests running in a CI pipeline by filtering on their blocking status and confirming if they are blocking your new releases.
  • Analyze failing test runs with HTTP error status codes to identify API tests with unexpected status codes.
  • Examine test runs that initially failed and passed after a retry.
  • Access test IDs to include in your CI pipeline.

For more information, see Search Syntax.

Explore test runs

The Results Explorer displays all of your test runs from Synthetic Monitoring and Continuous Testing. Every test corresponds to a test run for a particular test subtype, including fast retries. Click on a test in the Results Explorer to access the test run page.

API test run details page
  1. Click on a test run to navigate to the test results or details page.
  2. Analyze your test run performance, or API and multistep API test performance.
  3. Create a visualization such as a timeseries graph, top list, or table.

For more information about test runs, see Search Test Runs.

Explore test batches

The Results Explorer displays batches of tests run by Continuous Testing and your CI/CD provider. Every batch corresponds with a call to the Datadog API (through one of your CI/CD integrations, the datadog-ci NPM package, or directly through the API endpoint) and triggers one or several test executions.

Side panel for a CI batch of test runs in the Synthetic Monitoring & Testing Results Explorer
  1. Click on a batch to open a side panel containing batch CI/CD metadata and batch test results.
  2. Explore the test executions performed as part of the batch and pinpoint test failures.
  3. Click on a failing test result to see the detailed Test Result page and investigate the root cause of the issue.

For more information about test batches, see Search Test Batches.


Export your view as a saved view in the Synthetic Monitoring & Testing Results Explorer.

Further reading

PREVIEWING: gorkavicente/appsec-serverless-library-compatibility