





Provider name: lastScannedAt
Description: The date and time the resource was last checked for vulnerabilities.


Provider name: resourceId
Description: The ID of the covered resource.


Provider name: resourceMetadata
Description: An object that contains details about the metadata.

  • ec2
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: ec2
    Description: An object that contains metadata details for an Amazon EC2 instance.
    • ami_id
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: amiId
      Description: The ID of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) used to launch the instance.
    • platform
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: platform
      Description: The platform of the instance.
  • ecr_image
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: ecrImage
    Description: An object that contains details about the container metadata for an Amazon ECR image.
    • image_pulled_at
      Type: TIMESTAMP
      Provider name: imagePulledAt
      Description: The date an image was last pulled at.
  • ecr_repository
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: ecrRepository
    Description: An object that contains details about the repository an Amazon ECR image resides in.
    • name
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: name
      Description: The name of the Amazon ECR repository.
    • scan_frequency
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: scanFrequency
      Description: The frequency of scans.
  • lambda_function
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: lambdaFunction
    Description: An object that contains metadata details for an Amazon Web Services Lambda function.
    • function_name
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: functionName
      Description: The name of a function.
    • function_tags
      Provider name: functionTags
      Description: The resource tags on an Amazon Web Services Lambda function.
    • layers
      Provider name: layers
      Description: The layers for an Amazon Web Services Lambda function. A Lambda function can have up to five layers.
    • runtime
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: runtime
      Description: An Amazon Web Services Lambda function’s runtime.


Provider name: resourceType
Description: The type of the covered resource.


Provider name: scanMode
Description: The scan method that is applied to the instance.


Provider name: scanStatus
Description: The status of the scan covering the resource.

  • reason
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: reason
    Description: The scan status. Possible return values and descriptions are: PENDING_INITIAL_SCAN - This resource has been identified for scanning, results will be available soon. ACCESS_DENIED - Resource access policy restricting Amazon Inspector access. Please update the IAM policy. INTERNAL_ERROR - Amazon Inspector has encountered an internal error for this resource. Amazon Inspector service will automatically resolve the issue and resume the scanning. No action required from the user. UNMANAGED_EC2_INSTANCE - The EC2 instance is not managed by SSM, please use the following SSM automation to remediate the issue: Once the instance becomes managed by SSM, Inspector will automatically begin scanning this instance. UNSUPPORTED_OS - Amazon Inspector does not support this OS, architecture, or image manifest type at this time. To see a complete list of supported operating systems see: SCAN_ELIGIBILITY_EXPIRED - The configured scan duration has lapsed for this image. RESOURCE_TERMINATED - This resource has been terminated. The findings and coverage associated with this resource are in the process of being cleaned up. SUCCESSFUL - The scan was successful. NO_RESOURCES_FOUND - Reserved for future use. IMAGE_SIZE_EXCEEDED - Reserved for future use. SCAN_FREQUENCY_MANUAL - This image will not be covered by Amazon Inspector due to the repository scan frequency configuration. SCAN_FREQUENCY_SCAN_ON_PUSH - This image will be scanned one time and will not new findings because of the scan frequency configuration. EC2_INSTANCE_STOPPED - This EC2 instance is in a stopped state, therefore, Amazon Inspector will pause scanning. The existing findings will continue to exist until the instance is terminated. Once the instance is re-started, Inspector will automatically start scanning the instance again. Please note that you will not be charged for this instance while it’s in a stopped state. PENDING_DISABLE - This resource is pending cleanup during disablement. The customer will not be billed while a resource is in the pending disable status. NO INVENTORY - Amazon Inspector couldn’t find software application inventory to scan for vulnerabilities. This might be caused due to required Amazon Inspector associations being deleted or failing to run on your resource. Please verify the status of InspectorInventoryCollection-do-not-delete association in the SSM console for the resource. Additionally, you can verify the instance’s inventory in the SSM Fleet Manager console. STALE_INVENTORY - Amazon Inspector wasn’t able to collect an updated software application inventory in the last 7 days. Please confirm the required Amazon Inspector associations still exist and you can still see an updated inventory in the SSM console. EXCLUDED_BY_TAG - This resource was not scanned because it has been excluded by a tag. UNSUPPORTED_RUNTIME - The function was not scanned because it has an unsupported runtime. To see a complete list of supported runtimes see: UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE - The ECR image has an unsupported media type. UNSUPPORTED_CONFIG_FILE - Reserved for future use. DEEP_INSPECTION_PACKAGE_COLLECTION_LIMIT_EXCEEDED - The instance has exceeded the 5000 package limit for Amazon Inspector Deep inspection. To resume Deep inspection for this instance you can try to adjust the custom paths associated with the account. DEEP_INSPECTION_DAILY_SSM_INVENTORY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED - The SSM agent couldn’t send inventory to Amazon Inspector because the SSM quota for Inventory data collected per instance per day has already been reached for this instance. DEEP_INSPECTION_COLLECTION_TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED - Amazon Inspector failed to extract the package inventory because the package collection time exceeding the maximum threshold of 15 minutes. DEEP_INSPECTION_NO_INVENTORY The Amazon Inspector plugin hasn’t yet been able to collect an inventory of packages for this instance. This is usually the result of a pending scan, however, if this status persists after 6 hours, use SSM to ensure that the required Amazon Inspector associations exist and are running for the instance.
  • status_code
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: statusCode
    Description: The status code of the scan.


Provider name: scanType
Description: The Amazon Inspector scan type covering the resource.



PREVIEWING: gorkavicente/appsec-serverless-library-compatibility