



Provider name: amiType
Description: If the node group was deployed using a launch template with a custom AMI, then this is CUSTOM. For node groups that weren’t deployed using a launch template, this is the AMI type that was specified in the node group configuration.


Provider name: capacityType
Description: The capacity type of your managed node group.


Provider name: clusterName
Description: The name of your cluster.


Provider name: createdAt
Description: The Unix epoch timestamp at object creation.


Type: INT32
Provider name: diskSize
Description: If the node group wasn’t deployed with a launch template, then this is the disk size in the node group configuration. If the node group was deployed with a launch template, then this is null.


Provider name: health
Description: The health status of the node group. If there are issues with your node group’s health, they are listed here.

  • issues
    Provider name: issues
    Description: Any issues that are associated with the node group.
    • code
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: code
      Description: A brief description of the error.
      • AccessDenied: Amazon EKS or one or more of your managed nodes is failing to authenticate or authorize with your Kubernetes cluster API server.
      • AsgInstanceLaunchFailures: Your Auto Scaling group is experiencing failures while attempting to launch instances.
      • AutoScalingGroupNotFound: We couldn’t find the Auto Scaling group associated with the managed node group. You may be able to recreate an Auto Scaling group with the same settings to recover.
      • ClusterUnreachable: Amazon EKS or one or more of your managed nodes is unable to to communicate with your Kubernetes cluster API server. This can happen if there are network disruptions or if API servers are timing out processing requests.
      • Ec2InstanceTypeDoesNotExist: One or more of the supplied Amazon EC2 instance types do not exist. Amazon EKS checked for the instance types that you provided in this Amazon Web Services Region, and one or more aren’t available.
      • Ec2LaunchTemplateNotFound: We couldn’t find the Amazon EC2 launch template for your managed node group. You may be able to recreate a launch template with the same settings to recover.
      • Ec2LaunchTemplateVersionMismatch: The Amazon EC2 launch template version for your managed node group does not match the version that Amazon EKS created. You may be able to revert to the version that Amazon EKS created to recover.
      • Ec2SecurityGroupDeletionFailure: We could not delete the remote access security group for your managed node group. Remove any dependencies from the security group.
      • Ec2SecurityGroupNotFound: We couldn’t find the cluster security group for the cluster. You must recreate your cluster.
      • Ec2SubnetInvalidConfiguration: One or more Amazon EC2 subnets specified for a node group do not automatically assign public IP addresses to instances launched into it. If you want your instances to be assigned a public IP address, then you need to enable the auto-assign public IP address setting for the subnet. See Modifying the public IPv4 addressing attribute for your subnet in the Amazon VPC User Guide.
      • IamInstanceProfileNotFound: We couldn’t find the IAM instance profile for your managed node group. You may be able to recreate an instance profile with the same settings to recover.
      • IamNodeRoleNotFound: We couldn’t find the IAM role for your managed node group. You may be able to recreate an IAM role with the same settings to recover.
      • InstanceLimitExceeded: Your Amazon Web Services account is unable to launch any more instances of the specified instance type. You may be able to request an Amazon EC2 instance limit increase to recover.
      • InsufficientFreeAddresses: One or more of the subnets associated with your managed node group does not have enough available IP addresses for new nodes.
      • InternalFailure: These errors are usually caused by an Amazon EKS server-side issue.
      • NodeCreationFailure: Your launched instances are unable to register with your Amazon EKS cluster. Common causes of this failure are insufficient node IAM role permissions or lack of outbound internet access for the nodes.
    • message
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: message
      Description: The error message associated with the issue.
    • resource_ids
      Provider name: resourceIds
      Description: The Amazon Web Services resources that are afflicted by this issue.


Provider name: instanceTypes
Description: If the node group wasn’t deployed with a launch template, then this is the instance type that is associated with the node group. If the node group was deployed with a launch template, then this is null.


Provider name: labels
Description: The Kubernetes labels applied to the nodes in the node group. Only labels that are applied with the Amazon EKS API are shown here. There may be other Kubernetes labels applied to the nodes in this group.


Provider name: launchTemplate
Description: If a launch template was used to create the node group, then this is the launch template that was used.

  • id
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: id
    Description: The ID of the launch template. You must specify either the launch template ID or the launch template name in the request, but not both.
  • name
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: name
    Description: The name of the launch template. You must specify either the launch template name or the launch template ID in the request, but not both.
  • version
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: version
    Description: The version number of the launch template to use. If no version is specified, then the template’s default version is used.


Provider name: modifiedAt
Description: The Unix epoch timestamp for the last modification to the object.


Provider name: nodeRepairConfig
Description: The node auto repair configuration for the node group.

  • enabled
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: enabled
    Description: Specifies whether to enable node auto repair for the node group. Node auto repair is disabled by default.


Provider name: nodeRole
Description: The IAM role associated with your node group. The Amazon EKS node kubelet daemon makes calls to Amazon Web Services APIs on your behalf. Nodes receive permissions for these API calls through an IAM instance profile and associated policies.


Provider name: nodegroupArn
Description: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) associated with the managed node group.


Provider name: nodegroupName
Description: The name associated with an Amazon EKS managed node group.


Provider name: releaseVersion
Description: If the node group was deployed using a launch template with a custom AMI, then this is the AMI ID that was specified in the launch template. For node groups that weren’t deployed using a launch template, this is the version of the Amazon EKS optimized AMI that the node group was deployed with.


Provider name: remoteAccess
Description: If the node group wasn’t deployed with a launch template, then this is the remote access configuration that is associated with the node group. If the node group was deployed with a launch template, then this is null.

  • ec2_ssh_key
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: ec2SshKey
    Description: The Amazon EC2 SSH key name that provides access for SSH communication with the nodes in the managed node group. For more information, see Amazon EC2 key pairs and Linux instances in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide for Linux Instances. For Windows, an Amazon EC2 SSH key is used to obtain the RDP password. For more information, see Amazon EC2 key pairs and Windows instances in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide for Windows Instances.
  • source_security_groups
    Provider name: sourceSecurityGroups
    Description: The security group IDs that are allowed SSH access (port 22) to the nodes. For Windows, the port is 3389. If you specify an Amazon EC2 SSH key but don’t specify a source security group when you create a managed node group, then the port on the nodes is opened to the internet ( For more information, see Security Groups for Your VPC in the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud User Guide.


Provider name: resources
Description: The resources associated with the node group, such as Auto Scaling groups and security groups for remote access.

  • auto_scaling_groups
    Provider name: autoScalingGroups
    Description: The Auto Scaling groups associated with the node group.
    • name
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: name
      Description: The name of the Auto Scaling group associated with an Amazon EKS managed node group.
  • remote_access_security_group
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: remoteAccessSecurityGroup
    Description: The remote access security group associated with the node group. This security group controls SSH access to the nodes.


Provider name: scalingConfig
Description: The scaling configuration details for the Auto Scaling group that is associated with your node group.

  • desired_size
    Type: INT32
    Provider name: desiredSize
    Description: The current number of nodes that the managed node group should maintain. If you use the Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler, you shouldn’t change the desiredSize value directly, as this can cause the Cluster Autoscaler to suddenly scale up or scale down. Whenever this parameter changes, the number of worker nodes in the node group is updated to the specified size. If this parameter is given a value that is smaller than the current number of running worker nodes, the necessary number of worker nodes are terminated to match the given value. When using CloudFormation, no action occurs if you remove this parameter from your CFN template. This parameter can be different from minSize in some cases, such as when starting with extra hosts for testing. This parameter can also be different when you want to start with an estimated number of needed hosts, but let the Cluster Autoscaler reduce the number if there are too many. When the Cluster Autoscaler is used, the desiredSize parameter is altered by the Cluster Autoscaler (but can be out-of-date for short periods of time). the Cluster Autoscaler doesn’t scale a managed node group lower than minSize or higher than maxSize.
  • max_size
    Type: INT32
    Provider name: maxSize
    Description: The maximum number of nodes that the managed node group can scale out to. For information about the maximum number that you can specify, see Amazon EKS service quotas in the Amazon EKS User Guide.
  • min_size
    Type: INT32
    Provider name: minSize
    Description: The minimum number of nodes that the managed node group can scale in to.


Provider name: status
Description: The current status of the managed node group.


Provider name: subnets
Description: The subnets that were specified for the Auto Scaling group that is associated with your node group.




Provider name: taints
Description: The Kubernetes taints to be applied to the nodes in the node group when they are created. Effect is one of No_Schedule, Prefer_No_Schedule, or No_Execute. Kubernetes taints can be used together with tolerations to control how workloads are scheduled to your nodes. For more information, see Node taints on managed node groups.

  • effect
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: effect
    Description: The effect of the taint.
  • key
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: key
    Description: The key of the taint.
  • value
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: value
    Description: The value of the taint.


Provider name: updateConfig
Description: The node group update configuration.

  • max_unavailable
    Type: INT32
    Provider name: maxUnavailable
    Description: The maximum number of nodes unavailable at once during a version update. Nodes are updated in parallel. This value or maxUnavailablePercentage is required to have a value.The maximum number is 100.
  • max_unavailable_percentage
    Type: INT32
    Provider name: maxUnavailablePercentage
    Description: The maximum percentage of nodes unavailable during a version update. This percentage of nodes are updated in parallel, up to 100 nodes at once. This value or maxUnavailable is required to have a value.


Provider name: version
Description: The Kubernetes version of the managed node group.

PREVIEWING: gorkavicente/appsec-serverless-library-compatibility