Datadog Agent Manager for Windows


The Datadog Agent Manager GUI is browser-based. The port the GUI runs on can be configured in your datadog.yaml file. Setting the port to -1 disables the GUI. By default it is enabled on port 5002 for Windows and Mac and is disabled on Linux.


  1. Cookies must be enabled in your browser. The GUI generates and saves a token in your browser which is used for authenticating all communications with the GUI server.

  2. The GUI is only launched if the user launching it has the correct user permissions. If you are able to open datadog.yaml, you are able to use the GUI.

  3. For security reasons, the GUI can only be accessed from the local network interface (localhost/, so you must be on the same host that the Agent is running to use it. In other words, you can’t run the Agent on a VM or container and access it from the host machine.

Supported browsers

BrowserSupported version (or later)Comment
Edge12Pre-Chromium Edge
iOS12Mobile Safari

Start the Datadog Agent Manager

After the Agent is installed on your Windows host, start the Datadog Agent Manager to manage the Agent graphically.

From the Windows start menu:

  • Click on the Datadog folder.
  • Right click on Datadog Agent Manager.
  • Choose Run as Administrator.

From an elevated PowerShell prompt:

& "$env:ProgramFiles\Datadog\Datadog Agent\bin\agent.exe" launch-gui

The Datadog Agent Manager launches in your default web browser. The web address is


The following sections provide information on the options in the left navigation bar.



The general status page displays by default when launching the Datadog Agent Manager. It contains the following sections:

Agent InfoProvides information on the Agent including version, log level, and file paths.
System InfoIncludes information on system time, ntp offset, Go, and Python versions.
Host InfoProvides information on the host including OS, platform, procs, and uptime.
HostnamesDisplays the hostnames and host tags found by the Agent.
JMX StatusA list of JMX checks with their status.
ForwarderInformation on the Agent’s forwarder including the status of your API key.
EndpointsEndpoints in use by the Agent.
Logs AgentInformation on the Logs Agent (if enabled).
AggregatorInformation on the Agent’s data aggregator.
DogStatsDStatistics on data sent with DogStatsD.


The collector status page displays details on the Agent’s running checks, for example:

   Instance ID: cpu [OK]
   Total Runs: 1,561
   Metric Samples: 7, Total: 10,921
   Events: 0, Total: 0
   Service Checks: 0, Total: 0
   Average Execution Time: 4ms


The log page displays the Agent logs being output to agent.log. Logs can be sorted by most recent or oldest first.

2019-07-10 17:46:04 EDT | INFO | (runner.go:246 in work) | Running check cpu
2019-07-10 17:46:04 EDT | INFO | (runner.go:302 in work) | Done running check cpu
2019-07-10 17:46:04 EDT | INFO | (runner.go:246 in work) | Running check disk
2019-07-10 17:46:04 EDT | INFO | (runner.go:302 in work) | Done running check disk
2019-07-10 17:46:04 EDT | INFO | (runner.go:246 in work) | Running check file_handle
2019-07-10 17:46:04 EDT | INFO | (runner.go:302 in work) | Done running check file_handle
2019-07-10 17:46:04 EDT | INFO | (runner.go:246 in work) | Running check io
2019-07-10 17:46:04 EDT | INFO | (runner.go:302 in work) | Done running check io
2019-07-10 17:46:04 EDT | INFO | (runner.go:246 in work) | Running check memory
2019-07-10 17:46:04 EDT | INFO | (runner.go:302 in work) | Done running check memory
2019-07-10 17:46:04 EDT | INFO | (runner.go:246 in work) | Running check network
2019-07-10 17:46:04 EDT | INFO | (runner.go:302 in work) | Done running check network
2019-07-10 17:46:04 EDT | INFO | (runner.go:246 in work) | Running check ntp
2019-07-10 17:46:04 EDT | INFO | (runner.go:302 in work) | Done running check ntp
2019-07-10 17:46:04 EDT | INFO | (runner.go:246 in work) | Running check uptime
2019-07-10 17:46:04 EDT | INFO | (runner.go:302 in work) | Done running check uptime
2019-07-10 17:46:04 EDT | INFO | (runner.go:246 in work) | Running check winproc
2019-07-10 17:46:05 EDT | INFO | (runner.go:302 in work) | Done running check winproc
2019-07-10 17:48:02 EDT | INFO | (transaction.go:114 in Process) | Successfully posted payload to "*************************12345"


The settings page displays the contents of the Agent’s main configuration file datadog.yaml. You can edit this file directly from the Datadog Agent Manager. After making a change, click Save in the upper right then restart the Agent.

See the sample config_template.yaml for all available configuration options.


Manage checks

The manage checks page displays the contents of enabled check configuration files. You can edit these files directly from the Datadog Agent Manager. After making a change, click Save in the upper right then restart the Agent.

To add a check, select Add a Check in the dropdown menu. This displays a list of available checks to install. Reference the specific check’s integration page for configuration details.

Checks summary

The checks summary page displays a list of the checks running, number of instances for each check, and the check’s status.


If you are having issues with the Agent, the flare page assists you with troubleshooting with the Datadog support team. Enter your ticket number (optional) and email address then click Submit. This transmits a copy of your Agent logs and config files to Datadog support. More information on flares is available in the Agent Flare documentation.

Restart Agent

Clicking Restart Agent from the left navigation bar restarts the Agent immediately. There is no page or confirmation prompt. After restarting the Agent, you are forwarded to the general status page.

Further Reading

Additional helpful documentation, links, and articles:

PREVIEWING: aliciascott/DOCS-9725-Cloudcraft