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Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Scanning detects security misconfigurations in Terraform, Kubernetes, and CloudFormation files. Exclusions allow you to control which findings appear in scan results by ignoring specific rules, files, or issue categories.

Exclusion methods

You can configure exclusions using:

  • A configuration file to define exclusions for severity levels, file paths, query IDs, and categories.
  • Inline comments to ignore specific findings within Terraform, Kubernetes, or CloudFormation files.
If an exclusion is defined in both the configuration file and an inline comment, the configuration file takes priority.

Configure exclusions with a configuration file

  1. Create a file named dd-iac-scan.config in the root directory of your project repository.
  2. Add the necessary exclusions in YAML, JSON, TOML, or HCL format.
  3. Commit the dd-iac-scan.config file to your repository.

Supported exclusions

Exclude severities

Use exclude-severities to exclude findings based on severity level. To supply multiple values to this option, you can set the option multiple times or pass in a list.

Possible values:

  • critical
  • high
  • medium
  • low
  • info
  - "info"
  - "low"
"exclude-severities": [
exclude-severities = [ "info", "low" ]
"exclude-severities" = ["info", "low"]

Exclude paths

Use exclude-paths to exclude specific files or directories from scanning. This option supports glob patterns. To supply multiple values to this option, you can set the option multiple times or pass in a list.

  - "./shouldNotScan/*"
  - "dir/somefile.txt"
"exclude-paths": [
exclude-paths = [ "./shouldNotScan/*", "dir/somefile.txt" ]
"exclude-paths" = ["./shouldNotScan/*", "dir/somefile.txt"]

Exclude queries

Use exclude-queries to exclude specific queries by their query ID. To supply multiple values to this option, you can set the option multiple times or pass in a list.

  - "e69890e6-fce5-461d-98ad-cb98318dfc96"
  - "4728cd65-a20c-49da-8b31-9c08b423e4db"
"exclude-queries": [
exclude-queries = [ "e69890e6-fce5-461d-98ad-cb98318dfc96", "4728cd65-a20c-49da-8b31-9c08b423e4db" ]
"exclude-queries" = ["e69890e6-fce5-461d-98ad-cb98318dfc96", "4728cd65-a20c-49da-8b31-9c08b423e4db"]

Exclude categories

Use exclude-categories to exclude specific categories. This option can be used multiple times or as a string representation of a list.

Possible values:

  • Access Control
  • Availability
  • Backup
  • Best Practices
  • Build Process
  • Encryption
  • Insecure Configurations
  • Insecure Defaults
  • Networking and Firewall
  • Observability
  • Resource Management
  • Secret Management
  • Supply-Chain
  • Structure and Semantics
  • Bill Of Materials
  - "Access Control"
  - "Best Practices"
"exclude-categories": [
     "Access Control",
     "Best Practices"
exclude-categories = [ "Access Control", "Best Practices" ]
"exclude-categories" = ["Access Control", "Best Practices"]

Configure exclusions with an inline comment

To control which parts of a file are scanned, add a comment that starts with # dd-iac-scan, followed by a command and any required values. Inline exclusions apply only within the file where they are used.

If an exclusion is defined in both the configuration file and an inline comment, the configuration file takes priority.

Supported commands

dd-iac-scan ignoreIgnores the entire file.
dd-iac-scan disable=<query_id>Ignores specific queries.
dd-iac-scan enable=<query_id>Includes only specific queries.
dd-iac-scan ignore-lineIgnores a single line.
dd-iac-scan ignore-blockIgnores an entire block.

dd-iac-scan ignore

Excludes the entire file from IaC scanning. This comment must be placed at the beginning of the file to take effect.

# dd-iac-scan ignore

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "example" {
  bucket = "my-tf-test-bucket"

dd-iac-scan disable=query_id

Excludes scan results for the specified queries in this file. This comment must be placed at the beginning of the file to take effect.

# dd-iac-scan disable=e592a0c5-5bdb-414c-9066-5dba7cdea370,e69890e6-fce5-461d-98ad-cb98318dfc96

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "example" {
  bucket = "my-tf-test-bucket"

Findings from the specified queries are ignored for this file.

dd-iac-scan enable=query_id

Limits scan results in this file to only the specified queries. This comment must be placed at the beginning of the file to take effect.

# dd-iac-scan enable=e592a0c5-5bdb-414c-9066-5dba7cdea370

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "example" {
  bucket = "my-tf-test-bucket"

Only findings from the specified queries are included in scan results for this file.

dd-iac-scan ignore-line

Prevents scan results from flagging the line immediately after this comment. This comment can be placed anywhere in the file.

1: resource "google_storage_bucket" "example" {
2:  # dd-iac-scan ignore-line
3:  name          = ""
4:  location      = "EU"
5:  force_destroy = true
6: }

Findings for line 3 are ignored.

dd-iac-scan ignore-block

Prevents scan results from flagging an entire resource block and all its key-value pairs. This comment can be placed anywhere in the file.

1: # dd-iac-scan ignore-block
2: resource "google_storage_bucket" "example" {
3:  name          = ""
4:  location      = "EU"
5:  force_destroy = true
6: }

Findings related to the entire block (lines 2-6 in this example) are ignored.

Further reading

PREVIEWING: gorkavicente/appsec-serverless-library-compatibility