When you create a RUM application, Datadog collects data and generates dashboards about your application’s performance, errors, resources, and user sessions.
Access your RUM dashboards by filtering for RUM
in the search query of the Dashboard List or from your application summary pages (Digital Experience > Performance Summary and Digital Experience > Product Analytics > Analytics Summary).
You can explore the following out-of-the-box RUM dashboards:
You can clone dashboards and customize them to explore your application’s data in the RUM Explorer.
The generated RUM dashboards automatically contain a set of default template variables. Use the template variable dropdowns to select values and narrow your search. For more information, see the Template Variables documentation.
To explore individual events, click on a graph and click View RUM events. This redirects you to the RUM Explorer with pre-selected search filters.
To clone your RUM dashboards, click the Settings icon and select Clone dashboard. To add more widgets, powerpacks, or apps, scroll down to the bottom and click the + icon.
You can also modify the template variables and create a saved view.
Additional helpful documentation, links, and articles: