Upgrade Between Datadog Agent Minor Versions

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Upgrade between minor versions of the Agent

The recommended way to upgrade between minor versions of the Agent is to use the install_script_agent7.sh script. The following commands work on all supported Linux distributions.

Upgrading to a given Agent minor version:

DD_AGENT_MINOR_VERSION=<target_minor> bash -c "$(curl -L https://install.datadoghq.com/scripts/install_script_agent7.sh)"

Upgrading to the latest Agent minor version:

bash -c "$(curl -L https://install.datadoghq.com/scripts/install_script_agent7.sh)"

Download and install the specific version’s installation package.

URL to download a specific Agent minor version


The recommended way to upgrade between minor version of the Agent is to use the install_mac_os.sh script. The following commands work on all supported MacOS versions.

Upgrading to a given Agent minor version:

DD_AGENT_MINOR_VERSION=<target_minor> bash -c "$(curl -L https://install.datadoghq.com/scripts/install_mac_os.sh)"

Upgrading to the latest Agent minor version:

bash -c "$(curl -L https://install.datadoghq.com/scripts/install_mac_os.sh)"

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