
UDP tests allow you to monitor that low-level UDP connections can be established on the ports of given hosts, ensuring availability of any services living on UDP ports. With built-in response time data, you can keep track of the performance of your network applications and be alerted in case of unexpected slowness.

In normal UDP traffic, you transmit information from a source to a destination without asking for acknowledgment. In order to monitor your UDP services, Datadog recommends having a process on the receiving host that listens on the UDP port and responds back. After setting up this process, you can create an UDP test and set an assertion on the expected response.

UDP tests can run from both managed and private locations depending on your preference for running the test from outside or inside your network. UDP tests can run on a schedule, on-demand, or directly within your CI/CD pipelines.


You may create a test using one of the following options:

  • Create a test from a template:

    1. Hover over one of the pre-populated templates and click View Template. This opens a side panel displaying pre-populated configuration information, including: Test Details, Request Details, Assertions, Alert Conditions, and Monitor Settings.
    2. Click +Create Test to open the Define Request page, where you can review and edit the pre-populated configuration options. The fields presented are identical to those available when creating a test from scratch.
    3. Click Save Details to submit your API test.

  • Build a test from scratch:

    1. To build a test from scratch, click the + Start from scratch template, then select the UDP request type.

    2. Specify the Host and Port to run your test on.

    3. Enter the string you want to send in your test.

    4. Specify the amount of time in seconds before the test times out (optional).

    5. Name your UDP test.

    6. Add Environment Tags as well as any other tag to your UDP test. You can then use these tags to filter through your Synthetic tests on the Synthetic Monitoring & Continuous Testing page.

    7. Click Test Host to try out the request configuration. A response preview is displayed on the right side of your screen.

      Define UDP request
    8. Click Create Test to submit your API test.


When setting up a new Synthetic Monitoring API test, use snippets to automatically fill in basic auth, performance, and regions, rather than selecting these options manually. The following snippets are available:

  • Basic Auth: Automatically test your APIs using pre-populated basic auth headers, JavaScript, bearer token, and API/app key auth variables.

  • Performance: Automatically configure a test with the shortest frequency (one minute), perform a gRPC health check, and test for overall response time latency with a breakdown of network timing.

  • Regions: Automatically test your API endpoint against a location in each of the three primary geographic regions (AMER, APAC and EMEA).

    Screenshot of the left hand side of an API test creation, showing the snippets example

Define assertions

Assertions define what an expected test result is. When you click Test URL, a basic assertion on response time is added. You must define at least one assertion for your test to monitor.

TypeOperatorValue Type
response timeis less thanInteger (ms)
string responsecontains, does not contain, is, is not,
matches, does not match

Select the response preview directly or click New Assertion to create an assertion. You can create up to 20 assertions per UDP test.

Define assertions for your UDP test to succeed or fail on

To perform OR logic in an assertion, use the matches regex or does not match regex comparators to define a regex with multiple expected values for the same assertion type like (0|100). The test result is successful if the string response assertion’s value is 0 or 100.

If a test does not contain an assertion on the response body, the body payload drops and returns an associated response time for the request within the timeout limit set by the Synthetics Worker.

If a test contains an assertion on the response body and the timeout limit is reached, an Assertions on the body/response cannot be run beyond this limit error appears.

Select locations

Select the Locations to run your UDP test from. UDP tests can run from both managed and private locations depending on your preference for running the test from outside or inside your network.

Datadog’s out-of-the-box managed locations allow you to test public-facing websites and endpoints from regions where your customers are located.

Canada Central (AWS)Hong Kong (AWS)Cape Town (AWS)
Northern California (AWS)Mumbai (AWS)Frankfurt (AWS)
Northern Virginia (AWS)Seoul (AWS)Ireland (AWS)
Ohio (AWS)Singapore (AWS)London (AWS)
Oregon (AWS)Sydney (AWS)Paris (AWS)
São Paulo (AWS)Tokyo (AWS)Stockholm (AWS)
Virginia (Azure)Osaka (AWS)Milan (AWS)
Jakarta (AWS)Bahrain (AWS)

The Datadog for Government site (US1-FED) uses the following managed location:


Specify test frequency

UDP tests can run:

  • On a schedule to ensure your most important services are always accessible to your users. Select the frequency at which you want Datadog to run your UDP test.
  • Within your CI/CD pipelines.
  • On-demand to run your tests whenever makes the most sense for your team.

Define alert conditions

Set alert conditions to determine the circumstances under which you want a test to fail and trigger an alert.

Alerting rule

When you set the alert conditions to: An alert is triggered if any assertion fails for X minutes from any n of N locations, an alert is triggered only if these two conditions are true:

  • At least one location was in failure (at least one assertion failed) during the last X minutes;
  • At one moment during the last X minutes, at least n locations were in failure.

Fast retry

Your test can trigger retries X times after Y ms in case of a failed test result. Customize the retry interval to suit your alerting sensibility.

Location uptime is computed on a per-evaluation basis (whether the last test result before evaluation was up or down). The total uptime is computed based on the configured alert conditions. Notifications sent are based on the total uptime.

Configure the test monitor

A notification is sent by your test based on the alerting conditions previously defined. Use this section to define how and what to message your team.

  1. Similar to how you configure monitors, select users and/or services that should receive notifications either by adding an @notification to the message or by searching for team members and connected integrations with the dropdown menu.

  2. Enter the notification message for your test. This field allows standard Markdown formatting and supports the following conditional variables:

    Conditional VariableDescription
    {{ #is_alert }}Show when the test alerts.
    {{ ^is_alert }}Show unless the test alerts.
    {{ #is_recovery }}Show when the test recovers from alert.
    {{ ^is_recovery }}Show unless the test recovers from alert.
    {{ #is_renotify }}Show when the monitor renotifies.
    {{ ^is_renotify }}Show unless the monitor renotifies.
    {{ #is_priority }}Show when the monitor matches priority (P1 to P5).
    {{ ^is_priority }}Show unless the monitor matches priority (P1 to P5).
  3. Specify how often you want your test to re-send the notification message in case of test failure. To prevent renotification on failing tests, leave the option as Never renotify if the monitor has not been resolved.

  4. Click Create to save your test configuration and monitor.

For more information, see Using Synthetic Test Monitors.

Create local variables

To create a local variable, click Create a Local Variable. You can select one of the following available builtins to add to your variable string:

{{ numeric(n) }}
Generates a numeric string with n digits.
{{ alphabetic(n) }}
Generates an alphabetic string with n letters.
{{ alphanumeric(n) }}
Generates an alphanumeric string with n characters.
{{ date(n unit, format) }}
Generates a date in one of Datadog’s accepted formats with a value corresponding to the UTC date the test is initiated at + or - n units.
{{ timestamp(n, unit) }}
Generates a timestamp in one of Datadog’s accepted units with a value corresponding to the UTC timestamp the test is initiated at +/- n units.
{{ uuid }}
Generates a version 4 universally unique identifier (UUID).
{{ public-id }}
Injects the Public ID of your test.
{{ result-id }}
Injects the Result ID of your test run.

To obfuscate local variable values in test results, select Hide and obfuscate variable value. Once you have defined the variable string, click Add Variable.

Use variables

You can use the global variables defined on the Settings page in the URL and assertions of your UDP tests.

To display your list of variables, type {{ in your desired field.

Test failure

A test is considered FAILED if it does not satisfy one or more assertions or if the request prematurely failed. In some cases, the test can fail without testing the assertions against the endpoint.

These reasons include the following:

The connection was abruptly closed by the remote server. Possible causes include the web server encountering an error or crashing while responding, or loss of connectivity of the web server.
DNS entry not found for the test URL. Possible causes include misconfigured test URL or the wrong configuration of your DNS entries.
The configuration of the test is invalid (for example, a typo in the URL).
The request couldn’t be completed in a reasonable time. Two types of TIMEOUT can happen:
  • TIMEOUT: The request couldn't be completed in a reasonable time. indicates that the request duration hit the test defined timeout (default is set to 60s). For each request only the completed stages for the request are displayed in the network waterfall. For example, in the case of Total response time only being displayed, the timeout occurred during the DNS resolution.
  • TIMEOUT: Overall test execution couldn't be completed in a reasonable time. indicates that the test duration (request + assertions) hits the maximum duration (60.5s).


By default, only users with the Datadog Admin and Datadog Standard roles can create, edit, and delete Synthetic UDP tests. To get create, edit, and delete access to Synthetic UDP tests, upgrade your user to one of those two default roles.

If you are using the custom role feature, add your user to any custom role that includes synthetics_read and synthetics_write permissions.

Restrict access

Use granular access control to limit who has access to your test based on roles, teams, or individual users:

  1. Open the permissions section of the form.
  2. Click Edit Access.
Set permissions for your test from Private Locations configuration form
  1. Click Restrict Access.
  2. Select teams, roles, or users.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Select the level of access you want to associate with each of them.
  5. Click Done.
Note: You can view results from a Private Location even without Viewer access to that Private Location.
Access levelView test configurationEdit test configurationView test resultsRun test
No access

Further Reading

PREVIEWING: gorkavicente/appsec-serverless-library-compatibility