Datadog Windows Agent User

By default, the Windows Agent uses the ddagentuser account created at install time. The account is assigned to the following groups during installation:

  • It becomes a member of the “Performance Monitor Users” group
    • Necessary to access WMI information
    • Necessary to access Windows performance counter data
  • It becomes a member of the “Event Log Readers” group
  • It becomes a member of the “Performance Log Users” group (since 7.51)

Note: The installer doesn’t add the account it creates to the Users groups by default. In rare cases, you may encounter permission issues. If so, manually add the created user to the Users group.

Additionally, the following security policies are applied to the account during installation:

  • Deny access to this computer from the network
  • Deny log on locally
  • Deny log on through Remote Desktop Services
  • Log on as a service

The Windows Agent can also use a user-supplied account. Do not use a ‘real’ user account. The user-supplied account should be solely dedicated to running the Datadog Agent. The account is modified during installation to restrict its privileges, including login privileges.

Note: Starting with release 7.38.0/6.38.0 the installer supports the use of a Group Managed Service Account (gMSA). To specify a Group Managed Service Account, append $ at the end of the username: <DOMAIN>\<USERNAME>$. The Group Managed Service Account must exist prior to installation, as the installer cannot create one. See Getting Started with Group Managed Service Accounts for more information.


If no user account is specified on the command line, the installer attempts to create a local user account named ddagentuser with a randomly generated password.

If a user account is specified on the command line, but this user account is not found on the system, the installer attempts to create it. If a password was specified, the installer uses that password, otherwise it generates a random password.

To specify the optional USERNAME and PASSWORD on the command line, pass the following properties to the msiexec command (The bracket <> characters indicate a variable that should be replaced):



Note: If you encounter permission issues with system and winproc checks upon installing, make sure the ddagentuser is a member of the Performance Monitor Users and Event Log Readers groups.

Note: For Agent version < 7.40.0, the user cannot be specified in the installer UI. Use the command line to pass the DDAGENTUSER_NAME and other parameters. They are taken into account, even in a UI install.

Installation with group policy

The installer changes the local group policy to allow the newly created user account to run as a service. If the domain group policy disallows that, then the installation setting is overridden, and you must update the domain group policy to allow the user account to run as a service.

Installation in a domain environment

Domain joined machines

On domain joined machines, the Agent installer can use a user supplied account, whether it is a domain or local one, or create a local account.

If a domain account is specified on the command line, it must exist prior to the installation since only domain controllers can create domain accounts.

If a user account is specified on the command line, but this user account is not found on the system, the installer attempts to create it. If a password was specified, the installer uses that password, otherwise it generates a random password.

To specify a username from a domain account, use the following form for the DDAGENTUSER_NAME property:


The <DOMAIN> can either be a fully-qualified domain name (in the form or the NETBIOS name (the pre-Windows 2000 name). It must be separated from the <USERNAME> with a backslash \.

Note: The <USERNAME> must be 20 characters or fewer, to comply with Microsoft’s Active Directory Schema (AD Schema) SAM-Account-Name attribute.

Note: Due to a restriction in the MSI installer, the DDAGENTUSER_PASSWORD property cannot contain the semicolon character ;.

Domain controllers

Primary and backup domain controllers

When installing the Agent on a domain controller, there is no notion of local user account. So if the installer creates a user account, it is a domain user rather than a local one.

If a user account is specified on the command line, but this user account is not found on the system, the installer attempts to create it. A password must be specified for the installation to succeed.

If the specified user account is from a parent domain, the installer uses that user account. Ensure there exists a user account in the parent domain before installation, as the installer never creates a user account in the parent domain.

Read-only domain controllers

The installer can use only an existing domain account when installing on a read-only domain controller.

Installation with Chef

If you use Chef and the official datadog cookbook to deploy the Agent on Windows hosts, use version 2.18.0 or above of the cookbook to ensure that the Agent’s configuration files have the correct permissions


For Agent version < 7.25.0 when you upgrade the Datadog Agent on a domain controller or host where the user has supplied a username for the Agent, you must supply the DDAGENTUSER_NAME but not the DDAGENTUSER_PASSWORD.

Starting with Agent version 7.25.0 the installer retains the username used to install the Agent and re-uses it during upgrades. It is still possible to override the saved value with DDAGENTUSER_NAME.

Agent integrations

General permissions

Every effort has been made to ensure that the transition from LOCAL_SYSTEM to ddagentuser is seamless. However, there is a class of problems that requires specific, configuration-specific modification upon installation of the Agent. These problems arise where the Windows Agent previously relied on administrator rights that the new Agent lacks by default.

For example, if the directory check is monitoring a directory that has specific access rights, such as allowing only members of the Administrators group read access, then the existing Agent can monitor that directory successfully since LOCAL_SYSTEM has administrator rights. Upon upgrading, the administrator must add ddagentuser to the access control list for that directory in order for the directory check to function.

Note: For Windows Server OS, the Windows Service integration cannot check against the DHCP Server service due to the special ACL for the DHCPServer service. The check returns UNKNOWN in such case.

Note: The same considerations apply to the log files that may be monitored by the Logs Collection features of the Agent.

JMX-based integrations

The change to ddagentuser affects your JMX-based integrations if the Agent’s JMXFetch is configured to connect to the monitored JVMs through the Attach API, for example if:

  1. You’re using a JMX-based integration, such as:

  2. AND you’ve configured the integration with the process_name_regex setting instead of the host and port settings.

If you’re using the Attach API, the change in user context means that the Agent’s JMXFetch is only be able to connect to the JVMs that also run under the ddagentuser user context. In most cases, it’s recommended that you switch JMXFetch to using JMX Remote by enabling JMX Remote on your target JVMs and configuring your JMX integrations using host and port. For more information, see the JMX documentation.

Process check

In v6.11 +, the Agent runs as ddagentuser instead of Local System. Because of this, it does not have access to the full command line of processes running under other users and to the user of other users’ processes. This causes the following options of the check to not work:

  • exact_match when set to false
  • user, which allows selecting processes that belong to a specific user

To restore the old behavior and run the Agent as Local System (not recommended) open an Administrator console and run the following command: sc.exe config "datadogagent" obj= LocalSystem. Alternatively, open the Service Manager, go to DataDog Agent > Properties and specify Log On as Local System.

Cassandra Nodetool integration

For the Cassandra Nodetool integration to continue working, apply the following changes to your environment:

  • Grant access to the Nodetool installation directory to the ddagentuser.
  • Set the environment variables of the Nodetool installation directory (CASSANDRA_HOME and DSCINSTALLDIR) as system-wide variables instead of variables only for the user doing the Nodetool installation.

Security logs channel

If you are using the Datadog- Win 32 event log Integration, the Datadog user ddagentuser must be added to the Event Log Readers Group to collect logs from the Security logs channel:

  1. Open Run with Windows+R hotkeys, type compmgmt.msc.
  2. Navigate to System Tools -> Local Users and Groups -> Groups.
  3. Right-click Event Log Readers and select Properties.
  4. Click Add and enter ddagentuser -> Check Names.
  5. Click OK and Apply.
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