varnish.LCK.backend.colls (gauge) | Collisions. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.backend.creat (gauge) | Created locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.backend.dbg_busy (gauge) | Contended lock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.backend.dbg_try_fail (gauge) | Contended trylock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.backend.destroy (gauge) | Destroyed locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.backend.locks (gauge) | Lock operations. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.backend_tcp.creat (gauge) | Created locks LCK. This metric is only provided by varnish <= 5.x Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.backend_tcp.destroy (gauge) | Destroyed locks LCK. This metric is only provided by varnish <=5.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.backend_tcp.locks (gauge) | Lock Operations LCK.This metric is only provided by varnish <=5.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.ban.colls (gauge) | Collisions. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.ban.creat (gauge) | Created locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.ban.dbg_busy (gauge) | Contended lock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.ban.dbg_try_fail (gauge) | Contended trylock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.ban.destroy (gauge) | Destroyed locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.ban.locks (gauge) | Lock operations. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.busyobj.creat (gauge) | Created locks. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.busyobj.dbg_busy (gauge) | Contended lock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.busyobj.dbg_try_fail (gauge) | Contended trylock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.busyobj.destroy (gauge) | Destroyed locks. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.busyobj.locks (gauge) | Lock operations. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.cli.colls (gauge) | Collisions. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.cli.creat (gauge) | Created locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.cli.dbg_busy (gauge) | Contended lock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.cli.dbg_try_fail (gauge) | Contended trylock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.cli.destroy (gauge) | Destroyed locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.cli.locks (gauge) | Lock operations. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.exp.colls (gauge) | Collisions. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.exp.creat (gauge) | Created locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.exp.dbg_busy (gauge) | Contended lock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.exp.dbg_try_fail (gauge) | Contended trylock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.exp.destroy (gauge) | Destroyed locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.exp.locks (gauge) | Lock operations. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.hcb.colls (gauge) | Collisions. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.hcb.creat (gauge) | Created locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.hcb.dbg_busy (gauge) | Contended lock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.hcb.dbg_try_fail (gauge) | Contended trylock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.hcb.destroy (gauge) | Destroyed locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.hcb.locks (gauge) | Lock operations. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.hcl.colls (gauge) | Collisions. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.hcl.creat (gauge) | Created locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.hcl.destroy (gauge) | Destroyed locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.hcl.locks (gauge) | Lock operations. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.herder.colls (gauge) | Collisions. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.herder.creat (gauge) | Created locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.herder.destroy (gauge) | Destroyed locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.herder.locks (gauge) | Lock operations. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.hsl.colls (gauge) | Collisions. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.hsl.creat (gauge) | Created locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.hsl.destroy (gauge) | Destroyed locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.hsl.locks (gauge) | Lock operations. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.lru.colls (gauge) | Collisions. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.lru.creat (gauge) | Created locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.lru.dbg_busy (gauge) | Contended lock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.lru.dbg_try_fail (gauge) | Contended trylock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.lru.destroy (gauge) | Destroyed locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.lru.locks (gauge) | Lock operations. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.mempool.creat (gauge) | Created locks. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.mempool.dbg_busy (gauge) | Contended lock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.mempool.dbg_try_fail (gauge) | Contended trylock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.mempool.destroy (gauge) | Destroyed locks. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.mempool.locks (gauge) | Lock operations. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.nbusyobj.creat (gauge) | Created locks. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.nbusyobj.destroy (gauge) | Destroyed locks. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.nbusyobj.locks (gauge) | Lock operations. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.objhdr.colls (gauge) | Collisions. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.objhdr.creat (gauge) | Created locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.objhdr.dbg_busy (gauge) | Contended lock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.objhdr.dbg_try_fail (gauge) | Contended trylock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.objhdr.destroy (gauge) | Destroyed locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.objhdr.locks (gauge) | Lock operations. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.perpool.creat (gauge) | Created locks. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.perpool.dbg_busy (gauge) | Contended lock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.perpool.dbg_try_fail (gauge) | Contended trylock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.perpool.destroy (gauge) | Destroyed locks. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.perpool.locks (gauge) | Created locks. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.pipestat.creat (gauge) | Created locks. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.pipestat.dbg_busy (gauge) | Contended lock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.pipestat.dbg_try_fail (gauge) | Contended trylock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.pipestat.destroy (gauge) | Destroyed locks. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.pipestat.locks (gauge) | Lock operations. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.probe.creat (gauge) | Created locks. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.probe.dbg_busy (gauge) | Contended lock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.probe.dbg_try_fail (gauge) | Contended trylock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.probe.destroy (gauge) | Destroyed locks. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.probe.locks (gauge) | Created locks. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.sess.creat (gauge) | Created locks. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.sess.dbg_busy (gauge) | Contended lock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.sess.dbg_try_fail (gauge) | Contended trylock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.sess.destroy (gauge) | Destroyed locks. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.sess.locks (gauge) | Lock operations. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.sessmem.colls (gauge) | Collisions. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.sessmem.creat (gauge) | Created locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.sessmem.destroy (gauge) | Destroyed locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.sessmem.locks (gauge) | Lock operations. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.sma.colls (gauge) | Collisions. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.sma.creat (gauge) | Created locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.sma.dbg_busy (gauge) | Contended lock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.sma.dbg_try_fail (gauge) | Contended trylock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.sma.destroy (gauge) | Destroyed locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.sma.locks (gauge) | Lock operations. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.smf.colls (gauge) | Collisions. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.smf.creat (gauge) | Created locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.smf.destroy (gauge) | Destroyed locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.smf.locks (gauge) | Lock operations. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.smp.colls (gauge) | Collisions. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.smp.creat (gauge) | Created locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.smp.destroy (gauge) | Destroyed locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.smp.locks (gauge) | Lock operations. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.sms.colls (gauge) | Collisions. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.sms.creat (gauge) | Created locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.sms.destroy (gauge) | Destroyed locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.sms.locks (gauge) | Lock operations. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.stat.colls (gauge) | Collisions. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.stat.creat (gauge) | Created locks. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.stat.destroy (gauge) | Destroyed locks. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.stat.locks (gauge) | Lock operations. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.tcp_pool.creat (gauge) | Created locks Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.tcp_pool.dbg_busy (gauge) | Contended lock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.tcp_pool.dbg_try_fail (gauge) | Contended trylock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.tcp_pool.destroy (gauge) | Destroyed locks. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.tcp_pool.locks (gauge) | Created locks. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.vbe.colls (gauge) | Collisions. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.vbe.creat (gauge) | Created locks. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.vbe.dbg_busy (gauge) | Contended lock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.vbe.dbg_try_fail (gauge) | Contended trylock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.vbe.destroy (gauge) | Destroyed locks. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.vbe.locks (gauge) | Lock operations. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.vbp.colls (gauge) | Collisions. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.vbp.creat (gauge) | Created locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.vbp.destroy (gauge) | Destroyed locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.vbp.locks (gauge) | Lock operations. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.vcapace.creat (gauge) | Created locks. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.vcapace.dbg_busy (gauge) | Contended lock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.vcapace.dbg_try_fail (gauge) | Contended trylock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.vcapace.destroy (gauge) | Destroyed locks. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.vcapace.locks (gauge) | Lock operations. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.vcl.colls (gauge) | Collisions. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.vcl.creat (gauge) | Created locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.vcl.dbg_busy (gauge) | Contended lock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.vcl.dbg_try_fail (gauge) | Contended trylock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.vcl.destroy (gauge) | Destroyed locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.vcl.locks (gauge) | Lock operations. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.vxid.creat (gauge) | Created locks. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.vxid.dbg_busy (gauge) | Contended lock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.vxid.dbg_try_fail (gauge) | Contended trylock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.vxid.destroy (gauge) | Destroyed locks. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.vxid.locks (gauge) | Lock operations. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.waiter.creat (gauge) | Created locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.waiter.dbg_busy (gauge) | Contended lock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.waiter.dbg_try_fail (gauge) | Contended trylock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.waiter.destroy (gauge) | Destroyed locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.waiter.locks (gauge) | Lock operations. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.wq.colls (gauge) | Collisions. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.wq.creat (gauge) | Created locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.wq.dbg_busy (gauge) | Contended lock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.wq.dbg_try_fail (gauge) | Contended trylock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.wq.destroy (gauge) | Destroyed locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.wq.locks (gauge) | Lock operations. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.wstat.colls (gauge) | Collisions. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.wstat.creat (gauge) | Created locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.wstat.dbg_busy (gauge) | Contended lock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.wstat.dbg_try_fail (gauge) | Contended trylock operations. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.wstat.destroy (gauge) | Destroyed locks. Shown as lock |
varnish.LCK.wstat.locks (gauge) | Lock operations. Shown as lock |
varnish.MEMPOOL.busyobj.allocs (gauge) | Allocations. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.busyobj.frees (gauge) | Frees. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event | (gauge) | In use. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. |
varnish.MEMPOOL.busyobj.pool (gauge) | In pool. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. |
varnish.MEMPOOL.busyobj.randry (gauge) | Pool ran dry. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.busyobj.recycle (gauge) | Recycled from pool. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.busyobj.surplus (gauge) | Too many for pool. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.busyobj.sz_actual (gauge) | Actual size. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as byte |
varnish.MEMPOOL.busyobj.sz_needed (gauge) | Size allocated. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as byte |
varnish.MEMPOOL.busyobj.sz_wanted (gauge) | Size requested. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as byte |
varnish.MEMPOOL.busyobj.timeout (gauge) | Timed out from pool. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.busyobj.toosmall (gauge) | Too small to recycle. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.req0.allocs (gauge) | Allocations. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.req0.frees (gauge) | Frees. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event | (gauge) | In use. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. |
varnish.MEMPOOL.req0.pool (gauge) | In pool. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. |
varnish.MEMPOOL.req0.randry (gauge) | Pool ran dry. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.req0.recycle (gauge) | Recycled from pool. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.req0.surplus (gauge) | Too many for pool. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.req0.sz_actual (gauge) | Actual size. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.req0.sz_needed (gauge) | Size allocated. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as byte |
varnish.MEMPOOL.req0.sz_wanted (gauge) | Size requested. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as byte |
varnish.MEMPOOL.req0.timeout (gauge) | Timed out from pool. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.req0.toosmall (gauge) | Too small to recycle. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.req1.allocs (gauge) | Allocations. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.req1.frees (gauge) | Frees. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event | (gauge) | In use. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. |
varnish.MEMPOOL.req1.pool (gauge) | In pool. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. |
varnish.MEMPOOL.req1.randry (gauge) | Pool ran dry. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.req1.recycle (gauge) | Recycled from pool. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.req1.surplus (gauge) | Too many for pool. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.req1.sz_actual (gauge) | Actual size. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.req1.sz_needed (gauge) | Size allocated. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as byte |
varnish.MEMPOOL.req1.sz_wanted (gauge) | Size requested. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as byte |
varnish.MEMPOOL.req1.timeout (gauge) | Timed out from pool. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.req1.toosmall (gauge) | Too small to recycle. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.sess0.allocs (gauge) | Allocations. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.sess0.frees (gauge) | Frees. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event | (gauge) | In use. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. |
varnish.MEMPOOL.sess0.pool (gauge) | In pool. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. |
varnish.MEMPOOL.sess0.randry (gauge) | Pool ran dry. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.sess0.recycle (gauge) | Recycled from pool. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.sess0.surplus (gauge) | Too many for pool. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.sess0.sz_actual (gauge) | Actual size. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as byte |
varnish.MEMPOOL.sess0.sz_needed (gauge) | Size allocated. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as byte |
varnish.MEMPOOL.sess0.sz_wanted (gauge) | Size requested. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as byte |
varnish.MEMPOOL.sess0.timeout (gauge) | Timed out from pool. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.sess0.toosmall (gauge) | Too small to recycle. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.sess1.allocs (gauge) | Allocations. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.sess1.frees (gauge) | Frees. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event | (gauge) | In use. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. |
varnish.MEMPOOL.sess1.pool (gauge) | In pool. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. |
varnish.MEMPOOL.sess1.randry (gauge) | Pool ran dry. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.sess1.recycle (gauge) | Recycled from pool. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.sess1.surplus (gauge) | Too many for pool. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.sess1.sz_actual (gauge) | Actual size. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as byte |
varnish.MEMPOOL.sess1.sz_needed (gauge) | Size allocated. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as byte |
varnish.MEMPOOL.sess1.sz_wanted (gauge) | Size requested. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as byte |
varnish.MEMPOOL.sess1.timeout (gauge) | Timed out from pool. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.sess1.toosmall (gauge) | Too small to recycle. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.vbc.allocs (gauge) | Allocations. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.vbc.frees (gauge) | Frees. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event | (gauge) | In use. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. |
varnish.MEMPOOL.vbc.pool (gauge) | In pool. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. |
varnish.MEMPOOL.vbc.randry (gauge) | Pool ran dry. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.vbc.recycle (gauge) | Recycled from pool. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.vbc.surplus (gauge) | Too many for pool. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.vbc.sz_needed (gauge) | Size allocated. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as byte |
varnish.MEMPOOL.vbc.sz_wanted (gauge) | Size requested. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as byte |
varnish.MEMPOOL.vbc.timeout (gauge) | Timed out from pool. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MEMPOOL.vbc.toosmall (gauge) | Too small to recycle. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.MGT.child_died (gauge) | Child processes that died due to signals. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as process |
varnish.MGT.child_dump (gauge) | Child processes that produced core dumps. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as process |
varnish.MGT.child_exit (gauge) | Child processes the were cleanly stopped. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as process |
varnish.MGT.child_panic (gauge) | Child processes that panicked. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as process |
varnish.MGT.child_start (gauge) | Child processes that started. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as process |
varnish.MGT.child_stop (gauge) | Child processes that exited with an unexpected return code. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as process |
varnish.MGT.uptime (gauge) | Management process uptime. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as second |
varnish.SMA.Transient.c_bytes (gauge) | Total space allocated by this storage. Shown as byte |
varnish.SMA.Transient.c_fail (gauge) | Times the storage has failed to provide a storage segment. Shown as event |
varnish.SMA.Transient.c_freed (gauge) | Total space returned to this storage. Shown as byte |
varnish.SMA.Transient.c_req (gauge) | Times the storage has been asked to provide a storage segment. Shown as event |
varnish.SMA.Transient.g_alloc (gauge) | Storage allocations outstanding. Shown as event |
varnish.SMA.Transient.g_bytes (gauge) | Space allocated from the storage. Shown as byte |
varnish.SMA.Transient.g_space (gauge) | Space left in the storage. Shown as byte |
varnish.SMA.s0.c_bytes (gauge) | Total space allocated by this storage. Shown as byte |
varnish.SMA.s0.c_fail (gauge) | Times the storage has failed to provide a storage segment. Shown as event |
varnish.SMA.s0.c_freed (gauge) | Total space returned to this storage. Shown as byte |
varnish.SMA.s0.c_req (gauge) | Times the storage has been asked to provide a storage segment. Shown as event |
varnish.SMA.s0.g_alloc (gauge) | Storage allocations outstanding. Shown as event |
varnish.SMA.s0.g_bytes (gauge) | Space allocated from the storage. Shown as byte |
varnish.SMA.s0.g_space (gauge) | Space left in the storage. Shown as byte |
varnish.VBE.boot.default.bereq_bodybytes (gauge) | Request body bytes Shown as byte |
varnish.VBE.boot.default.bereq_hdrbytes (gauge) | Request header bytes Shown as byte |
varnish.VBE.boot.default.beresp_bodybytes (gauge) | Response body bytes Shown as byte |
varnish.VBE.boot.default.beresp_hdrbytes (gauge) | Response header bytes Shown as byte |
varnish.VBE.boot.default.busy (gauge) | Number of times the max_connections limit was reached. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as event |
varnish.VBE.boot.default.conn (gauge) | Concurrent connections used. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as connection | (gauge) | Connections failed. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as connection |
varnish.VBE.boot.default.fail_eacces (gauge) | Connections failed with EACCES or EPERM. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as connection |
varnish.VBE.boot.default.fail_eaddrnotavail (gauge) | Connections failed with EADDRNOTAVAIL. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as connection |
varnish.VBE.boot.default.fail_econnrefused (gauge) | Connections failed with ECONNREFUSED. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as connection |
varnish.VBE.boot.default.fail_enetunreach (gauge) | Connections failed with ENETUNREACH. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as connection |
varnish.VBE.boot.default.fail_etimedout (gauge) | Connections failed ETIMEDOUT. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as connection |
varnish.VBE.boot.default.fail_other (gauge) | Connections failed for other reason. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as connection |
varnish.VBE.boot.default.helddown (gauge) | Connection opens not attempted. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as connection |
varnish.VBE.boot.default.pipe_hdrbytes (gauge) | Pipe request header bytes Shown as byte |
varnish.VBE.boot.default.pipe_in (gauge) | Piped bytes from backend Shown as byte |
varnish.VBE.boot.default.pipe_out (gauge) | Piped bytes to backend Shown as byte |
varnish.VBE.boot.default.req (gauge) | Backend requests sent Shown as request |
varnish.VBE.boot.default.unhealthy (gauge) | Fetches not attempted due to backend being unhealthy. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as operation |
varnish.accept_fail (gauge) | Accept failures. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as connection |
varnish.backend_busy (gauge) | Maximum number of connections to a given backend. Shown as connection |
varnish.backend_conn (gauge) | Successful connections to a given backend. Shown as connection |
varnish.backend_fail (gauge) | Failed connections for a given backend. Shown as connection |
varnish.backend_recycle (gauge) | Backend connections with keep-alive that are returned to the pool of connections. Shown as connection |
varnish.backend_req (gauge) | Backend requests. Shown as request |
varnish.backend_retry (gauge) | Backend connection retries. Shown as connection |
varnish.backend_reuse (gauge) | Recycled connections that has were reused. Shown as connection |
varnish.backend_toolate (gauge) | Backend connections closed because they were idle too long. Shown as connection |
varnish.backend_unhealthy (gauge) | Backend connections not tried because the backend was unhealthy. Shown as connection |
varnish.bans (gauge) | Bans in system, including bans superseded by newer bans and bans already checked by the ban-lurker. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as object |
varnish.bans_added (gauge) | Bans added to ban list. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as object |
varnish.bans_completed (gauge) | Bans which are no longer active, either because they got checked by the ban-lurker or superseded by newer identical bans. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as object |
varnish.bans_deleted (gauge) | Bans deleted from ban list. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as object |
varnish.bans_dups (gauge) | Bans replaced by later identical bans. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as object |
varnish.bans_lurker_contention (gauge) | Times the ban-lurker waited for lookups. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.bans_lurker_obj_killed (gauge) | Objects killed by ban-lurker. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as object |
varnish.bans_lurker_obj_killed_cutoff (gauge) | Objects killed by ban-lurker for cutoff. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as object |
varnish.bans_lurker_tested (gauge) | Bans and objects tested against each other by the ban-lurker. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as object |
varnish.bans_lurker_tests_tested (gauge) | Tests and objects tested against each other by the ban-lurker. 'ban req.url == foo && == bar' counts as one in 'banstested' and as two in 'banstests_tested'. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as object |
varnish.bans_obj (gauge) | Bans which use obj.* variables. These bans can possibly be washed by the ban-lurker. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as object |
varnish.bans_obj_killed (gauge) | Objects killed by bans during object lookup. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as object |
varnish.bans_persisted_bytes (gauge) | Bytes used by the persisted ban lists. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as byte |
varnish.bans_persisted_fragmentation (gauge) | Extra bytes accumulated through dropped and completed bans in the persistent ban lists. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as byte |
varnish.bans_req (gauge) | Bans which use req.* variables. These bans can not be washed by the ban-lurker. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as object |
varnish.bans_tested (gauge) | Bans and objects tested against each other during hash lookup. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as object |
varnish.bans_tests_tested (gauge) | Tests and objects tested against each other during lookup. 'ban req.url == foo && == bar' counts as one in 'banstested' and as two in 'banstests_tested'. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as object |
varnish.beresp_shortlived (gauge) | Count of objects created with ttl+grace+keep shorter than the `shortlived runtime parameter. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as object |
varnish.beresp_uncacheable (gauge) | Uncacheable backend responses. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as response |
varnish.busy_killed (gauge) | Requests killed. Shown as request |
varnish.busy_sleep (gauge) | Requests sent to sleep without a worker thread because they found a busy object. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as request |
varnish.busy_wakeup (gauge) | Requests taken off the busy object sleep list and and rescheduled. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as request |
varnish.cache_hit (gauge) | Requests served from the cache. Shown as request |
varnish.cache_hit_grace (gauge) | Count of cache hits with grace. A cache hit with grace is a cache hit where the object is expired. Note that such hits are also included in the cache_hit counter. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as request |
varnish.cache_hitmiss (gauge) | Cache hits for miss Shown as request |
varnish.cache_hitpass (gauge) | Requests passed to a backend where the decision to pass them found in the cache. Shown as request |
varnish.cache_miss (gauge) | Requests fetched from a backend server. Shown as request |
varnish.client_conn (gauge) | Client connections accepted. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as connection |
varnish.client_drop (gauge) | Client connection dropped, no session. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as connection |
varnish.client_drop_late (gauge) | Client connection dropped late. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as connection |
varnish.client_req (gauge) | Parseable client requests seen. Shown as request |
varnish.client_req_400 (gauge) | Requests that were malformed in some drastic way. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as request |
varnish.client_req_411 (gauge) | Requests that were missing a Content-Length: header. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as request |
varnish.client_req_413 (gauge) | Requests that were too big. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as request |
varnish.client_req_417 (gauge) | Requests with a bad Expect: header. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as request |
varnish.client_resp_500 (gauge) | Number of times we failed a response due to running out of workspace memory during delivery. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as request |
varnish.dir_dns_cache_full (gauge) | DNS director full DNS cache. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as event |
varnish.dir_dns_failed (gauge) | DNS director failed lookup. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as event |
varnish.dir_dns_hit (gauge) | DNS director cached lookup hit. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as event |
varnish.dir_dns_lookups (gauge) | DNS director lookups. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as event |
varnish.esi_errors (gauge) | Edge Side Includes (ESI) parse errors. Shown as event |
varnish.esi_warnings (gauge) | Edge Side Includes (ESI) parse warnings. Shown as event |
varnish.exp_mailed (gauge) | Objects mailed to expiry thread for handling. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as object |
varnish.exp_received (gauge) | Objects received by expiry thread for handling. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as object |
varnish.fetch_1xx (gauge) | Back end response with no body because of 1XX response (Informational). Shown as response |
varnish.fetch_204 (gauge) | Back end response with no body because of 204 response (No Content). Shown as response |
varnish.fetch_304 (gauge) | Back end response with no body because of 304 response (Not Modified). Shown as response |
varnish.fetch_bad (gauge) | Back end response's body length could not be determined and/or had bad headers. Shown as response |
varnish.fetch_chunked (gauge) | Back end response bodies that were chunked. Shown as response |
varnish.fetch_close (gauge) | Fetch wanted close. Shown as response |
varnish.fetch_eof (gauge) | Back end response bodies with EOF. Shown as response |
varnish.fetch_failed (gauge) | Back end response fetches that failed. Shown as response |
varnish.fetch_head (gauge) | Back end HEAD requests. Shown as response |
varnish.fetch_length (gauge) | Back end response bodies with Content-Length. Shown as response |
varnish.fetch_no_thread (gauge) | Back end fetches that failed because no thread was available. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as response |
varnish.fetch_none (gauge) | Back end response with no body. Shown as response |
varnish.fetch_oldhttp (gauge) | Number of responses served by backends with http < 1.1 Shown as response |
varnish.fetch_zero (gauge) | Number of responses that have zero length. Shown as response |
varnish.hcb_insert (gauge) | HCB inserts. Shown as event |
varnish.hcb_lock (gauge) | HCB lookups with lock. Shown as event |
varnish.hcb_nolock (gauge) | HCB lookups without lock. Shown as event |
varnish.losthdr (gauge) | HTTP header overflows. Shown as event |
varnish.n_backend (gauge) | Number of backends. |
varnish.n_ban (gauge) | Active bans. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as object |
varnish.n_ban_add (gauge) | New bans added. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as object |
varnish.n_ban_dups (gauge) | Duplicate bans removed. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as object |
varnish.n_ban_obj_test (gauge) | Objects tested. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as object |
varnish.n_ban_re_test (gauge) | Regexps tested against. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as object |
varnish.n_ban_retire (gauge) | Old bans deleted. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as object |
varnish.n_expired (gauge) | Objects that expired from cache because of TTL. Shown as object |
varnish.n_gunzip (gauge) | Gunzip operations. Shown as event |
varnish.n_gzip (gauge) | Gzip operations. Shown as event |
varnish.n_lru_limited (gauge) | Number of times more storage space were needed but limit was reached in a nuke_limit. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as operation |
varnish.n_lru_moved (gauge) | Move operations done on the LRU list.. Shown as operation |
varnish.n_lru_nuked (gauge) | Objects forcefully evicted from storage to make room for new objects. Shown as operation |
varnish.n_obj_purged (gauge) | Purged objects. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as object |
varnish.n_object (gauge) | object structs made. Shown as object |
varnish.n_objectcore (gauge) | objectcore structs made. Shown as object |
varnish.n_objecthead (gauge) | objecthead structs made. Shown as object |
varnish.n_objoverflow (gauge) | Objects overflowing workspace. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as object |
varnish.n_objsendfile (gauge) | Objects sent with sendfile. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as object |
varnish.n_objwrite (gauge) | Objects sent with write. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as object |
varnish.n_pipe (gauge) | Number of ongoing pipe sessions. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as session |
varnish.n_purges (gauge) | Purges executed. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as event |
varnish.n_purgesps (gauge) | Purges executed. This metric is only provided by varnish <=6.x. Shown as event |
varnish.n_sess (gauge) | sess structs made. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as object |
varnish.n_sess_mem (gauge) | sess_mem structs made. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as object |
varnish.n_test_gunzip (gauge) | Test gunzip operations Shown as operation |
varnish.n_vampireobject (gauge) | Unresurrected objects. Shown as object |
varnish.n_vbc (gauge) | vbc structs made. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as object |
varnish.n_vcl (gauge) | Total VCLs loaded. Shown as object |
varnish.n_vcl_avail (gauge) | Available VCLs. Shown as object |
varnish.n_vcl_discard (gauge) | Discarded VCLs. Shown as object |
varnish.n_waitinglist (gauge) | waitinglist structs made. Shown as object |
varnish.n_wrk (gauge) | Worker threads. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as thread |
varnish.n_wrk_create (gauge) | Worker threads created. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as event |
varnish.n_wrk_drop (gauge) | Dropped work requests. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as event |
varnish.n_wrk_failed (gauge) | Worker threads not created. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as event |
varnish.n_wrk_lqueue (gauge) | Work request queue length. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as event |
varnish.n_wrk_max (gauge) | Worker threads limited. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as event |
varnish.n_wrk_queued (gauge) | Queued work requests. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as event |
varnish.pipe_limited (gauge) | Number of times more pipes were needed but the limit was reached. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as event |
varnish.pools (gauge) | Thread pools. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. |
varnish.req_dropped (gauge) | Requests dropped Shown as request |
varnish.s_bodybytes (gauge) | Total body size. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as byte |
varnish.s_fetch (gauge) | Backend fetches. Shown as request |
varnish.s_hdrbytes (gauge) | Total header size. This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as byte |
varnish.s_pass (gauge) | Passed requests. Shown as request |
varnish.s_pipe (gauge) | Pipe sessions seen. Shown as connection |
varnish.s_pipe_hdrbytes (gauge) | Total request bytes received for piped sessions. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as byte |
varnish.s_pipe_in (gauge) | Total number of bytes forwarded from clients in pipe sessions. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as byte |
varnish.s_pipe_out (gauge) | Total number of bytes forwarded to clients in pipe sessions. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as byte |
varnish.s_req (gauge) | Requests. Shown as request |
varnish.s_req_bodybytes (gauge) | Total request body bytes received. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as byte |
varnish.s_req_hdrbytes (gauge) | Total request header bytes received. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as byte |
varnish.s_resp_bodybytes (gauge) | Total response body bytes transmitted. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as byte |
varnish.s_resp_hdrbytes (gauge) | Total response header bytes transmitted. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as byte |
varnish.s_sess (gauge) | Client connections. Shown as connection |
varnish.s_synth (gauge) | Synthetic responses made. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as response |
varnish.sc_overload (gauge) | Session Err OVERLOAD Shown as session |
varnish.sc_pipe_overflow (gauge) | Session Err PIPE_OVERFLOW Shown as session |
varnish.sc_range_short (gauge) | Session Err RANGE_SHORT Shown as session |
varnish.sc_rem_close (gauge) | Session OK REM_CLOSE Shown as session |
varnish.sc_req_close (gauge) | Session OK REQ_CLOSE Shown as session |
varnish.sc_req_http10 (gauge) | Session Err REQ_HTTP10 Shown as session |
varnish.sc_req_http20 (gauge) | Session Err REQ_HTTP20 Shown as session |
varnish.sc_resp_close (gauge) | Session OK RESP_CLOSE Shown as session |
varnish.sc_rx_bad (gauge) | Session Err RX_BAD Shown as session |
varnish.sc_rx_body (gauge) | Session Err RX_BODY Shown as session |
varnish.sc_rx_close_idle (gauge) | Session Err RXCLOSEIDLE. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as session |
varnish.sc_rx_junk (gauge) | Session Err RX_JUNK Shown as session |
varnish.sc_rx_overflow (gauge) | Session Err RX_OVERFLOW Shown as session |
varnish.sc_rx_timeout (gauge) | Session Err RX_TIMEOUT Shown as session |
varnish.sc_tx_eof (gauge) | Session OK TX_EOF Shown as session |
varnish.sc_tx_error (gauge) | Session Err TX_ERROR Shown as session |
varnish.sc_tx_pipe (gauge) | Session OK TX_PIPE Shown as session |
varnish.sc_vcl_failure (gauge) | Session Err VCL_FAILURE Shown as session |
varnish.sess_closed (gauge) | Client connections closed. Shown as connection |
varnish.sess_closed_err (gauge) | Client connections closed with error. Shown as connection |
varnish.sess_conn (gauge) | Client connections accepted. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as connection |
varnish.sess_drop (gauge) | Client connections dropped due to lack of worker thread. This metric is only provided by varnish 4.x and 5.x. Shown as connection |
varnish.sess_dropped (gauge) | Client connections dropped due to a full queue. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as connection |
varnish.sess_fail (gauge) | Failures to accept a TCP connection. Either the client changed its mind, or the kernel ran out of some resource like file descriptors. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as connection |
varnish.sess_fail_ebadf (gauge) | Session accept failures: bad file descriptor. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as error |
varnish.sess_fail_econnaborted (gauge) | Session accept failures: connection aborted. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as error |
varnish.sess_fail_eintr (gauge) | Session accept failures: interrupted system call. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as error |
varnish.sess_fail_emfile (gauge) | Session accept failures: too many open files. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as error |
varnish.sess_fail_enomem (gauge) | Session accept failures: not enough memory. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as error |
varnish.sess_fail_other (gauge) | Session accept failures: other. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as error |
varnish.sess_herd (gauge) | Session herd Shown as connection |
varnish.sess_linger (gauge) | This metric is only provided by varnish 3.x. Shown as connection |
varnish.sess_pipe_overflow (gauge) | This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as connection |
varnish.sess_pipeline (gauge) | Session Pipeline Shown as connection |
varnish.sess_queued (gauge) | Client connections queued to wait for a thread. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as connection |
varnish.sess_readahead (gauge) | Session Read Ahead Shown as connection |
varnish.shm_cont (gauge) | SHM MTX contention. Shown as event |
varnish.shm_cycles (gauge) | SHM cycles through buffer. Shown as event |
varnish.shm_flushes (gauge) | SHM flushes due to overflow. Shown as event |
varnish.shm_records (gauge) | SHM records. Shown as event |
varnish.shm_writes (gauge) | SHM writes. Shown as event |
varnish.sms_balloc (gauge) | SMS space allocated. Shown as byte |
varnish.sms_bfree (gauge) | SMS space freed. Shown as byte |
varnish.sms_nbytes (gauge) | SMS outstanding space. Shown as byte |
varnish.sms_nobj (gauge) | SMS outstanding allocations. Shown as event |
varnish.sms_nreq (gauge) | SMS allocator requests. Shown as event |
varnish.summs (gauge) | summ operations Shown as operation |
varnish.thread_queue_len (gauge) | Length of session queue waiting for threads. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as connection |
varnish.threads (gauge) | Number of threads. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as thread |
varnish.threads_created (gauge) | Threads created. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as thread |
varnish.threads_destroyed (gauge) | Threads destroyed. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as thread |
varnish.threads_failed (gauge) | Threads that failed to get created. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as thread |
varnish.threads_limited (gauge) | Threads that were needed but couldn't be created because of a thread pool limit. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as thread |
varnish.uptime (gauge) | stat summ operations Shown as second |
varnish.vcl_fail (gauge) | VCL failures Shown as error |
varnish.vmods (gauge) | Loaded VMODs. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x.. Shown as object |
varnish.vsm_cooling (gauge) | Space which will soon (max 1 minute) be freed in the shared memory used to communicate with tools like varnishstat, varnishlog etc. This metric is only available from >=4.x. Shown as byte |
varnish.vsm_free (gauge) | Free space in the shared memory used to communicate with tools like varnishstat, varnishlog etc. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as byte |
varnish.vsm_overflow (gauge) | Number of bytes which does not fit in the shared memory used to communicate with tools like varnishstat, varnishlog etc. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as byte |
varnish.vsm_overflowed (gauge) | Total number of bytes which did not fit in the shared memory used to communicate with tools like varnishstat, varnishlog etc. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as byte |
varnish.vsm_used (gauge) | Used space in the shared memory used to communicate with tools like varnishstat, varnishlog etc. This metric is only provided by varnish >=4.x. Shown as byte |
varnish.ws_backend_overflow (gauge) | workspace_backend overflows. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as event |
varnish.ws_client_overflow (gauge) | workspace_client overflows. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as event |
varnish.ws_session_overflow (gauge) | workspace_session overflows. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as event |
varnish.ws_thread_overflow (gauge) | workspace_thread overflows. This metric is only available from >=6.x. Shown as event |