consul.catalog.nodes_critical (gauge) | [Integration] The number of nodes with service status critical from those registered Shown as node |
consul.catalog.nodes_passing (gauge) | [Integration] The number of nodes with service status passing from those registered Shown as node |
consul.catalog.nodes_up (gauge) | [Integration] The number of nodes Shown as node |
consul.catalog.nodes_warning (gauge) | [Integration] The number of nodes with service status warning from those registered Shown as node |
consul.catalog.services_count (gauge) | [Integration] Metrics to count the number of services matching criteria like the service tag, node name, or status. To be queried using the sum by aggregator. Shown as service |
consul.catalog.services_critical (gauge) | [Integration] Total critical services on nodes Shown as service |
consul.catalog.services_passing (gauge) | [Integration] Total passing services on nodes Shown as service |
consul.catalog.services_up (gauge) | [Integration] Total services registered on nodes Shown as service |
consul.catalog.services_warning (gauge) | [Integration] Total warning services on nodes Shown as service |
consul.catalog.total_nodes (gauge) | [Integration] The number of nodes registered in the consul cluster Shown as node |
consul.client.rpc (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] This increments whenever a Consul agent in client mode makes an RPC request to a Consul server. This gives a measure of how much a given agent is loading the Consul servers. This is only generated by agents in client mode, not Consul servers. Shown as request |
consul.client.rpc.failed (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] Increments whenever a Consul agent in client mode makes an RPC request to a Consul server and fails Shown as request |
consul.http.request (gauge) | [DogStatsD] Tracks how long it takes to service the given HTTP request for the given verb and path. Using a DogStatsD mapper as described in the README, the paths are mapped to tags and do not include details like service or key names. For these paths, an underscore is present as a placeholder, for example: http_method:GET, path:v1.kv._) Shown as millisecond |
consul.http.request.count (count) | [Prometheus] A count of how long it takes to service the given HTTP request for the given verb and path. It includes labels for path and method. Path does not include details like service or key names. For these paths, an underscore is present as a placeholder, for example: path=v1.kv._) Shown as millisecond |
consul.http.request.quantile (gauge) | [Prometheus] A quantile of how long it takes to service the given HTTP request for the given verb and path. Includes labels for path and method. Path does not include details like service or key names. For these paths, an underscore is present as a placeholder, for example: path=v1.kv._) Shown as millisecond |
consul.http.request.sum (count) | [Prometheus] The sum of how long it takes to service the given HTTP request for the given verb and path. Includes labels for path and method. Path does not include details like service or key names. For these paths, an underscore is present as a placeholder, for example: path=v1.kv._) Shown as millisecond |
consul.memberlist.degraded.probe (gauge) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] This metric counts the number of times the Consul agent has performed failure detection on another agent at a slower probe rate. The agent uses its own health metric as an indicator to perform this action. If its health score is low, it means that the node is healthy, and vice versa. |
consul.memberlist.gossip.95percentile (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The p95 for the number of gossips (messages) broadcasted to a set of randomly selected nodes. Shown as message |
consul.memberlist.gossip.avg (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The avg for the number of gossips (messages) broadcasted to a set of randomly selected nodes. Shown as message |
consul.memberlist.gossip.count (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] The number of samples of consul.memberlist.gossip |
consul.memberlist.gossip.max (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The max for the number of gossips (messages) broadcasted to a set of randomly selected nodes. Shown as message |
consul.memberlist.gossip.median (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The median for the number of gossips (messages) broadcasted to a set of randomly selected nodes. Shown as message |
consul.memberlist.gossip.quantile (gauge) | [Prometheus] The quantile for the number of gossips (messages) broadcasted to a set of randomly selected nodes. Shown as message |
consul.memberlist.gossip.sum (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] The sum of the number of gossips (messages) broadcasted to a set of randomly selected nodes. Shown as message | (gauge) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] This metric describes a node's perception of its own health based on how well it is meeting the soft real-time requirements of the protocol. This metric ranges from 0 to 8, where 0 indicates "totally healthy". For more details see section IV of the Lifeguard paper: |
consul.memberlist.msg.alive (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] This metric counts the number of alive Consul agents, that the agent has mapped out so far, based on the message information given by the network layer. |
consul.memberlist.msg.dead (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] This metric counts the number of times a Consul agent has marked another agent to be a dead node. Shown as message |
consul.memberlist.msg.suspect (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] The number of times a Consul agent suspects another as failed while probing during gossip protocol |
consul.memberlist.probenode.95percentile (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The p95 for the time taken to perform a single round of failure detection on a select Consul agent. Shown as node |
consul.memberlist.probenode.avg (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The avg for the time taken to perform a single round of failure detection on a select Consul agent. Shown as node |
consul.memberlist.probenode.count (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] The number of samples of consul.memberlist.probenode |
consul.memberlist.probenode.max (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The max for the time taken to perform a single round of failure detection on a select Consul agent. Shown as node |
consul.memberlist.probenode.median (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The median for the time taken to perform a single round of failure detection on a select Consul agent. Shown as node |
consul.memberlist.probenode.quantile (gauge) | [Prometheus] The quantile for the time taken to perform a single round of failure detection on a select Consul agent. Shown as node |
consul.memberlist.probenode.sum (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] The sum for the time taken to perform a single round of failure detection on a select Consul agent. Shown as node |
consul.memberlist.pushpullnode.95percentile (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The p95 for the number of Consul agents that have exchanged state with this agent. Shown as node |
consul.memberlist.pushpullnode.avg (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The avg for the number of Consul agents that have exchanged state with this agent. Shown as node |
consul.memberlist.pushpullnode.count (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] The number of samples of consul.memberlist.pushpullnode |
consul.memberlist.pushpullnode.max (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The max for the number of Consul agents that have exchanged state with this agent. Shown as node |
consul.memberlist.pushpullnode.median (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The median for the number of Consul agents that have exchanged state with this agent. Shown as node |
consul.memberlist.pushpullnode.quantile (gauge) | [Prometheus] The quantile for the number of Consul agents that have exchanged state with this agent. |
consul.memberlist.pushpullnode.sum (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] The sum for the number of Consul agents that have exchanged state with this agent. |
consul.memberlist.tcp.accept (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] This metric counts the number of times a Consul agent has accepted an incoming TCP stream connection. Shown as connection |
consul.memberlist.tcp.connect (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] This metric counts the number of times a Consul agent has initiated a push/pull sync with an other agent. Shown as connection |
consul.memberlist.tcp.sent (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] This metric measures the total number of bytes sent by a Consul agent through the TCP protocol Shown as byte |
consul.memberlist.udp.received (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] This metric measures the total number of bytes sent/received by a Consul agent through the UDP protocol. Shown as byte |
consul.memberlist.udp.sent (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] This metric measures the total number of bytes sent/received by a Consul agent through the UDP protocol. Shown as byte | (gauge) | [Integration] Maximum latency from this node to all others Shown as millisecond | (gauge) | [Integration] Median latency from this node to all others Shown as millisecond | (gauge) | [Integration] Minimum latency from this node to all others Shown as millisecond | (gauge) | [Integration] P25 latency from this node to all others Shown as millisecond | (gauge) | [Integration] P75 latency from this node to all others Shown as millisecond | (gauge) | [Integration] P90 latency from this node to all others Shown as millisecond | (gauge) | [Integration] P95 latency from this node to all others Shown as millisecond | (gauge) | [Integration] P99 latency from this node to all others Shown as millisecond |
consul.peers (gauge) | [Integration] The number of peers in the peer set |
consul.raft.apply (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] The number of raft transactions occurring Shown as transaction |
consul.raft.commitTime.95percentile (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The p95 time it takes to commit a new entry to the raft log on the leader Shown as millisecond |
consul.raft.commitTime.avg (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The average time it takes to commit a new entry to the raft log on the leader Shown as millisecond |
consul.raft.commitTime.count (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] The number of samples of raft.commitTime |
consul.raft.commitTime.max (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The max time it takes to commit a new entry to the raft log on the leader Shown as millisecond |
consul.raft.commitTime.median (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The median time it takes to commit a new entry to the raft log on the leader Shown as millisecond |
consul.raft.commitTime.quantile (gauge) | [Prometheus] The quantile time it takes to commit a new entry to the raft log on the leader Shown as millisecond |
consul.raft.commitTime.sum (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] The sum of the time it takes to commit a new entry to the raft log on the leader Shown as millisecond |
consul.raft.leader.dispatchLog.95percentile (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The p95 time it takes for the leader to write log entries to disk Shown as millisecond |
consul.raft.leader.dispatchLog.avg (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The average time it takes for the leader to write log entries to disk Shown as millisecond |
consul.raft.leader.dispatchLog.count (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] The number of samples of raft.leader.dispatchLog |
consul.raft.leader.dispatchLog.max (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The max time it takes for the leader to write log entries to disk Shown as millisecond |
consul.raft.leader.dispatchLog.median (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The median time it takes for the leader to write log entries to disk Shown as millisecond |
consul.raft.leader.dispatchLog.quantile (gauge) | [Prometheus] The quantile time it takes for the leader to write log entries to disk Shown as millisecond |
consul.raft.leader.dispatchLog.sum (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] The sum of the time it takes for the leader to write log entries to disk Shown as millisecond |
consul.raft.leader.lastContact.95percentile (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The p95 time elapsed since the leader was last able to check its lease with followers Shown as millisecond |
consul.raft.leader.lastContact.avg (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The average time elapsed since the leader was last able to check its lease with followers Shown as millisecond |
consul.raft.leader.lastContact.count (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] The number of samples of raft.leader.lastContact |
consul.raft.leader.lastContact.max (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The max time elapsed since the leader was last able to check its lease with followers Shown as millisecond |
consul.raft.leader.lastContact.median (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The median time elapsed since the leader was last able to check its lease with followers Shown as millisecond |
consul.raft.leader.lastContact.quantile (gauge) | [Prometheus] The quantile time elapsed since the leader was last able to check its lease with followers Shown as millisecond |
consul.raft.leader.lastContact.sum (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] The sum of the time elapsed since the leader was last able to check its lease with followers Shown as millisecond |
consul.raft.replication.appendEntries.logs (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] Measures the number of logs replicated to an agent, to bring it up to speed with the leader's logs. Shown as entry |
consul.raft.replication.appendEntries.rpc.count (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] The count the time taken by the append entries RFC to replicate the log entries of a leader agent onto its follower agent(s) Shown as millisecond |
consul.raft.replication.appendEntries.rpc.quantile (gauge) | [Prometheus] The quantile of the time taken by the append entries RFC to replicate the log entries of a leader agent onto its follower agent(s) Shown as millisecond |
consul.raft.replication.appendEntries.rpc.sum (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] The sum the time taken by the append entries RFC to replicate the log entries of a leader agent onto its follower agent(s) Shown as millisecond |
consul.raft.replication.heartbeat.count (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] The count the time taken to invoke appendEntries on a peer. Shown as millisecond |
consul.raft.replication.heartbeat.quantile (gauge) | [Prometheus] The quantile of the time taken to invoke appendEntries on a peer. Shown as millisecond |
consul.raft.replication.heartbeat.sum (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] The sum of the time taken to invoke appendEntries on a peer. Shown as millisecond |
consul.raft.state.candidate (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus]The number of initiated leader elections Shown as event |
consul.raft.state.leader (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] The number of completed leader elections Shown as event |
consul.runtime.gc_pause_ns.95percentile (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The p95 for the number of nanoseconds consumed by stop-the-world garbage collection (GC) pauses since Consul started. Shown as nanosecond |
consul.runtime.gc_pause_ns.avg (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The avg for the number of nanoseconds consumed by stop-the-world garbage collection (GC) pauses since Consul started. Shown as nanosecond |
consul.runtime.gc_pause_ns.count (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] The number of samples of consul.runtime.gcpausens |
consul.runtime.gc_pause_ns.max (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The max for the number of nanoseconds consumed by stop-the-world garbage collection (GC) pauses since Consul started. Shown as nanosecond |
consul.runtime.gc_pause_ns.median (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The median for the number of nanoseconds consumed by stop-the-world garbage collection (GC) pauses since Consul started. Shown as nanosecond |
consul.runtime.gc_pause_ns.quantile (gauge) | [Prometheus] The quantile of nanoseconds consumed by stop-the-world garbage collection (GC) pauses since Consul started. Shown as nanosecond |
consul.runtime.gc_pause_ns.sum (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] The sum of nanoseconds consumed by stop-the-world garbage collection (GC) pauses since Consul started. Shown as nanosecond |
consul.serf.coordinate.adjustment_ms.95percentile (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The p95 in milliseconds for the node coordinate adjustment Shown as millisecond |
consul.serf.coordinate.adjustment_ms.avg (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The avg in milliseconds for the node coordinate adjustment Shown as millisecond |
consul.serf.coordinate.adjustment_ms.count (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] The number of samples of consul.serf.coordinate.adjustment_ms |
consul.serf.coordinate.adjustment_ms.max (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The max in milliseconds for the node coordinate adjustment Shown as millisecond |
consul.serf.coordinate.adjustment_ms.median (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The median in milliseconds for the node coordinate adjustment Shown as millisecond |
consul.serf.coordinate.adjustment_ms.quantile (gauge) | [Prometheus] The quantile in milliseconds for the node coordinate adjustment Shown as millisecond |
consul.serf.coordinate.adjustment_ms.sum (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] The sum in milliseconds for the node coordinate adjustment Shown as millisecond | (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] This increments when a Consul agent processes a serf event Shown as event |
consul.serf.member.failed (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] This increments when a Consul agent is marked dead. This can be an indicator of overloaded agents, network problems, or configuration errors where agents cannot connect to each other on the required ports. |
consul.serf.member.flap (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] The number of times a Consul agent is marked dead and then quickly recovers |
consul.serf.member.join (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] This increments when a Consul agent processes a join event Shown as event |
consul.serf.member.left (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] This increments when a Consul agent leaves the cluster. |
consul.serf.member.update (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] This increments when a Consul agent updates. |
consul.serf.msgs.received.95percentile (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The p95 for the number of serf messages received Shown as message |
consul.serf.msgs.received.avg (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The avg for the number of serf messages received Shown as message |
consul.serf.msgs.received.count (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] The count of serf messages received |
consul.serf.msgs.received.max (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The max for the number of serf messages received Shown as message |
consul.serf.msgs.received.median (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The median for the number of serf messages received Shown as message |
consul.serf.msgs.received.quantile (gauge) | [Prometheus] The quantile for the number of serf messages received Shown as message |
consul.serf.msgs.received.sum (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] The sum for the number of serf messages received Shown as message |
consul.serf.msgs.sent.95percentile (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The p95 for the number of serf messages sent Shown as message |
consul.serf.msgs.sent.avg (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The avg for the number of serf messages sent Shown as message |
consul.serf.msgs.sent.count (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] The count of serf messages sent |
consul.serf.msgs.sent.max (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The max for the number of serf messages sent Shown as message |
consul.serf.msgs.sent.median (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The median for the number of serf messages sent Shown as message |
consul.serf.msgs.sent.quantile (gauge) | [Prometheus] The quantile for the number of serf messages sent Shown as message |
consul.serf.msgs.sent.sum (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] The sum of the number of serf messages sent Shown as message |
consul.serf.queue.event.95percentile (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The p95 for the size of the serf event queue |
consul.serf.queue.event.avg (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The avg size of the serf event queue |
consul.serf.queue.event.count (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] The number of items in the serf event queue |
consul.serf.queue.event.max (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The max size of the serf event queue |
consul.serf.queue.event.median (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The median size of the serf event queue |
consul.serf.queue.event.quantile (gauge) | [Prometheus] The quantile for the size of the serf event queue |
consul.serf.queue.intent.95percentile (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The p95 for the size of the serf intent queue |
consul.serf.queue.intent.avg (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The avg size of the serf intent queue |
consul.serf.queue.intent.count (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] The number of items in the serf intent queue |
consul.serf.queue.intent.max (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The max size of the serf intent queue |
consul.serf.queue.intent.median (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The median size of the serf intent queue |
consul.serf.queue.intent.quantile (gauge) | [Prometheus] The quantile for the size of the serf intent queue |
consul.serf.queue.query.95percentile (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The p95 for the size of the serf query queue |
consul.serf.queue.query.avg (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The avg size of the serf query queue |
consul.serf.queue.query.count (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] The number of items in the serf query queue |
consul.serf.queue.query.max (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The max size of the serf query queue |
consul.serf.queue.query.median (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The median size of the serf query queue |
consul.serf.queue.query.quantile (gauge) | [Prometheus] The quantile for the size of the serf query queue |
consul.serf.snapshot.appendline.95percentile (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The p95 of the time taken by the Consul agent to append an entry into the existing log. Shown as millisecond |
consul.serf.snapshot.appendline.avg (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The avg of the time taken by the Consul agent to append an entry into the existing log. Shown as millisecond |
consul.serf.snapshot.appendline.count (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] The number of samples of consul.serf.snapshot.appendline |
consul.serf.snapshot.appendline.max (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The max of the time taken by the Consul agent to append an entry into the existing log. Shown as millisecond |
consul.serf.snapshot.appendline.median (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The median of the time taken by the Consul agent to append an entry into the existing log. Shown as millisecond |
consul.serf.snapshot.appendline.quantile (gauge) | [Prometheus] The quantile of the time taken by the Consul agent to append an entry into the existing log. Shown as millisecond |
consul.serf.snapshot.compact.95percentile (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The p95 of the time taken by the Consul agent to compact a log. This operation occurs only when the snapshot becomes large enough to justify the compaction . Shown as millisecond |
consul.serf.snapshot.compact.avg (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The avg of the time taken by the Consul agent to compact a log. This operation occurs only when the snapshot becomes large enough to justify the compaction . Shown as millisecond |
consul.serf.snapshot.compact.count (count) | [DogStatsD] [Prometheus] The number of samples of consul.serf.snapshot.compact |
consul.serf.snapshot.compact.max (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The max of the time taken by the Consul agent to compact a log. This operation occurs only when the snapshot becomes large enough to justify the compaction . Shown as millisecond |
consul.serf.snapshot.compact.median (gauge) | [DogStatsD] The median of the time taken by the Consul agent to compact a log. This operation occurs only when the snapshot becomes large enough to justify the compaction . Shown as millisecond |
consul.serf.snapshot.compact.quantile (gauge) | [Prometheus] The quantile of the time taken by the Consul agent to compact a log. This operation occurs only when the snapshot becomes large enough to justify the compaction . Shown as millisecond |