Environment Variable | Description |
APPVEYOR | Indicates if the build is running in the AppVeyor environment. Set to True (or true on Ubuntu image). |
APPVEYOR_BUILD_ID | A unique identifier for the AppVeyor build. |
APPVEYOR_BUILD_NUMBER | The build number assigned by AppVeyor, which increments with each new build. |
APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER | The path to the directory where the repository is cloned. |
APPVEYOR_REPO_PROVIDER | Specifies the source control provider for the repository, such as github , bitbucket , or kiln . |
APPVEYOR_REPO_NAME | The name of the repository in the format owner-name/repo-name . |
APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH | The branch of the repository being built. For pull requests, it is the base branch the PR is merging into. |
APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT | The commit ID (SHA) of the current build. |
APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG_NAME | The tag name for builds started by a tag. This variable is undefined if the build is not triggered by a tag. |
APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_HEAD_REPO_BRANCH | The branch of the repository from which the pull request originated. |
APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT_MESSAGE | The commit message associated with the current build. |
APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT_MESSAGE_EXTENDED | The extended commit message, including any text after the first line break. |
APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT_AUTHOR | The name of the author of the commit. |
APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL | The email address of the commit author. |
For a comprehensive list of environment variables set by AppVeyor for every build, see the official AppVeyor documentation.
Environment Variable | Description |
TF_BUILD | Indicates that the build is running in Azure Pipelines. |
BUILD_DEFINITIONNAME | The name of the build pipeline. |
BUILD_BUILDID | The ID of the record for the completed build. |
BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY | The local path on the agent where your source code files are downloaded. |
BUILD_REPOSITORY_URI | The URL for the triggering repository. |
BUILD_SOURCEBRANCH | The branch of the triggering repo the build was queued for. |
BUILD_SOURCEVERSION | The latest version control change of the triggering repo that is included in this build. |
BUILD_SOURCEVERSIONMESSAGE | The comment of the commit or changeset for the triggering repo. |
BUILD_REQUESTEDFORID | The ID of the user who triggered the build. |
BUILD_REQUESTEDFOREMAIL | The email of the user who triggered the build. |
SYSTEM_TEAMFOUNDATIONSERVERURI | The URI for the Team Foundation Server or Azure DevOps Services account. |
SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECTID | The ID of the team project for the build. |
SYSTEM_JOBID | The ID of the job being executed. |
SYSTEM_TASKINSTANCEID | The ID of the task instance within the job. |
SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_SOURCEREPOSITORYURI | The URL of the source repository for the pull request. |
SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_SOURCEBRANCH | The source branch of the pull request. |
SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_SOURCECOMMITID | The commit ID of the source branch in the pull request. |
SYSTEM_STAGEDISPLAYNAME | The display name of the stage in the pipeline. |
SYSTEM_JOBDISPLAYNAME | The display name of the job in the pipeline. |
For a comprehensive list of environment variables set by Azure DevOps Pipelines for every build, see the official Azure documentation.
Environment Variable | Description |
BITBUCKET_PIPELINE_UUID | The UUID of the pipeline. |
BITBUCKET_BUILD_NUMBER | The unique identifier for a build. It increments with each build and can be used to create unique artifact names. |
BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR | The absolute path of the directory that the repository is cloned into within the Docker container. |
BITBUCKET_REPO_FULL_NAME | The full name of the repository (everything that comes after http://bitbucket.org/). |
BITBUCKET_GIT_SSH_ORIGIN | Your SSH origin, for example: git@bitbucket.org:/<workspace>/<repo>.git . |
BITBUCKET_COMMIT | The commit hash of a commit that kicked off the build. |
BITBUCKET_BRANCH | The source branch. This value is only available on branches. Not available for builds against tags, or custom pipelines. |
BITBUCKET_TAG | The tag of a commit that kicked off the build. This value is only available on tags. Not available for builds against branches. |
For a comprehensive list of environment variables set by Bitbucket for every build, see the official Bitbucket documentation.
Environment Variable | Description |
BITRISE_BUILD_SLUG | The slug that uniquely identifies a build on bitrise.io. It’s part of the build URL. |
BITRISE_TRIGGERED_WORKFLOW_ID | The ID of the Workflow that was triggered, exposed regardless of whether the Workflow was triggered manually or automatically. |
BITRISE_BUILD_NUMBER | Build number of the build on bitrise.io. |
BITRISE_BUILD_URL | The URL of the build on bitrise.io. |
BITRISE_SOURCE_DIR | Path to the base working directory. By default, it’s the directory where Bitrise runs, unless you provide a different value. |
GIT_REPOSITORY_URL | The URL of the Git repository that hosts your app. |
BITRISE_GIT_COMMIT | The commit hash of the Git commit that triggered the build, when applicable. |
GIT_CLONE_COMMIT_HASH | The hash of the commit that the build uses (the cloned commit). |
BITRISEIO_GIT_BRANCH_DEST | The destination or target branch of the pull request that triggered the build, used only with builds triggered by pull requests. |
BITRISE_GIT_BRANCH | The Git branch that is built by Bitrise, for example, main . |
BITRISE_GIT_TAG | If a build is triggered by a Git tag, this environment variable stores the tag used. |
BITRISE_GIT_MESSAGE | The commit message, pull request title, or the message you specified if you triggered the build manually. |
BITRISE_APP_TITLE | The title of your app on bitrise.io. |
GIT_CLONE_COMMIT_MESSAGE_SUBJECT | The subject of the commit message of the cloned commit. |
GIT_CLONE_COMMIT_MESSAGE_BODY | The body (content) of the commit message of the cloned commit. |
GIT_CLONE_COMMIT_AUTHOR_NAME | The name of the author of the cloned commit. |
GIT_CLONE_COMMIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL | The email of the author of the cloned commit. |
GIT_CLONE_COMMIT_COMMITER_NAME | The name of the committer of the cloned commit. |
GIT_CLONE_COMMIT_COMMITER_EMAIL | The email of the committer of the cloned commit. |
For a comprehensive list of environment variables set by Bitrise for every build, see the official Bitrise documentation.
Environment Variable | Description |
BUILDKITE | Always true. |
BUILDKITE_PIPELINE_SLUG | The pipeline slug on Buildkite as used in URLs. |
BUILDKITE_JOB_ID | The internal UUID Buildkite uses for this job. |
BUILDKITE_BUILD_ID | The UUID of the build. |
BUILDKITE_BUILD_NUMBER | The build number. This number increases with every build and is unique within each pipeline. |
BUILDKITE_BUILD_URL | The URL for this build on Buildkite. |
BUILDKITE_BUILD_CHECKOUT_PATH | The path where the agent has checked out your code for this build. |
BUILDKITE_REPO | The repository of your pipeline. |
BUILDKITE_COMMIT | The Git commit object of the build. |
BUILDKITE_BRANCH | The branch being built. |
BUILDKITE_TAG | The name of the tag being built, if this build was triggered from a tag. |
BUILDKITE_MESSAGE | The message associated with the build, usually the commit message. |
BUILDKITE_BUILD_AUTHOR | The name of the user who authored the commit being built. |
BUILDKITE_BUILD_AUTHOR_EMAIL | The notification email of the user who authored the commit being built. |
BUILDKITE_BUILD_CREATOR | The name of the user who created the build. |
BUILDKITE_BUILD_CREATOR_EMAIL | The notification email of the user who created the build. |
BUILDKITE_AGENT_ID | The UUID of the agent. |
BUILDKITE_AGENT_META_DATA_* | The value of each agent tag. The tag name is appended to the end of the variable name. |
For a comprehensive list of environment variables set by Buildkite for every build, see the official Buildkite documentation.
Environment Variable | Description |
CIRCLECI | Indicates if the build is running in CircleCI. Always set to true . |
CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME | The name of the repository being built. |
CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM | The number of the current job. Job numbers are unique for each job. |
CIRCLE_BUILD_URL | The URL for the current job on CircleCI. |
CIRCLE_WORKFLOW_ID | A unique identifier for the workflow instance of the current job. |
CIRCLE_WORKING_DIRECTORY | The path to the working directory where the code is checked out. |
CIRCLE_REPOSITORY_URL | The URL of the repository being built. |
CIRCLE_SHA1 | The SHA1 hash of the last commit of the current build. |
CIRCLE_BRANCH | The branch of the repository being built. |
CIRCLE_TAG | The tag name if the current build is triggered by a tag; otherwise, it is empty. |
CIRCLE_JOB | The name of the current job. |
For a comprehensive list of environment variables set by CircleCI for every build, see the official CircleCI documentation.
Environment Variable | Description |
CF_BUILD_ID | The unique ID of the build. |
CF_PIPELINE_NAME | The full path of the pipeline, including the project to which it is assigned, if any. |
CF_BUILD_URL | The URL to the build in Codefresh. |
CF_STEP_NAME | The name of the step, for example, “MyUnitTests”. |
CF_BRANCH | The branch name or tag of the Git repository associated with the main pipeline at the time of execution. |
CF_REVISION | The revision of the Git repository of the main pipeline, at the time of execution. |
For a comprehensive list of environment variables set by Codefresh for every build, see the official Codefresh documentation.
Environment Variable | Description |
GITHUB_ACTION | The name of the action currently running, or the ID of a step. For example: repo-owner_name-of-action-repo . |
GITHUB_SERVER_URL | The URL of the GitHub server. For example: https://github.com . |
GITHUB_RUN_ID | A unique number for each workflow run within a repository. For example: 1658821493 . |
GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER | A unique number for each run of a particular workflow in a repository. For example: 3 . |
GITHUB_RUN_ATTEMPT | A unique number for each attempt of a particular workflow run. For example: 3 . |
GITHUB_WORKFLOW | The name of the workflow. For example: My test workflow . |
GITHUB_WORKSPACE | The default working directory on the runner for steps. For example: /home/runner/work/my-repo-name/my-repo-name . |
GITHUB_REPOSITORY | The owner and repository name. For example: octocat/Hello-World . |
GITHUB_SHA | The commit SHA that triggered the workflow. For example: ffac537e6cbbf934b08745a378932722df287a53 . |
GITHUB_HEAD_REF | The head ref or source branch of the pull request (only set for pull_request or pull_request_target events). For example: feature-branch-1 . |
GITHUB_REF | The fully-formed ref of the branch or tag that triggered the workflow. For example: refs/heads/feature-branch-1 . |
GITHUB_JOB | The job ID of the current job. For example: greeting_job . |
For a comprehensive list of environment variables set by GitHub Actions for every build, see the official GitHub documentation.
Environment Variable | Description |
GITLAB_CI | Available for all jobs executed in CI/CD. true when available. |
CI_PIPELINE_ID | The instance-level ID of the current pipeline. This ID is unique across all projects on the GitLab instance. |
CI_PIPELINE_URL | The URL for the pipeline details. |
CI_PIPELINE_IID | The project-level IID (internal ID) of the current pipeline. Unique only within the current project. |
CI_PROJECT_PATH | The project namespace with the project name included. |
CI_PROJECT_DIR | The full path the repository is cloned to, and where the job runs from. |
CI_JOB_STAGE | The name of the job’s stage. |
CI_JOB_NAME | The name of the job. |
CI_JOB_URL | The job details URL. |
CI_JOB_ID | The internal ID of the job, unique across all jobs in the GitLab instance. |
CI_RUNNER_ID | The unique ID of the runner being used. |
CI_RUNNER_TAGS | A comma-separated list of the runner tags. |
CI_REPOSITORY_URL | The full path to Git clone (HTTP) the repository with a CI/CD job token. |
CI_COMMIT_SHA | The commit revision the project is built for. |
CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME | The branch or tag name for which project is built. |
CI_COMMIT_BRANCH | The commit branch name. Available in branch pipelines. |
CI_COMMIT_TAG | The commit tag name. Available only in pipelines for tags. |
CI_COMMIT_AUTHOR | The author of the commit in Name format. |
CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE | The full commit message. |
CI_COMMIT_TIMESTAMP | The timestamp of the commit in the ISO 8601 format. For example, 2022-01-31T16:47:55Z. UTC by default. |
For a comprehensive list of environment variables set by GitLab CI for every build, see the official GitLab documentation.
Environment Variable | Description |
JENKINS_URL | The URL of the Jenkins master that’s running the build. |
BUILD_TAG | A string of the form jenkins-${JOB_NAME}-${BUILD_NUMBER} for easier identification. |
BUILD_NUMBER | The current build number, such as “153”. |
BUILD_URL | The URL where the results of this build can be found (such as http://buildserver/jenkins/job/MyJobName/666/). |
WORKSPACE | The absolute path of the workspace. |
JOB_NAME | The name of the project for this build. |
JOB_URL | The URL for the job details. |
GIT_URL | The Git URL used for the repository (such as git@github.com:user/repo.git or https://github.com/user/repo.git). |
GIT_URL_1 | The URL of the first Git repository if multiple repositories are configured. |
GIT_COMMIT | The Git hash of the commit checked out for the build. |
GIT_BRANCH | The Git branch that was checked out for the build. |
NODE_NAME | The name of the node the build is running on. Equals ‘master’ for the master node. |
NODE_LABELS | A comma-separated list of labels assigned to the node. |
DD_CUSTOM_TRACE_ID | Custom variable set by the Jenkins Datadog Plugin for trace IDs. |
DD_CUSTOM_PARENT_ID | Custom variable set by the Jenkins Datadog Plugin for parent IDs. |
For a comprehensive list of environment variables set by Jenkins for every build, see the official Jenkins documentation.
Environment Variable | Description |
TEAMCITY_VERSION | The version of the TeamCity server. |
TEAMCITY_BUILDCONF_NAME | The name of the build configuration the current build belongs to. |
BUILD_URL | The link to the current build. |
DATADOG_BUILD_ID | Custom variable set by the Datadog TeamCity Integration. |
For a comprehensive list of environment variables set by TeamCity for every build, see the official TeamCity documentation.
Environment Variable | Description |
TRAVIS | Always set to true to indicate that the build is running on Travis CI. |
TRAVIS_BUILD_ID | The ID of the current build used internally by Travis CI. |
TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER | The number of the current build. For example: 4 . |
TRAVIS_BUILD_WEB_URL | URL to the build log. |
TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR | The absolute path to the directory where the repository being built has been copied on the worker. |
TRAVIS_JOB_WEB_URL | URL to the job log. |
TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG | The slug (in form: owner_name/repo_name ) of the repository currently being built. |
TRAVIS_COMMIT | The commit that the current build is testing. |
TRAVIS_BRANCH | For push builds, the name of the branch. For PR builds, the name of the branch targeted by the PR. |
TRAVIS_TAG | If the current build is for a Git tag, this variable is set to the tag’s name, otherwise it is empty. |
TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_SLUG | If the current job is a pull request, the slug of the repository from which the PR originated. |
TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH | If the current job is a pull request, the name of the branch from which the PR originated. |
TRAVIS_COMMIT_MESSAGE | The commit subject and body, unwrapped. |
For a comprehensive list of environment variables set by Travis CI for every build, see the official Travis CI documentation.
Environment Variable | Description |
BUDDY | Represents whether the current environment is a Buddy environment. For example: true . |
BUDDY_SCM_URL | The URL of the repository synchronized with the project. For example: https://github.com/githubaccount/repository . |
BUDDY_EXECUTION_REVISION | The SHA1 hash of the commit of the current pipeline run. For example: 46c360492d6372e5335300776806af412755871 . |
BUDDY_EXECUTION_BRANCH | The name of the Git branch of the current pipeline run. For example: main . |
BUDDY_EXECUTION_TAG | The name of the Git tag of the current pipeline run (if tagged). For example: v1.0.1 . |
BUDDY_PIPELINE_ID | The ID of the run pipeline. For example: 1 . |
BUDDY_EXECUTION_ID | The ID of the current pipeline run. For example: 1 . |
BUDDY_PIPELINE_NAME | The name of the run pipeline. For example: Deploy to Production . |
BUDDY_EXECUTION_URL | The URL of the current pipeline run. For example: https://app.buddy.works/my-workspace/my-project/pipelines/pipeline/1 . |
BUDDY_EXECUTION_REVISION_MESSAGE | The commit message of the currently run revision. For example: we need to write unit tests! . |
BUDDY_EXECUTION_REVISION_COMMITTER_NAME | The name of the committer of the currently run revision. For example: Mike Benson . |
BUDDY_EXECUTION_REVISION_COMMITTER_EMAIL | The email address of the committer of the currently run revision. For example: mike.benson@buddy.works . |
For a comprehensive list of environment variables set by Buddy CI for every build, see the official Buddy CI documentation.