Endpoints list in the Software Catalog, showing performance-related information for each endpoint.


The Endpoints list provides visibility into all HTTP endpoints across your Datadog organization’s environments. Each endpoint displays its HTTP method (for example, GET), URL path (for example, /payment/{shop_id}/purchase), and associated service name (for example, Payments).

The Endpoints list only supports HTTP endpoints.

Exploring endpoint performance

The Endpoints list shows performance data scoped to your selected environment and time frame:

  • Column sorting: Click column headers to sort by metrics. For example, click P95 to see endpoints with the top 95th percentile for latency.
  • Ownership tracking: View team ownership in the TEAM column. This information is inherited from the associated service definition in the Software Catalog. The service owner owns all of the endpoints connected to the service.
  • Filtering and searching: Search by service, path, or any primary tag, or filter using facets like Service and Team.
  • Scoping: Specify the environment, additional primary tags (for example, cluster_name), and time frame.
Changing scope settings changes the data shown in the Endpoints list

Viewing endpoint details

Use the endpoint details page to detect underperforming APIs and identify opportunities for optimization.

To access the endpoint details page:

  1. Use the filtering, sorting, and searching options in the Endpoints list to find endpoints of interest.
  2. Click an endpoint to view its details page.

The endpoint details page shows you metadata, performance metrics, errors, dependencies, and correlated telemetry from other areas of Datadog.

Click into an endpoint to open the endpoint details page and see information such as errors and dependencies.

Further reading

Additional helpful documentation, links, and articles:

PREVIEWING: gorkavicente/appsec-serverless-library-compatibility