Monitor Summary Widget

The monitor summary widget displays a summary view of all your Datadog monitors, or a subset based on a query.

monitor summary



  1. Select one of the three summary types: Monitor, Group or Combined

    • The Monitor summary type lists statuses and names of monitors matching the monitor query. Multi alert monitors have only one row in the results list and their status is the multi alert monitor’s overall status. The Status Counts are the number of matching monitors with each status type.
    monitor summary type
    • The Group summary type lists statuses, names, and groups of monitors matching the monitor query. Multi alert monitors are broken into several rows in the results list and correspond to each group and that group’s specific status in the multi alert monitor. The Group summary type also supports group and group_status facets in its monitor query similar to the Triggered Monitors page. The Status Counts are the number of matching monitor groups with each status type.
    group summary type
    • The Combined summary type lists the number of group statuses and names of the monitors matching the monitor query. Multi alert monitors have only one row in the results list like in the Monitor summary type but the groups column displays the number of groups in each status type instead of the monitor’s overall status. Similar to the Group summary type, the Combined summary type also supports the group and group_status facets in its monitor query. The Status Counts still show the count of overall monitor statuses like in the Monitor summary type.
    combined summary type
  2. Enter a monitor query to display the monitor summary widget over a subset of your monitors.

    Note In addition to the facets listed in the link above, the Group and Combined summary types also support the group and group_status facets for group-level searching, similar to the Triggered Monitors page.

Template variables

To use template variables created in your dashboard in the monitor summary search query, follow the same query format as the Manage Monitor page.


  1. Filtering on Monitor scope with a $service template variable.

    To leverage scope in the manage or triggered monitor page, you have to do scope:service:web-store. Therefore in the widget you have to do scope:$service to then apply the template variable value to the widget.

    Scope Template variable
  2. Filtering on Monitor group with a $env template variable.

    To leverage group in the manage or triggered monitor page, you have to do group:env:prod. Therefore in the widget you have to do group:$env to then apply the template variable value to the widget.

    Group Template variable


Display preferences

Choose to show only the Count of monitors per monitor status type, a List of monitors, or Both. The Text and Background options specify whether the status colors should be applied to the text or background of the Status Counts. The Hide empty Status Counts option, when enabled, only shows the Status Counts for statuses that have more than zero monitors in the result list.

display preferences

Selecting the Show triggered column option filters the results to monitors or monitor groups that are in a triggered state (Alert, Warn, or No Data) and sorts them from most recently triggered to least recently triggered. An additional column is added indicating the amount of time that has elapsed since the monitor/group last triggered.

display preferences


This widget can be used with the Dashboards API. See the following table for the widget JSON schema definition:

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Which color to use on the widget. Allowed enum values: background,text



DEPRECATED: The number of monitors to display.



What to display on the widget. Allowed enum values: counts,countsAndList,list



Whether to show counts of 0 or not.

query [required]


Query to filter the monitors with.



Whether to show the time that has elapsed since the monitor/group triggered.



Whether to show the priorities column.



Widget sorting methods. Allowed enum values: name,group,status,tags,triggered,group,asc,group,desc,name,asc,name,desc,status,asc,status,desc,tags,asc,tags,desc,triggered,asc,triggered,desc,priority,asc,priority,desc



DEPRECATED: The start of the list. Typically 0.



Which summary type should be used. Allowed enum values: monitors,groups,combined



Title of the widget.



How to align the text on the widget. Allowed enum values: center,left,right



Size of the title.

type [required]


Type of the monitor summary widget. Allowed enum values: manage_status

default: manage_status

  "color_preference": "string",
  "count": "integer",
  "display_format": "string",
  "hide_zero_counts": false,
  "query": "",
  "show_last_triggered": false,
  "show_priority": false,
  "sort": "name,asc",
  "start": "integer",
  "summary_type": "string",
  "title": "string",
  "title_align": "string",
  "title_size": "string",
  "type": "manage_status"

Further Reading

Additional helpful documentation, links, and articles:

PREVIEWING: aliciascott/DOCS-9725-Cloudcraft