ダッシュボードで SLO 履歴データをグラフ化する

The SLO data source is in public beta. This feature is supported for Metric-based and Time Slice SLOs.


Graph Metric-based and Time Slice SLOs on dashboards and track trends over 15 months. You can also leverage the scheduled dashboard reporting functionality to automatically deliver visual reports to key stakeholders.


Graph editor configuration with the slo data type selected and the good events measure selected

まずは、ダッシュボードのウィジェットトレイから標準的な視覚化タイプの 1 つを選択し、クエリのドロップダウンメニューで SLOs をデータソースとして選択します。

For the Measure parameter, see the table below for more information on what each measure visualizes. The Display parameter allows you to break out the query by the groups that are already configured for the SLO.

Key Information

When using an SLO data source measures in the Timeseries widget, the value shown at each point is based on the default rollup in the widget, not rolling time period of the SLO. Additionally, SLO status corrections are applied to scalar widgets only, not the timeseries widget.

メジャーSLO type時系列ウィジェットスカラーウィジェット
良好イベントMetric-basedThe count of good events.The sum of good events across all groups.
不良イベントMetric-basedThe count of bad events.The sum of bad events across all groups.
Good minutesTime SliceThe count of good minutes.The sum of good minutes across all groups.
Bad minutesTime SliceThe count of bad minutes.The sum of bad minutes across all groups.
SLO ステータスMetric-based or Time SliceFor each time bucket, the SLO status is calculated as the ratio of the number of good events/minutes to total events/minutes.The ratio of the number of good events/minutes to total events/minutes.
エラーバジェットの残りMetric-based or Time SliceFor each time bucket, the percentage of error budget remaining. The target for the primary time window is used in the error budget calculation.The percentage of error budget remaining at the end of the widget’s time frame.
バーンレートMetric-based or Time SliceFor each time bucket, the burn rate shows the observed error rate divided by the ideal error rate.The burn rate over the widget’s time frame.
エラーバジェットバーンダウンMetric-based or Time SliceThe error budget burned over time. It starts at 100% (unless there were bad events/minutes within the first time bucket) and decreases with bad events/minutes.Error budget burndown is not available in scalar widgets.
PREVIEWING: alai97/reorganize-some-sections-in-dora-metrics