
Supported OS Linux Windows Mac OS


Integrate with LambdaTest and empower your teams to collaborate and test efficiently. LambdaTest is a cloud based testing platform that allows users to run manual and automated tests on their websites and web apps across 2000+ browsers, browser versions, and operating systems.

LambdaTest supports manual and various automation testing frameworks like Selenium, Cypress, TestCafe, etc.

With the LambdaTest integration, log bugs while performing cross-browser testing of your websites (and web apps) using LambdaTest platform. LambdaTest automatically includes details from the testing environment, such as browser version, OS, resolution, comments, and screenshots in Datadog.

Here’s all that you can do with LambdaTest:

  • Live-interactive testing across 2000+ browsers and real machines hosted on cloud-based infrastructure.
  • An online automation testing grid supports Selenium and Cypress tests with any CI/CD pipeline to help QA teams validate and ship quality builds faster.
  • A next-gen developer-friendly browser that helps to build well-performing and responsive websites with speed.
  • 100+ integrations with third-party tools for project management, communication, codeless automation, CI/CD, and more.
  • Help is always available with 24/7 chat support.
  • Lifetime free access to the platform with 100 free automation testing minutes.


All configuration happens on the LambdaTest Dashboard. See the LambdaTest-Datadog integration setup documentation.


Here’s how you can track incidents in Datadog with LambdaTest:

  1. Click Connect Accounts to begin authorization of the LambdaTest integration from the Login page in LambdaTest.
  2. Log in to your LambdaTest account on the LambdaTest website to be redirected to the Datadog authorization page.
  3. Click Authorize to complete the integration process.
  4. A confirmation email is sent once the integration configuration is complete.
  5. Once Datadog is integrated with your LambdaTest account, start logging bugs and performing cross-browser testing.


Once you uninstall this integration, any previous authorizations are revoked.

Additionally, ensure that all API keys associated with this integration have been disabled by searching for the integration name on the API Keys management page.


For support or feature requests, contact LambdaTest on the following channels:

Email: Phone: +1-(866)-430-7087 Website:

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