kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.cluster.cpu.current.cores (gauge) | Current CPU cores usage in the cluster |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.cluster.memory.current.bytes (gauge) | Current memory usage in bytes in the cluster |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.cluster.safe.to.autoscale (gauge) | Indicates whether the cluster is safe to autoscale |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.cpu.limits.cores (gauge) | Total CPU cores limits set for pods in the cluster |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.created.node.groups.count (count) | Total count of node groups created in the cluster |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.deleted.node.groups.count (count) | Total count of node groups deleted in the cluster |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.errors.count (count) | Total count of errors occurred in the cluster |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.evicted.pods.count (count) | Total count of evicted pods in the cluster |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.failed.scale.ups.count (count) | Total count of failed scale-up operations in the cluster |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.function.duration.seconds.bucket (count) | Duration of a specific function in the cluster (bucket) |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.function.duration.seconds.count (count) | Duration of a specific function in the cluster (count) |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.function.duration.seconds.sum (count) | Duration of a specific function in the cluster (sum) |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.go.gc.duration.seconds.count (count) | A summary of the pause duration of garbage collection cycles. Shown as second |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.go.gc.duration.seconds.quantile (gauge) | A summary of the pause duration of garbage collection cycles Shown as second |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.go.gc.duration.seconds.sum (count) | A summary of the pause duration of garbage collection cycles Shown as second |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.go.goroutines (gauge) | Number of goroutines that currently exist |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.go.info (gauge) | Information about the Go environment |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.go.memstats.alloc_bytes (gauge) | Number of bytes allocated and still in use Shown as byte |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.go.memstats.alloc_bytes.count (count) | Total number of bytes allocated even if freed Shown as byte |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.go.memstats.buck_hash.sys_bytes (gauge) | Number of bytes used by the profiling bucket hash table Shown as byte |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.go.memstats.frees.count (count) | Total number of frees |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.go.memstats.gc.sys_bytes (gauge) | Number of bytes used for garbage collection system metadata Shown as byte |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.go.memstats.heap.alloc_bytes (gauge) | Number of heap bytes allocated and still in use Shown as byte |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.go.memstats.heap.idle_bytes (gauge) | Number of heap bytes waiting to be used Shown as byte |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.go.memstats.heap.inuse_bytes (gauge) | Number of heap bytes that are in use Shown as byte |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.go.memstats.heap.objects (gauge) | Number of allocated objects Shown as object |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.go.memstats.heap.released_bytes (gauge) | Number of heap bytes released to OS Shown as byte |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.go.memstats.heap.sys_bytes (gauge) | Number of heap bytes obtained from system Shown as byte |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.go.memstats.lookups.count (count) | Total number of pointer lookups |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.go.memstats.mallocs.count (count) | Total number of mallocs |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.go.memstats.mcache.inuse_bytes (gauge) | Number of bytes in use by mcache structures Shown as byte |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.go.memstats.mcache.sys_bytes (gauge) | Number of bytes used for mcache structures obtained from system Shown as byte |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.go.memstats.mspan.inuse_bytes (gauge) | Number of bytes in use by mspan structures Shown as byte |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.go.memstats.mspan.sys_bytes (gauge) | Number of bytes used for mspan structures obtained from system Shown as byte |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.go.memstats.next.gc_bytes (gauge) | Number of heap bytes when next garbage collection will take place Shown as byte |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.go.memstats.other.sys_bytes (gauge) | Number of bytes used for other system allocations Shown as byte |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.go.memstats.stack.inuse_bytes (gauge) | Number of bytes in use by the stack allocator Shown as byte |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.go.memstats.stack.sys_bytes (gauge) | Number of bytes obtained from system for stack allocator Shown as byte |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.go.memstats.sys_bytes (gauge) | Number of bytes obtained from system Shown as byte |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.go.threads (gauge) | Number of OS threads created Shown as thread |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.last.activity (gauge) | Timestamp of the last activity in the cluster |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.max.nodes.count (gauge) | Maximum number of nodes allowed in the cluster |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.memory.limits.bytes (gauge) | Total memory limits set for pods in the cluster |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.nap.enabled (gauge) | Indicates whether Node Auto-Provisioning (NAP) is enabled in the cluster |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.node.groups.count (gauge) | Number of node groups in the cluster |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.nodes.count (gauge) | Number of nodes in cluster |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.old.unregistered.nodes.removed.count (count) | Total count of old unregistered nodes removed from the cluster |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.scaled.down.gpu.nodes.count (count) | Total count of GPU nodes scaled down in the cluster |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.scaled.down.nodes.count (count) | Total count of nodes scaled down in the cluster |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.scaled.up.gpu.nodes.count (count) | Total count of GPU nodes scaled up in the cluster |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.scaled.up.nodes.count (count) | Total count of nodes scaled up in the cluster |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.skipped.scale.events.count (count) | Total count of skipped scale events in the cluster |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.unneeded.nodes.count (gauge) | Total count of unneeded nodes in the cluster |
kubernetes_cluster_autoscaler.unschedulable.pods.count (gauge) | Number of unschedulable pods in the cluster |