

Segmentation is a feature in Product Analytics that allows you to analyze and understand specific groups or segments of your user base. By segmenting your users based on various characteristics and behaviors, you can uncover valuable insights, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your product and user experience. For example, you can segment users by purchase amount, active users in a given country, users in a trial, or users in a trial who then converted to a paying organization.

Build a segment

To create a new segment, navigate to Digital Experience Monitoring > Product Analytics > User Segments from the navigation. You have two sources you can choose from when building a new segment:

  • Product Analytics data
  • External data (upload a Reference Table)
Create a user segment based on Product Analytics or external data.

Using Product Analytics data

To create a new segment using Product Analytics data:

  1. Choose the user attribute you want to connect your data with. In the below example, it is, but you can use any user attribute available, such as or

  2. Under the Filter your segment section, you can filter on any attribute collected by the SDK, or custom attributes you added to create a granular user segment.

    In the below example, the segment is filtered to all users who were on the /cart page and then clicked on the checkout button (and did so from Brazil):

    Filter to all users from Brazil who were on the `/cart` page and clicked on the checkout button.

Using external or third-party data

To create a segment using external or third-party data:

  1. See the Reference Tables documentation for how to upload and create a Reference Table.
  2. Make sure to properly connect the data type (for example,,, or to the column name.
  3. For accuracy, ensure there is data in Product Analytics for users in the segment.

Leverage segments across Product Analytics

In sankeys

In the Sankey page, you can filter the data in the visualization to reflect a selected segment of users. This allows you to look at the experience and traffic patterns of a particular set of users in a given segment. The below example shows a Sankey diagram only for users in the “Premium users” segment.

Filter down the Sankey visualization to reflect a selected segment of users.

In Analytics Explorer

You can filter the data in the Analytics Explorer to reflect a selected set of users that are in a given segment. The example below shows a list of users in the “Premium users” segment who were active in the last month, organized by the number of sessions they had.

Show a list of users in the Premium users segment who were active in the last month, organized by the number of sessions they had.

Further Reading

Additional helpful documentation, links, and articles:

PREVIEWING: gorkavicente/appsec-serverless-library-compatibility