Avoid bind calls that are unnecessary

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ID: javascript-best-practices/no-unnecessary-bind

Language: JavaScript

Severity: Warning

Category: Performance


This rule advises against the use of unnecessary .bind() calls in JavaScript. The .bind() method is used to create a new function that, when called, has its this keyword set to the provided value. However, unnecessary .bind() calls can lead to confusion about what this refers to, and they can also have a negative impact on performance.

The importance of this rule lies in the clarity and efficiency of your code. Unnecessary .bind() calls can make your code harder to understand and maintain. Moreover, they can result in slower code execution, as each .bind() call creates a new function.

To avoid violating this rule, only use .bind() when necessary, for example, when you need to set the this value for a function. Use arrow functions if you want to preserve the this value from the enclosing context. Also, avoid using .bind() in a loop, as it can lead to performance issues. Instead, create the bound function once and reference it within the loop.

Non-Compliant Code Examples

const func = function () {

const func = (() => {

const func = (() => {

const func = function () {
    (function () {

const func = function () {
    function foo() {

Compliant Code Examples

const func = function () {

const func = function (baz) {
    return baz + 1;
}.bind(foo, bar);
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