

top()Graph the top N elements.top(<METRIC_NAME>{*}, <LIMIT_TO>, '<BY>', '<DIR>')

The top() function has three parameters:

  • LIMIT_TO: The number of series to be displayed; choose from:

    • 5
    • 10
    • 25
    • 50
    • 100
  • BY: Aggregation method; choose from:

    • max: Maximum of all metrics values.
    • mean: Mean of all metrics values.
    • min: Min of all metrics values.
    • sum: Sum of all metrics values.
    • last: Last metrics value.
    • l2norm: Uses the norm of the timeseries, which is always positive, to rank the series.
    • area: Signed area under the curve being graphed, which can be negative
  • DIR: The direction of ranking; choose between:

    • asc: Rank the results in ascending order.
    • desc: Rank the results in descending order.

The top() method also has convenience functions of the following form, all of which take a single series list as input:

[top, bottom][5, 10, 15, 20]_[mean, min, max, last, area, l2norm][2]

For example, bottom10_min() retrieves the 10 lowest-valued series using the min metric.

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