Datadog-Heroku Buildpack troubleshooting

To start debugging Heroku, use the agent-wrapper command with the information/debugging commands listed in the Agent documentation.

For example, to display the status of your Datadog Agent and enabled integrations, run:

agent-wrapper status

Next, verify the Datadog Agent is listening by sending a custom metric. From your project directory, run:

heroku run bash

# Once your Dyno has started and you are at the command line
echo -n "custom_metric:60|g|#shell" >/dev/udp/localhost/8125

After a few moments, use the metrics explorer to verify that the metric was received.

It can also be helpful to obtain Agent and Trace Agent logs from your running dyno.

Download Datadog Agent logs:

heroku ps:copy /app/.apt/var/log/datadog/datadog.log --dyno=<YOUR DYNO NAME>

Download Datadog Trace Agent logs:

heroku ps:copy /app/.apt/var/log/datadog/datadog-apm.log --dyno=<YOUR DYNO NAME>

Send a flare

Generate a flare by running the agent-wrapper command:

agent-wrapper flare
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