jvm.heap_memory | The total Java heap memory used. | process.runtime.jvm.memory.usage
jvm.memory.used |
jvm.heap_memory_committed | The total Java heap memory committed to be used. | process.runtime.jvm.memory.committed
jvm.memory.committed |
jvm.heap_memory_init | The initial Java heap memory allocated. | process.runtime.jvm.memory.init
jvm.memory.init |
jvm.heap_memory_max | The maximum Java heap memory available. | process.runtime.jvm.memory.limit
jvm.memory.limit |
jvm.non_heap_memory | The total Java non-heap memory used. Non-heap memory is: Metaspace + CompressedClassSpace + CodeCache . | process.runtime.jvm.memory.usage
jvm.memory.used |
jvm.non_heap_memory_committed | The total Java non-heap memory committed to be used. | process.runtime.jvm.memory.committed
jvm.memory.committed |
jvm.non_heap_memory_init | The initial Java non-heap memory allocated. | process.runtime.jvm.memory.init
jvm.memory.init |
jvm.non_heap_memory_max | The maximum Java non-heap memory available. | process.runtime.jvm.memory.limit
jvm.memory.limit |
jvm.gc.old_gen_size | The current Java heap memory usage of the Old Generation memory pool. | process.runtime.jvm.memory.usage
jvm.memory.used |
jvm.gc.eden_size | The current Java heap memory usage of the Eden memory pool. | process.runtime.jvm.memory.usage
jvm.memory.used |
jvm.gc.survivor_size | The current Java heap memory usage of the Survivor memory pool. | process.runtime.jvm.memory.usage
jvm.memory.used |
jvm.gc.metaspace_size | The current Java non-heap memory usage of the Metaspace memory pool. | process.runtime.jvm.memory.usage
jvm.memory.used |
jvm.thread_count | The number of live threads. | process.runtime.jvm.threads.count
jvm.thread.count |
jvm.loaded_classes | Number of classes currently loaded. | process.runtime.jvm.classes.current_loaded
jvm.class.count |
jvm.cpu_load.system | Recent CPU utilization for the whole system. | process.runtime.jvm.system.cpu.utilization
jvm.system.cpu.utilization |
jvm.cpu_load.process | Recent CPU utilization for the process. | process.runtime.jvm.cpu.utilization
jvm.cpu.recent_utilization |
jvm.buffer_pool.direct.used | Measure of memory used by direct buffers. | process.runtime.jvm.buffer.usage
jvm.buffer.memory.usage |
jvm.buffer_pool.direct.count | Number of direct buffers in the pool. | process.runtime.jvm.buffer.count
jvm.buffer.count |
jvm.buffer_pool.direct.limit | Measure of total memory capacity of direct buffers. | process.runtime.jvm.buffer.limit
jvm.buffer.memory.limit |
jvm.buffer_pool.mapped.used | Measure of memory used by mapped buffers. | process.runtime.jvm.buffer.usage
jvm.buffer.memory.usage |
jvm.buffer_pool.mapped.count | Number of mapped buffers in the pool. | process.runtime.jvm.buffer.count
jvm.buffer.count |
jvm.buffer_pool.mapped.limit | Measure of total memory capacity of mapped buffers. | process.runtime.jvm.buffer.limit
jvm.buffer.memory.limit |
jvm.gc.parnew.time | The approximate accumulated garbage collection time elapsed. | N/A |
jvm.gc.cms.count | The total number of garbage collections that have occurred. | N/A |
jvm.gc.major_collection_count | The rate of major garbage collections. Set new_gc_metrics: true to receive this metric. | N/A |
jvm.gc.minor_collection_count | The rate of minor garbage collections. Set new_gc_metrics: true to receive this metric. | N/A |
jvm.gc.major_collection_time | The fraction of time spent in major garbage collection. Set new_gc_metrics: true to receive this metric. | N/A |
jvm.gc.minor_collection_time | The fraction of time spent in minor garbage collection. Set new_gc_metrics: true to receive this metric. | N/A |
jvm.os.open_file_descriptors | | N/A |