Run a Datadog Software Composition Analysis job in your GitHub Action workflows.

Library Inventory Generation

The GitHub Action generates an inventory of libraries automatically based on the libraries that are declared in your repository.

The GitHub Action works for the following languages and following files:

  • JavaScript/TypeScript: package-lock.json and yarn.lock
  • Python: requirements.txt (with version defined) and poetry.lock
  • Java: pom.xml
  • C#
  • Ruby
  • … and more languages (listed in the documentation)


Set up keys

Add DD_APP_KEY and DD_API_KEY as secrets in your GitHub Actions Settings.


Add the following code snippet in .github/workflows/datadog-sca.yml.

on: [push]

name: Datadog Software Composition Analysis

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Datadog SBOM Generation and Upload
    - name: Checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v3
    - name: Check imported libraries are secure and compliant
      id: datadog-software-composition-analysis
      uses: DataDog/datadog-sca-github-action@main
        dd_api_key: ${{ secrets.DD_API_KEY }}
        dd_app_key: ${{ secrets.DD_APP_KEY }}
        dd_service: my-app
        dd_env: ci

Further Reading

Additional helpful documentation, links, and articles:

PREVIEWING: remi.gebski/fix-logs-error-tracking-error-type-location