flink.jobmanager.Status.JVM.CPU.Load (gauge) | The recent CPU usage of the JVM in the jobmanager Shown as percent |
flink.jobmanager.Status.JVM.CPU.Time (gauge) | The CPU time used by the JVM in the jobmanager Shown as second |
flink.jobmanager.Status.JVM.ClassLoader.ClassesLoaded (count) | The total number of classes loaded since the start of the JVM in the jobmanager |
flink.jobmanager.Status.JVM.ClassLoader.ClassesUnloaded (count) | The total number of classes unloaded since the start of the JVM in the jobmanager |
flink.jobmanager.Status.JVM.Memory.Direct.Count (count) | The number of buffers in the direct buffer pool in the jobmanager Shown as buffer |
flink.jobmanager.Status.JVM.Memory.Direct.MemoryUsed (gauge) | The amount of memory used by the JVM for the direct buffer pool in the jobmanager Shown as byte |
flink.jobmanager.Status.JVM.Memory.Direct.TotalCapacity (count) | The total capacity of all buffers in the direct buffer pool in the jobmanager Shown as byte |
flink.jobmanager.Status.JVM.Memory.Heap.Committed (gauge) | The amount of heap memory guaranteed to be available to the JVM in the jobmanager Shown as byte |
flink.jobmanager.Status.JVM.Memory.Heap.Max (gauge) | The maximum amount of heap memory that can be used for memory management in the jobmanager Shown as byte |
flink.jobmanager.Status.JVM.Memory.Heap.Used (gauge) | The amount of heap memory currently used in the jobmanager Shown as byte |
flink.jobmanager.Status.JVM.Memory.Mapped.Count (gauge) | The number of buffers in the mapped buffer pool in the jobmanager Shown as buffer |
flink.jobmanager.Status.JVM.Memory.Mapped.MemoryUsed (gauge) | The amount of memory used by the JVM for the mapped buffer pool in the jobmanager Shown as byte |
flink.jobmanager.Status.JVM.Memory.Mapped.TotalCapacity (count) | The total capacity of all buffers in the mapped buffer pool in the jobmanager Shown as byte |
flink.jobmanager.Status.JVM.Memory.NonHeap.Committed (gauge) | The amount of non-heap memory guaranteed to be available to the JVM in the jobmanager Shown as byte |
flink.jobmanager.Status.JVM.Memory.NonHeap.Max (gauge) | The maximum amount of non-heap memory that can be used for memory management in the jobmanager Shown as byte |
flink.jobmanager.Status.JVM.Memory.NonHeap.Used (gauge) | The amount of non-heap memory currently used in the jobmanager Shown as byte |
flink.jobmanager.Status.JVM.Threads.Count (count) | The total number of live threads in the jobmanager Shown as thread |
flink.jobmanager.job.downtime (gauge) | For jobs currently in a failing/recovering situation- the time elapsed during this outage. Returns 0 for running jobs and -1 for completed jobs Shown as millisecond |
flink.jobmanager.job.lastCheckpointAlignmentBuffered (gauge) | The number of buffered bytes during alignment over all subtasks for the last checkpoint Shown as byte |
flink.jobmanager.job.lastCheckpointDuration (gauge) | The time it took to complete the last checkpoint Shown as millisecond |
flink.jobmanager.job.lastCheckpointExternalPath (gauge) | The path where the last external checkpoint was stored |
flink.jobmanager.job.lastCheckpointRestoreTimestamp (gauge) | Timestamp when the last checkpoint was restored at the coordinator Shown as millisecond |
flink.jobmanager.job.lastCheckpointSize (gauge) | The total size of the last checkpoint Shown as byte |
flink.jobmanager.job.numRestarts (gauge) | The total number of restarts since this job was submitted, including full restarts and fine-grained restarts |
flink.jobmanager.job.numberOfCompletedCheckpoints (count) | The number of successfully completed checkpoints |
flink.jobmanager.job.numberOfFailedCheckpoints (count) | The number of failed checkpoints |
flink.jobmanager.job.numberOfInProgressCheckpoints (gauge) | The number of in progress checkpoints |
flink.jobmanager.job.restartingTime (gauge) | The time it took to restart the job or how long the current restart has been in progress Shown as millisecond |
flink.jobmanager.job.totalNumberOfCheckpoints (count) | The number of total checkpoints (in progress completed and failed) |
flink.jobmanager.job.uptime (gauge) | The time that the job has been running without interruption. Returns -1 for completed jobs Shown as millisecond |
flink.jobmanager.numRegisteredTaskManagers (gauge) | The number of registered taskmanagers |
flink.jobmanager.numRunningJobs (gauge) | The number of running jobs Shown as job |
flink.jobmanager.taskSlotsTotal (gauge) | The total number of task slots |
flink.operator.commitsFailed (count) | The total number of offset commit failures to Kafka if offset committing is turned on and checkpointing is enabled. Note that committing offsets back to Kafka is only a means to expose consumer progress so a commit failure does not affect the integrity of Flink's checkpointed partition offsets Shown as commit |
flink.operator.commitsSucceeded (count) | The total number of successful offset commits to Kafka if offset committing is turned on and checkpointing is enabled Shown as commit |
flink.operator.currentInput1Watermark (gauge) | The last watermark this operator has received in its first input. Only for operators with 2 inputs Shown as millisecond |
flink.operator.currentInput2Watermark (gauge) | The last watermark this operator has received in its second input. Only for operators with 2 inputs Shown as millisecond |
flink.operator.currentInputWatermark (gauge) | The last watermark this operator has received. For tasks with 2 inputs this is the minimum of the last received watermarks Shown as millisecond |
flink.operator.currentOutputWatermark (gauge) | The last watermark this operator has emitted Shown as millisecond |
flink.operator.numLateRecordsDropped (count) | The number of records this operator has dropped due to arriving late Shown as record |
flink.operator.numRecordsIn (count) | The total number of records this operator has received Shown as record |
flink.operator.numRecordsInPerSecond (gauge) | The number of records this operator receives per second Shown as record |
flink.operator.numRecordsOut (count) | The total number of records this operator has emitted Shown as record |
flink.operator.numRecordsOutPerSec (gauge) | The total number of records this operator has emitted per second Shown as record |
flink.operator.numSplitsProcessed (count) | The total number of InputSplits this data source has processed (if the operator is a data source) |
flink.task.Shuffle.Netty.Input.Buffers.inPoolUsage (gauge) | An estimate of the input buffers usage |
flink.task.Shuffle.Netty.Input.Buffers.inputQueueLength (gauge) | The number of queued input buffers Shown as buffer |
flink.task.Shuffle.Netty.Input.numBuffersInLocal (count) | The total number of network buffers this task has read from a local source Shown as buffer |
flink.task.Shuffle.Netty.Input.numBuffersInLocalPerSecond (gauge) | The number of network buffers this task reads from a local source per second |
flink.task.Shuffle.Netty.Input.numBuffersInRemote (count) | The total number of network buffers this task has read from a remote source Shown as buffer |
flink.task.Shuffle.Netty.Input.numBuffersInRemotePerSecond (gauge) | The number of network buffers this task reads from a remote source per second Shown as buffer |
flink.task.Shuffle.Netty.Input.numBytesInLocal (count) | The total number of bytes this task has read from a local source Shown as byte |
flink.task.Shuffle.Netty.Input.numBytesInLocalPerSecond (gauge) | The number of bytes this task reads from a local source per second Shown as byte |
flink.task.Shuffle.Netty.Input.numBytesInRemote (count) | The total number of bytes this task has read from a remote source Shown as byte |
flink.task.Shuffle.Netty.Input.numBytesInRemotePerSecond (gauge) | The number of bytes this task reads from a remote source per second Shown as byte |
flink.task.Shuffle.Netty.Output.Buffers.outPoolUsage (gauge) | An estimate of the output buffers usage |
flink.task.Shuffle.Netty.Output.Buffers.outputQueueLength (gauge) | The number of queued output buffers Shown as buffer |
flink.task.checkpointAlignmentTime (gauge) | The time in nanoseconds that the last barrier alignment took to complete or how long the current alignment has taken so far Shown as nanosecond |
flink.task.currentInputWatermark (gauge) | The last watermark this task has received. For tasks with 2 inputs this is the minimum of the last received watermarks Shown as millisecond |
flink.task.numBuffersOut (count) | The total number of network buffers this task has emitted Shown as buffer |
flink.task.numBuffersOutPerSecond (gauge) | The number of network buffers this task emits per second Shown as buffer |
flink.task.numBytesOut (count) | The total number of bytes this task has emitted Shown as byte |
flink.task.numBytesOutPerSecond (gauge) | The number of bytes this task emits per second Shown as byte |
flink.task.numLateRecordsDropped (count) | The number of records this task has dropped due to arriving late Shown as record |
flink.task.numRecordsIn (count) | The total number of records this task has received Shown as record |
flink.task.numRecordsInPerSecond (gauge) | The number of records this task receives per second Shown as record |
flink.task.numRecordsOut (count) | The total number of records this task has emitted Shown as record |
flink.task.numRecordsOutPerSec (gauge) | The total number of records this task has emitted per second Shown as record |
flink.taskmanager.Status.JVM.CPU.Load (gauge) | The recent CPU usage of the JVM in the taskmanager Shown as percent |
flink.taskmanager.Status.JVM.CPU.Time (gauge) | The CPU time used by the JVM in the taskmanager Shown as second |
flink.taskmanager.Status.JVM.ClassLoader.ClassesLoaded (count) | The total number of classes loaded since the start of the JVM in the taskmanager |
flink.taskmanager.Status.JVM.ClassLoader.ClassesUnloaded (count) | The total number of classes unloaded since the start of the JVM in the taskmanager |
flink.taskmanager.Status.JVM.Memory.Direct.Count (gauge) | The number of buffers in the direct buffer pool in the taskmanager Shown as buffer |
flink.taskmanager.Status.JVM.Memory.Direct.MemoryUsed (gauge) | The amount of memory used by the JVM for the direct buffer pool in the taskmanager Shown as byte |
flink.taskmanager.Status.JVM.Memory.Direct.TotalCapacity (count) | The total capacity of all buffers in the direct buffer pool in the taskmanager Shown as byte |
flink.taskmanager.Status.JVM.Memory.Heap.Committed (gauge) | The amount of heap memory guaranteed to be available to the JVM in the taskmanager Shown as byte |
flink.taskmanager.Status.JVM.Memory.Heap.Max (gauge) | The maximum amount of heap memory that can be used for memory management in the taskmanager Shown as byte |
flink.taskmanager.Status.JVM.Memory.Heap.Used (gauge) | The amount of heap memory currently used in the taskmanager Shown as byte |
flink.taskmanager.Status.JVM.Memory.Mapped.Count (gauge) | The number of buffers in the mapped buffer pool in the taskmanager |
flink.taskmanager.Status.JVM.Memory.Mapped.MemoryUsed (gauge) | The amount of memory used by the JVM for the mapped buffer pool in the taskmanager Shown as byte |
flink.taskmanager.Status.JVM.Memory.Mapped.TotalCapacity (count) | The total capacity of all buffers in the mapped buffer pool in the taskmanager Shown as byte |
flink.taskmanager.Status.JVM.Memory.NonHeap.Committed (gauge) | The amount of non-heap memory guaranteed to be available to the JVM in the taskmanager Shown as byte |
flink.taskmanager.Status.JVM.Memory.NonHeap.Max (gauge) | The maximum amount of non-heap memory that can be used for memory management in the taskmanager Shown as byte |
flink.taskmanager.Status.JVM.Memory.NonHeap.Used (gauge) | The amount of non-heap memory currently used in the taskmanager Shown as byte |
flink.taskmanager.Status.JVM.Threads.Count (count) | The total number of live threads in the taskmanager Shown as thread |
flink.taskmanager.Status.Shuffle.Netty.AvailableMemorySegments (gauge) | The number of unused memory segments in the taskmanager |
flink.taskmanager.Status.Shuffle.Netty.TotalMemorySegments (gauge) | The number of allocated memory segments in the taskmanager |