



Provider name: CreateTime
Description: The time the version was created.


Provider name: CreatedBy
Description: The principal that created the version.


Provider name: DefaultVersion
Description: Indicates whether the version is the default version.


Provider name: LaunchTemplateData
Description: Information about the launch template.

  • block_device_mappings
    Provider name: BlockDeviceMappings
    Description: The block device mappings.
    • device_name
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: DeviceName
      Description: The device name.
    • ebs
      Type: STRUCT
      Provider name: Ebs
      Description: Information about the block device for an EBS volume.
      • delete_on_termination
        Type: BOOLEAN
        Provider name: DeleteOnTermination
        Description: Indicates whether the EBS volume is deleted on instance termination.
      • encrypted
        Type: BOOLEAN
        Provider name: Encrypted
        Description: Indicates whether the EBS volume is encrypted.
      • iops
        Type: INT32
        Provider name: Iops
        Description: The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the volume supports.
      • kms_key_id
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: KmsKeyId
        Description: Identifier (key ID, key alias, key ARN, or alias ARN) of the customer managed KMS key to use for EBS encryption.
      • snapshot_id
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: SnapshotId
        Description: The ID of the snapshot.
      • throughput
        Type: INT32
        Provider name: Throughput
        Description: The throughput that the volume supports, in MiB/s.
      • volume_size
        Type: INT32
        Provider name: VolumeSize
        Description: The size of the volume, in GiB.
      • volume_type
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: VolumeType
        Description: The volume type.
    • no_device
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: NoDevice
      Description: To omit the device from the block device mapping, specify an empty string.
    • virtual_name
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: VirtualName
      Description: The virtual device name (ephemeralN).
  • capacity_reservation_specification
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: CapacityReservationSpecification
    Description: Information about the Capacity Reservation targeting option.
    • capacity_reservation_preference
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: CapacityReservationPreference
      Description: Indicates the instance’s Capacity Reservation preferences. Possible preferences include:
      • open - The instance can run in any open Capacity Reservation that has matching attributes (instance type, platform, Availability Zone).
      • none - The instance avoids running in a Capacity Reservation even if one is available. The instance runs in On-Demand capacity.
    • capacity_reservation_target
      Type: STRUCT
      Provider name: CapacityReservationTarget
      Description: Information about the target Capacity Reservation or Capacity Reservation group.
      • capacity_reservation_id
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: CapacityReservationId
        Description: The ID of the targeted Capacity Reservation.
      • capacity_reservation_resource_group_arn
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: CapacityReservationResourceGroupArn
        Description: The ARN of the targeted Capacity Reservation group.
  • cpu_options
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: CpuOptions
    Description: The CPU options for the instance. For more information, see Optimize CPU options in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.
    • amd_sev_snp
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: AmdSevSnp
      Description: Indicates whether the instance is enabled for AMD SEV-SNP. For more information, see AMD SEV-SNP.
    • core_count
      Type: INT32
      Provider name: CoreCount
      Description: The number of CPU cores for the instance.
    • threads_per_core
      Type: INT32
      Provider name: ThreadsPerCore
      Description: The number of threads per CPU core.
  • credit_specification
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: CreditSpecification
    Description: The credit option for CPU usage of the instance.
    • cpu_credits
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: CpuCredits
      Description: The credit option for CPU usage of a T instance. Valid values: standard | unlimited
  • disable_api_stop
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: DisableApiStop
    Description: Indicates whether the instance is enabled for stop protection. For more information, see Enable stop protection for your instance in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.
  • disable_api_termination
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: DisableApiTermination
    Description: If set to true, indicates that the instance cannot be terminated using the Amazon EC2 console, command line tool, or API.
  • ebs_optimized
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: EbsOptimized
    Description: Indicates whether the instance is optimized for Amazon EBS I/O.
  • elastic_gpu_specifications
    Provider name: ElasticGpuSpecifications
    Description: Deprecated. Amazon Elastic Graphics reached end of life on January 8, 2024. For workloads that require graphics acceleration, we recommend that you use Amazon EC2 G4ad, G4dn, or G5 instances.
    • type
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: Type
      Description: Deprecated. Amazon Elastic Graphics reached end of life on January 8, 2024. For workloads that require graphics acceleration, we recommend that you use Amazon EC2 G4ad, G4dn, or G5 instances.
  • elastic_inference_accelerators
    Provider name: ElasticInferenceAccelerators
    Description: Amazon Elastic Inference is no longer available. An elastic inference accelerator to associate with the instance. Elastic inference accelerators are a resource you can attach to your Amazon EC2 instances to accelerate your Deep Learning (DL) inference workloads. You cannot specify accelerators from different generations in the same request. Starting April 15, 2023, Amazon Web Services will not onboard new customers to Amazon Elastic Inference (EI), and will help current customers migrate their workloads to options that offer better price and performance. After April 15, 2023, new customers will not be able to launch instances with Amazon EI accelerators in Amazon SageMaker, Amazon ECS, or Amazon EC2. However, customers who have used Amazon EI at least once during the past 30-day period are considered current customers and will be able to continue using the service.
    • count
      Type: INT32
      Provider name: Count
      Description: The number of elastic inference accelerators to attach to the instance.
      Default: 1
    • type
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: Type
      Description: The type of elastic inference accelerator. The possible values are eia1.medium, eia1.large, and eia1.xlarge.
  • enclave_options
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: EnclaveOptions
    Description: Indicates whether the instance is enabled for Amazon Web Services Nitro Enclaves.
    • enabled
      Type: BOOLEAN
      Provider name: Enabled
      Description: If this parameter is set to true, the instance is enabled for Amazon Web Services Nitro Enclaves; otherwise, it is not enabled for Amazon Web Services Nitro Enclaves.
  • hibernation_options
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: HibernationOptions
    Description: Indicates whether an instance is configured for hibernation. For more information, see Hibernate your Amazon EC2 instance in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.
    • configured
      Type: BOOLEAN
      Provider name: Configured
      Description: If this parameter is set to true, the instance is enabled for hibernation; otherwise, it is not enabled for hibernation.
  • iam_instance_profile
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: IamInstanceProfile
    Description: The IAM instance profile.
    • arn
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: Arn
      Description: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance profile.
    • name
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: Name
      Description: The name of the instance profile.
  • image_id
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: ImageId
    Description: The ID of the AMI or a Systems Manager parameter. The Systems Manager parameter will resolve to the ID of the AMI at instance launch. The value depends on what you specified in the request. The possible values are:
    • If an AMI ID was specified in the request, then this is the AMI ID.
    • If a Systems Manager parameter was specified in the request, and ResolveAlias was configured as true, then this is the AMI ID that the parameter is mapped to in the Parameter Store.
    • If a Systems Manager parameter was specified in the request, and ResolveAlias was configured as false, then this is the parameter value.
    For more information, see Use a Systems Manager parameter instead of an AMI ID in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.
  • instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior
    Description: Indicates whether an instance stops or terminates when you initiate shutdown from the instance (using the operating system command for system shutdown).
  • instance_market_options
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: InstanceMarketOptions
    Description: The market (purchasing) option for the instances.
    • market_type
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: MarketType
      Description: The market type.
    • spot_options
      Type: STRUCT
      Provider name: SpotOptions
      Description: The options for Spot Instances.
      • block_duration_minutes
        Type: INT32
        Provider name: BlockDurationMinutes
        Description: The required duration for the Spot Instances (also known as Spot blocks), in minutes. This value must be a multiple of 60 (60, 120, 180, 240, 300, or 360).
      • instance_interruption_behavior
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: InstanceInterruptionBehavior
        Description: The behavior when a Spot Instance is interrupted.
      • max_price
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: MaxPrice
        Description: The maximum hourly price you’re willing to pay for the Spot Instances. We do not recommend using this parameter because it can lead to increased interruptions. If you do not specify this parameter, you will pay the current Spot price. If you specify a maximum price, your Spot Instances will be interrupted more frequently than if you do not specify this parameter.
      • spot_instance_type
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: SpotInstanceType
        Description: The Spot Instance request type.
      • valid_until
        Type: TIMESTAMP
        Provider name: ValidUntil
        Description: The end date of the request. For a one-time request, the request remains active until all instances launch, the request is canceled, or this date is reached. If the request is persistent, it remains active until it is canceled or this date and time is reached.
  • instance_requirements
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: InstanceRequirements
    Description: The attributes for the instance types. When you specify instance attributes, Amazon EC2 will identify instance types with these attributes. If you specify InstanceRequirements, you can’t specify InstanceTypes.
    • accelerator_count
      Type: STRUCT
      Provider name: AcceleratorCount
      Description: The minimum and maximum number of accelerators (GPUs, FPGAs, or Amazon Web Services Inferentia chips) on an instance. To exclude accelerator-enabled instance types, set Max to 0.
      Default: No minimum or maximum limits
      • max
        Type: INT32
        Provider name: Max
        Description: The maximum number of accelerators. If this parameter is not specified, there is no maximum limit.
      • min
        Type: INT32
        Provider name: Min
        Description: The minimum number of accelerators. If this parameter is not specified, there is no minimum limit.
    • accelerator_manufacturers
      Provider name: AcceleratorManufacturers
      Description: Indicates whether instance types must have accelerators by specific manufacturers.
      • For instance types with Amazon Web Services devices, specify amazon-web-services.
      • For instance types with AMD devices, specify amd.
      • For instance types with Habana devices, specify habana.
      • For instance types with NVIDIA devices, specify nvidia.
      • For instance types with Xilinx devices, specify xilinx.
      Default: Any manufacturer
    • accelerator_names
      Provider name: AcceleratorNames
      Description: The accelerators that must be on the instance type.
      • For instance types with NVIDIA A10G GPUs, specify a10g.
      • For instance types with NVIDIA A100 GPUs, specify a100.
      • For instance types with NVIDIA H100 GPUs, specify h100.
      • For instance types with Amazon Web Services Inferentia chips, specify inferentia.
      • For instance types with NVIDIA GRID K520 GPUs, specify k520.
      • For instance types with NVIDIA K80 GPUs, specify k80.
      • For instance types with NVIDIA M60 GPUs, specify m60.
      • For instance types with AMD Radeon Pro V520 GPUs, specify radeon-pro-v520.
      • For instance types with NVIDIA T4 GPUs, specify t4.
      • For instance types with NVIDIA T4G GPUs, specify t4g.
      • For instance types with Xilinx VU9P FPGAs, specify vu9p.
      • For instance types with NVIDIA V100 GPUs, specify v100.
      Default: Any accelerator
    • accelerator_total_memory_mib
      Type: STRUCT
      Provider name: AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiB
      Description: The minimum and maximum amount of total accelerator memory, in MiB.
      Default: No minimum or maximum limits
      • max
        Type: INT32
        Provider name: Max
        Description: The maximum amount of accelerator memory, in MiB. If this parameter is not specified, there is no maximum limit.
      • min
        Type: INT32
        Provider name: Min
        Description: The minimum amount of accelerator memory, in MiB. If this parameter is not specified, there is no minimum limit.
    • accelerator_types
      Provider name: AcceleratorTypes
      Description: The accelerator types that must be on the instance type.
      • For instance types with GPU accelerators, specify gpu.
      • For instance types with FPGA accelerators, specify fpga.
      Default: Any accelerator type
    • allowed_instance_types
      Provider name: AllowedInstanceTypes
      Description: The instance types to apply your specified attributes against. All other instance types are ignored, even if they match your specified attributes. You can use strings with one or more wild cards, represented by an asterisk (), to allow an instance type, size, or generation. The following are examples: m5.8xlarge, c5., m5a., r*, 3. For example, if you specify c5*,Amazon EC2 will allow the entire C5 instance family, which includes all C5a and C5n instance types. If you specify m5a.*, Amazon EC2 will allow all the M5a instance types, but not the M5n instance types. If you specify AllowedInstanceTypes, you can’t specify ExcludedInstanceTypes.
      Default: All instance types
    • bare_metal
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: BareMetal
      Description: Indicates whether bare metal instance types must be included, excluded, or required.
      • To include bare metal instance types, specify included.
      • To require only bare metal instance types, specify required.
      • To exclude bare metal instance types, specify excluded.
      Default: excluded
    • baseline_ebs_bandwidth_mbps
      Type: STRUCT
      Provider name: BaselineEbsBandwidthMbps
      Description: The minimum and maximum baseline bandwidth to Amazon EBS, in Mbps. For more information, see Amazon EBS–optimized instances in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.
      Default: No minimum or maximum limits
      • max
        Type: INT32
        Provider name: Max
        Description: The maximum baseline bandwidth, in Mbps. If this parameter is not specified, there is no maximum limit.
      • min
        Type: INT32
        Provider name: Min
        Description: The minimum baseline bandwidth, in Mbps. If this parameter is not specified, there is no minimum limit.
    • baseline_performance_factors
      Type: STRUCT
      Provider name: BaselinePerformanceFactors
      Description: The baseline performance to consider, using an instance family as a baseline reference. The instance family establishes the lowest acceptable level of performance. Amazon EC2 uses this baseline to guide instance type selection, but there is no guarantee that the selected instance types will always exceed the baseline for every application. Currently, this parameter only supports CPU performance as a baseline performance factor. For more information, see Performance protection in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.
      • cpu
        Type: STRUCT
        Provider name: Cpu
        Description: The CPU performance to consider, using an instance family as the baseline reference.
        • references
          Provider name: References
          Description: Specify an instance family to use as the baseline reference for CPU performance. All instance types that match your specified attributes will be compared against the CPU performance of the referenced instance family, regardless of CPU manufacturer or architecture differences. Currently, only one instance family can be specified in the list.
          • instance_family
            Type: STRING
            Provider name: InstanceFamily
            Description: The instance family to use as a baseline reference. Ensure that you specify the correct value for the instance family. The instance family is everything before the period (.) in the instance type name. For example, in the instance type c6i.large, the instance family is c6i, not c6. For more information, see Amazon EC2 instance type naming conventions in Amazon EC2 Instance Types. The following instance families are not supported for performance protection:
            • c1
            • g3 | g3s
            • hpc7g
            • m1 | m2
            • mac1 | mac2 | mac2-m1ultra | mac2-m2 | mac2-m2pro
            • p3dn | p4d | p5
            • t1
            • u-12tb1 | u-18tb1 | u-24tb1 | u-3tb1 | u-6tb1 | u-9tb1 | u7i-12tb | u7in-16tb | u7in-24tb | u7in-32tb
            If you enable performance protection by specifying a supported instance family, the returned instance types will exclude the above unsupported instance families. If you specify an unsupported instance family as a value for baseline performance, the API returns an empty response for and an exception for , , , and .
    • burstable_performance
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: BurstablePerformance
      Description: Indicates whether burstable performance T instance types are included, excluded, or required. For more information, see Burstable performance instances.
      • To include burstable performance instance types, specify included.
      • To require only burstable performance instance types, specify required.
      • To exclude burstable performance instance types, specify excluded.
      Default: excluded
    • cpu_manufacturers
      Provider name: CpuManufacturers
      Description: The CPU manufacturers to include.
      • For instance types with Intel CPUs, specify intel.
      • For instance types with AMD CPUs, specify amd.
      • For instance types with Amazon Web Services CPUs, specify amazon-web-services.
      • For instance types with Apple CPUs, specify apple.
      Don’t confuse the CPU manufacturer with the CPU architecture. Instances will be launched with a compatible CPU architecture based on the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that you specify in your launch template.
      Default: Any manufacturer
    • excluded_instance_types
      Provider name: ExcludedInstanceTypes
      Description: The instance types to exclude. You can use strings with one or more wild cards, represented by an asterisk (), to exclude an instance type, size, or generation. The following are examples: m5.8xlarge, c5., m5a., r*, 3. For example, if you specify c5*,Amazon EC2 will exclude the entire C5 instance family, which includes all C5a and C5n instance types. If you specify m5a.*, Amazon EC2 will exclude all the M5a instance types, but not the M5n instance types. If you specify ExcludedInstanceTypes, you can’t specify AllowedInstanceTypes.
      Default: No excluded instance types
    • instance_generations
      Provider name: InstanceGenerations
      Description: Indicates whether current or previous generation instance types are included. The current generation instance types are recommended for use. Current generation instance types are typically the latest two to three generations in each instance family. For more information, see Instance types in the Amazon EC2 User Guide. For current generation instance types, specify current. For previous generation instance types, specify previous.
      Default: Current and previous generation instance types
    • local_storage
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: LocalStorage
      Description: Indicates whether instance types with instance store volumes are included, excluded, or required. For more information, Amazon EC2 instance store in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.
      • To include instance types with instance store volumes, specify included.
      • To require only instance types with instance store volumes, specify required.
      • To exclude instance types with instance store volumes, specify excluded.
      Default: included
    • local_storage_types
      Provider name: LocalStorageTypes
      Description: The type of local storage that is required.
      • For instance types with hard disk drive (HDD) storage, specify hdd.
      • For instance types with solid state drive (SSD) storage, specify ssd.
      Default: hdd and ssd
    • max_spot_price_as_percentage_of_optimal_on_demand_price
      Type: INT32
      Provider name: MaxSpotPriceAsPercentageOfOptimalOnDemandPrice
      Description: [Price protection] The price protection threshold for Spot Instances, as a percentage of an identified On-Demand price. The identified On-Demand price is the price of the lowest priced current generation C, M, or R instance type with your specified attributes. If no current generation C, M, or R instance type matches your attributes, then the identified price is from the lowest priced current generation instance types, and failing that, from the lowest priced previous generation instance types that match your attributes. When Amazon EC2 selects instance types with your attributes, it will exclude instance types whose price exceeds your specified threshold. The parameter accepts an integer, which Amazon EC2 interprets as a percentage. If you set TargetCapacityUnitType to vcpu or memory-mib, the price protection threshold is based on the per vCPU or per memory price instead of the per instance price. Only one of SpotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice or MaxSpotPriceAsPercentageOfOptimalOnDemandPrice can be specified. If you don’t specify either, Amazon EC2 will automatically apply optimal price protection to consistently select from a wide range of instance types. To indicate no price protection threshold for Spot Instances, meaning you want to consider all instance types that match your attributes, include one of these parameters and specify a high value, such as 999999.
    • memory_gib_per_v_cpu
      Type: STRUCT
      Provider name: MemoryGiBPerVCpu
      Description: The minimum and maximum amount of memory per vCPU, in GiB.
      Default: No minimum or maximum limits
      • max
        Type: DOUBLE
        Provider name: Max
        Description: The maximum amount of memory per vCPU, in GiB. If this parameter is not specified, there is no maximum limit.
      • min
        Type: DOUBLE
        Provider name: Min
        Description: The minimum amount of memory per vCPU, in GiB. If this parameter is not specified, there is no minimum limit.
    • memory_mib
      Type: STRUCT
      Provider name: MemoryMiB
      Description: The minimum and maximum amount of memory, in MiB.
      • max
        Type: INT32
        Provider name: Max
        Description: The maximum amount of memory, in MiB. If this parameter is not specified, there is no maximum limit.
      • min
        Type: INT32
        Provider name: Min
        Description: The minimum amount of memory, in MiB. If this parameter is not specified, there is no minimum limit.
    • network_bandwidth_gbps
      Type: STRUCT
      Provider name: NetworkBandwidthGbps
      Description: The minimum and maximum amount of network bandwidth, in gigabits per second (Gbps).
      Default: No minimum or maximum limits
      • max
        Type: DOUBLE
        Provider name: Max
        Description: The maximum amount of network bandwidth, in Gbps. If this parameter is not specified, there is no maximum limit.
      • min
        Type: DOUBLE
        Provider name: Min
        Description: The minimum amount of network bandwidth, in Gbps. If this parameter is not specified, there is no minimum limit.
    • network_interface_count
      Type: STRUCT
      Provider name: NetworkInterfaceCount
      Description: The minimum and maximum number of network interfaces.
      Default: No minimum or maximum limits
      • max
        Type: INT32
        Provider name: Max
        Description: The maximum number of network interfaces. If this parameter is not specified, there is no maximum limit.
      • min
        Type: INT32
        Provider name: Min
        Description: The minimum number of network interfaces. If this parameter is not specified, there is no minimum limit.
    • on_demand_max_price_percentage_over_lowest_price
      Type: INT32
      Provider name: OnDemandMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice
      Description: [Price protection] The price protection threshold for On-Demand Instances, as a percentage higher than an identified On-Demand price. The identified On-Demand price is the price of the lowest priced current generation C, M, or R instance type with your specified attributes. When Amazon EC2 selects instance types with your attributes, it will exclude instance types whose price exceeds your specified threshold. The parameter accepts an integer, which Amazon EC2 interprets as a percentage. To turn off price protection, specify a high value, such as 999999. This parameter is not supported for GetSpotPlacementScores and GetInstanceTypesFromInstanceRequirements. If you set TargetCapacityUnitType to vcpu or memory-mib, the price protection threshold is applied based on the per-vCPU or per-memory price instead of the per-instance price.
      Default: 20
    • require_hibernate_support
      Type: BOOLEAN
      Provider name: RequireHibernateSupport
      Description: Indicates whether instance types must support hibernation for On-Demand Instances. This parameter is not supported for GetSpotPlacementScores.
      Default: false
    • spot_max_price_percentage_over_lowest_price
      Type: INT32
      Provider name: SpotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice
      Description: [Price protection] The price protection threshold for Spot Instances, as a percentage higher than an identified Spot price. The identified Spot price is the Spot price of the lowest priced current generation C, M, or R instance type with your specified attributes. If no current generation C, M, or R instance type matches your attributes, then the identified Spot price is from the lowest priced current generation instance types, and failing that, from the lowest priced previous generation instance types that match your attributes. When Amazon EC2 selects instance types with your attributes, it will exclude instance types whose Spot price exceeds your specified threshold. The parameter accepts an integer, which Amazon EC2 interprets as a percentage. If you set TargetCapacityUnitType to vcpu or memory-mib, the price protection threshold is applied based on the per-vCPU or per-memory price instead of the per-instance price. This parameter is not supported for GetSpotPlacementScores and GetInstanceTypesFromInstanceRequirements. Only one of SpotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice or MaxSpotPriceAsPercentageOfOptimalOnDemandPrice can be specified. If you don’t specify either, Amazon EC2 will automatically apply optimal price protection to consistently select from a wide range of instance types. To indicate no price protection threshold for Spot Instances, meaning you want to consider all instance types that match your attributes, include one of these parameters and specify a high value, such as 999999.
      Default: 100
    • total_local_storage_gb
      Type: STRUCT
      Provider name: TotalLocalStorageGB
      Description: The minimum and maximum amount of total local storage, in GB.
      Default: No minimum or maximum limits
      • max
        Type: DOUBLE
        Provider name: Max
        Description: The maximum amount of total local storage, in GB. If this parameter is not specified, there is no maximum limit.
      • min
        Type: DOUBLE
        Provider name: Min
        Description: The minimum amount of total local storage, in GB. If this parameter is not specified, there is no minimum limit.
    • v_cpu_count
      Type: STRUCT
      Provider name: VCpuCount
      Description: The minimum and maximum number of vCPUs.
      • max
        Type: INT32
        Provider name: Max
        Description: The maximum number of vCPUs. If this parameter is not specified, there is no maximum limit.
      • min
        Type: INT32
        Provider name: Min
        Description: The minimum number of vCPUs. If the value is 0, there is no minimum limit.
  • instance_type
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: InstanceType
    Description: The instance type.
  • kernel_id
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: KernelId
    Description: The ID of the kernel, if applicable.
  • key_name
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: KeyName
    Description: The name of the key pair.
  • license_specifications
    Provider name: LicenseSpecifications
    Description: The license configurations.
    • license_configuration_arn
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: LicenseConfigurationArn
      Description: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the license configuration.
  • maintenance_options
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: MaintenanceOptions
    Description: The maintenance options for your instance.
    • auto_recovery
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: AutoRecovery
      Description: Disables the automatic recovery behavior of your instance or sets it to default.
  • metadata_options
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: MetadataOptions
    Description: The metadata options for the instance. For more information, see Instance metadata and user data in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.
    • http_endpoint
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: HttpEndpoint
      Description: Enables or disables the HTTP metadata endpoint on your instances. If the parameter is not specified, the default state is enabled. If you specify a value of disabled, you will not be able to access your instance metadata.
    • http_protocol_ipv6
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: HttpProtocolIpv6
      Description: Enables or disables the IPv6 endpoint for the instance metadata service.
      Default: disabled
    • http_put_response_hop_limit
      Type: INT32
      Provider name: HttpPutResponseHopLimit
      Description: The desired HTTP PUT response hop limit for instance metadata requests. The larger the number, the further instance metadata requests can travel.
      Default: 1

      Possible values: Integers from 1 to 64

    • http_tokens
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: HttpTokens
      Description: Indicates whether IMDSv2 is required.
      • optional - IMDSv2 is optional. You can choose whether to send a session token in your instance metadata retrieval requests. If you retrieve IAM role credentials without a session token, you receive the IMDSv1 role credentials. If you retrieve IAM role credentials using a valid session token, you receive the IMDSv2 role credentials.
      • required - IMDSv2 is required. You must send a session token in your instance metadata retrieval requests. With this option, retrieving the IAM role credentials always returns IMDSv2 credentials; IMDSv1 credentials are not available.
    • instance_metadata_tags
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: InstanceMetadataTags
      Description: Set to enabled to allow access to instance tags from the instance metadata. Set to disabled to turn off access to instance tags from the instance metadata. For more information, see Work with instance tags using the instance metadata.
      Default: disabled
    • state
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: State
      Description: The state of the metadata option changes. pending - The metadata options are being updated and the instance is not ready to process metadata traffic with the new selection. applied - The metadata options have been successfully applied on the instance.
  • monitoring
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: Monitoring
    Description: The monitoring for the instance.
    • enabled
      Type: BOOLEAN
      Provider name: Enabled
      Description: Indicates whether detailed monitoring is enabled. Otherwise, basic monitoring is enabled.
  • network_interfaces
    Provider name: NetworkInterfaces
    Description: The network interfaces.
    • associate_carrier_ip_address
      Type: BOOLEAN
      Provider name: AssociateCarrierIpAddress
      Description: Indicates whether to associate a Carrier IP address with eth0 for a new network interface. Use this option when you launch an instance in a Wavelength Zone and want to associate a Carrier IP address with the network interface. For more information about Carrier IP addresses, see Carrier IP addresses in the Wavelength Developer Guide.
    • associate_public_ip_address
      Type: BOOLEAN
      Provider name: AssociatePublicIpAddress
      Description: Indicates whether to associate a public IPv4 address with eth0 for a new network interface. Amazon Web Services charges for all public IPv4 addresses, including public IPv4 addresses associated with running instances and Elastic IP addresses. For more information, see the Public IPv4 Address tab on the Amazon VPC pricing page.
    • connection_tracking_specification
      Type: STRUCT
      Provider name: ConnectionTrackingSpecification
      Description: A security group connection tracking specification that enables you to set the timeout for connection tracking on an Elastic network interface. For more information, see Idle connection tracking timeout in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.
      • tcp_established_timeout
        Type: INT32
        Provider name: TcpEstablishedTimeout
        Description: Timeout (in seconds) for idle TCP connections in an established state. Min: 60 seconds. Max: 432000 seconds (5 days). Default: 432000 seconds. Recommended: Less than 432000 seconds.
      • udp_stream_timeout
        Type: INT32
        Provider name: UdpStreamTimeout
        Description: Timeout (in seconds) for idle UDP flows classified as streams which have seen more than one request-response transaction. Min: 60 seconds. Max: 180 seconds (3 minutes). Default: 180 seconds.
      • udp_timeout
        Type: INT32
        Provider name: UdpTimeout
        Description: Timeout (in seconds) for idle UDP flows that have seen traffic only in a single direction or a single request-response transaction. Min: 30 seconds. Max: 60 seconds. Default: 30 seconds.
    • delete_on_termination
      Type: BOOLEAN
      Provider name: DeleteOnTermination
      Description: Indicates whether the network interface is deleted when the instance is terminated.
    • description
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: Description
      Description: A description for the network interface.
    • device_index
      Type: INT32
      Provider name: DeviceIndex
      Description: The device index for the network interface attachment.
    • ena_srd_specification
      Type: STRUCT
      Provider name: EnaSrdSpecification
      Description: Contains the ENA Express settings for instances launched from your launch template.
      • ena_srd_enabled
        Type: BOOLEAN
        Provider name: EnaSrdEnabled
        Description: Indicates whether ENA Express is enabled for the network interface.
      • ena_srd_udp_specification
        Type: STRUCT
        Provider name: EnaSrdUdpSpecification
        Description: Configures ENA Express for UDP network traffic.
        • ena_srd_udp_enabled
          Type: BOOLEAN
          Provider name: EnaSrdUdpEnabled
          Description: Indicates whether UDP traffic to and from the instance uses ENA Express. To specify this setting, you must first enable ENA Express.
    • groups
      Provider name: Groups
      Description: The IDs of one or more security groups.
    • interface_type
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: InterfaceType
      Description: The type of network interface.
    • ipv4_prefix_count
      Type: INT32
      Provider name: Ipv4PrefixCount
      Description: The number of IPv4 prefixes that Amazon Web Services automatically assigned to the network interface.
    • ipv4_prefixes
      Provider name: Ipv4Prefixes
      Description: One or more IPv4 prefixes assigned to the network interface.
      • ipv4_prefix
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: Ipv4Prefix
        Description: The IPv4 delegated prefixes assigned to the network interface.
    • ipv6_address_count
      Type: INT32
      Provider name: Ipv6AddressCount
      Description: The number of IPv6 addresses for the network interface.
    • ipv6_addresses
      Provider name: Ipv6Addresses
      Description: The IPv6 addresses for the network interface.
      • ipv6_address
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: Ipv6Address
        Description: The IPv6 address.
      • is_primary_ipv6
        Type: BOOLEAN
        Provider name: IsPrimaryIpv6
        Description: Determines if an IPv6 address associated with a network interface is the primary IPv6 address. When you enable an IPv6 GUA address to be a primary IPv6, the first IPv6 GUA will be made the primary IPv6 address until the instance is terminated or the network interface is detached. For more information, see RunInstances.
    • ipv6_prefix_count
      Type: INT32
      Provider name: Ipv6PrefixCount
      Description: The number of IPv6 prefixes that Amazon Web Services automatically assigned to the network interface.
    • ipv6_prefixes
      Provider name: Ipv6Prefixes
      Description: One or more IPv6 prefixes assigned to the network interface.
      • ipv6_prefix
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: Ipv6Prefix
        Description: The IPv6 delegated prefixes assigned to the network interface.
    • network_card_index
      Type: INT32
      Provider name: NetworkCardIndex
      Description: The index of the network card.
    • network_interface_id
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: NetworkInterfaceId
      Description: The ID of the network interface.
    • primary_ipv6
      Type: BOOLEAN
      Provider name: PrimaryIpv6
      Description: The primary IPv6 address of the network interface. When you enable an IPv6 GUA address to be a primary IPv6, the first IPv6 GUA will be made the primary IPv6 address until the instance is terminated or the network interface is detached. For more information about primary IPv6 addresses, see RunInstances.
    • private_ip_address
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: PrivateIpAddress
      Description: The primary private IPv4 address of the network interface.
    • private_ip_addresses
      Provider name: PrivateIpAddresses
      Description: One or more private IPv4 addresses.
      • primary
        Type: BOOLEAN
        Provider name: Primary
        Description: Indicates whether the private IPv4 address is the primary private IPv4 address. Only one IPv4 address can be designated as primary.
      • private_ip_address
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: PrivateIpAddress
        Description: The private IPv4 address.
    • secondary_private_ip_address_count
      Type: INT32
      Provider name: SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount
      Description: The number of secondary private IPv4 addresses for the network interface.
    • subnet_id
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: SubnetId
      Description: The ID of the subnet for the network interface.
  • network_performance_options
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: NetworkPerformanceOptions
    Description: Contains the launch template settings for network performance options for your instance.
    • bandwidth_weighting
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: BandwidthWeighting
      Description: When you configure network bandwidth weighting, you can boost baseline bandwidth for either networking or EBS by up to 25%. The total available baseline bandwidth for your instance remains the same. The default option uses the standard bandwidth configuration for your instance type.
  • operator
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: Operator
    Description: The entity that manages the launch template.
    • managed
      Type: BOOLEAN
      Provider name: Managed
      Description: If true, the resource is managed by an service provider.
    • principal
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: Principal
      Description: If managed is true, then the principal is returned. The principal is the service provider that manages the resource.
  • placement
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: Placement
    Description: The placement of the instance.
    • affinity
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: Affinity
      Description: The affinity setting for the instance on the Dedicated Host.
    • availability_zone
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: AvailabilityZone
      Description: The Availability Zone of the instance.
    • group_id
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: GroupId
      Description: The Group ID of the placement group. You must specify the Placement Group Group ID to launch an instance in a shared placement group.
    • group_name
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: GroupName
      Description: The name of the placement group for the instance.
    • host_id
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: HostId
      Description: The ID of the Dedicated Host for the instance.
    • host_resource_group_arn
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: HostResourceGroupArn
      Description: The ARN of the host resource group in which to launch the instances.
    • partition_number
      Type: INT32
      Provider name: PartitionNumber
      Description: The number of the partition the instance should launch in. Valid only if the placement group strategy is set to partition.
    • spread_domain
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: SpreadDomain
      Description: Reserved for future use.
    • tenancy
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: Tenancy
      Description: The tenancy of the instance. An instance with a tenancy of dedicated runs on single-tenant hardware.
  • private_dns_name_options
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: PrivateDnsNameOptions
    Description: The options for the instance hostname.
    • enable_resource_name_dns_a_record
      Type: BOOLEAN
      Provider name: EnableResourceNameDnsARecord
      Description: Indicates whether to respond to DNS queries for instance hostnames with DNS A records.
    • enable_resource_name_dns_aaaa_record
      Type: BOOLEAN
      Provider name: EnableResourceNameDnsAAAARecord
      Description: Indicates whether to respond to DNS queries for instance hostnames with DNS AAAA records.
    • hostname_type
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: HostnameType
      Description: The type of hostname to assign to an instance.
  • ram_disk_id
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: RamDiskId
    Description: The ID of the RAM disk, if applicable.
  • security_group_ids
    Provider name: SecurityGroupIds
    Description: The security group IDs.
  • security_groups
    Provider name: SecurityGroups
    Description: The security group names.
  • tag_specifications
    Provider name: TagSpecifications
    Description: The tags that are applied to the resources that are created during instance launch.
    • resource_type
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: ResourceType
      Description: The type of resource to tag.
  • user_data
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: UserData
    Description: The user data for the instance.


Provider name: LaunchTemplateId
Description: The ID of the launch template.


Provider name: LaunchTemplateName
Description: The name of the launch template.




Provider name: Operator
Description: The entity that manages the launch template.

  • managed
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: Managed
    Description: If true, the resource is managed by an service provider.
  • principal
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: Principal
    Description: If managed is true, then the principal is returned. The principal is the service provider that manages the resource.




Provider name: VersionDescription
Description: The description for the version.


Type: INT64
Provider name: VersionNumber
Description: The version number.

PREVIEWING: gorkavicente/appsec-serverless-library-compatibility