Follow variable naming conventions

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ID: csharp-code-style/variable-naming-conventions

Language: C#

Severity: Notice

Category: Code Style


Variable names should follow the camelCase pattern and start with a lowercase letter, except for private and protected fields that should start with _.

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Non-Compliant Code Examples

class My_Class {
    int MyVariable = 10;

    public void foo() {
        int FooBar = 14;
        DateTimeOffset t1 = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime();

Compliant Code Examples

public class CertificateHelperTests {
    private const string PemCertPublic = "";
class My_Class {
    int _myVariable = 10;
    public void BooleanToIntegerConverterTest()
        var converter = new BooleanToIntegerConverter
            ValueOnTrue = 1,
            ValueOnFalse = 2

        Assert.AreEqual(1, converter.Convert(true, typeof(int), null, null));
        Assert.AreEqual(2, converter.Convert(false, typeof(int), null, null));
class My_Class {
    int myVariable = 10;
} jetbrains

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