Integration Management


The Agent comes with a set of bundled official Datadog integrations to allow users to start monitoring their applications quickly. These integrations are available as single Python packages, and you can upgrade them separately.

Note: Community, Partner, and Marketplace integrations are not retained when the Agent is upgraded. These integrations need to be re-installed upon upgrading the Agent version.

For Agent v6.8+, the datadog-agent integration command allows users to manage the official Datadog integrations that are available for the Agent. It has the following subcommands:

Print the usage and documentation of these commands with datadog-agent integration --help. For Linux, execute the command as the dd-agent user. For Windows, execute the command as an administrator.

Integration commands


  1. Check the version of the integration installed in your Agent with the show command.
  2. Review the changelog of the specific integration on the integrations-core repository to identify the version you want.
  3. Install the integration with the install command.
  4. Restart your Agent.

Note: When using a configuration management tool, it is recommended to pin the integration to the desired version. When you’re ready to upgrade the Agent, remove the pin. Upgrading the Agent without removing the integration pin can cause the configuration management tool to fail if the version of the integration is not compatible with the new version of the Agent.


Use the datadog-agent integration install command to install a specific version of an official Datadog integration (available on the integrations-core repository), provided that it is compatible with the version of the Agent. The command does this verification and exits with a failure in case of incompatibilities.

An integration is compatible and installable if both conditions are met:

  1. The version is newer than the one shipped with the Agent.
  2. It is compatible with the version of the datadog_checks_base in the installed Agent.

Note: datadog_checks_base cannot be manually installed. The base check can only be upgraded by upgrading the Agent.

The syntax for this command is datadog-agent integration install <INTEGRATION_PACKAGE_NAME>==<VERSION> where <INTEGRATION_PACKAGE_NAME> is the name of the integration prefixed with datadog-.

For example, to install version 3.6.0 of the vSphere integration, run:

sudo -u dd-agent -- datadog-agent integration install datadog-vsphere==3.6.0

Run powershell.exe as elevated (run as admin).

& "$env:ProgramFiles\Datadog\Datadog Agent\bin\agent.exe" integration install datadog-vsphere==3.6.0

The command installs the Python package of the integration and copies the configuration files (conf.yaml.example, conf.yaml.default, auto_conf.yaml) to the conf.d directory, overwriting the existing ones. The same thing is done during a full Agent upgrade. If a failure occurs while copying of the files, the command exits with a failure, but the version of the integration you specified still gets installed.

After upgrading, restart your Agent to begin using the newly installed integration.

This command is designed specifically to allow users to upgrade an individual integration to get a new feature or bugfix as soon as it is available, without needing to wait for the next release of the Agent. Note: It is still recommended to upgrade the Agent when possible, as it always ships the latest version of every integration at the time of the release.

Upon Agent upgrade, every integration that you individually upgraded using the command gets overwritten by the integration shipped within the Agent.

Configuration management tools

Configuration management tools can leverage this command to deploy the version of an integration across your entire infrastructure.


To remove an integration, use the datadog-agent integration remove command. The syntax for this command is datadog-agent integration remove <INTEGRATION_PACKAGE_NAME> where <INTEGRATION_PACKAGE_NAME> is the name of the integration prefixed with datadog-.

For example, to remove the vSphere integration, run:

sudo -u dd-agent -- datadog-agent integration remove datadog-vsphere

Run powershell.exe as elevated (run as admin).

& "$env:ProgramFiles\Datadog\Datadog Agent\bin\agent.exe" integration remove datadog-vsphere

Removing an integration does not remove the corresponding configuration folder in the conf.d directory.


To get information, such as the version, about an installed integration, use the datadog-agent integration show command. The syntax for this command is datadog-agent integration show <INTEGRATION_PACKAGE_NAME> where <INTEGRATION_PACKAGE_NAME> is the name of the integration prefixed with datadog-.

For example, to show information on the vSphere integration, run:

sudo -u dd-agent -- datadog-agent integration show datadog-vsphere

Run powershell.exe as elevated (run as admin).

& "$env:ProgramFiles\Datadog\Datadog Agent\bin\agent.exe" integration show datadog-vsphere


To list all the Python packages installed in the Agent’s Python environment, use the datadog-agent integration freeze command. This lists all the Datadog integrations (packages starting with datadog-) and the Python dependencies required to run the integrations.

sudo -u dd-agent -- datadog-agent integration freeze

Run powershell.exe as elevated (run as admin).

& "$env:ProgramFiles\Datadog\Datadog Agent\bin\agent.exe" integration freeze
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