coreweave.ALERTS (count) | |
coreweave.ALERTS_FOR_STATE (count) | |
coreweave.billing_cpu (count) | |
coreweave.billing_gpu (count) | |
coreweave.billing_ip_address (count) | |
coreweave.billing_mem (count) | |
coreweave.billing_object_storage_usage_bytes (count) | |
coreweave.billing_object_storage_usage_total_bytes (count) | |
coreweave.billing_pod_cost_hourly (count) | |
coreweave.billing_pod_cost_total (count) | |
coreweave.billing_pod_cpu (count) | |
coreweave.billing_pod_cpu_cost_hourly (count) | |
coreweave.billing_pod_gpu (count) | |
coreweave.billing_pod_gpu_cost_hourly (count) | |
coreweave.billing_pod_mem (count) | |
coreweave.billing_pod_mem_cost_hourly (count) | |
coreweave.billing_resource_usage_gpu (count) | |
coreweave.billing_resource_usage_storage (count) | |
coreweave.cluster_namespace_pod_cpu_activekube_pod_container_resource_requests (count) | |
coreweave.cluster_namespace_pod_memory_activekube_pod_container_resource_requests (count) | |
coreweave.cluster_namespace_deployment_actual_replicas_count (count) | |
coreweave.cluster_namespace_deployment_container_cpu_usage_seconds_total_sum_rate (count) | |
coreweave.cluster_namespace_deployment_container_memory_usage_bytes_sum (count) | |
coreweave.cluster_namespace_deploymentkube_pod_container_resource_requests_cpu_cores_sum (count) | |
coreweave.cluster_namespace_deploymentkube_pod_container_resource_requests_memory_bytes_sum (count) | |
coreweave.container_cpu_usage_seconds_total (count) | Cumulative cpu time consumed in seconds. |
coreweave.container_fs_reads_bytes_total (count) | Cumulative count of bytes read |
coreweave.container_fs_writes_bytes_total (count) | Cumulative count of bytes written |
coreweave.container_memory_cache (gauge) | Number of bytes of page cache memory. |
coreweave.container_memory_rss (gauge) | Size of RSS in bytes. |
coreweave.container_memory_usage_bytes (gauge) | Current memory usage in bytes, including all memory regardless of when it was accessed |
coreweave.container_memory_working_set_bytes (gauge) | Current working set in bytes. |
coreweave.container_network_receive_bytes_total (count) | Cumulative count of bytes received |
coreweave.container_network_receive_packets_total (count) | Cumulative count of packets received |
coreweave.container_network_transmit_bytes_total (count) | Cumulative count of bytes transmitted |
coreweave.container_network_transmit_packets_total (count) | Cumulative count of packets transmitted |
coreweave.coreweave_billed_amount (gauge) | CoreWeave billed amount based on the billing label |
coreweave.coreweave_billed_usage (gauge) | CoreWeave billed usage based on the billing label |
coreweave.coreweave_customer_reference (gauge) | CoreWeave customer reference showing the customer ID |
coreweave.coreweave_pricing (gauge) | CoreWeave product pricing for specific tenants |
coreweave.coreweave_subscription (gauge) | CoreWeave subscription ID |
coreweave.coreweave_subscription_active (gauge) | CoreWeave subscription active status, will return 1 if active |
coreweave.coreweave_subscription_amount_billed (gauge) | Total Billed usage in US cents since the beginning of the customer subscription |
coreweave.coreweave_subscription_current_balance (gauge) | Unpaid balance in USd (US cents) for already-invoiced charges |
coreweave.coreweave_subscription_current_billing_amount (gauge) | Accumulated charges in USd (US cents) for the current period (not yet invoiced) |
coreweave.count_up0 (count) | |
coreweave.count_up1 (count) | |
coreweave.instance_node_cpu_ratio (count) | |
coreweave.kube_configmap_annotations (gauge) | Kubernetes annotations converted to Prometheus labels. |
coreweave.kube_configmap_created (gauge) | Unix creation timestamp |
coreweave.kube_configmap_info (gauge) | [STABLE] Information about configmap. |
coreweave.kube_configmap_labels (gauge) | Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels. |
coreweave.kube_configmap_metadata_resource_version (gauge) | Resource version representing a specific version of the configmap. |
coreweave.kube_deployment_annotations (gauge) | Kubernetes annotations converted to Prometheus labels. |
coreweave.kube_deployment_created (gauge) | [STABLE] Unix creation timestamp |
coreweave.kube_deployment_labels (gauge) | Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels. |
coreweave.kube_deployment_metadata_generation (gauge) | Sequence number representing a specific generation of the desired state. |
coreweave.kube_deployment_spec_paused (gauge) | Whether the deployment is paused and will not be processed by the deployment controller. |
coreweave.kube_deployment_spec_replicas (gauge) | Number of desired pods for a deployment. |
coreweave.kube_deployment_spec_strategy_rollingupdate_max_surge (gauge) | Maximum number of replicas that can be scheduled above the desired number of replicas during a rolling update of a deployment. |
coreweave.kube_deployment_spec_strategy_rollingupdate_max_unavailable (gauge) | Maximum number of unavailable replicas during a rolling update of a deployment. |
coreweave.kube_deployment_status_condition (gauge) | The current status conditions of a deployment. |
coreweave.kube_deployment_status_observed_generation (gauge) | The generation observed by the deployment controller. |
coreweave.kube_deployment_status_replicas (gauge) | The number of replicas per deployment. |
coreweave.kube_deployment_status_replicas_available (gauge) | The number of available replicas per deployment. |
coreweave.kube_deployment_status_replicas_ready (gauge) | The number of ready replicas per deployment. |
coreweave.kube_deployment_status_replicas_unavailable (gauge) | The number of unavailable replicas per deployment. |
coreweave.kube_deployment_status_replicas_updated (gauge) | The number of updated replicas per deployment. |
coreweave.kube_endpoint_address (gauge) | [STABLE] Information about Endpoint available and non available addresses. |
coreweave.kube_endpoint_address_available (gauge) | Number of addresses available in endpoint. |
coreweave.kube_endpoint_address_not_ready (gauge) | Number of addresses not ready in endpoint |
coreweave.kube_endpoint_annotations (gauge) | Kubernetes annotations converted to Prometheus labels. |
coreweave.kube_endpoint_created (gauge) | Unix creation timestamp |
coreweave.kube_endpoint_info (gauge) | Information about endpoint. |
coreweave.kube_endpoint_labels (gauge) | [STABLE] Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels. |
coreweave.kube_endpoint_ports (gauge) | Information about the Endpoint ports. |
coreweave.kube_ingress_annotations (gauge) | Kubernetes annotations converted to Prometheus labels. |
coreweave.kube_ingress_created (gauge) | Unix creation timestamp |
coreweave.kube_ingress_info (gauge) | [STABLE] Information about ingress. |
coreweave.kube_ingress_labels (gauge) | Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels. |
coreweave.kube_ingress_metadata_resource_version (gauge) | Resource version representing a specific version of ingress. |
coreweave.kube_ingress_path (gauge) | Ingress host, paths and backend service information. |
coreweave.kube_ingress_tls (gauge) | Ingress TLS host and secret information. |
coreweave.kube_namespace_annotations (gauge) | Kubernetes annotations converted to Prometheus labels. |
coreweave.kube_namespace_created (gauge) | Unix creation timestamp |
coreweave.kube_namespace_labels (gauge) | Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels. |
coreweave.kube_namespace_status_phase (gauge) | [STABLE] kubernetes namespace status phase. |
coreweave.kube_networkpolicy_annotations (gauge) | Kubernetes annotations converted to Prometheus labels. |
coreweave.kube_networkpolicy_created (gauge) | Unix creation timestamp of network policy |
coreweave.kube_networkpolicy_labels (gauge) | Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels. |
coreweave.kube_networkpolicy_spec_egress_rules (gauge) | Number of egress rules on the networkpolicy |
coreweave.kube_networkpolicy_spec_ingress_rules (gauge) | Number of ingress rules on the networkpolicy |
coreweave.kube_persistentvolumeclaim_access_mode (gauge) | The access mode(s) specified by the persistent volume claim. |
coreweave.kube_persistentvolumeclaim_annotations (gauge) | Kubernetes annotations converted to Prometheus labels. |
coreweave.kube_persistentvolumeclaim_created (gauge) | Unix creation timestamp |
coreweave.kube_persistentvolumeclaim_info (gauge) | Information about persistent volume claim. |
coreweave.kube_persistentvolumeclaim_labels (gauge) | Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels. |
coreweave.kube_persistentvolumeclaim_resource_requests_storage_bytes (gauge) | [STABLE] The capacity of storage requested by the persistent volume claim. |
coreweave.kube_persistentvolumeclaim_status_phase (gauge) | The phase the persistent volume claim is currently in. |
coreweave.kube_pod_annotations (gauge) | Kubernetes annotations converted to Prometheus labels. |
coreweave.kube_pod_container_info (gauge) | Information about a container in a pod. |
coreweave.kube_pod_container_resource_limits (gauge) | The number of requested limit resource by a container. |
coreweave.kube_pod_container_resource_requests (gauge) | The number of requested request resource by a container. |
coreweave.kube_pod_container_state_started (gauge) | Start time in unix timestamp for a pod container. |
coreweave.kube_pod_container_status_ready (gauge) | Describes whether the containers readiness check succeeded. |
coreweave.kube_pod_container_status_restarts_total (count) | The number of container restarts per container. |
coreweave.kube_pod_container_status_running (gauge) | [STABLE] Describes whether the container is currently in running state. |
coreweave.kube_pod_container_status_terminated (gauge) | Describes whether the container is currently in terminated state. |
coreweave.kube_pod_container_status_waiting (gauge) | Describes whether the container is currently in waiting state. |
coreweave.kube_pod_created (gauge) | Unix creation timestamp |
coreweave.kube_pod_deletion_timestamp (gauge) | Unix deletion timestamp |
coreweave.kube_pod_info (gauge) | Information about pod. |
coreweave.kube_pod_init_container_info (gauge) | Information about an init container in a pod. |
coreweave.kube_pod_init_container_resource_requests (gauge) | The number of requested request resource by an init container. |
coreweave.kube_pod_init_container_status_ready (gauge) | Describes whether the init containers readiness check succeeded. |
coreweave.kube_pod_init_container_status_restarts_total (count) | The number of restarts for the init container. |
coreweave.kube_pod_init_container_status_running (gauge) | Describes whether the init container is currently in running state. |
coreweave.kube_pod_init_container_status_terminated (gauge) | Describes whether the init container is currently in terminated state. |
coreweave.kube_pod_init_container_status_terminated_reason (gauge) | Describes the reason the init container is currently in terminated state. |
coreweave.kube_pod_init_container_status_waiting (gauge) | Describes whether the init container is currently in waiting state. |
coreweave.kube_pod_ips (gauge) | Pod IP addresses |
coreweave.kube_pod_labels (gauge) | Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels. |
coreweave.kube_pod_owner (gauge) | Information about the Pod's owner. |
coreweave.kube_pod_restart_policy (gauge) | Describes the restart policy in use by this pod. |
coreweave.kube_pod_running_info (count) | |
coreweave.kube_pod_spec_volumes_persistentvolumeclaims_info (gauge) | Information about persistentvolumeclaim volumes in a pod. |
coreweave.kube_pod_spec_volumes_persistentvolumeclaims_readonly (gauge) | Describes whether a persistentvolumeclaim is mounted read only. |
coreweave.kube_pod_start_time (gauge) | [STABLE] Start time in unix timestamp for a pod. |
coreweave.kube_pod_status_container_ready_time (gauge) | Readiness achieved time in unix timestamp for a pod containers. |
coreweave.kube_pod_status_phase (gauge) | The pods current phase. |
coreweave.kube_pod_status_qos_class (gauge) | The pods current qosClass. |
coreweave.kube_pod_status_ready (gauge) | Describes whether the pod is ready to serve requests. |
coreweave.kube_pod_status_ready_time (gauge) | Readiness achieved time in unix timestamp for a pod. |
coreweave.kube_pod_status_reason (gauge) | The pod status reasons |
coreweave.kube_pod_status_scheduled (gauge) | [STABLE] Describes the status of the scheduling process for the pod. |
coreweave.kube_pod_status_scheduled_time (gauge) | Unix timestamp when pod moved into scheduled status |
coreweave.kube_pod_tolerations (gauge) | Information about the pod tolerations |
coreweave.kube_replicaset_annotations (gauge) | Kubernetes annotations converted to Prometheus labels. |
coreweave.kube_replicaset_created (gauge) | [STABLE] Unix creation timestamp |
coreweave.kube_replicaset_labels (gauge) | Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels. |
coreweave.kube_replicaset_metadata_generation (gauge) | Sequence number representing a specific generation of the desired state. |
coreweave.kube_replicaset_owner (gauge) | Information about the ReplicaSet's owner. |
coreweave.kube_replicaset_spec_replicas (gauge) | Number of desired pods for a ReplicaSet. |
coreweave.kube_replicaset_status_fully_labeled_replicas (gauge) | The number of fully labeled replicas per ReplicaSet. |
coreweave.kube_replicaset_status_observed_generation (gauge) | The generation observed by the ReplicaSet controller. |
coreweave.kube_replicaset_status_ready_replicas (gauge) | [STABLE] The number of ready replicas per ReplicaSet. |
coreweave.kube_replicaset_status_replicas (gauge) | The number of replicas per ReplicaSet. |
coreweave.kube_resourcequota (gauge) | Information about resource quota. |
coreweave.kube_resourcequota_created (gauge) | Unix creation timestamp |
coreweave.kube_secret_annotations (gauge) | Kubernetes annotations converted to Prometheus labels. |
coreweave.kube_secret_created (gauge) | Unix creation timestamp |
coreweave.kube_secret_info (gauge) | Information about secret. |
coreweave.kube_secret_labels (gauge) | Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels. |
coreweave.kube_secret_metadata_resource_version (gauge) | Resource version representing a specific version of secret. |
coreweave.kube_secret_type (gauge) | Type about secret. |
coreweave.kube_service_annotations (gauge) | Kubernetes annotations converted to Prometheus labels. |
coreweave.kube_service_created (gauge) | Unix creation timestamp |
coreweave.kube_service_info (gauge) | Information about service. |
coreweave.kube_service_labels (gauge) | Kubernetes labels converted to Prometheus labels. |
coreweave.kube_service_spec_type (gauge) | Type about service. |
coreweave.kube_service_status_load_balancer_ingress (gauge) | Service load balancer ingress status |
coreweave.kubelet_container_log_filesystem_used_bytes (gauge) | [ALPHA] Bytes used by the container's logs on the filesystem. |
coreweave.kubevirt_vnc_active_connections (gauge) | Amount of active VNC connections, broken down by namespace and vmi name |
coreweave.namespace_cpukube_pod_container_resource_requests_sum (count) | |
coreweave.namespace_memorykube_pod_container_resource_requests_sum (count) | |
coreweave.node_boot_time_seconds (gauge) | Node boot time, in unixtime. |
coreweave.node_context_switches_total (count) | Total number of context switches. |
coreweave.node_cooling_device_cur_state (gauge) | Current throttle state of the cooling device |
coreweave.node_cpu_seconds_total (count) | Seconds the CPUs spent in each mode. |
coreweave.node_disk_io_time_seconds_total (count) | Total seconds spent doing I/Os. |
coreweave.node_disk_read_bytes_total (count) | The total number of bytes read successfully. |
coreweave.node_disk_write_time_seconds_total (count) | This is the total number of seconds spent by all writes. |
coreweave.node_disk_written_bytes_total (count) | The total number of bytes written successfully. |
coreweave.node_filesystem_avail_bytes (gauge) | Filesystem space available to non-root users in bytes. |
coreweave.node_filesystem_size_bytes (gauge) | Filesystem size in bytes. |
coreweave.node_load1 (gauge) | 1m load average. |
coreweave.node_load15 (gauge) | 15m load average. |
coreweave.node_load5 (gauge) | 5m load average. |
coreweave.node_memory_Active_anon_bytes (gauge) | Memory information field Activeanonbytes. |
coreweave.node_memory_Active_bytes (gauge) | Memory information field Active_bytes. |
coreweave.node_memory_Active_file_bytes (gauge) | Memory information field Activefilebytes. |
coreweave.node_memory_AnonHugePages_bytes (gauge) | Memory information field AnonHugePages_bytes. |
coreweave.node_memory_AnonPages_bytes (gauge) | Memory information field AnonPages_bytes. |
coreweave.node_memory_Bounce_bytes (gauge) | Memory information field Bounce_bytes. |
coreweave.node_memory_Buffers_bytes (gauge) | Memory information field Buffers_bytes. |
coreweave.node_memory_Cached_bytes (gauge) | Memory information field Cached_bytes. |
coreweave.node_memory_CommitLimit_bytes (gauge) | Memory information field CommitLimit_bytes. |
coreweave.node_memory_Committed_AS_bytes (gauge) | Memory information field CommittedASbytes. |
coreweave.node_memory_DirectMap1G_bytes (gauge) | Memory information field DirectMap1G_bytes. |
coreweave.node_memory_DirectMap2M_bytes (gauge) | Memory information field DirectMap2M_bytes. |
coreweave.node_memory_DirectMap4k_bytes (gauge) | Memory information field DirectMap4k_bytes. |
coreweave.node_memory_Dirty_bytes (gauge) | Memory information field Dirty_bytes. |
coreweave.node_memory_HardwareCorrupted_bytes (gauge) | Memory information field HardwareCorrupted_bytes. |
coreweave.node_memory_HugePages_Free (gauge) | Memory information field HugePages_Free. |
coreweave.node_memory_HugePages_Total (gauge) | Memory information field HugePages_Total. |
coreweave.node_memory_Hugepagesize_bytes (gauge) | Memory information field Hugepagesize_bytes. |
coreweave.node_memory_Inactive_anon_bytes (gauge) | Memory information field Inactiveanonbytes. |
coreweave.node_memory_Inactive_bytes (gauge) | Memory information field Inactive_bytes. |
coreweave.node_memory_Mapped_bytes (gauge) | Memory information field Mapped_bytes. |
coreweave.node_memory_MemAvailable_bytes (gauge) | Memory information field MemAvailable_bytes. |
coreweave.node_memory_MemFree_bytes (gauge) | Memory information field MemFree_bytes. |
coreweave.node_memory_MemTotal_bytes (gauge) | Memory information field MemTotal_bytes. |
coreweave.node_namespace_podkube_pod_info (count) | |
coreweave.node_namespace_pod_container_container_cpu_usage_seconds_total_sum_irate (count) | |
coreweave.node_namespace_pod_container_container_memory_cache (count) | |
coreweave.node_namespace_pod_container_container_memory_rss (count) | |
coreweave.node_namespace_pod_container_container_memory_working_set_bytes (count) | |
coreweave.node_network_receive_bytes_total (count) | Network device statistic receive_bytes. |
coreweave.node_network_receive_drop_total (count) | Network device statistic receive_drop. |
coreweave.node_network_receive_errs_total (count) | Network device statistic receive_errs. |
coreweave.node_network_receive_packets_total (count) | Network device statistic receive_packets. |
coreweave.node_network_transmit_bytes_total (count) | Network device statistic transmit_bytes. |
coreweave.node_network_transmit_drop_total (count) | Network device statistic transmit_drop. |
coreweave.node_network_transmit_errs_total (count) | Network device statistic transmit_errs. |
coreweave.node_network_transmit_packets_total (count) | Network device statistic transmit_packets. |
coreweave.node_uname_info (gauge) | Labeled system information as provided by the uname system call. |
coreweave.node_uptime (count) | |
coreweave.object_storage_quota_bytes (count) | |
coreweave.object_storage_total_object_count (count) | |
coreweave.object_storage_total_quota_bytes (count) | |
coreweave.scrape_duration_seconds (count) | |
coreweave.scrape_samples_post_metric_relabeling (count) | |
coreweave.scrape_samples_scraped (count) | |
coreweave.scrape_series_added (count) | |
coreweave.up (count) | |