Amazon Keyspaces (para Apache Cassandra)

Información general

Amazon Keyspaces (para Apache Cassandra) es un servicio de base de datos escalable, de alta disponibilidad y administrada, compatible con Apache Cassandra. Con Amazon Keyspaces, puedes ejecutar tus cargas de trabajo de Cassandra en AWS utilizando el mismo código de aplicación de Cassandra y herramientas de desarrollo que utilizas actualmente.

Habilita esta integración para ver todas tus métricas de Keyspaces en Datadog.



Si aún no lo has hecho, configura primero la integración de Amazon Web Services.

Recopilación de métricas

  1. En la página de la integración de AWS, asegúrate de que Cassandra está habilitado en la pestaña Metric Collection.
  2. Instala la integración de Datadog y Amazon Keyspaces (para Apache Cassandra).

Datos recopilados


The maximum number of read capacity units that can be used by a table of an account.
Shown as unit
The maximum number of write capacity units that can be used by a table of an account.
Shown as unit
The percentage of provisioned read capacity units utilized by an account.
Shown as percent
The percentage of provisioned write capacity units utilized by an account.
Shown as percent
The number of failed lightweight transaction (LWT) write requests.
Shown as request
The total read capacity units consumed.
Shown as unit
The total write capacity units consumed.
Shown as unit
The percentage of provisioned read capacity units utilized by the highest provisioned read table of an account.
Shown as percent
The percentage of provisioned write capacity units utilized by the highest provisioned read table of an account.
Shown as percent
Number of requests to Amazon Keyspaces that exceed the per-connection request rate quota.
Shown as request
The average number of provisioned read capacity units for a table.
Shown as unit
The average number of provisioned write capacity units for a table.
Shown as unit
The number of requests to Amazon Keyspaces that exceed the provisioned read capacity for a table.
Shown as request
The number of rows returned by multi-row SELECT queries during the specified time period.
Shown as row
The sum of the number of requests to an Amazon Keyspaces storage partition that exceed the throughput capacity of the partition.
Shown as request
The average elapsed time of successful requests to Amazon Keyspaces during the specified time period.
Shown as millisecond
The number of successful requests to Amazon Keyspaces during the specified time period.
Shown as millisecond
The number of requests to Amazon Keyspaces that generate a ServerError during the specified time period.
Shown as request
The units consumed to delete or update data in a row by using Time to Live (TTL).
Shown as unit
The number of requests to Amazon Keyspaces that generate an InvalidRequest error during the specified time period.
Shown as request
The number of requests to Amazon Keyspaces that exceed the provisioned write capacity for a table.
Shown as request


La integración de Amazon Keyspaces no incluye ningún evento.

Checks de servicio

La integración de Amazon Keyspaces no incluye ningún check de servicio.

Resolución de problemas

¿Necesitas ayuda? Ponte en contacto con el soporte de Datadog.

PREVIEWING: aliciascott/DOCS-9725-Cloudcraft