EBS volume snapshot should not be publicly shared

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Secure Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) snapshots.


Publicly shared Amazon EBS volume snapshots contain sensitive application data that can be seen, copied, and exploited.


From the console

Follow the AWS Share a snapshot documentation to learn how to modify snapshot sharing for both the console and the command line.

From the command line

  1. Enter the following command with your snapshot ID to remove global sharing.

     aws ec2 modify-snapshot-attribute \
        --snapshot-id 1234567890abcdef0 \
        --attribute createVolumePermission \
        --operation-type remove \
        --group-names all
  2. Run the follow command with your snapshot ID to share a snapshot with a specific user ID.

     aws ec2 modify-snapshot-attribute \
         --snapshot-id 1234567890abcdef0 \ 
         --attribute createVolumePermission \
         --operation-type add \
         --user-ids 123456789012
PREVIEWING: Cyril-Bouchiat/add-vm-package-explorer-doc