(gauge) | | (count) | Shown as second | (count) | | (count) | Shown as second | (gauge) | Count of apps | (count) | Shown as second | (count) | | (count) | Shown as second | (gauge) | Shown as response | (gauge) | | (gauge) | |
fly_io.edge.data_in (gauge) | Shown as byte |
fly_io.edge.data_out (gauge) | Shown as byte |
fly_io.edge.http_response_time.bucket (count) | Shown as second |
fly_io.edge.http_response_time.count (count) | |
fly_io.edge.http_response_time.sum (count) | Shown as second |
fly_io.edge.http_responses.count (gauge) | Shown as response |
fly_io.edge.tcp_connects.count (gauge) | |
fly_io.edge.tcp_disconnects.count (gauge) | |
fly_io.edge.tls_handshake_errors (gauge) | Shown as error |
fly_io.edge.tls_handshake_time.bucket (count) | Shown as second |
fly_io.edge.tls_handshake_time.count (count) | |
fly_io.edge.tls_handshake_time.sum (count) | Shown as second |
fly_io.instance.cpu.count (count) | The amount of time each CPU (cpu_id) has spent performing different kinds of work (mode) in centiseconds |
fly_io.instance.disk.io_in_progress (gauge) | Incremented as requests are given to appropriate struct request_queue and decremented as they finish. |
fly_io.instance.disk.reads_completed.count (count) | This is the total number of reads completed successfully. |
fly_io.instance.disk.reads_merged.count (count) | Reads and writes which are adjacent to each other may be merged for efficiency. This field lets you know how often this was done. |
fly_io.instance.disk.sectors_read.count (count) | This is the total number of sectors read successfully. |
fly_io.instance.disk.sectors_written.count (count) | This is the total number of sectors written successfully. |
fly_io.instance.disk.time_io.count (count) | Counts jiffies when at least one request was started or completed. If request runs more than 2 jiffies then some I/O time might be not accounted in case of concurrent requests. Shown as millisecond |
fly_io.instance.disk.time_io_weighted.count (count) | Incremented at each I/O start, I/O completion, I/O merge, or read of these stats by the number of I/Os in progress (field 9) times the number of milliseconds spent doing I/O since the last update of this field. Shown as millisecond |
fly_io.instance.disk.time_reading.count (count) | This is the total number of milliseconds spent by all reads. Shown as millisecond |
fly_io.instance.disk.time_writing.count (count) | This is the total number of milliseconds spent by all writes Shown as millisecond |
fly_io.instance.disk.writes_completed.count (count) | This is the total number of writes completed successfully. |
fly_io.instance.disk.writes_merged.count (count) | Reads and writes which are adjacent to each other may be merged for efficiency. This field lets you know how often this was done. |
fly_io.instance.filefd.allocated (gauge) | Number of allocated file descriptors |
fly_io.instance.filefd.max (gauge) | Number of maximum file descriptors |
fly_io.instance.filesystem.block_size (gauge) | File system block size. |
fly_io.instance.filesystem.blocks (gauge) | Total number of blocks on file system |
fly_io.instance.filesystem.blocks_avail (gauge) | Total number of available blocks. |
fly_io.instance.filesystem.blocks_free (gauge) | Total number of free blocks. |
fly_io.instance.load.avg (gauge) | System load average measuring the number of processes in the system run queue, with samples representing averages over 1, 5, and 15 minutes. Shown as process | (gauge) | Memory that has been used more recently and usually not reclaimed unless absolutely necessary. Shown as byte |
fly_io.instance.memory.buffers (gauge) | Relatively temporary storage for raw disk blocks Shown as byte |
fly_io.instance.memory.cached (gauge) | In-memory cache for files read from the disk (the pagecache) as well as tmpfs & shmem. Doesn't include SwapCached. Shown as byte |
fly_io.instance.memory.dirty (gauge) | Memory which is waiting to get written back to the disk Shown as byte |
fly_io.instance.memory.inactive (gauge) | Memory which has been less recently used. It is more eligible to be reclaimed for other purposes Shown as byte |
fly_io.instance.memory.mem_available (gauge) | An estimate of how much memory is available for starting new applications, without swapping. Shown as byte |
fly_io.instance.memory.mem_free (gauge) | Total free RAM. Shown as byte |
fly_io.instance.memory.mem_total (gauge) | Total usable RAM (i.e. physical RAM minus a few reserved bits and the kernel binary code) Shown as byte |
fly_io.instance.memory.pressure_full (gauge) | Memory pressure for all processes |
fly_io.instance.memory.pressure_some (gauge) | Memory pressure for at least one process |
fly_io.instance.memory.shmem (gauge) | Total memory used by shared memory (shmem) and tmpfs Shown as byte |
fly_io.instance.memory.slab (gauge) | in-kernel data structures cache Shown as byte |
fly_io.instance.memory.swap_cached (gauge) | Memory that once was swapped out, is swapped back in but still also is in the swapfile Shown as byte |
fly_io.instance.memory.swap_free (gauge) | Memory which has been evicted from RAM, and is temporarily on the disk Shown as byte |
fly_io.instance.memory.swap_total (gauge) | total amount of swap space available Shown as byte |
fly_io.instance.memory.vmalloc_chunk (gauge) | largest contiguous block of vmalloc area which is free Shown as byte |
fly_io.instance.memory.vmalloc_total (gauge) | total size of vmalloc virtual address space Shown as byte |
fly_io.instance.memory.vmalloc_used (gauge) | amount of vmalloc area which is used Shown as byte |
fly_io.instance.memory.writeback (gauge) | Memory which is actively being written back to the disk Shown as byte | (count) | Number of good bytes received by the interface. Shown as byte | (count) | Number of correctly received compressed packets. | (count) | Number of packets received but not processed, e.g. due to lack of resources or unsupported protocol. Shown as packet | (count) | Total number of bad packets received on this network device. Shown as packet | (count) | Receiver FIFO overflow event counter. | (count) | Receiver frame alignment errors. | (count) | Multicast packets received. Shown as packet | (count) | Number of good packets received by the interface. Shown as packet | (count) | Number of good transmitted bytes. Shown as byte | (count) | Number of frame transmission errors due to loss of carrier during transmission. | (count) | Number of collisions during packet transmissions. | (count) | Number of transmitted compressed packets. | (count) | Number of packets dropped on their way to transmission, e.g. due to lack of resources. Shown as packet | (count) | Total number of transmit problems. | (count) | Sent FIFO overflow event counter. | (count) | Number of packets successfully transmitted. Shown as packet |
fly_io.instance.up (gauge) | Reports 1 if the VM is reporting correctly |
fly_io.instance.volume.size (gauge) | Volume size in bytes. Shown as byte |
fly_io.instance.volume.used (gauge) | Percentage of volume used. Shown as byte |
fly_io.machine.count (gauge) | Count of running machines |
fly_io.machine.cpus.count (gauge) | Number of cpus |
fly_io.machine.gpus.count (gauge) | Number of gpus |
fly_io.machine.memory (gauge) | Memory of a machine Shown as megabyte |
fly_io.machine.swap_size (gauge) | Swap space to reserve for the Fly Machine Shown as megabyte |
fly_io.machines_api.up (gauge) | Whether the check can access the machines API or not | (gauge) | Database size Shown as byte | (gauge) | Replication lag |
fly_io.pg_stat.activity.count (gauge) | number of connections in this state |
fly_io.pg_stat.activity.max_tx_duration (gauge) | max duration in seconds any active transaction has been running Shown as second |
fly_io.pg_stat.archiver.archived_count (gauge) | Number of WAL files that have been successfully archived |
fly_io.pg_stat.archiver.failed_count (gauge) | Number of failed attempts for archiving WAL files |
fly_io.pg_stat.bgwriter.buffers_alloc (gauge) | Number of buffers allocated |
fly_io.pg_stat.bgwriter.buffers_backend (gauge) | Number of buffers written directly by a backend |
fly_io.pg_stat.bgwriter.buffers_backend_fsync (gauge) | Number of times a backend had to execute its own fsync call (normally the background writer handles those even when the backend does its own write) |
fly_io.pg_stat.bgwriter.buffers_checkpoint (gauge) | Number of buffers written during checkpoints |
fly_io.pg_stat.bgwriter.buffers_clean (gauge) | Number of buffers written by the background writer |
fly_io.pg_stat.bgwriter.checkpoint_sync_time (gauge) | Total amount of time that has been spent in the portion of checkpoint processing where files are synchronized to disk, in milliseconds Shown as millisecond |
fly_io.pg_stat.bgwriter.checkpoint_write_time (gauge) | Total amount of time that has been spent in the portion of checkpoint processing where files are written to disk, in milliseconds Shown as millisecond |
fly_io.pg_stat.bgwriter.checkpoints_req (gauge) | Number of requested checkpoints that have been performed |
fly_io.pg_stat.bgwriter.checkpoints_timed (gauge) | Number of scheduled checkpoints that have been performed |
fly_io.pg_stat.bgwriter.maxwritten_clean (gauge) | Number of times the background writer stopped a cleaning scan because it had written too many buffers |
fly_io.pg_stat.bgwriter.stats_reset (gauge) | Time at which these statistics were last reset |
fly_io.pg_stat.database.blk_read_time (gauge) | Time spent reading data file blocks by backends in this database, in milliseconds Shown as millisecond |
fly_io.pg_stat.database.blk_write_time (gauge) | Time spent writing data file blocks by backends in this database, in milliseconds Shown as millisecond |
fly_io.pg_stat.database.blks_hit (gauge) | Number of times disk blocks were found already in the buffer cache, so that a read was not necessary (this only includes hits in the PostgreSQL buffer cache, not the operating system's file system cache) |
fly_io.pg_stat.database.blks_read (gauge) | Number of disk blocks read in this database |
fly_io.pg_stat.database.conflicts (gauge) | Number of queries canceled due to conflicts with recovery in this database. Conflicts occur only on standby servers |
fly_io.pg_stat.database.conflicts_confl_bufferpin (gauge) | Number of queries in this database that have been canceled due to pinned buffers |
fly_io.pg_stat.database.conflicts_confl_deadlock (gauge) | Number of queries in this database that have been canceled due to deadlocks |
fly_io.pg_stat.database.conflicts_confl_lock (gauge) | Number of queries in this database that have been canceled due to lock timeouts |
fly_io.pg_stat.database.conflicts_confl_snapshot (gauge) | Number of queries in this database that have been canceled due to old snapshots |
fly_io.pg_stat.database.conflicts_confl_tablespace (gauge) | Number of queries in this database that have been canceled due to dropped tablespaces |
fly_io.pg_stat.database.deadlocks (gauge) | Number of deadlocks detected in this database |
fly_io.pg_stat.database.numbackends (gauge) | Number of backends currently connected to this database. This is the only column in this view that returns a value reflecting current state; all other columns return the accumulated values since the last reset. |
fly_io.pg_stat.database.stats_reset (gauge) | Time at which these statistics were last reset |
fly_io.pg_stat.database.tup_deleted (gauge) | Number of rows deleted by queries in this database |
fly_io.pg_stat.database.tup_fetched (gauge) | Number of rows fetched by queries in this database |
fly_io.pg_stat.database.tup_inserted (gauge) | Number of rows inserted by queries in this database |
fly_io.pg_stat.database.tup_returned (gauge) | Number of rows returned by queries in this database |
fly_io.pg_stat.database.tup_updated (gauge) | Number of rows updated by queries in this database |
fly_io.pg_stat.database.xact_commit (gauge) | Number of transactions in this database that have been committed |
fly_io.pg_stat.database.xact_rollback (gauge) | Number of transactions in this database that have been rolled back |
fly_io.pg_stat.replication.pg_current_wal_lsn_bytes (gauge) | WAL position in bytes Shown as byte |
fly_io.pg_stat.replication.pg_wal_lsn_diff (gauge) | Lag in bytes between master and slave Shown as byte |
fly_io.pg_stat.replication.reply_time (gauge) | Send time of last reply message received from standby server |
fly_io.volume.block_size (gauge) | The size of each memory block in bytes Shown as byte |
fly_io.volume.blocks.count (gauge) | The total number of blocks in the volume |
fly_io.volume.blocks_avail (gauge) | The number of blocks available for data in the volume |
fly_io.volume.blocks_free (gauge) | The total number of blocks free for data and root user ops |
fly_io.volume.created (gauge) | Whether the volume has been created or not |
fly_io.volume.encrypted (gauge) | Whether the volume is encrypted or not |
fly_io.volume.size (gauge) | The size of the volume in GB Shown as gigabyte |