Amazon Cognito


Amazon Cognito is a service that you can use to create unique identities for your users, authenticate these identities with identity providers, and save mobile user data in the AWS Cloud.

Enable this integration to see your Cognito Advanced Security metrics in Datadog.



If you haven’t already, set up the Amazon Web Services integration first.

Metric collection

  1. In the AWS integration page, ensure that Cognito is enabled under the Metric Collection tab.
  2. Install the Datadog - Amazon Cognito integration.

Note: Advanced Security must be enabled in AWS. See the AWS documentation to add Advanced Security to a User Pool.

Log collection

Enable logging

Configure Amazon Cognito to send logs either to a S3 bucket or to CloudWatch.

Note: Only user pool logs can be sent. Amazon does not support the sending of other Cognito logs.

Note: If you log to a S3 bucket, make sure that amazon_cognito is set as Target prefix.

Send logs to Datadog

  1. If you haven’t already, set up the Datadog Forwarder Lambda function.

  2. Once the Lambda function is installed, manually add a trigger on the S3 bucket or CloudWatch log group that contains your Amazon Cognito logs in the AWS console:

Data Collected


Requests where Amazon Cognito detected account take-over risk
Requests where Amazon Cognito detected compromised credentials
Provides the total number of successful identity federation requests to the Amazon Cognito user pool
Provides the total number of throttled identity federation requests to the Amazon Cognito user pool
Requests where Amazon Cognito did not identify any risk
Requests that Amazon Cognito blocked because of the configuration provided by the developer
Requests that Amazon Cognito marked as risky
Provides the total number of successful user authentication requests made to the Amazon Cognito user pool
Provides the total number of throttled user authentication requests made to the Amazon Cognito user pool
Provides the total number of successful user registration requests made to the Amazon Cognito user pool
Provides the total number of throttled user registration requests made to the Amazon Cognito user pool
Provides the total number of successful requests to refresh an Amazon Cognito token that were made to the Amazon Cognito user pool
Provides the total number of throttled requests to refresh an Amazon Cognito token that were made to the Amazon Cognito user pool


The Amazon Cognito integration does not include any events.

Service Checks

The Amazon Cognito integration does not include any service checks.


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PREVIEWING: gorkavicente/appsec-serverless-library-compatibility