
After selecting a time frame from the dropdown menu on the top right, you can search for test runs by clicking on the Test Runs event type in the Synthetic Monitoring & Testing Results Explorer.

Search and manage your test runs in the Synthetic Monitoring & Testing Results Explorer

You can use facets to accomplish the following actions:

  • Observe the latest test runs that required retries.
  • Aggregate failed API test runs by HTTP status code and plot trends.

Explore facets

The facets panel on the left lists several facets you can use to search through your test runs. To start customizing the search query, click through the list of facets starting with Common.

The following list of available facets may vary depending on your site and region.

Common test run attributes

Batch IDThe batch ID associated with the test run.
Execution RuleThe execution rule associated with the test result of the CI batch: Blocking, Non Blocking, and Skipped.
LocationThe location associated with the test result of the batch.
PassedThe overall status of the test run.
Run TypeThe run type of the test run. It can be scheduled, CI, or manually triggered.
Failure CodeCode indicating reason for test failure.
Test TypeType of test being executed.
Test SubtypeSpecific subtype of the test.
Location VersionVersion of the private test location.
Location PlatformPlatform name of the private location.
Test IDIdentifier for the test.
Failure MessageMessage detailing the failure.
Result Retry NumberNumber of times the test was retried.
Test Finished AtTimestamp when the test finished.
Test Started AtTimestamp when the test started.
Test Triggered AtTimestamp when the test was triggered.
Test Will Retry AtTimestamp for the next retry of the test.
Trace IDTrace identifier for tracking.
Open Telemetry IDOpen Telemetry identifier.
Variable NameName of a variable used in the test.

Timings attributes

Timings facets allow you to filter on timing-related attributes for API test runs.

DNSThe time spent resolving the DNS name for an API test run.
DownloadThe time spent downloading the response for an API test run.
First ByteThe time spent waiting for the first byte of the response to be received for an API test run.
OpenThe overall time a websocket remained open for a WebSocket test run.
ReceivedThe overall time a websocket connection spent receiving data for a WebSocket test run.
TCPThe time spent establishing a TCP connection for an API test run.
TotalThe total response time for an API test run.

HTTP attributes

HTTP facets allow you to filter on HTTP attributes.

HTTP Status CodeThe HTTP status code for the test run.

gRPC attributes

gRPC facets are related to gRPC test runs.

Health Check StatusThe health check status for the gRPC test. Statuses are Serving or Failing.

SSL attributes

SSL facets are related to SSL test runs.

AltNamesAlternative record names associated with an SSL certificate.

TCP attributes

TCP facets are related to TCP connections during test runs.

Connection OutcomeThe connection status for the TCP connection. Outcomes can be established, timeout, or refused.

Devices attributes

Devices facets are related to the devices used during test runs.

Device NameName of the device used for testing.
Device Resolution WidthWidth of the device resolution.
Device Resolution HeightHeight of the device resolution.
Device TypeType of the device used for testing.

Browser attributes

Browser facets are related to browser tests.

Browser TypeBrowser type used in the test.
Browser VersionVersion of the browser used in the test.
Browser User AgentUser agent of the browser used.

API attributes

API facets are related to API test runs.

Resolved IPIP resolved by DNS resolution.
DNS Resolution ServerServer used for DNS resolution.
Request BodyBody of the HTTP request.
Request HeadersHeaders of the HTTP request.
Request HostHost in the HTTP request.
Request MessageMessage in the HTTP request.
Request MetadataMetadata related to the HTTP request.
Request URLURL of the HTTP request.
Response BodyBody of the HTTP response.
Body SizeSize of the response body.
Cache Headers ServerServer from cache headers in response.
Cache Headers VaryVary field from cache headers in response.
Cache Headers ViaVia field from cache headers in response.
CDN ProviderCDN provider used in response delivery.
Response Close Status CodeStatus code when response was closed.
Response Is Body TruncatedIndicates if response body was truncated.
Response Is Message TruncatedIndicates if response message was truncated.
Response MessageMessage in the HTTP response.
Response MetadataMetadata related to the HTTP response.
Response Close ReasonReason for response close.
Response RedirectsRedirect information in the response.
Response Status CodeThe HTTP status code for the test run.
Healthcheck Message ServiceHealthcheck message service information.
Handshake Request MessageMessage during handshake request.
Handshake Response HeadersHeaders during handshake response.
Handshake Response Status CodeStatus code during handshake response.

Mobile attributes

Mobile facets are related to mobile tests.

Mobile PlatformPlatform name of the mobile device.
Mobile ApplicationVersion ID of the mobile application.
Mobile Platform VersionVersion of mobile platform.
Device Resolution Pixel RatioPixel ratio of the device display.

Continuous Testing attributes

Continuous Testing facets are related to continuous testing.

Concurrency Wait TimeWait time in concurrency testing.
Git Author EmailEmail of the author of the commit.
Git Author NameName of the author of the commit.
Git BranchBranch of the repository used.
Git URLURL of the git repository.
CI Job NameName of the CI job.
CI Job URLURL of the CI job.
CI Pipeline IDIdentifier for the CI pipeline.
CI Pipeline NameName of the CI pipeline.
CI Pipeline NumberNumber assigned to the CI pipeline.
CI Pipeline URLURL of the CI pipeline.
CI Provider NameName of the CI provider.
CI Stage NameName of the stage in the CI process.
CI Workspace PathWorkspace path in CI process.

Step attributes

Step facets are related to test steps.

Step IDIdentifier for test steps.
Step NameName of the test steps.
Step StatusStatus of the test steps.

To filter on test runs that are retries, create a search query using @result.isFastRetry:true. You can also retrieve the last run for a test with retries using the @result.isLastRetry:true field.

For more information about searching for test runs, see Search Syntax.

Further reading

Additional helpful documentation, links, and articles:

PREVIEWING: gorkavicente/appsec-serverless-library-compatibility