accountname | The name of the account associated with the line item. |
accountownerid | The ID of the owner associated with the line item. |
billingaccountid | The ID of the billing account associated with the line item. |
billingaccountname | The name of the billing account associated with the line item. |
billingcurrency | The currency associated with the billing account. |
billingperiod | The billing period of the charge. |
billingperiodenddate | The end date of the billing period. |
billingperiodstartdate | The start date of the billing period. |
billingprofileid | The unique identifier of the Enterprise Agreement enrollment. |
billingprofilename | The name of the Enterprise Agreement enrollment. |
chargetype | The type of charge covering the line item: Usage , Purchase , or Refund . |
consumedservice | The name of the service the line item is associated with. |
costcenter | The cost center defined for the subscription for tracking costs. |
costinbillingcurrency | The cost in the billing currency before credits or taxes. |
costinpricingcurrency | The cost in the pricing currency before credits or taxes. |
currency | The currency associated with the billing account. |
date | The usage or purchase date of the charge. |
effectiveprice | The blended unit price for the period. Blended prices average out any fluctuations in the unit price, like graduated tiering, which lowers the price as quantity increases. |
exchangeratedate | The date the exchange rate was established. |
exchangeratepricingtobilling | The exchange rate used to convert the cost in the pricing currency to the billing currency. |
frequency | Indicates whether a charge is expected to repeat. Charges can either happen once (OneTime ), repeat on a monthly or yearly basis (Recurring ), or be based on usage (Usage ) |
InvoiceId | The unique document ID listed on the invoice PDF. |
invoicesectionid | The ID of the MCA invoice section. |
invoicesectionname | The name of the EA department. |
isazurecrediteligible | true if the charge is eligible to be paid for using Azure credits. |
location | The data center location where the resource is running. |
metercategory | The top level service that this usage belongs to (such as Networking ). |
meterid | The unique ID for the meter. |
metername | The usage details of the line item (such as L8s v2 or General Purpose Data Stored ). |
meterregion | The data center location for the services priced based on location (such as West US 2 ). Use resourcelocation to see location data without N/A . |
metersubcategory | The name of the meter subclassification category (such as General Purpose - Storage ). Use metername or metercategory to see top-level classification without N/A . |
offerid | The name of the offer purchased. |
partnumber | The ID used to get specific meter pricing. |
planname | The marketplace plan name if purchased through marketplace. |
PreviousInvoiceId | Reference to an original invoice if this line item is a refund. |
PricingCurrency | The currency used when rating based on negotiated prices. |
pricingmodel | The type of usage (such as Reservation ). |
ProductId | The identifier for a specific Azure product. |
productname | The name of the Azure product at a granular level, such as VM or disk type and region. |
productorderid | The ID for the product order. Use productname to see top level product information without N/A . |
productordername | The name of the product order. Use productname to see top level product information without N/A . |
publishername | The publisher for marketplace services. |
publishertype | The type of publisher: Microsoft for Microsoft Customer Agreement accounts and Azure for Enterprise Agreement accounts. |
reservationid | The ID for the purchased reservation instance. If you see N/A values, these are OnDemand resources, which can be checked using the pricingmodel tag. |
reservationname | The name of the purchased reservation instance. If you see N/A values, these are OnDemand resources, which can be checked using the pricingmodel tag. |
resourcegroup | The name of the resource group the resource is in. Not all charges come from resources deployed to resource groups. |
resourceid | The ID of the Azure resource. |
resourcelocation | The data center location where the resource is running (such as westus2 ). |
resourcename | The name of the resource. Not all charges come from deployed resources. |
ResourceType | |
servicefamily | The service family that the service belongs to (such as Compute ). The tag consumedservice has deeper insights on infrastructure types. |
ServicePeriodEndDate | The termination date of the Azure service period. |
ServicePeriodStartDate | The start date the Azure service period. |
subscriptionid | The ID of the Azure subscription. |
subscriptionname | The name of the Azure subscription. |
term | Describes the duration or term of the Savings Plan in months (such as 12 ). |
unitofmeasure | The unit of measure for billing for the service. For example, compute services are billed per hour. |