Agent Rate Limits

Maximum connection limit

If you encounter the following error message in your Agent logs, the default APM connection limit of 2000 has been exceeded:

ERROR | (pkg/trace/logutil/throttled.go:38 in log) | http.Server: http: Accept error: request has been rate-limited; retrying in 80ms

To increase the APM connection limit for the Agent, configure the connection_limit attribute within the Agent’s configuration file (underneath the apm_config: section). For containerized deployments (for example, Docker or Kubernetes), use the DD_APM_CONNECTION_LIMIT environment variable.

Maximum memory limit

If you encounter the following error message in your Agent logs, it means the Agent has exceeded the max memory usage by 150%:

CRITICAL | (pkg/trace/api/api.go:703 in watchdog) | Killing process. Memory threshold exceeded: 8238.08M / 715.26M
CRITICAL | (pkg/trace/osutil/file.go:39 in Exitf) | OOM

To increase the max memory limit for the Agent, configure the max_memory attribute in the apm_config section of the Agent’s configuration file. For containerized deployments (for example, Docker or Kubernetes), use the DD_APM_MAX_MEMORY environment variable.

If you’d like your orchestrator (such as Kubernetes) to handle your memory limits, this limit can be disabled by setting it to 0 since Datadog Agent 7.23.0.

Maximum CPU percentage

This setting defines the maximum CPU percentage that the APM agent should be using. In non-Kubernetes environments it defaults to 50, which is equivalent to 0.5 cores (100 = 1 core). After this limit is reached, payloads will be refused until the CPU usage goes below the limit again. This is reflected by the datadog.trace_agent.receiver.ratelimit which represents the percentage of payloads that are currently being dropped (a value of 1 meaning that no traces are being dropped). This may also be visible in the Service Table View as a Limited Resource warning.

If you want your orchestrator (or an external service) to manage resource limitations for the Datadog Agent, Datadog recommends disabling this by setting the environment variable DD_APM_MAX_CPU_PERCENT to 0 (supported since Datadog Agent 7.23.0).

PREVIEWING: gorkavicente/appsec-serverless-library-compatibility