Assignment name should use camelCase


ID: javascript-code-style/assignment-name

Language: JavaScript

Severity: Notice

Category: Code Style


Ensure that variables and properties names use camelCase and not snake_case or PascalCase.

Non-Compliant Code Examples

var a = {
    MyProp: "should be camelCase",
    foo_bar: 0,
    #Priv: 2,
const my_var = {};
let FooBar = {};
const { a_b, ...Bla } = c;
const [a_b, ...Bla] = c;

const _bad_name = 200;

Compliant Code Examples

/* The BenefitsDAO must be constructed with a connected database object */
function BenefitsDAO(db) {

    "use strict";

    /* If this constructor is called without the "new" operator, "this" points
     * to the global object. Log a warning and call it correctly. */
    if (false === (this instanceof BenefitsDAO)) {
        console.log("Warning: BenefitsDAO constructor called without 'new' operator");
        return new BenefitsDAO(db);

    const usersCol = db.collection("users");
    const Users = db.collections("something");

    this.getAllNonAdminUsers = callback => {
            "isAdmin": {
                $ne: true
        }).toArray((err, users) => callback(null, users));

    this.updateBenefits = (userId, startDate, callback) => {
                _id: parseInt(userId)
            }, {
                $set: {
                    benefitStartDate: startDate
            (err, result) => {
                if (!err) {
                    console.log("Updated benefits");
                    return callback(null, result);

                return callback(err, null);

module.exports = { BenefitsDAO };
const a = { myProp: "", #priv: 1 };
const myVar = {};
const { a } = c;
const { a, ...b } = c;
const [a, ...b] = c;
const md5 = 'foo';
const PCKG_OS_NAME = 'foo';
const _unusedVar = 200; jetbrains

Seamless integrations. Try Datadog Code Analysis

PREVIEWING: may/op-restructure-reference-components