Custom Time Frames


Queries are run in UTC time, but the query time frame is selected according to your browser's time zone. Toggle between displaying the default time zone or UTC from the dashboard configure action. For more information, see the Dashboard configuration documentation.

Many views in Datadog can be scoped to a specific time frame. Time controls include a list of common time frames and a calendar picker for quick selection.

To increment by month, day, year, hour, or minute, highlight a portion of the time frame and use the [↑] and [↓] keys:

Supported syntaxes

Fixed dates

January 1
{MMM/MMMM} D, h:mm aJan 1, 1:00 pm
January 1, 1:00 pm
{MMM/MMMM} D, YYYY, h:mm aJan 1, 2019, 1:00 pm
January 1, 2019, 1:00 pm
h:mm a1:00 pm
Unix seconds timestamp1577883600
Unix milliseconds timestamp1577883600000

Any fixed date can be entered as part of a range. For example:

  • 1577883600 - 1578009540
  • Jan 1 - Jan 2
  • 6:00 am - 1:00 pm

Relative dates

Relative dates do not update over time; they are calculated when entered.

See the list of accepted units below
Displays the past N units. For example, 3 mo (the past 3 months)
todayDisplays the current calendar day until present
yesterdayDisplays the full previous calendar day
this monthDisplays the current calendar month until present
last monthDisplays the full previous calendar month
this yearDisplays the current calendar year until present
last yearDisplays the full previous calendar year

The following strings are accepted for any {unit} in a relative date:

  • Minutes: m, min, mins, minute, minutes
  • Hours: h, hr, hrs, hour, hours
  • Days: d, day, days
  • Weeks: w, week, weeks
  • Months: mo, mos, mon, mons, month, months

Calendar aligned dates

Calendar aligned dates update to reflect the current day.

week to dateDisplays the week from 12AM Monday until present
month to dateDisplays the 1st of the month until present


You can manipulate time queries in the URL of a dashboard.

Consider the following dashboard URL:<DASHBOARD_ID>?from_ts=<QUERY_START>&to_ts=<QUERY_END>&live=true
  • The from_ts parameter is the Unix milliseconds timestamp of the query starting time. For example, 1683518770980.
  • The to_ts parameter is the Unix milliseconds timestamp of the query ending time. For example, 1683605233205.
  • live=true indicates that relative time specifications are retained when a query is saved or shared. You can also use live=false.
PREVIEWING: gorkavicente/appsec-serverless-library-compatibility