Log Management Data Security

This page is about the security of data sent to Datadog. If you're looking for cloud and application security products and features, see the Security section.

The Log Management product supports multiple environments and formats, allowing you to submit to Datadog nearly any data you choose. This article describes the main security guarantees and filtering controls available to you when submitting logs to Datadog.

Note: Logs can be viewed in various Datadog products. All logs viewed in the Datadog UI, including logs viewed in APM trace pages, are part of the Log Management product.

Information security

The Datadog Agent submits logs to Datadog either through HTTPS or through TLS-encrypted TCP connection on port 10516, requiring outbound communication (see Agent Transport for logs).

Datadog uses symmetric encryption at rest (AES-256) for indexed logs. Indexed logs are deleted from the Datadog platform once their retention period, as defined by you, expires.

Logs filtering

In version 6 or above, the Agent can be configured to filter logs sent by the Agent to the Datadog application. To prevent the submission of specific logs, use the log_processing_rules setting, with the exclude_at_match or include_at_match type. This setting enables the creation of a list containing one or more regular expressions, which instructs the Agent to filter out logs based on the inclusion or exclusion rules supplied.

Logs obfuscation

As of version 6, the Agent can be configured to obfuscate specific patterns within logs sent by the Agent to the Datadog application. To mask sensitive sequences within your logs, use the log_processing_rules setting, with the mask_sequences type. This setting enables the creation of a list containing one or more regular expressions, which instructs the Agent to redact sensitive data within your logs.

HIPAA-enabled customers

Datadog will sign a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) with customers that transmit protected health information (ePHI) through Datadog’s HIPAA-eligible services.

These restrictions are imposed on customers who have signed Datadog’s BAA:

  • Users cannot request support through Zendesk Live Chat.
  • Users cannot share logs or security signals from the Datadog explorer.

If you have any questions about how the Log Management Service satisfies the applicable requirements under HIPAA, contact your account manager. HIPAA-enabled customers do not need to use specific endpoints to submit logs to enforce specific encryptions. The encryptions are enabled on all log submission endpoints.

PCI DSS compliance for Log Management

PCI DSS compliance for Log Management is only available for Datadog organizations in the US1 site.

Datadog allows customers to send logs to PCI DSS compliant Datadog organizations upon request. To set up a PCI-compliant Datadog org, follow these steps:

  1. Contact Datadog support or your Customer Success Manager to request that the org be configured as a PCI-compliant org and discuss the necessary paperwork to complete the PCI requirements.
  2. If not already enabled, Audit Trail is automatically enabled when the org is configured as PCI-compliant. Audit Trail must be enabled and remain enabled for PCI DSS compliance.
  3. After Datadog support or Customer Success confirms that the org is PCI DSS compliant, configure the respective configuration file to send logs to the dedicated PCI-compliant endpoint:
  • agent-http-intake-pci.logs.datadoghq.com:443 for Agent traffic
  • http-intake-pci.logs.datadoghq.com:443 for non-Agent traffic
  • pci.browser-intake-datadoghq.com:443 for browser logs

For example, add the following lines to the Agent configuration file:

  logs_dd_url: <agent-http-intake-pci.logs.datadoghq.com:443>

Note: The port must be included in the configuration. PCI compliance uses HTTPS log forwarding only. If you are using the Agent, you should enforce HTTPS transport.

If you have any questions about how the Log Management service satisfies the applicable requirements under PCI DSS, contact your account manager.

See PCI DSS Compliance for more information. To enable PCI compliance for APM, see PCI DSS compliance for APM.

PCI DSS compliance for Log Management is not available for the site.

Endpoint encryption

All log submission endpoints are encrypted. These legacy endpoints are still supported:

  • tcp-encrypted-intake.logs.datadoghq.com
  • lambda-tcp-encrypted-intake.logs.datadoghq.com
  • gcp-encrypted-intake.logs.datadoghq.com
  • http-encrypted-intake.logs.datadoghq.com

Further Reading

PREVIEWING: remi.gebski/fix-logs-error-tracking-error-type-location