envoy.cluster.assignment_stale.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Number of times the received assignments went stale before new assignments arrived. |
envoy.cluster.assignment_timeout_received.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total assignments received with endpoint lease information. Shown as occurrence |
envoy.cluster.bind_errors.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total errors binding the socket to the configured source address Shown as error |
envoy.cluster.default_total_match.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.cluster.ext_authz.denied.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total responses from the external authorization service denying the traffic Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.ext_authz.disabled.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total requests allowed without calling the external authorization services due to the filter being disabled Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.ext_authz.error.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total errors contacting the external authorization service Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.ext_authz.failure_mode_allowed.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total requests that errored when contacting the external authorization service but were allowed through because of failuremodeallow being set to false Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.ext_authz.ok.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total responses from the external authorization service Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.external.upstream_rq.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Total external origin requests Shown as request |
envoy.cluster.external.upstream_rq_completed.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Total external origin requests completed Shown as request |
envoy.cluster.external.upstream_rq_xx.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] External origin aggregate HTTP response codes (e.g., 2xx, 3xx, etc.) Shown as request |
envoy.cluster.external.upstream_rq_time.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total time for external request and response (milliseconds) Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.external.upstream_rq_time.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of external request and response times sampled. |
envoy.cluster.external.upstream_rq_time.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total sum of external request and response times. Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.http1.dropped_headers_with_underscores.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of dropped headers with names containing underscores. This action is configured by setting the headerswithunderscores_action config setting. |
envoy.cluster.http1.metadata_not_supported_error.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of metadata dropped during HTTP/1 encoding |
envoy.cluster.http1.requests_rejected_with_underscores_in_headers.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total numbers of rejected requests due to header names containing underscores. This action is configured by setting the headerswithunderscores_action config setting. Shown as request |
envoy.cluster.http1.response_flood.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of connections closed due to response flooding Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.http2.dropped_headers_with_underscores.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of dropped headers with names containing underscores. This action is configured by setting the headerswithunderscores_action config setting. |
envoy.cluster.http2.header_overflow.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of connections reset due to the headers being larger than 63 K Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.http2.headers_cb_no_stream.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total request resets received Shown as request |
envoy.cluster.http2.inbound_empty_frames_flood.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of connections terminated for exceeding the limit on consecutive inbound frames with an empty payload and no end stream flag Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.http2.inbound_priority_frames_flood.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of connections terminated for exceeding the limit on inbound frames of type PRIORITY Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.http2.inbound_window_update_frames_flood.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.cluster.http2.keepalive_timeout.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.cluster.http2.metadata_empty_frames.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.cluster.http2.outbound_control_flood.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of connections terminated for exceeding the limit on outbound frames of types PING/SETTINGS/RST_STREAM Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.http2.outbound_flood.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of connections terminated for exceeding the limit on outbound frames of all types Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.http2.pending_send_bytes (gauge) | [OpenMetrics V2]Currently buffered body data in bytes waiting to be written when stream/connection window is opened. Shown as byte |
envoy.cluster.http2.requests_rejected_with_underscores_in_headers.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total numbers of rejected requests due to header names containing underscores. This action is configured by setting the headerswithunderscores_action config setting. Shown as request |
envoy.cluster.http2.rx_messaging_error.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of invalid received frames that violated section 8 of the HTTP/2 spec Shown as error |
envoy.cluster.http2.rx_reset.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of reset stream frames received by Envoy Shown as message |
envoy.cluster.http2.streams_active (gauge) | [OpenMetrics V2] Active streams as observed by the codec |
envoy.cluster.http2.trailers.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of trailers seen on requests coming from downstream |
envoy.cluster.http2.tx_flush_timeout.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of stream idle timeouts waiting for open stream window to flush the remainder of a stream |
envoy.cluster.http2.tx_reset.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of reset stream frames transmitted by Envoy |
envoy.cluster.internal.upstream_rq.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Request time milliseconds Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.internal.upstream_rq_completed.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total upstream requests completed |
envoy.cluster.internal.upstream_rq_xx.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Aggregate HTTP response codes (e.g., 2xx, 3xx, etc.) |
envoy.cluster.lb_healthy_panic.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total requests load balanced with the load balancer in panic mode |
envoy.cluster.lb_local_cluster_not_ok.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Local host set is not set or it is panic mode for local cluster |
envoy.cluster.lb_recalculate_zone_structures.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] The number of times locality aware routing structures are regenerated for fast decisions on upstream locality selection |
envoy.cluster.lb_subsets_created.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Number of subsets created |
envoy.cluster.lb_subsets_fallback.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Number of times the fallback policy was invoke |
envoy.cluster.lb_subsets_fallback_panic.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Number of times the subset panic mode triggered |
envoy.cluster.lb_subsets_removed.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Number of subsets removed due to no hosts |
envoy.cluster.lb_subsets_selected.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Number of times any subset was selected for load balancing |
envoy.cluster.lb_zone_cluster_too_small.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] No zone aware routing because of small upstream cluster size |
envoy.cluster.lb_zone_no_capacity_left.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of times ended with random zone selection due to rounding error |
envoy.cluster.lb_zone_number_differs.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Number of zones in local and upstream cluster different |
envoy.cluster.lb_zone_routing_all_directly.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Sending all requests directly to the same zone |
envoy.cluster.lb_zone_routing_cross_zone.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Zone aware routing mode but have to send cross zone |
envoy.cluster.lb_zone_routing_sampled.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Sending some requests to the same zone |
envoy.cluster.membership_change.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total cluster membership changes |
envoy.cluster.original_dst_host_invalid.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of invalid hosts passed to original destination load balancer |
envoy.cluster.outlier_detection.ejections_detected_consecutive_5xx.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Number of detected consecutive 5xx ejections (even if unenforced) |
envoy.cluster.outlier_detection.ejections_detected_consecutive_gateway_failure.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Number of detected consecutive gateway failure ejections (even if unenforced) |
envoy.cluster.outlier_detection.ejections_detected_consecutive_local_origin_failure.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Number of detected consecutive local origin failure ejections (even if unenforced) |
envoy.cluster.outlier_detection.ejections_detected_failure_percentage.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Number of detected failure percentage ejections (even if unenforced) |
envoy.cluster.outlier_detection.ejections_detected_local_origin_success_rate.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Number of detected local origin success rate ejections (even if unenforced) |
envoy.cluster.outlier_detection.ejections_detected_success_rate.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Number of detected success rate outlier ejections (even if unenforced) |
envoy.cluster.outlier_detection.ejections_enforced_consecutive_5xx.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Number of enforced consecutive 5xx ejections |
envoy.cluster.outlier_detection.ejections_enforced_consecutive_gateway_failure.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Number of enforced consecutive gateway failure ejections |
envoy.cluster.outlier_detection.ejections_enforced_consecutive_local_origin_failure.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Number of enforced consecutive local origin failure ejections |
envoy.cluster.outlier_detection.ejections_enforced_failure_percentage.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Number of enforced failure percentage ejections |
envoy.cluster.outlier_detection.ejections_enforced_local_origin_success_rate.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Number of enforced local origin success rate ejections |
envoy.cluster.outlier_detection.ejections_enforced_success_rate.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Number of enforced success rate outlier ejections |
envoy.cluster.outlier_detection.ejections_overflow.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Number of ejections aborted due to the max ejection % |
envoy.cluster.ratelimit.error.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total errors contacting the rate limit service Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.ratelimit.failure_mode_allowed.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total requests that errored when contacting the rate limit service but were allowed through because of failuremodedeny being set to false Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.ratelimit.ok.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total under limit responses from the rate limit service Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.ratelimit.over_limit.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total over limit responses from the rate limit service Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.retry_or_shadow_abandoned.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of times shadowing or retry buffering was canceled due to buffer limits |
envoy.cluster.update_attempt.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total attempted cluster membership updates by service discovery |
envoy.cluster.update_empty.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total cluster membership updates ending with empty cluster load assignment and continuing with previous config |
envoy.cluster.update_failure.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total failed cluster membership updates by service discovery |
envoy.cluster.update_no_rebuild.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total successful cluster membership updates that didn't result in any cluster load balancing structure rebuild |
envoy.cluster.update_success.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total successful cluster membership updates by service discover |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of connections Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_close_notify.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total connections closed via HTTP/1.1 connection close header or HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 GOAWAY |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_connect_attempts_exceeded.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total consecutive connection failures exceeding configured connection attempts |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_connect_fail.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total connection failures |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_connect_ms.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Connection establishment milliseconds Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_connect_ms.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total count of connection establishments |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_connect_ms.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total sum of connection establishments Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_connect_timeout.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total connection connect timeouts |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_destroy.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total destroyed connections |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_destroy_local.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total connections destroyed locally |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_destroy_local_with_active_rq.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total connections destroyed locally with 1+ active request |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_destroy_remote_with_active_rq.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total connections destroyed remotely with 1+ active request |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_destroy_remote.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total connections destroyed remotely |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_destroy_with_active_rq.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total connections destroyed with 1+ active request |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_http1.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of HTTP/1.1 connections Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_http2.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of HTTP/2 connections Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_http3.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of HTTP/3 connections Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_idle_timeout.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total connection idle timeouts |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_length_ms.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Connection length milliseconds Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_length_ms.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of connection length samples |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_length_ms.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total sum of connection length Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_max_requests.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total connections closed due to maximum requests |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_none_healthy.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total times connection not established due to no healthy hosts |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_overflow.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total times that the cluster's connection circuit breaker overflowed |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_pool_overflow.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total times that the cluster's connection pool circuit breaker overflowed |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_protocol_error.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total connection protocol errors |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_rx_bytes.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of received connection bytes Shown as byte |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_tx_bytes.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of sent connection bytes Shown as byte |
envoy.cluster.upstream_flow_control_backed_up.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of times the upstream connection backed up and paused reads from downstream Shown as occurrence |
envoy.cluster.upstream_flow_control_drained.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of times the upstream connection drained and resumed reads from downstream Shown as occurrence |
envoy.cluster.upstream_flow_control_paused_reading.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of times flow control paused reading from upstream Shown as occurrence |
envoy.cluster.upstream_internal_redirect_failed.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of times failed internal redirects resulted in redirects being passed downstream |
envoy.cluster.upstream_internal_redirect_succeeded.count (count) | [Openmetrics V2] Count of times internal redirects resulted in a second upstream request |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Specific HTTP response codes (e.g., 201, 302, etc.) |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_cancelled.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total requests cancelled before obtaining a connection pool connection |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_completed.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total upstream requests completed |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_maintenance_mode.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total requests that resulted in an immediate 503 due to maintenance mode |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_max_duration_reached.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total requests closed due to max duration reached |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_pending.count (count) | [Openmetrics V2] Count of requests pending a connection pool connection Shown as request |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_pending_failure_eject.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total requests that were failed due to a connection pool connection failure or remote connection termination |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_pending_overflow.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total requests that overflowed connection pool or requests (mainly for HTTP/2 and above) circuit breaking and were failed |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_per_try_timeout.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total requests that hit the per try timeout (except when request hedging is enabled) |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_retry.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total request retries |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_retry_backoff_exponential.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total retries using the exponential backoff strategy |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_retry_backoff_ratelimited.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total retries using the ratelimited backoff strategy |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_retry_limit_exceeded.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total requests not retried due to exceeding the configured number of maximum retries |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_retry_overflow.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total requests not retried due to circuit breaking or exceeding the retry budget |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_retry_success.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total request retry successes |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_rx_reset.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total requests that were reset remotely |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_time.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Count of requests in the histogram bucket Shown as request |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_time.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Total count of requests Shown as request |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_time.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Sum of all the requests durations in milliseconds Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_timeout.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total requests that timed out waiting for a response |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_tx_reset.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total requests that were reset locally |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_xx.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Aggregate HTTP response codes (e.g., 2xx, 3xx, etc.) |
envoy.cluster_manager.cds.control_plane.rate_limit_enforced.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of times rate limit was enforced for management server requests Shown as occurrence |
envoy.cluster_manager.cds.init_fetch_timeout.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total initial fetch timeouts |
envoy.cluster_manager.cds.update_attempt.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total attempted cluster membership updates by service discovery |
envoy.cluster_manager.cds.update_duration.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Amount of time spent updating configs |
envoy.cluster_manager.cds.update_duration.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of time spent updating configs samples. |
envoy.cluster_manager.cds.update_duration.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total sum of time spent updating configs |
envoy.cluster_manager.cds.update_failure.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total failed cluster membership updates by service discovery |
envoy.cluster_manager.cds.update_rejected.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total API fetches that failed because of schema/validation errors |
envoy.cluster_manager.cds.update_success.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total successful cluster membership updates by service discovery |
envoy.cluster_manager.cluster_added.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total clusters added (either via static config or CDS) |
envoy.cluster_manager.cluster_modified.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total clusters modified (via CDS) |
envoy.cluster_manager.cluster_removed.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total clusters removed (via CDS) |
envoy.cluster_manager.cluster_updated.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total cluster updates |
envoy.cluster_manager.custer_updated_via_merge.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.cluster_manager.update_merge_cancelled.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total merged updates that got cancelled and delivered early |
envoy.cluster_manager.update_out_of_merge_window.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total updates which arrived out of a merge window |
envoy.connection_limit.active_connections (gauge) | [OpenMetrics V2] Number of currently active connections in the scope of this network filter chain |
envoy.connection_limit.limited_connections.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total connections that have been rejected due to connection limit exceeded |
envoy.connection_limit.limited_connections (count) | [Legacy] Total connections that have been rejected due to connection limit exceeded |
envoy.filesystem.flushed_by_timer.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.filesystem.reopen_failed.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.filesystem.write_buffered.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.filesystem.write_completed.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.filesystem.write_failed.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.http.downstream_cx.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of connections Shown as connection |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_delayed_close_timeout.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_destroy.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_destroy_active_rq.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total connections destroyed with 1+ active request |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_destroy_local.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total connections destroyed due to local close |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_destroy_local_active_rq.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total connections destroyed locally with 1+ active request |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_destroy_remote.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total connections destroyed due to remote close |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_destroy_remote_active_rq.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total connections destroyed remotely with 1+ active request |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_drain_close.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total connections closed due to draining |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_http1.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of HTTP/1.1 connections Shown as connection |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_http2.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of HTTP/2 connections Shown as connection |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_http3.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of HTTP/3 connections Shown as connection |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_idle_timeout.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total connections closed due to idle timeout |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_max_duration_reached.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total connections closed due to max connection duration |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_overload_disable_keepalive.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total connections for which HTTP 1.x keepalive has been disabled due to Envoy overload |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_protocol_error.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total protocol errors |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_rx_bytes.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of bytes received Shown as byte |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_ssl.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of TLS connections Shown as connection |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_tx_bytes.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of bytes sent Shown as byte |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_upgrades.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of successfully upgraded connections |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_upgrades_active (gauge) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total active upgraded connections. These are also counted as active http1/http2 connections. |
envoy.http.downstream_flow_control_paused_reading.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of times reads were disabled due to flow control Shown as occurrence |
envoy.http.downstream_flow_control_resumed_reading.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of times reads were enabled on the connection due to flow control Shown as occurrence |
envoy.http.downstream_rq.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of requests Shown as request |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_completed.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total requests that resulted in a response (e.g. does not include aborted requests) Shown as request |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_failed_path_normalization.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total requests redirected due to different original and normalized URL paths or when path normalization failed. This action is configured by setting the pathwithescapedslashesaction config option. |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_header_timeout.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_http1.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of HTTP/1.1 requests Shown as request |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_http2.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of HTTP/2 requests Shown as request |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_http3.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of HTTP/3 requests Shown as request |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_idle_timeout.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total requests closed due to idle timeout |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_max_duration_reached.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total requests closed due to max duration reached |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_non_relative_path.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total requests with a non-relative HTTP path |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_overload_close.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total requests closed due to Envoy overload |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_redirected_with_normalized_path.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total requests redirected due to different original and normalized URL paths. This action is configured by setting the pathwithescapedslashesaction config option. |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_response_before_rq_complete.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total responses sent before the request was complete |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_rx_reset.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total request resets received |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_time.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total time for request and response (milliseconds) Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_time.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of request and response times sampled. |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_time.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total sum of request and response times. Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_timeout.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total requests closed due to a timeout on the request path |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_too_large.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total requests resulting in a 413 due to buffering an overly large body |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_tx_reset.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total request resets sent |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_ws_on_non_ws_route.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total upgrade requests rejected by non upgrade routes. This now applies both to WebSocket and non-WebSocket upgrades |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_xx.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Aggregate HTTP response codes (e.g., 2xx, 3xx, etc.) |
envoy.http.no_cluster.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.http.no_route.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.http.passthrough_internal_redirect_bad_location.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.http.passthrough_internal_redirect_no_route.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.http.passthrough_internal_redirect_predicate.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.http.passthrough_internal_redirect_too_many_redirects.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.http.passthrough_internal_redirect_unsafe_scheme.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.http.rq.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of routed requests Shown as request |
envoy.http.rq_direct_response.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.http.rq_redirect.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.http.rq_reset_after_downstream_response_started.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.http.rs_too_large.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total response errors due to buffering an overly large body |
envoy.http.tracing.client_enabled.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of traceable decisions by request header x-envoy-force-trace |
envoy.http.tracing.health_check.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of non-traceable decisions by health check |
envoy.http.tracing.not_traceable.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of non-traceable decisions by request id |
envoy.http.tracing.random_sampling.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of traceable decisions by random sampling |
envoy.http.tracing.service_forced.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of traceable decisions by server runtime flag tracing.global_enabled |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_length_ms.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Connection length milliseconds Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_length_ms.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of Connection length milliseconds samples |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_length_ms.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Sum of Connection length milliseconds Shown as millisecond |
envoy.listener.admin.downstream_cx.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total connections |
envoy.listener.admin.downstream_cx_active (gauge) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total active connections admin. |
envoy.listener.admin.downstream_cx_destroy.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total connections destroyed admin. |
envoy.listener.admin.downstream_cx_length_ms.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Admin connection length milliseconds Shown as millisecond |
envoy.listener.admin.downstream_cx_length_ms.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of admin connection length samples. |
envoy.listener.admin.downstream_cx_length_ms.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total sum of admin connection length. Shown as millisecond |
envoy.listener.admin.downstream_cx_overflow.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.listener.admin.downstream_cx_overload_reject.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.listener.admin.downstream_global_cx_overflow.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.listener.admin.downstream_pre_cx_active (gauge) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.listener.admin.downstream_pre_cx_timeout.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.listener.admin.http.downstream_rq_completed.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total requests that resulted in a response (e.g. does not include aborted requests) Shown as request |
envoy.listener.admin.http.downstream_rq_xx.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Aggregate HTTP response codes (e.g., 2xx, 3xx, etc.) |
envoy.listener.admin.no_filter_chain_match.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.listener.downstream_cx.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.listener.downstream_cx_destroy.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total connections destroyed |
envoy.listener.downstream_cx_length_ms.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Connection length milliseconds Shown as millisecond |
envoy.listener.downstream_cx_length_ms.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of Connection length milliseconds samples |
envoy.listener.downstream_cx_length_ms.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Sum of Connection length milliseconds Shown as millisecond |
envoy.listener.downstream_cx_overflow.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.listener.downstream_cx_overload_reject.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.listener.downstream_global_cx_overflow.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.listener.downstream_pre_cx_timeout.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.listener.http.downstream_rq_completed.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total HTTP requests that resulted in a response (e.g. does not include aborted requests) Shown as request |
envoy.listener.http.downstream_rq_xx.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Aggregate HTTP response codes (e.g., 2xx, 3xx, etc.) Shown as response |
envoy.listener.no_filter_chain_match.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.listener_manager.lds.control_plane.rate_limit_enforced.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.listener_manager.lds.init_fetch_timeout.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.listener_manager.lds.update_attempt.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total attempted cluster membership updates by service discovery |
envoy.listener_manager.lds.update_duration.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Amount of time spent updating configs |
envoy.listener_manager.lds.update_duration.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of Amount of time spent updating configs |
envoy.listener_manager.lds.update_duration.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Sum of Amount of time spent updating configs |
envoy.listener_manager.lds.update_failure.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total failed cluster membership updates by service discovery |
envoy.listener_manager.lds.update_rejected.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total rejected cluster membership updates by service discovery |
envoy.listener_manager.lds.update_success.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total successful cluster membership updates by service discovery |
envoy.listener_manager.listener_added.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.listener_manager.listener_create_failure.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.listener_manager.listener_create_success.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.listener_manager.listener_in_place_updated.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.listener_manager.listener_modified.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.listener_manager.listener_removed.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.listener_manager.listener_stopped.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.listener_manager.total_filter_chains_draining (gauge) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.listener_manager.workers_started (gauge) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.runtime.deprecated_feature_seen_since_process_start (gauge) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.runtime.deprecated_feature_use.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.runtime.load_error.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.runtime.load_success.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.runtime.override_dir_exists.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.runtime.override_dir_not_exists.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.server.compilation_settings_fips_mode (gauge) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.server.debug_assertion_failures.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.server.dynamic_unknown_fields.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.server.envoy_bug_failure.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.server.hot_restart_generation (gauge) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.server.initialization_time_ms.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] server initialization time. Shown as millisecond |
envoy.server.initialization_time_ms.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] count of server initilization time samples. |
envoy.server.initialization_time_ms.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] sum of server initialization time. |
envoy.server.memory_physical_size (gauge) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.server.seconds_until_first_ocsp_response_expiring (gauge) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.server.static_unknown_fields.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.server.stats_recent_lookups (gauge) | [OpenMetrics V2] |
envoy.server.watchdog_mega_miss.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Number of server mega misses |
envoy.server.watchdog_miss.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Number of server standard misses |
envoy.server.dropped_stat_flushes.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Number of dropped stat flushes |
envoy.vhost.vcluster.upstream_rq.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of requests initiated by the router to the upstream Shown as request |
envoy.vhost.vcluster.upstream_rq_retry.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total request retries Shown as request |
envoy.vhost.vcluster.upstream_rq_retry_limit_exceeded.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total requests not retried due to exceeding the configured number of maximum retries Shown as request |
envoy.vhost.vcluster.upstream_rq_retry_overflow.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total requests not retried due to circuit breaking or exceeding the retry budget Shown as request |
envoy.vhost.vcluster.upstream_rq_retry_success.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total request retry successes Shown as request |
envoy.vhost.vcluster.upstream_rq_timeout.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total requests that timed out waiting for a response Shown as request |
envoy.watchdog_mega_miss.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Number of mega misses |
envoy.watchdog_miss.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Number of standard misses |
envoy.workers.watchdog_mega_miss.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Number of mega misses |
envoy.workers.watchdog_miss.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Number of standard misses |
envoy.runtime.load_error (count) | [Legacy] Total number of load attempts that resulted in an error Shown as error |
envoy.runtime.override_dir_not_exists (count) | [Legacy] Total number of loads that did not use an override directory Shown as occurrence |
envoy.runtime.override_dir_exists (count) | [Legacy] Total number of loads that did use an override directory Shown as occurrence |
envoy.runtime.load_success (count) | [Legacy] Total number of load attempts that were successful Shown as success |
envoy.runtime.num_keys (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of keys currently loaded Shown as location |
envoy.runtime.admin_overrides_active (gauge) | [Legacy] 1 if any admin overrides are active otherwise 0 |
envoy.runtime.deprecated_feature_use (count) | [Legacy] Total number of times deprecated features were used |
envoy.runtime.num_layers (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of layers currently active (without loading errors) |
envoy.control_plane.connected_state (gauge) | [Legacy] A boolean (1 for connected and 0 for disconnected) that indicates the current connection state with management server Shown as connection |
envoy.control_plane.pending_requests (gauge) | [Legacy] Total number of pending requests when the rate limit was enforced Shown as request |
envoy.control_plane.rate_limit_enforced (count) | [Legacy] Total number of times rate limit was enforced for management server requests Shown as occurrence |
envoy.cluster_manager.cds.config_reload (count) | [Legacy] Total API fetches that resulted in a config reload due to a different config Shown as request |
envoy.cluster_manager.cds.update_attempt (count) | [Legacy] Total API fetches attempted Shown as request |
envoy.cluster_manager.cds.update_success (count) | [Legacy] Total API fetches completed successfully Shown as request |
envoy.cluster_manager.cds.update_failure (count) | [Legacy] Total API fetches that failed because of network errors Shown as request |
envoy.cluster_manager.cds.update_rejected (count) | [Legacy] Total API fetches that failed because of schema/validation errors Shown as request |
envoy.cluster_manager.cds.update_time (gauge) | [Legacy] Timestamp of the last successful API fetch attempt as milliseconds since the epoch Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster_manager.cds.version (gauge) | [Legacy] Hash of the contents from the last successful API fetch Shown as item |
envoy.cluster_manager.cds.control_plane.connected_state (gauge) | [Legacy] A boolean (1 for connected and 0 for disconnected) that indicates the current connection state with management server Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster_manager.cds.control_plane.pending_requests (gauge) | [Legacy] Total number of pending requests when the rate limit was enforced Shown as request |
envoy.cluster_manager.cds.control_plane.rate_limit_enforced (count) | [Legacy] Total number of times rate limit was enforced for management server requests Shown as occurrence |
envoy.http.no_route (count) | [Legacy] Total requests that had no route and resulted in a 404 Shown as request |
envoy.http.no_cluster (count) | [Legacy] Total requests in which the target cluster did not exist and resulted in a 404 Shown as request |
envoy.http.rq_redirect (count) | [Legacy] Total requests that resulted in a redirect response Shown as request |
envoy.http.rq_total (count) | [Legacy] Total routed requests Shown as request |
envoy.vhost.vcluster.upstream_rq_1xx (count) | [Legacy] Aggregate HTTP 1xx response codes Shown as response |
envoy.vhost.vcluster.upstream_rq_2xx (count) | [Legacy] Aggregate HTTP 2xx response codes Shown as response |
envoy.vhost.vcluster.upstream_rq_3xx (count) | [Legacy] Aggregate HTTP 3xx response codes Shown as response |
envoy.vhost.vcluster.upstream_rq_4xx (count) | [Legacy] Aggregate HTTP 4xx response codes Shown as response |
envoy.vhost.vcluster.upstream_rq_5xx (count) | [Legacy] Aggregate HTTP 5xx response codes Shown as response |
envoy.vhost.vcluster.upstream_rq_retry (count) | [Legacy] Total request retries Shown as request |
envoy.vhost.vcluster.upstream_rq_retry_limit_exceeded (count) | [Legacy] Total requests not retried due to exceeding the configured number of maximum retries Shown as request |
envoy.vhost.vcluster.upstream_rq_retry_overflow (count) | [Legacy] Total requests not retried due to circuit breaking or exceeding the retry budgets Shown as request |
envoy.vhost.vcluster.upstream_rq_retry_success (count) | [Legacy] Total request retry successes Shown as request |
envoy.vhost.vcluster.upstream_rq_timeout (count) | [Legacy] Total requests that timed out waiting for a response Shown as request |
envoy.vhost.vcluster.upstream_rq_total (count) | [Legacy] Total requests initiated by the router to the upstream Shown as request |
envoy.cluster.ratelimit.ok (count) | [Legacy] Total under limit responses from the rate limit service Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.ratelimit.error (count) | [Legacy] Total errors contacting the rate limit service Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.ratelimit.over_limit (count) | [Legacy] Total over limit responses from the rate limit service Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.ratelimit.failure_mode_allowed (count) | [Legacy] Total requests that errored when contacting the rate limit service but were allowed through because of failuremodedeny being set to false Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.ext_authz.ok (count) | [Legacy] Total responses from the external authorization service Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.ext_authz.error (count) | [Legacy] Total errors contacting the external authorization service Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.ext_authz.denied (count) | [Legacy] Total responses from the external authorization service denying the traffic Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.ext_authz.disabled (count) | [Legacy] Total requests allowed without calling the external authorization services due to the filter being disabled Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.ext_authz.failure_mode_allowed (count) | [Legacy] Total requests that errored when contacting the external authorization service but were allowed through because of failuremodeallow being set to false Shown as response |
envoy.http.ip_tagging.hit (count) | [Legacy] Total number of requests that have the tag_name tag applied to it Shown as request |
envoy.http.ip_tagging.no_hit (count) | [Legacy] Total number of requests with no applicable IP tags Shown as request |
envoy.http.ip_tagging.total (count) | [Legacy] Total number of requests the IP Tagging Filter operated on Shown as request |
envoy.cluster.grpc.success (count) | [Legacy] Total successful service/method calls Shown as operation |
envoy.cluster.grpc.failure (count) | [Legacy] Total failed service/method calls Shown as operation |
envoy.cluster.grpc.total (count) | [Legacy] Total service/method calls Shown as operation |
envoy.http.dynamodb.operation.upstream_rq_total (count) | [Legacy] Total number of requests with operation_name tag Shown as request |
envoy.http.dynamodb.table.upstream_rq_total (count) | [Legacy] Total number of requests on table_name tag table Shown as request |
envoy.http.dynamodb.error (count) | [Legacy] Total number of specific errortype tag for a given tablename tag Shown as error |
envoy.http.dynamodb.error.BatchFailureUnprocessedKeys (count) | [Legacy] Total number of partial batch failures for a given table_name tag Shown as error |
envoy.http.buffer.rq_timeout (count) | [Legacy] Total requests that timed out waiting for a full request Shown as timeout |
envoy.http.rds.config_reload (count) | [Legacy] Total API fetches that resulted in a config reload due to a different config Shown as request |
envoy.http.rds.update_attempt (count) | [Legacy] Total API fetches attempted Shown as request |
envoy.http.rds.update_success (count) | [Legacy] Total API fetches completed successfully Shown as request |
envoy.http.rds.update_failure (count) | [Legacy] Total API fetches that failed because of network errors Shown as request |
envoy.http.rds.update_rejected (count) | [Legacy] Total API fetches that failed because of schema/validation errors Shown as request |
envoy.http.rds.version (gauge) | [Legacy] Hash of the contents from the last successful API fetch Shown as item |
envoy.http.rds.control_plane.connected_state (gauge) | [Legacy] A boolean (1 for connected and 0 for disconnected) that indicates the current connection state with management server Shown as connection |
envoy.http.rds.control_plane.pending_requests (gauge) | [Legacy] Total number of pending requests when the rate limit was enforced Shown as request |
envoy.http.rds.control_plane.rate_limit_enforced (count) | [Legacy] Total number of times rate limit was enforced for management server requests Shown as occurrence |
envoy.tcp.downstream_cx.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of connections handled by the filter Shown as connection |
envoy.tcp.downstream_cx_total (count) | [Legacy] Total number of connections handled by the filter Shown as connection |
envoy.tcp.downstream_cx_no_route.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Number of connections for which no matching route was found Shown as connection |
envoy.tcp.downstream_cx_no_route (count) | [Legacy] Number of connections for which no matching route was found Shown as connection |
envoy.tcp.downstream_cx_tx_bytes.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total bytes written to the downstream connection Shown as byte |
envoy.tcp.downstream_cx_tx_bytes_total (count) | [Legacy] Total bytes written to the downstream connection Shown as byte |
envoy.tcp.downstream_cx_tx_bytes_buffered (gauge) | [OpenMetrics V2 and Legacy] Total bytes currently buffered to the downstream connection Shown as byte |
envoy.tcp.downstream_cx_rx_bytes.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total bytes written from the downstream connection Shown as byte |
envoy.tcp.downstream_cx_rx_bytes_total (count) | [Legacy] Total bytes written from the downstream connection Shown as byte |
envoy.tcp.downstream_cx_rx_bytes_buffered (gauge) | [OpenMetrics V2 and Legacy] Total bytes currently buffered from the downstream connection Shown as byte |
envoy.tcp.downstream_flow_control_paused_reading.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of times flow control paused reading from downstream Shown as occurrence |
envoy.tcp.downstream_flow_control_paused_reading_total (count) | [Legacy] Total number of times flow control paused reading from downstream Shown as occurrence |
envoy.tcp.downstream_flow_control_resumed_reading.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of times flow control resumed reading from downstream Shown as occurrence |
envoy.tcp.downstream_flow_control_resumed_reading_total (count) | [Legacy] Total number of times flow control resumed reading from downstream Shown as occurrence |
envoy.tcp.idle_timeout.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of connections closed due to idle timeout Shown as connection |
envoy.tcp.idle_timeout (count) | [Legacy] Total number of connections closed due to idle timeout Shown as connection |
envoy.tcp.on_demand_cluster_attempt.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of connections that requested on demand cluster Shown as connection |
envoy.tcp.on_demand_cluster_missing.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of connections closed due to on demand cluster is missing Shown as connection |
envoy.tcp.on_demand_cluster_success.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of connections that requested and received on demand cluster Shown as connection |
envoy.tcp.on_demand_cluster_timeout.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of connections closed due to on demand cluster lookup timeout Shown as connection |
envoy.tcp.max_downstream_connection_duration.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of connections closed due to maxdownstreamconnection_duration timeout Shown as connection |
envoy.tcp.max_downstream_connection_duration (count) | [Legacy] Total number of connections closed due to maxdownstreamconnection_duration timeout Shown as connection |
envoy.tcp.upstream_flush.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of connections that continued to flush upstream data after the downstream connection was closed Shown as connection |
envoy.tcp.upstream_flush_total (count) | [Legacy] Total number of connections that continued to flush upstream data after the downstream connection was closed Shown as connection |
envoy.tcp.upstream_flush_active (gauge) | [OpenMetrics and V2 Legacy] Total connections currently continuing to flush upstream data after the downstream connection was closed Shown as connection |
envoy.auth.clientssl.update_success (count) | [Legacy] Total principal update successes Shown as success |
envoy.auth.clientssl.update_failure (count) | [Legacy] Total principal update failures Shown as error |
envoy.auth.clientssl.auth_no_ssl (count) | [Legacy] Total connections ignored due to no TLS Shown as connection |
envoy.auth.clientssl.auth_ip_white_list (count) | [Legacy] Total connections allowed due to the IP white list Shown as connection |
envoy.auth.clientssl.auth_digest_match (count) | [Legacy] Total connections allowed due to certificate match Shown as connection |
envoy.auth.clientssl.auth_digest_no_match (count) | [Legacy] Total connections denied due to no certificate match Shown as connection |
envoy.auth.clientssl.total_principals (gauge) | [Legacy] Total loaded principals Shown as item |
envoy.ratelimit.total (count) | [Legacy] Total requests to the rate limit service Shown as response |
envoy.ratelimit.error (count) | [Legacy] Total errors contacting the rate limit service Shown as response |
envoy.ratelimit.over_limit (count) | [Legacy] Total over limit responses from the rate limit service Shown as response |
envoy.ratelimit.ok (count) | [Legacy] Total under limit responses from the rate limit service Shown as response |
envoy.ratelimit.cx_closed (count) | [Legacy] Total connections closed due to an over limit response from the rate limit service Shown as connection |
envoy.ratelimit.active (gauge) | [Legacy] Total active requests to the rate limit service Shown as request |
envoy.redis.downstream_cx_active (gauge) | [Legacy] Total active connections Shown as connection |
envoy.redis.downstream_cx_protocol_error (count) | [Legacy] Total protocol errors Shown as error |
envoy.redis.downstream_cx_rx_bytes_buffered (gauge) | [Legacy] Total received bytes currently buffered Shown as byte |
envoy.redis.downstream_cx_rx_bytes_total (count) | [Legacy] Total bytes received Shown as byte |
envoy.redis.downstream_cx_total (count) | [Legacy] Total connections Shown as connection |
envoy.redis.downstream_cx_tx_bytes_buffered (gauge) | [Legacy] Total sent bytes currently buffered Shown as byte |
envoy.redis.downstream_cx_tx_bytes_total (count) | [Legacy] Total bytes sent Shown as byte |
envoy.redis.downstream_cx_drain_close (count) | [Legacy] Number of connections closed due to draining Shown as connection |
envoy.redis.downstream_rq_active (gauge) | [Legacy] Total active requests Shown as request |
envoy.redis.downstream_rq_total (count) | [Legacy] Total requests Shown as request |
envoy.redis.splitter.invalid_request (count) | [Legacy] Number of requests with an incorrect number of arguments Shown as request |
envoy.redis.splitter.unsupported_command (count) | [Legacy] Number of commands issued which are not recognized by the command splitter Shown as operation |
envoy.redis.command.total (count) | [Legacy] Number of commands Shown as operation |
envoy.redis.command.success (count) | [Legacy] Number of commands that were successful Shown as operation |
envoy.redis.command.error (count) | [Legacy] Number of commands that returned a partial or complete error response Shown as operation |
envoy.redis.command.latency.0percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Command execution time in milliseconds 0-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.redis.command.latency.25percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Command execution time in milliseconds 25-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.redis.command.latency.50percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Command execution time in milliseconds 50-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.redis.command.latency.75percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Command execution time in milliseconds 75-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.redis.command.latency.90percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Command execution time in milliseconds 90-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.redis.command.latency.95percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Command execution time in milliseconds 95-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.redis.command.latency.99percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Command execution time in milliseconds 99-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.redis.command.latency.99_9percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Command execution time in milliseconds 99.9-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.redis.command.latency.100percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Command execution time in milliseconds 100-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.mongo.decoding_error (count) | [Legacy] Number of MongoDB protocol decoding errors Shown as error |
envoy.mongo.delay_injected (count) | [Legacy] Number of times the delay is injected Shown as occurrence |
envoy.mongo.op_get_more (count) | [Legacy] Number of OPGETMORE messages Shown as message |
envoy.mongo.op_insert (count) | [Legacy] Number of OP_INSERT messages Shown as message |
envoy.mongo.op_kill_cursors (count) | [Legacy] Number of OPKILLCURSORS messages Shown as message |
envoy.mongo.op_query (count) | [Legacy] Number of OP_QUERY messages Shown as message |
envoy.mongo.op_query_tailable_cursor (count) | [Legacy] Number of OP_QUERY with tailable cursor flag set Shown as message |
envoy.mongo.op_query_no_cursor_timeout (count) | [Legacy] Number of OP_QUERY with no cursor timeout flag set Shown as message |
envoy.mongo.op_query_await_data (count) | [Legacy] Number of OP_QUERY with await data flag set Shown as message |
envoy.mongo.op_query_exhaust (count) | [Legacy] Number of OP_QUERY with exhaust flag set Shown as message |
envoy.mongo.op_query_no_max_time (count) | [Legacy] Number of queries without maxTimeMS set Shown as query |
envoy.mongo.op_query_scatter_get (count) | [Legacy] Number of scatter get queries Shown as query |
envoy.mongo.op_query_multi_get (count) | [Legacy] Number of multi get queries Shown as query |
envoy.mongo.op_query_active (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of active queries Shown as query |
envoy.mongo.op_reply (count) | [Legacy] Number of OP_REPLY messages Shown as message |
envoy.mongo.op_reply_cursor_not_found (count) | [Legacy] Number of OP_REPLY with cursor not found flag set Shown as message |
envoy.mongo.op_reply_query_failure (count) | [Legacy] Number of OP_REPLY with query failure flag set Shown as message |
envoy.mongo.op_reply_valid_cursor (count) | [Legacy] Number of OP_REPLY with a valid cursor Shown as message |
envoy.mongo.cx_destroy_local_with_active_rq (count) | [Legacy] Connections destroyed locally with an active query Shown as connection |
envoy.mongo.cx_destroy_remote_with_active_rq (count) | [Legacy] Connections destroyed remotely with an active query Shown as connection |
envoy.mongo.cx_drain_close (count) | [Legacy] Connections gracefully closed on reply boundaries during server drain Shown as connection |
envoy.mongo.cmd.total (count) | [Legacy] Number of commands Shown as command |
envoy.mongo.collection.query.total (count) | [Legacy] Number of queries Shown as query |
envoy.mongo.collection.query.scatter_get (count) | [Legacy] Number of scatter gets Shown as query |
envoy.mongo.collection.query.multi_get (count) | [Legacy] Number of multi gets Shown as query |
envoy.mongo.collection.callsite.query.total (count) | [Legacy] Number of queries for the callsite tag Shown as query |
envoy.mongo.collection.callsite.query.scatter_get (count) | [Legacy] Number of scatter gets for the callsite tag Shown as query |
envoy.mongo.collection.callsite.query.multi_get (count) | [Legacy] Number of multi gets for the callsite tag Shown as query |
envoy.listener.downstream_cx_total (count) | [Legacy] Total connections Shown as connection |
envoy.listener.downstream_cx_destroy (count) | [Legacy] Total destroyed connections Shown as connection |
envoy.listener.downstream_cx_active (gauge) | [Legacy] Total active connections Shown as connection |
envoy.listener.downstream_pre_cx_active (gauge) | [Legacy] Sockets currently undergoing listener filter processing Shown as connection |
envoy.listener.downstream_pre_cx_timeout (count) | [Legacy] Sockets that timed out during listener filter processing Shown as connection |
envoy.listener.no_filter_chain_match (count) | [Legacy] Total connections that didn't match any filter chain Shown as connection |
envoy.listener.server_ssl_socket_factory.downstream_context_secrets_not_ready (count) | [Legacy] Total number of downstream connections reset due to empty ssl certificate Shown as connection |
envoy.listener.server_ssl_socket_factory.ssl_context_update_by_sds (count) | [Legacy] Total number of ssl context has been updated |
envoy.listener.ssl.connection_error (count) | [Legacy] Total TLS connection errors not including failed certificate verifications Shown as error |
envoy.listener.ssl.handshake (count) | [Legacy] Total successful TLS connection handshakes Shown as success |
envoy.listener.ssl.session_reused (count) | [Legacy] Total successful TLS session resumptions Shown as success |
envoy.listener.ssl.no_certificate (count) | [Legacy] Total successful TLS connections with no client certificate Shown as success |
envoy.listener.ssl.fail_no_sni_match (count) | [Legacy] Total TLS connections that were rejected because of missing SNI match Shown as connection |
envoy.listener.ssl.fail_verify_no_cert (count) | [Legacy] Total TLS connections that failed because of missing client certificate Shown as connection |
envoy.listener.ssl.fail_verify_error (count) | [Legacy] Total TLS connections that failed CA verification Shown as connection |
envoy.listener.ssl.fail_verify_san (count) | [Legacy] Total TLS connections that failed SAN verification Shown as connection |
envoy.listener.ssl.fail_verify_cert_hash (count) | [Legacy] Total TLS connections that failed certificate pinning verification Shown as connection |
envoy.listener.ssl.ciphers (count) | [Legacy] Total TLS connections that used cipher tag Shown as connection |
envoy.listener.ssl.versions (count) | [Legacy] Total successful TLS connections that used protocol version tag Shown as connection |
envoy.listener.ssl.curves (count) | [Legacy] Total successful TLS connections that used ECDHE curve tag Shown as connection |
envoy.listener.ssl.sigalgs (count) | [Legacy] Total successful TLS connections that used signature algorithm sigalg tag Shown as connection |
envoy.listener_manager.listener_added (count) | [Legacy] Total listeners added (either via static config or LDS) Shown as host |
envoy.listener_manager.listener_modified (count) | [Legacy] Total listeners modified (via LDS) Shown as host |
envoy.listener_manager.listener_removed (count) | [Legacy] Total listeners removed (via LDS) Shown as host |
envoy.listener_manager.listener_create_success (count) | [Legacy] Total listener objects successfully added to workers Shown as host |
envoy.listener_manager.listener_create_failure (count) | [Legacy] Total failed listener object additions to workers Shown as host |
envoy.listener_manager.total_listeners_warming (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of currently warming listeners Shown as host |
envoy.listener_manager.total_listeners_active (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of currently active listeners Shown as host |
envoy.listener_manager.total_listeners_draining (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of currently draining listeners Shown as host |
envoy.listener_manager.lds.config_reload (count) | [Legacy] Total API fetches that resulted in a config reload due to a different config Shown as request |
envoy.listener_manager.lds.update_attempt (count) | [Legacy] Total API fetches attempted Shown as request |
envoy.listener_manager.lds.update_success (count) | [Legacy] Total API fetches completed successfully Shown as request |
envoy.listener_manager.lds.update_failure (count) | [Legacy] Total API fetches that failed because of network errors Shown as request |
envoy.listener_manager.lds.update_rejected (count) | [Legacy] Total API fetches that failed because of schema/validation errors Shown as request |
envoy.listener_manager.lds.update_time (gauge) | [Legacy] Timestamp of the last successful API fetch attempt as milliseconds since the epoch Shown as millisecond |
envoy.listener_manager.lds.version (gauge) | [Legacy] Hash of the contents from the last successful API fetch Shown as item |
envoy.listener_manager.lds.control_plane.connected_state (gauge) | [Legacy] A boolean (1 for connected and 0 for disconnected) that indicates the current connection state with management server Shown as connection |
envoy.listener_manager.lds.control_plane.pending_requests (gauge) | [Legacy] Total number of pending requests when the rate limit was enforced Shown as request |
envoy.listener_manager.lds.control_plane.rate_limit_enforced (count) | [Legacy] Total number of times rate limit was enforced for management server requests Shown as occurrence |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_total (count) | [Legacy] Total connections Shown as connection |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_ssl_total (count) | [Legacy] Total TLS connections Shown as connection |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_http1_total (count) | [Legacy] Total HTTP/1.1 connections Shown as connection |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_http2_total (count) | [Legacy] Total HTTP/2 connections Shown as connection |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_http3_total (count) | [Legacy] [API v3 only] Total HTTP/3 connections Shown as connection |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_websocket_total (count) | [Legacy] Total WebSocket connections Shown as connection |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_destroy (count) | [Legacy] Total connections destroyed Shown as connection |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_destroy_remote (count) | [Legacy] Total connections destroyed due to remote close Shown as connection |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_destroy_local (count) | [Legacy] Total connections destroyed due to local close Shown as connection |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_destroy_active_rq (count) | [Legacy] Total connections destroyed with active requests Shown as connection |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_destroy_local_active_rq (count) | [Legacy] Total connections destroyed locally with active requests Shown as connection |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_destroy_remote_active_rq (count) | [Legacy] Total connections destroyed remotely with active requests Shown as connection |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_active (gauge) | [Legacy] Total active connections Shown as connection |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_ssl_active (gauge) | [Legacy] Total active TLS connections Shown as connection |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_http1_active (gauge) | [Legacy] Total active HTTP/1.1 connections Shown as connection |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_websocket_active (gauge) | [Legacy] Total active WebSocket connections Shown as connection |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_http2_active (gauge) | [Legacy] Total active HTTP/2 connections Shown as connection |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_http3_active (gauge) | [Legacy] [API v3 only] Total active HTTP/3 connections Shown as connection |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_protocol_error (count) | [Legacy] Total protocol errors Shown as error |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_rx_bytes_total (count) | [Legacy] Total bytes received Shown as byte |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_rx_bytes_buffered (gauge) | [Legacy] Total received bytes currently buffered Shown as byte |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_tx_bytes_total (count) | [Legacy] Total bytes sent Shown as byte |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_tx_bytes_buffered (gauge) | [Legacy] Total sent bytes currently buffered Shown as byte |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_drain_close (count) | [Legacy] Total connections closed due to draining Shown as connection |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_idle_timeout (count) | [Legacy] Total connections closed due to idle timeout Shown as connection |
envoy.http.downstream_flow_control_paused_reading_total (count) | [Legacy] Total number of times reads were disabled due to flow control Shown as occurrence |
envoy.http.downstream_flow_control_resumed_reading_total (count) | [Legacy] Total number of times reads were enabled on the connection due to flow control Shown as occurrence |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_total (count) | [Legacy] Total requests Shown as request |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_http1_total (count) | [Legacy] Total HTTP/1.1 requests Shown as request |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_http2_total (count) | [Legacy] Total HTTP/2 requests Shown as request |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_http3_total (count) | [Legacy] [API v3 only] Total HTTP/3 requests Shown as request |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_active (gauge) | [Legacy] Total active requests Shown as request |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_response_before_rq_complete (count) | [Legacy] Total responses sent before the request was complete Shown as response |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_rx_reset (count) | [Legacy] Total request resets received Shown as request |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_tx_reset (count) | [Legacy] Total request resets sent Shown as request |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_non_relative_path (count) | [Legacy] Total requests with a non-relative HTTP path Shown as request |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_too_large (count) | [Legacy] Total requests resulting in a 413 due to buffering an overly large body Shown as request |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_1xx (count) | [Legacy] Total 1xx responses Shown as response |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_2xx (count) | [Legacy] Total 2xx responses Shown as response |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_3xx (count) | [Legacy] Total 3xx responses Shown as response |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_4xx (count) | [Legacy] Total 4xx responses Shown as response |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_5xx (count) | [Legacy] Total 5xx responses Shown as response |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_ws_on_non_ws_route (count) | [Legacy] Total WebSocket upgrade requests rejected by non WebSocket routes Shown as request |
envoy.http.rbac_allowed.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total requests that were allowed access Shown as request |
envoy.http.rbac_denied.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total requests that were denied access Shown as request |
envoy.http.rbac_shadow_allowed.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total requests that would be allowed access by the filter's shadow rules Shown as request |
envoy.http.rbac_shadow_denied.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total requests that would be denied access by the filter's shadow rules Shown as request |
envoy.http.local_rate_limit_enabled.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of requests for which the rate limiter was consulted Shown as request |
envoy.http.local_rate_limit_enforced.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of requests for which rate limiting was applied (e.g.: 429 returned) Shown as request |
envoy.http.local_rate_limit_rate_limited.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total responses without an available token (but not necessarily enforced) Shown as request |
envoy.http.local_rate_limit_ok.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total under limit responses from the token bucket Shown as request |
envoy.http.rs_too_large (count) | [Legacy] Total response errors due to buffering an overly large body Shown as error |
envoy.http.user_agent.downstream_cx_total (count) | [Legacy] Total connections Shown as connection |
envoy.http.user_agent.downstream_cx_destroy_remote_active_rq (count) | [Legacy] Total connections destroyed remotely with active requests Shown as connection |
envoy.http.user_agent.downstream_rq_total (count) | [Legacy] Total requests Shown as request |
envoy.listener.http.downstream_rq_1xx (count) | [Legacy] Total 1xx responses Shown as response |
envoy.listener.http.downstream_rq_2xx (count) | [Legacy] Total 2xx responses Shown as response |
envoy.listener.http.downstream_rq_3xx (count) | [Legacy] Total 3xx responses Shown as response |
envoy.listener.http.downstream_rq_4xx (count) | [Legacy] Total 4xx responses Shown as response |
envoy.listener.http.downstream_rq_5xx (count) | [Legacy] Total 5xx responses Shown as response |
envoy.listener.http.downstream_rq_completed (count) | [Legacy] Total requests that resulted in a response (e.g. does not include aborted requests) Shown as response |
envoy.http2.rx_reset (count) | [Legacy] Total number of reset stream frames received by Envoy Shown as message |
envoy.http2.tx_reset (count) | [Legacy] Total number of reset stream frames transmitted by Envoy Shown as message |
envoy.http2.header_overflow (count) | [Legacy] Total number of connections reset due to the headers being larger than 63 K Shown as connection |
envoy.http2.trailers (count) | [Legacy] Total number of trailers seen on requests coming from downstream Shown as item |
envoy.http2.headers_cb_no_stream (count) | [Legacy] Total number of errors where a header callback is called without an associated stream. This tracks an unexpected occurrence due to an as yet undiagnosed bug. Shown as error |
envoy.http2.too_many_header_frames (count) | [Legacy] Total number of times an HTTP2 connection is reset due to receiving too many headers frames. Envoy currently supports proxying at most one header frame for 100-Continue one non-100 response code header frame and one frame with trailers. Shown as occurrence |
envoy.cluster_manager.cluster_added (count) | [Legacy] Total clusters added (either via static config or CDS) Shown as node |
envoy.cluster_manager.cluster_modified (count) | [Legacy] Total clusters modified (via CDS) Shown as node |
envoy.cluster_manager.cluster_removed (count) | [Legacy] Total clusters removed (via CDS) Shown as node |
envoy.cluster_manager.active_clusters (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of currently active (warmed) clusters Shown as node |
envoy.cluster_manager.warming_clusters (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of currently warming (not active) clusters Shown as node |
envoy.cluster.assignment_stale (count) | [Legacy] Number of times the received assignments went stale before new assignments arrived. |
envoy.cluster.assignment_timeout_received (count) | [Legacy] Total assignments received with endpoint lease information. Shown as occurrence |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_total (count) | [Legacy] Total connections Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_active (gauge) | [Legacy] Total active connections Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_http1_total (count) | [Legacy] Total HTTP/1.1 connections Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_http2_total (count) | [Legacy] Total HTTP/2 connections Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_http3_total (count) | [Legacy] [API v3 only] Total HTTP/3 connections Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_connect_fail (count) | [Legacy] Total connection failures Shown as error |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_connect_timeout (count) | [Legacy] Total connection timeouts Shown as timeout |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_connect_attempts_exceeded (count) | [Legacy] Total consecutive connection failures exceeding configured connection attempts Shown as error |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_overflow (count) | [Legacy] Total times that the cluster's connection circuit breaker overflowed Shown as occurrence |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_destroy (count) | [Legacy] Total destroyed connections Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_destroy_local (count) | [Legacy] Total connections destroyed locally Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_destroy_remote (count) | [Legacy] Total connections destroyed remotely Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_destroy_with_active_rq (count) | [Legacy] Total connections destroyed with active requests Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_destroy_local_with_active_rq (count) | [Legacy] Total connections destroyed locally with active requests Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_destroy_remote_with_active_rq (count) | [Legacy] Total connections destroyed remotely with active requests Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_close_notify (count) | [Legacy] Total connections closed via HTTP/1.1 connection close header or HTTP/2 GOAWAY Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_rx_bytes_total (count) | [Legacy] Total received connection bytes Shown as byte |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_rx_bytes_buffered (gauge) | [Legacy] Received connection bytes currently buffered Shown as byte |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_tx_bytes_total (count) | [Legacy] Total sent connection bytes Shown as byte |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_tx_bytes_buffered (gauge) | [Legacy] Send connection bytes currently buffered Shown as byte |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_protocol_error (count) | [Legacy] Total connection protocol errors Shown as error |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_max_requests (count) | [Legacy] Total connections closed due to maximum requests Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_none_healthy (count) | [Legacy] Total times connection not established due to no healthy hosts Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_idle_timeout (count) | [Legacy] Total connection idle timeouts Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_pool_overflow (count) | [Legacy] Total times that the cluster's connection pool circuit breaker overflowed |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_total (count) | [Legacy] Total requests Shown as request |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_active (gauge) | [Legacy] Total active requests Shown as request |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_pending_total (count) | [Legacy] Total requests pending a connection pool connection Shown as request |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_pending_overflow (count) | [Legacy] Total requests that overflowed connection pool circuit breaking and were failed Shown as request |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_pending_failure_eject (count) | [Legacy] Total requests that were failed due to a connection pool connection failure Shown as request |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_pending_active (gauge) | [Legacy] Total active requests pending a connection pool connection Shown as request |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_cancelled (count) | [Legacy] Total requests cancelled before obtaining a connection pool connection Shown as request |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_maintenance_mode (count) | [Legacy] Total requests that resulted in an immediate 503 due to maintenance mode Shown as request |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_max_duration_reached (count) | [Legacy] Total requests closed due to max duration reached Shown as request |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_timeout (count) | [Legacy] Total requests that timed out waiting for a response Shown as request |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_per_try_timeout (count) | [Legacy] Total requests that hit the per try timeout Shown as request |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_rx_reset (count) | [Legacy] Total requests that were reset remotely Shown as request |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_tx_reset (count) | [Legacy] Total requests that were reset locally Shown as request |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_retry (count) | [Legacy] Total request retries Shown as request |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_retry_success (count) | [Legacy] Total request retry successes Shown as request |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_retry_overflow (count) | [Legacy] Total requests not retried due to circuit breaking Shown as request |
envoy.cluster.upstream_internal_redirect_failed_total (count) | [Legacy] Total number of times failed internal redirects resulted in redirects being passed downstream |
envoy.cluster.upstream_internal_redirect_succeeded_total (count) | [Legacy] Total number of times internal redirects resulted in a second upstream request |
envoy.cluster.client_ssl_socket_factory.ssl_context_update_by_sds (count) | [Legacy] Total number of ssl context has been updated |
envoy.cluster.client_ssl_socket_factory.upstream_context_secrets_not_ready (count) | [Legacy] Total number of upstream connections reset due to empty ssl certificate Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.ssl.connection_error (count) | [Legacy] Total TLS connection errors not including failed certificate verifications Shown as error |
envoy.cluster.ssl.handshake (count) | [Legacy] Total successful TLS connection handshakes Shown as success |
envoy.cluster.ssl.session_reused (count) | [Legacy] Total successful TLS session resumptions Shown as success |
envoy.cluster.ssl.no_certificate (count) | [Legacy] Total successful TLS connections with no client certificate Shown as success |
envoy.cluster.ssl.fail_no_sni_match (count) | [Legacy] Total TLS connections that were rejected because of missing SNI match Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.ssl.fail_verify_no_cert (count) | [Legacy] Total TLS connections that failed because of missing client certificate Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.ssl.fail_verify_error (count) | [Legacy] Total TLS connections that failed CA verification Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.ssl.fail_verify_san (count) | [Legacy] Total TLS connections that failed SAN verification Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.ssl.fail_verify_cert_hash (count) | [Legacy] Total TLS connections that failed certificate pinning verification Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.ssl.ciphers (count) | [Legacy] Total TLS connections that used cipher tag Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.ssl.versions (count) | [Legacy] Total successful TLS connections that used protocol version tag Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.ssl.curves (count) | [Legacy] Total successful TLS connections that used ECDHE curve tag Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.ssl.sigalgs (count) | [Legacy] Total successful TLS connections that used signature algorithm sigalg tag Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.upstream_flow_control_paused_reading_total (count) | [Legacy] Total number of times flow control paused reading from upstream Shown as occurrence |
envoy.cluster.upstream_flow_control_resumed_reading_total (count) | [Legacy] Total number of times flow control resumed reading from upstream Shown as occurrence |
envoy.cluster.upstream_flow_control_resumed_reading.count (count) | [Opnemetrics V2] Count of times flow control resumed reading from upstream Shown as occurrence |
envoy.cluster.upstream_flow_control_backed_up_total (count) | [Legacy] Total number of times the upstream connection backed up and paused reads from downstream Shown as occurrence |
envoy.cluster.upstream_flow_control_drained_total (count) | [Legacy] Total number of times the upstream connection drained and resumed reads from downstream Shown as occurrence |
envoy.cluster.membership_change (count) | [Legacy] Total cluster membership changes Shown as event |
envoy.cluster.membership_degraded (gauge) | [Legacy] Current cluster degraded total Shown as node |
envoy.cluster.membership_excluded (gauge) | [Legacy] Current cluster membership excluded Shown as node |
envoy.cluster.membership_healthy (gauge) | [Legacy] Current cluster healthy total (inclusive of both health checking and outlier detection) Shown as node |
envoy.cluster.membership_total (gauge) | [Legacy] Current cluster membership total Shown as node |
envoy.cluster.retry_or_shadow_abandoned (count) | [Legacy] Total number of times shadowing or retry buffering was canceled due to buffer limits Shown as occurrence |
envoy.cluster.config_reload (count) | [Legacy] Total API fetches that resulted in a config reload due to a different config Shown as request |
envoy.cluster.update_attempt (count) | [Legacy] Total cluster membership update attempts Shown as occurrence |
envoy.cluster.update_success (count) | [Legacy] Total cluster membership update successes Shown as success |
envoy.cluster.update_failure (count) | [Legacy] Total cluster membership update failures Shown as error |
envoy.cluster.update_no_rebuild (count) | [Legacy] Total successful cluster membership updates that didn't result in any cluster load balancing structure rebuilds Shown as occurrence |
envoy.cluster.version (gauge) | [Legacy] Hash of the contents from the last successful API fetch Shown as item |
envoy.cluster.max_host_weight (gauge) | [Legacy] Maximum weight of any host in the cluster Shown as item |
envoy.cluster.bind_errors (count) | [Legacy] Total errors binding the socket to the configured source address Shown as error |
envoy.cluster.health_check.attempt (count) | [Legacy] Number of health checks Shown as check |
envoy.cluster.health_check.success (count) | [Legacy] Number of successful health checks Shown as check |
envoy.cluster.health_check.failure (count) | [Legacy] Number of immediately failed health checks (e.g. HTTP 503) as well as network failures Shown as check |
envoy.cluster.health_check.passive_failure (count) | [Legacy] Number of health check failures due to passive events (e.g. x-envoy-immediate-health-check-fail) Shown as check |
envoy.cluster.health_check.network_failure (count) | [Legacy] Number of health check failures due to network error Shown as check |
envoy.cluster.health_check.verify_cluster (count) | [Legacy] Number of health checks that attempted cluster name verification Shown as check |
envoy.cluster.health_check.healthy (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of healthy members Shown as check |
envoy.cluster.http1.dropped_headers_with_underscores (count) | [Legacy] Total number of dropped headers with names containing underscores. This action is configured by setting the headerswithunderscores_action config setting. |
envoy.cluster.http1.metadata_not_supported_error (count) | [Legacy] Total number of metadata dropped during HTTP/1 encoding |
envoy.cluster.http1.response_flood (count) | [Legacy] Total number of connections closed due to response flooding Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.http1.requests_rejected_with_underscores_in_headers (count) | [Legacy] Total numbers of rejected requests due to header names containing underscores. This action is configured by setting the headerswithunderscores_action config setting. Shown as request |
envoy.cluster.http2.header_overflow (count) | [Legacy] Total number of connections reset due to the headers being larger than 63 K Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.http2.inbound_empty_frames_flood (count) | [Legacy] Total number of connections terminated for exceeding the limit on consecutive inbound frames with an empty payload and no end stream flag Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.http2.inbound_priority_frames_flood (count) | [Legacy] Total number of connections terminated for exceeding the limit on inbound frames of type PRIORITY Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.http2.inbound_window_update_frames_flood (count) | [Legacy] Total number of connections terminated for exceeding the limit on inbound frames of type WINDOW_UPDATE Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.http2.outbound_control_flood (count) | [Legacy] Total number of connections terminated for exceeding the limit on outbound frames of types PING/SETTINGS/RST_STREAM Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.http2.outbound_flood (count) | [Legacy] Total number of connections terminated for exceeding the limit on outbound frames of all types Shown as connection |
envoy.cluster.http2.headers_cb_no_stream (count) | [Legacy] Total number of errors where a header callback is called without an associated stream. This tracks an unexpected occurrence due to an as yet undiagnosed bug. Shown as error |
envoy.cluster.http2.rx_messaging_error (count) | [Legacy] Total number of invalid received frames that violated section 8 of the HTTP/2 spec Shown as item |
envoy.cluster.http2.rx_reset (count) | [Legacy] Total number of reset stream frames received by Envoy Shown as message |
envoy.cluster.http2.too_many_header_frames (count) | [Legacy] Total number of times an HTTP2 connection is reset due to receiving too many headers frames. Envoy currently supports proxying at most one header frame for 100-Continue one non-100 response code header frame and one frame with trailers. Shown as occurrence |
envoy.cluster.http2.trailers (count) | [Legacy] Total number of trailers seen on requests coming from downstream Shown as item |
envoy.cluster.http2.tx_reset (count) | [Legacy] Total number of reset stream frames transmitted by Envoy Shown as message |
envoy.cluster.http2.stream_refused_errors.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of invalid frames received by Envoy with a REFUSED_STREAM error code |
envoy.cluster.original_dst_host_invalid (count) | [Legacy] Total number of invalid hosts passed to original destination load balancer |
envoy.cluster.outlier_detection.ejections_enforced_total (count) | [Legacy] Number of enforced ejections due to any outlier type |
envoy.cluster.outlier_detection.ejections_active (gauge) | [OpenMetrics V2 and Legacy] Number of currently ejected hosts |
envoy.cluster.outlier_detection.ejections_overflow (count) | [Legacy] Number of ejections aborted due to the max ejection % |
envoy.cluster.outlier_detection.ejections_enforced_consecutive_5xx (count) | [Legacy] Number of enforced consecutive 5xx ejections |
envoy.cluster.outlier_detection.ejections_detected_consecutive_5xx (count) | [Legacy] Number of detected consecutive 5xx ejections (even if unenforced) |
envoy.cluster.outlier_detection.ejections_enforced_success_rate (count) | [Legacy] Number of enforced success rate outlier ejections |
envoy.cluster.outlier_detection.ejections_detected_success_rate (count) | [Legacy] Number of detected success rate outlier ejections (even if unenforced) |
envoy.cluster.outlier_detection.ejections_enforced_consecutive_gateway_failure (count) | [Legacy] Number of enforced consecutive gateway failure ejections |
envoy.cluster.outlier_detection.ejections_detected_consecutive_gateway_failure (count) | [Legacy] Number of detected consecutive gateway failure ejections (even if unenforced) |
envoy.cluster.outlier_detection.ejections_enforced_consecutive_local_origin_failure (count) | [Legacy] Number of enforced consecutive local origin failure ejections |
envoy.cluster.outlier_detection.ejections_detected_consecutive_local_origin_failure (count) | [Legacy] Number of detected consecutive local origin failure ejections (even if unenforced) |
envoy.cluster.outlier_detection.ejections_enforced_local_origin_success_rate (count) | [Legacy] Number of enforced local origin success rate ejections |
envoy.cluster.outlier_detection.ejections_detected_local_origin_success_rate (count) | [Legacy] Number of detected local origin success rate ejections (even if unenforced) |
envoy.cluster.outlier_detection.ejections_enforced_failure_percentage (count) | [Legacy] Number of enforced failure percentage ejections |
envoy.cluster.outlier_detection.ejections_detected_failure_percentage (count) | [Legacy] Number of detected failure percentage ejections (even if unenforced) |
envoy.cluster.outlier_detection.ejections_enforced_failure_percentage_local_origin (count) | [Legacy] Number of enforced local origin failure percentage ejections |
envoy.cluster.outlier_detection.ejections_detected_failure_percentage_local_origin (count) | [Legacy] Number of detected local origin failure percentage ejections (even if unenforced) |
envoy.cluster.circuit_breakers.cx_open (gauge) | [Legacy] Whether the connection circuit breaker is closed (0) or open (1) |
envoy.cluster.circuit_breakers.cx_pool_open (gauge) | [Legacy] Whether the connection pool circuit breaker is closed (0) or open (1) |
envoy.cluster.circuit_breakers.rq_pending_open (gauge) | [Legacy] Whether the pending requests circuit breaker is closed (0) or open (1) |
envoy.cluster.circuit_breakers.rq_open (gauge) | [Legacy] Whether the requests circuit breaker is closed (0) or open (1) |
envoy.cluster.circuit_breakers.rq_retry_open (gauge) | [Legacy] Whether the retry circuit breaker is closed (0) or open (1) |
envoy.cluster.circuit_breakers.remaining_cx (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of remaining connections until the circuit breaker opens |
envoy.cluster.circuit_breakers.remaining_pending (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of remaining pending requests until the circuit breaker opens |
envoy.cluster.circuit_breakers.remaining_rq (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of remaining requests until the circuit breaker opens |
envoy.cluster.circuit_breakers.remaining_retries (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of remaining retries until the circuit breaker opens |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_completed (count) | [Legacy] Total upstream requests completed Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_1xx (count) | [Legacy] Aggregate HTTP 1xx response codes Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_2xx (count) | [Legacy] Aggregate HTTP 2xx response codes Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_3xx (count) | [Legacy] Aggregate HTTP 3xx response codes Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_4xx (count) | [Legacy] Aggregate HTTP 4xx response codes Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_5xx (count) | [Legacy] Aggregate HTTP 5xx response codes Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.canary.upstream_rq_completed (count) | [Legacy] Total upstream canary requests completed Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.canary.upstream_rq_1xx (count) | [Legacy] Upstream canary aggregate HTTP 1xx response codes Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.canary.upstream_rq_2xx (count) | [Legacy] Upstream canary aggregate HTTP 2xx response codes Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.canary.upstream_rq_3xx (count) | [Legacy] Upstream canary aggregate HTTP 3xx response codes Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.canary.upstream_rq_4xx (count) | [Legacy] Upstream canary aggregate HTTP 4xx response codes Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.canary.upstream_rq_5xx (count) | [Legacy] Upstream canary aggregate HTTP 5xx response codes Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.internal.upstream_rq_completed (count) | [Legacy] Total internal origin requests completed Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.internal.upstream_rq_1xx (count) | [Legacy] Internal origin aggregate HTTP 1xx response codes Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.internal.upstream_rq_2xx (count) | [Legacy] Internal origin aggregate HTTP 2xx response codes Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.internal.upstream_rq_3xx (count) | [Legacy] Internal origin aggregate HTTP 3xx response codes Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.internal.upstream_rq_4xx (count) | [Legacy] Internal origin aggregate HTTP 4xx response codes Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.internal.upstream_rq_5xx (count) | [Legacy] Internal origin aggregate HTTP 5xx response codes Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.external.upstream_rq_completed (count) | [Legacy] Total external origin requests completed Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.external.upstream_rq_1xx (count) | [Legacy] External origin aggregate HTTP 1xx response codes Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.external.upstream_rq_2xx (count) | [Legacy] External origin aggregate HTTP 2xx response codes Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.external.upstream_rq_3xx (count) | [Legacy] External origin aggregate HTTP 3xx response codes Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.external.upstream_rq_4xx (count) | [Legacy] External origin aggregate HTTP 4xx response codes Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.external.upstream_rq_5xx (count) | [Legacy] External origin aggregate HTTP 5xx response codes Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.zone.upstream_rq_1xx (count) | [Legacy] Aggregate HTTP 1xx response codes Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.zone.upstream_rq_2xx (count) | [Legacy] Aggregate HTTP 2xx response codes Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.zone.upstream_rq_3xx (count) | [Legacy] Aggregate HTTP 3xx response codes Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.zone.upstream_rq_4xx (count) | [Legacy] Aggregate HTTP 4xx response codes Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.zone.upstream_rq_5xx (count) | [Legacy] Aggregate HTTP 5xx response codes Shown as response |
envoy.cluster.lb_healthy_panic (count) | [Legacy] Total requests load balanced with the load balancer in panic mode Shown as request |
envoy.cluster.lb_zone_cluster_too_small (count) | [Legacy] No zone aware routing because of small upstream cluster size |
envoy.cluster.lb_zone_routing_all_directly (count) | [Legacy] Sending all requests directly to the same zone |
envoy.cluster.lb_zone_routing_sampled (count) | [Legacy] Sending some requests to the same zone |
envoy.cluster.lb_zone_routing_cross_zone (count) | [Legacy] Zone aware routing mode but have to send cross zone |
envoy.cluster.lb_local_cluster_not_ok (count) | [Legacy] Local host set is not set or it is panic mode for local cluster |
envoy.cluster.lb_zone_number_differs (count) | [Legacy] Number of zones in local and upstream cluster different |
envoy.cluster.lb_subsets_active (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of currently available subsets |
envoy.cluster.lb_subsets_created (count) | [Legacy] Number of subsets created |
envoy.cluster.lb_subsets_removed (count) | [Legacy] Number of subsets removed due to no hosts |
envoy.cluster.lb_subsets_selected (count) | [Legacy] Number of times any subset was selected for load balancing Shown as occurrence |
envoy.cluster.lb_subsets_fallback (count) | [Legacy] Number of times the fallback policy was invoked Shown as occurrence |
envoy.cluster.lb_subsets_fallback_panic (count) | [Legacy] Number of times the subset panic mode triggered Shown as occurrence |
envoy.cluster.update_empty (count) | [Legacy] Total cluster membership updates ending with empty cluster load assignment and continuing with previous config Shown as occurrence |
envoy.cluster.lb_recalculate_zone_structures (count) | [Legacy] The number of times locality aware routing structures are regenerated for fast decisions on upstream locality selection Shown as occurrence |
envoy.cluster.lb_zone_no_capacity_left (count) | [Legacy] Total number of times ended with random zone selection due to rounding error Shown as occurrence |
envoy.http.tracing.random_sampling (count) | [Legacy] Total number of traceable decisions by random sampling Shown as occurrence |
envoy.http.tracing.service_forced (count) | [Legacy] Total number of traceable decisions by server runtime flag tracing.global_enabled Shown as occurrence |
envoy.http.tracing.client_enabled (count) | [Legacy] Total number of traceable decisions by request header x-envoy-force-trace Shown as occurrence |
envoy.http.tracing.not_traceable (count) | [Legacy] Total number of non-traceable decisions by request id Shown as occurrence |
envoy.http.tracing.health_check (count) | [Legacy] Total number of non-traceable decisions by health check Shown as occurrence |
envoy.http.rq_direct_response (count) | [Legacy] Total requests that resulted in a direct response Shown as request |
envoy.stats.overflow (count) | [Legacy] Total number of times Envoy cannot allocate a statistic due to a shortage of shared memory Shown as error |
envoy.server.uptime (gauge) | [Legacy] Current server uptime in seconds Shown as second |
envoy.server.memory_allocated (gauge) | [Legacy] Current amount of allocated memory in bytes Shown as byte |
envoy.server.memory_heap_size (gauge) | [Legacy] Current reserved heap size in bytes Shown as byte |
envoy.server.live (gauge) | [Legacy] 1 if the server is not currently draining, 0 otherwise Shown as occurrence |
envoy.server.parent_connections (gauge) | [Legacy] Total connections of the old Envoy process on hot restart Shown as connection |
envoy.server.total_connections (gauge) | [Legacy] Total connections of both new and old Envoy processes Shown as connection |
envoy.server.version (gauge) | [Legacy] Integer represented version number based on SCM revision Shown as item |
envoy.server.days_until_first_cert_expiring (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of days until the next certificate being managed will expire Shown as day |
envoy.server.concurrency (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of worker threads |
envoy.server.debug_assertion_failures (count) | [Legacy] Number of debug assertion failures detected in a release build if compiled with -define logdebugassertinrelease=enabled or zero otherwise |
envoy.server.hot_restart_epoch (gauge) | [Legacy] Current hot restart epoch |
envoy.server.state (gauge) | [Legacy] Current State of the Server |
envoy.server.watchdog_mega_miss (count) | [Legacy] Number of mega misses |
envoy.server.watchdog_miss (count) | [Legacy] Number of standard misses |
envoy.filesystem.write_buffered (count) | [Legacy] Total number of times file data is moved to Envoy's internal flush buffer Shown as occurrence |
envoy.filesystem.write_completed (count) | [Legacy] Total number of times a file was written Shown as occurrence |
envoy.filesystem.flushed_by_timer (count) | [Legacy] Total number of times internal flush buffers are written to a file due to flush timeout Shown as occurrence |
envoy.filesystem.reopen_failed (count) | [Legacy] Total number of times a file was failed to be opened Shown as occurrence |
envoy.filesystem.write_total_buffered (gauge) | [Legacy] Current total size of internal flush buffer in bytes Shown as byte |
envoy.vhost.vcluster.upstream_rq_time.0percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Request time milliseconds 0-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.vhost.vcluster.upstream_rq_time.25percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Request time milliseconds 25-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.vhost.vcluster.upstream_rq_time.50percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Request time milliseconds 50-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.vhost.vcluster.upstream_rq_time.75percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Request time milliseconds 75-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.vhost.vcluster.upstream_rq_time.90percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Request time milliseconds 90-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.vhost.vcluster.upstream_rq_time.95percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Request time milliseconds 95-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.vhost.vcluster.upstream_rq_time.99percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Request time milliseconds 99-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.vhost.vcluster.upstream_rq_time.99_9percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Request time milliseconds 99.9-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.vhost.vcluster.upstream_rq_time.100percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Request time milliseconds 100-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.dynamodb.operation.upstream_rq_time.0percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Time spent on operation_name tag 0-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.dynamodb.operation.upstream_rq_time.25percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Time spent on operation_name tag 25-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.dynamodb.operation.upstream_rq_time.50percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Time spent on operation_name tag 50-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.dynamodb.operation.upstream_rq_time.75percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Time spent on operation_name tag 75-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.dynamodb.operation.upstream_rq_time.90percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Time spent on operation_name tag 90-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.dynamodb.operation.upstream_rq_time.95percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Time spent on operation_name tag 95-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.dynamodb.operation.upstream_rq_time.99percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Time spent on operation_name tag 99-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.dynamodb.operation.upstream_rq_time.99_9percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Time spent on operation_name tag 99.9-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.dynamodb.operation.upstream_rq_time.100percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Time spent on operation_name tag 100-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.dynamodb.table.upstream_rq_time.0percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Time spent on table_name tag table 0-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.dynamodb.table.upstream_rq_time.25percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Time spent on table_name tag table 25-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.dynamodb.table.upstream_rq_time.50percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Time spent on table_name tag table 50-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.dynamodb.table.upstream_rq_time.75percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Time spent on table_name tag table 75-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.dynamodb.table.upstream_rq_time.90percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Time spent on table_name tag table 90-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.dynamodb.table.upstream_rq_time.95percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Time spent on table_name tag table 95-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.dynamodb.table.upstream_rq_time.99percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Time spent on table_name tag table 99-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.dynamodb.table.upstream_rq_time.99_9percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Time spent on table_name tag table 99.9-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.dynamodb.table.upstream_rq_time.100percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Time spent on table_name tag table 100-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.mongo.cmd.reply_num_docs.0percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of documents in reply 0-percentile Shown as document |
envoy.mongo.cmd.reply_num_docs.25percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of documents in reply 25-percentile Shown as document |
envoy.mongo.cmd.reply_num_docs.50percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of documents in reply 50-percentile Shown as document |
envoy.mongo.cmd.reply_num_docs.75percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of documents in reply 75-percentile Shown as document |
envoy.mongo.cmd.reply_num_docs.90percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of documents in reply 90-percentile Shown as document |
envoy.mongo.cmd.reply_num_docs.95percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of documents in reply 95-percentile Shown as document |
envoy.mongo.cmd.reply_num_docs.99percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of documents in reply 99-percentile Shown as document |
envoy.mongo.cmd.reply_num_docs.99_9percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of documents in reply 99.9-percentile Shown as document |
envoy.mongo.cmd.reply_num_docs.100percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of documents in reply 100-percentile Shown as document |
envoy.mongo.cmd.reply_size.0percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Size of the reply in bytes 0-percentile Shown as byte |
envoy.mongo.cmd.reply_size.25percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Size of the reply in bytes 25-percentile Shown as byte |
envoy.mongo.cmd.reply_size.50percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Size of the reply in bytes 50-percentile Shown as byte |
envoy.mongo.cmd.reply_size.75percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Size of the reply in bytes 75-percentile Shown as byte |
envoy.mongo.cmd.reply_size.90percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Size of the reply in bytes 90-percentile Shown as byte |
envoy.mongo.cmd.reply_size.95percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Size of the reply in bytes 95-percentile Shown as byte |
envoy.mongo.cmd.reply_size.99percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Size of the reply in bytes 99-percentile Shown as byte |
envoy.mongo.cmd.reply_size.99_9percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Size of the reply in bytes 99.9-percentile Shown as byte |
envoy.mongo.cmd.reply_size.100percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Size of the reply in bytes 100-percentile Shown as byte |
envoy.mongo.cmd.reply_time_ms.0percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Command time in milliseconds 0-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.mongo.cmd.reply_time_ms.25percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Command time in milliseconds 25-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.mongo.cmd.reply_time_ms.50percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Command time in milliseconds 50-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.mongo.cmd.reply_time_ms.75percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Command time in milliseconds 75-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.mongo.cmd.reply_time_ms.90percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Command time in milliseconds 90-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.mongo.cmd.reply_time_ms.95percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Command time in milliseconds 95-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.mongo.cmd.reply_time_ms.99percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Command time in milliseconds 99-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.mongo.cmd.reply_time_ms.99_9percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Command time in milliseconds 99.9-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.mongo.cmd.reply_time_ms.100percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Command time in milliseconds 100-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.mongo.collection.query.reply_num_docs.0percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of documents in reply 0-percentile Shown as document |
envoy.mongo.collection.query.reply_num_docs.25percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of documents in reply 25-percentile Shown as document |
envoy.mongo.collection.query.reply_num_docs.50percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of documents in reply 50-percentile Shown as document |
envoy.mongo.collection.query.reply_num_docs.75percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of documents in reply 75-percentile Shown as document |
envoy.mongo.collection.query.reply_num_docs.90percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of documents in reply 90-percentile Shown as document |
envoy.mongo.collection.query.reply_num_docs.95percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of documents in reply 95-percentile Shown as document |
envoy.mongo.collection.query.reply_num_docs.99percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of documents in reply 99-percentile Shown as document |
envoy.mongo.collection.query.reply_num_docs.99_9percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of documents in reply 99.9-percentile Shown as document |
envoy.mongo.collection.query.reply_num_docs.100percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of documents in reply 100-percentile Shown as document |
envoy.mongo.collection.query.reply_size.0percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Size of the reply in bytes 0-percentile Shown as byte |
envoy.mongo.collection.query.reply_size.25percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Size of the reply in bytes 25-percentile Shown as byte |
envoy.mongo.collection.query.reply_size.50percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Size of the reply in bytes 50-percentile Shown as byte |
envoy.mongo.collection.query.reply_size.75percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Size of the reply in bytes 75-percentile Shown as byte |
envoy.mongo.collection.query.reply_size.90percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Size of the reply in bytes 90-percentile Shown as byte |
envoy.mongo.collection.query.reply_size.95percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Size of the reply in bytes 95-percentile Shown as byte |
envoy.mongo.collection.query.reply_size.99percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Size of the reply in bytes 99-percentile Shown as byte |
envoy.mongo.collection.query.reply_size.99_9percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Size of the reply in bytes 99.9-percentile Shown as byte |
envoy.mongo.collection.query.reply_size.100percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Size of the reply in bytes 100-percentile Shown as byte |
envoy.mongo.collection.query.reply_time_ms.0percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Query time in milliseconds 0-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.mongo.collection.query.reply_time_ms.25percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Query time in milliseconds 25-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.mongo.collection.query.reply_time_ms.50percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Query time in milliseconds 50-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.mongo.collection.query.reply_time_ms.75percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Query time in milliseconds 75-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.mongo.collection.query.reply_time_ms.90percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Query time in milliseconds 90-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.mongo.collection.query.reply_time_ms.95percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Query time in milliseconds 95-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.mongo.collection.query.reply_time_ms.99percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Query time in milliseconds 99-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.mongo.collection.query.reply_time_ms.99_9percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Query time in milliseconds 99.9-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.mongo.collection.query.reply_time_ms.100percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Query time in milliseconds 100-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.mongo.collection.callsite.query.reply_num_docs.0percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of documents in reply for the callsite tag 0-percentile Shown as document |
envoy.mongo.collection.callsite.query.reply_num_docs.25percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of documents in reply for the callsite tag 25-percentile Shown as document |
envoy.mongo.collection.callsite.query.reply_num_docs.50percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of documents in reply for the callsite tag 50-percentile Shown as document |
envoy.mongo.collection.callsite.query.reply_num_docs.75percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of documents in reply for the callsite tag 75-percentile Shown as document |
envoy.mongo.collection.callsite.query.reply_num_docs.90percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of documents in reply for the callsite tag 90-percentile Shown as document |
envoy.mongo.collection.callsite.query.reply_num_docs.95percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of documents in reply for the callsite tag 95-percentile Shown as document |
envoy.mongo.collection.callsite.query.reply_num_docs.99percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of documents in reply for the callsite tag 99-percentile Shown as document |
envoy.mongo.collection.callsite.query.reply_num_docs.99_9percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of documents in reply for the callsite tag 99.9-percentile Shown as document |
envoy.mongo.collection.callsite.query.reply_num_docs.100percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Number of documents in reply for the callsite tag 100-percentile Shown as document |
envoy.mongo.collection.callsite.query.reply_size.0percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Size of the reply in bytes for the callsite tag 0-percentile Shown as byte |
envoy.mongo.collection.callsite.query.reply_size.25percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Size of the reply in bytes for the callsite tag 25-percentile Shown as byte |
envoy.mongo.collection.callsite.query.reply_size.50percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Size of the reply in bytes for the callsite tag 50-percentile Shown as byte |
envoy.mongo.collection.callsite.query.reply_size.75percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Size of the reply in bytes for the callsite tag 75-percentile Shown as byte |
envoy.mongo.collection.callsite.query.reply_size.90percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Size of the reply in bytes for the callsite tag 90-percentile Shown as byte |
envoy.mongo.collection.callsite.query.reply_size.95percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Size of the reply in bytes for the callsite tag 95-percentile Shown as byte |
envoy.mongo.collection.callsite.query.reply_size.99percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Size of the reply in bytes for the callsite tag 99-percentile Shown as byte |
envoy.mongo.collection.callsite.query.reply_size.99_9percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Size of the reply in bytes for the callsite tag 99.9-percentile Shown as byte |
envoy.mongo.collection.callsite.query.reply_size.100percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Size of the reply in bytes for the callsite tag 100-percentile Shown as byte |
envoy.mongo.collection.callsite.query.reply_time_ms.0percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Query time in milliseconds for the callsite tag 0-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.mongo.collection.callsite.query.reply_time_ms.25percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Query time in milliseconds for the callsite tag 25-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.mongo.collection.callsite.query.reply_time_ms.50percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Query time in milliseconds for the callsite tag 50-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.mongo.collection.callsite.query.reply_time_ms.75percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Query time in milliseconds for the callsite tag 75-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.mongo.collection.callsite.query.reply_time_ms.90percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Query time in milliseconds for the callsite tag 90-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.mongo.collection.callsite.query.reply_time_ms.95percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Query time in milliseconds for the callsite tag 95-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.mongo.collection.callsite.query.reply_time_ms.99percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Query time in milliseconds for the callsite tag 99-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.mongo.collection.callsite.query.reply_time_ms.99_9percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Query time in milliseconds for the callsite tag 99.9-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.mongo.collection.callsite.query.reply_time_ms.100percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Query time in milliseconds for the callsite tag 100-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.listener.downstream_cx_length_ms.0percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection length in milliseconds 0-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.listener.downstream_cx_length_ms.25percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection length in milliseconds 25-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.listener.downstream_cx_length_ms.50percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection length in milliseconds 50-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.listener.downstream_cx_length_ms.75percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection length in milliseconds 75-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.listener.downstream_cx_length_ms.90percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection length in milliseconds 90-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.listener.downstream_cx_length_ms.95percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection length in milliseconds 95-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.listener.downstream_cx_length_ms.99percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection length in milliseconds 99-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.listener.downstream_cx_length_ms.99_5percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection length in milliseconds 99.5-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.listener.downstream_cx_length_ms.99_9percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection length in milliseconds 99.9-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.listener.downstream_cx_length_ms.100percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection length in milliseconds 100-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_length_ms.0percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection length in milliseconds 0-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_length_ms.25percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection length in milliseconds 25-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_length_ms.50percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection length in milliseconds 50-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_length_ms.75percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection length in milliseconds 75-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_length_ms.90percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection length in milliseconds 90-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_length_ms.95percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection length in milliseconds 95-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_length_ms.99percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection length in milliseconds 99-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_length_ms.99_5percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection length in milliseconds 99.5-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_length_ms.99_9percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection length in milliseconds 99.9-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.downstream_cx_length_ms.100percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection length in milliseconds 100-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_time.0percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Request time in milliseconds 0-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_time.25percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Request time in milliseconds 25-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_time.50percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Request time in milliseconds 50-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_time.75percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Request time in milliseconds 75-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_time.90percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Request time in milliseconds 90-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_time.95percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Request time in milliseconds 95-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_time.99percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Request time in milliseconds 99-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_time.99_5percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Request time in milliseconds 99.5-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_time.99_9percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Request time in milliseconds 99.9-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.http.downstream_rq_time.100percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Request time in milliseconds 100-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_connect_ms.0percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection establishment in milliseconds 0-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_connect_ms.25percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection establishment in milliseconds 25-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_connect_ms.50percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection establishment in milliseconds 50-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_connect_ms.75percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection establishment in milliseconds 75-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_connect_ms.90percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection establishment in milliseconds 90-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_connect_ms.95percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection establishment in milliseconds 95-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_connect_ms.99percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection establishment in milliseconds 99-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_connect_ms.99_5percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection establishment in milliseconds 99.5-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_connect_ms.99_9percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection establishment in milliseconds 99.9-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_connect_ms.100percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection establishment in milliseconds 100-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_length_ms.0percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection length in milliseconds 0-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_length_ms.25percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection length in milliseconds 25-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_length_ms.50percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection length in milliseconds 50-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_length_ms.75percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection length in milliseconds 75-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_length_ms.90percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection length in milliseconds 90-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_length_ms.95percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection length in milliseconds 95-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_length_ms.99percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection length in milliseconds 99-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_length_ms.99_5percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection length in milliseconds 99.5-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_length_ms.99_9percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection length in milliseconds 99.9-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.upstream_cx_length_ms.100percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Connection length in milliseconds 100-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_time.0percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Request time in milliseconds 0-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_time.25percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Request time in milliseconds 25-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_time.50percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Request time in milliseconds 50-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_time.75percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Request time in milliseconds 75-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_time.90percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Request time in milliseconds 90-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_time.95percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Request time in milliseconds 95-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_time.99percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Request time in milliseconds 99-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_time.99_5percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Request time in milliseconds 99-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_time.99_9percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Request time in milliseconds 99.9-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_time.100percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Request time in milliseconds 100-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.canary.upstream_rq_time.0percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Upstream canary request time in milliseconds 0-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.canary.upstream_rq_time.25percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Upstream canary request time in milliseconds 25-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.canary.upstream_rq_time.50percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Upstream canary request time in milliseconds 50-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.canary.upstream_rq_time.75percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Upstream canary request time in milliseconds 75-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.canary.upstream_rq_time.90percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Upstream canary request time in milliseconds 90-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.canary.upstream_rq_time.95percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Upstream canary request time in milliseconds 95-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.canary.upstream_rq_time.99percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Upstream canary request time in milliseconds 99-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.canary.upstream_rq_time.99_9percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Upstream canary request time in milliseconds 99.9-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.canary.upstream_rq_time.100percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Upstream canary request time in milliseconds 100-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.internal.upstream_rq_time.0percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Internal origin request time in milliseconds 0-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.internal.upstream_rq_time.25percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Internal origin request time in milliseconds 25-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.internal.upstream_rq_time.50percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Internal origin request time in milliseconds 50-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.internal.upstream_rq_time.75percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Internal origin request time in milliseconds 75-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.internal.upstream_rq_time.90percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Internal origin request time in milliseconds 90-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.internal.upstream_rq_time.95percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Internal origin request time in milliseconds 95-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.internal.upstream_rq_time.99percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Internal origin request time in milliseconds 99-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.internal.upstream_rq_time.99_9percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Internal origin request time in milliseconds 99.9-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.internal.upstream_rq_time.100percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Internal origin request time in milliseconds 100-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.external.upstream_rq_time.0percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] External origin request time in milliseconds 0-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.external.upstream_rq_time.25percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] External origin request time in milliseconds 25-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.external.upstream_rq_time.50percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] External origin request time in milliseconds 50-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.external.upstream_rq_time.75percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] External origin request time in milliseconds 75-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.external.upstream_rq_time.90percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] External origin request time in milliseconds 90-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.external.upstream_rq_time.95percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] External origin request time in milliseconds 95-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.external.upstream_rq_time.99percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] External origin request time in milliseconds 99-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.external.upstream_rq_time.99_5percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] External origin request time in milliseconds 99.5-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.external.upstream_rq_time.99_9percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] External origin request time in milliseconds 99.9-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.external.upstream_rq_time.100percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] External origin request time in milliseconds 100-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.zone.upstream_rq_time.0percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Zone request time in milliseconds 0-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.zone.upstream_rq_time.25percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Zone request time in milliseconds 25-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.zone.upstream_rq_time.50percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Zone request time in milliseconds 50-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.zone.upstream_rq_time.75percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Zone request time in milliseconds 75-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.zone.upstream_rq_time.90percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Zone request time in milliseconds 90-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.zone.upstream_rq_time.95percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Zone request time in milliseconds 95-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.zone.upstream_rq_time.99percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Zone request time in milliseconds 99-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.zone.upstream_rq_time.99_9percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Zone request time in milliseconds 99.9-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.cluster.zone.upstream_rq_time.100percentile (gauge) | [Legacy] Zone request time in milliseconds 100-percentile Shown as millisecond |
envoy.sds.key_rotation_failed (count) | [Legacy] [API v3 only] Total number of filesystem key rotations that failed outside of an SDS update. |
envoy.access_logs.grpc_access_log.logs_dropped (count) | [Legacy] Number of GRPC Access Logs dropped |
envoy.access_logs.grpc_access_log.logs_written (count) | [Legacy] Number of GRPC Access Logs written |
envoy.access_logs.grpc_access_log.logs_dropped.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of GRPC Access Logs dropped |
envoy.access_logs.grpc_access_log.logs_written.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of GRPC Access Logs written |
envoy.http_local_rate_limit.enabled (count) | [Legacy] Total number of requests for which the rate limiter was consulted Shown as request |
envoy.http_local_rate_limit.enforced (count) | [Legacy] Total number of requests for which rate limiting was applied (e.g.: 429 returned) Shown as request |
envoy.http_local_rate_limit.rate_limited (count) | [Legacy] Total number of responses without an available token (but not necessarily enforced) Shown as request |
envoy.http_local_rate_limit.ok (count) | [Legacy] Total number of under the limit responses from the token bucket Shown as request |
envoy.http.rbac.allowed (count) | [Legacy] Total requests that were allowed access Shown as request |
envoy.http.rbac.denied (count) | [Legacy] Total requests that were denied access Shown as request |
envoy.http.rbac.shadow_allowed (count) | [Legacy] Total requests that would be allowed access by the filter's shadow rules Shown as request |
envoy.http.rbac.shadow_denied (count) | [Legacy] Total requests that would be denied access by the filter's shadow rules Shown as request |
envoy.cluster.client_ssl_socket_factory.downstream_context_secrets_not_ready.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] The count of SSL context updates for the listener server performed by Secret Discovery Service. |
envoy.cluster.client_ssl_socket_factory.ssl_context_update_by_sds.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] The count of upstream SSL context secrets of the listener server that are not ready. |
envoy.cluster.client_ssl_socket_factory.upstream_context_secrets_not_ready.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] The count of downstream SSL context secrets of the listener server that are not ready. |
envoy.listener.server_ssl_socket_factory.downstream_context_secrets_not_ready.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] The count of SSL context updates for the client's SSL socket factory performed by Secret Discovery Service. |
envoy.listener.server_ssl_socket_factory.ssl_context_update_by_sds.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] The count of upstream SSL context secrets of the client's SSL socket factory that are not ready. |
envoy.listener.server_ssl_socket_factory.upstream_context_secrets_not_ready.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] The count of downstream SSL context secrets for the client SSL socket factory that are not yet ready. |
envoy.tls_inspector.client_hello_too_large.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total unreasonably large client hello received |
envoy.tls_inspector.tls.found.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of times TLS was found |
envoy.tls_inspector.tls.not_found.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of times TLS was not found |
envoy.tls_inspector.alpn.found.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of times Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation was successful |
envoy.tls_inspector.alpn.not_found.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of times Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation has failed |
envoy.tls_inspector.sni.found.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of times Server Name Indication was found |
envoy.tls_inspector.sni.not_found.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total number of times Server Name Indication was not found |
envoy.tls_inspector.bytes_processed.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Records sizes which records the number of bytes the tls_inspector processed while analyzing for tls usage |
envoy.tls_inspector.bytes_processed.count (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Count of records sizes which records the number of bytes the tls_inspector processed while analyzing for tls usage |
envoy.tls_inspector.bytes_processed.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics V2] Total sum of records sizes which records the number of bytes the tls_inspector processed while analyzing for tls usage |