ASM Service Extensions is in Preview

To try the preview of ASM Service Extensions for GCP, follow the setup instructions below.

You can enable application security with GCP Service Extensions within GCP Cloud Load Balancing. The Datadog Application Security Management (ASM) Service Extensions integration has support for threat detection and blocking.


  • The Datadog Agent is installed and configured for your application’s operating system or container, cloud, or virtual environment.

  • Configure the Agent with Remote Configuration to block attackers using the Datadog UI.

  • In your GCP project, verify that you have either the project owner or editor role, or the relevant Compute Engine IAM roles: compute.instanceAdmin.v1 (to spin up instances) and compute.networkAdmin (to set up load balancing).

  • A GCP project with a Cloud Load Balancer configured with your services. Your Cloud Load Balancer must be one of the Application Load Balancers that supports Traffic Callouts.

  • Ensure that the Compute Engine API and Network Services API are enabled:

    gcloud services enable compute.googleapis.com networkservices.googleapis.com

Enabling threat detection

Get started

On your GCP project, multiple steps are needed to fully create a Service Extension. Google Cloud provides guides to create a callout backend service and create a Service Extension as a traffic extension.

To integrate a Service Extension with ASM, do the following:

  1. Create a new VM Compute instance using the Datadog Service Extensions Docker image. The image is available on the Datadog Go tracer GitHub Registry.

    The Docker image exposes some settings:

    Environment variableDefault valueDescription
    DD_SERVICE_EXTENSION_HOST0.0.0.0gRPC server listening address.
    DD_SERVICE_EXTENSION_HEALTHCHECK_PORT80HTTP server port for health checks.

    Configure the Datadog Agent to receive traces from the integration using the following environment variables:

    Environment variableDefault valueDescription
    DD_AGENT_HOSTlocalhostHostname where your Datadog Agent is running.
    DD_TRACE_AGENT_PORT8126Port of the Datadog Agent for trace collection.
  2. Add the VM to an unmanaged instance group.

    Specify http:80 and grpc:443 (or any other previously configured values) for the port mappings of the instance group.

  3. Update the load balancer by creating a backend service and adding a backend.

    Create a callout backend service that uses the HTTP/2 protocol and has an HTTP health check:

    • Protocol: HTTP2
    • Port name: grpc
    • Region: us-west1
    • Health check port number: 80 (or any other previously configured value)
    1. Add the instance group with the extension server as a backend to the backend service.

    2. Create a Traffic Service Extension callout.

      1. In the Google Cloud console, go to Service Extensions and create a new Service Extension.
      2. Select your load balancer type.
      3. Select Traffic extensions as the type.
      4. Select your forwarding rules.

    3. When creating a new Extension Chain, do the following:

      1. To send all traffic to the extension, insert true in the Match condition.
      2. For Programability type, select Callouts.
      3. Select the backend service you created in the previous step.
      4. Select all Events from the list where you want ASM to run detection.

        この構成が完了すると、ライブラリは、アプリケーションからセキュリティデータを収集し、Agent に送信します。Agent は、そのデータを Datadog に送信し、すぐに使える検出ルールによって、攻撃者のテクニックや潜在的な誤構成にフラグが立てられるため、是正措置を講じることができます。
  4. Application Security Management の脅威検出の動作を見るには、既知の攻撃パターンをアプリケーションに送信してください。例えば、次の curl スクリプトを含むファイルを実行して、Security Scanner Detected ルールをトリガーします。

    for ((i=1;i<=250;i++)); 
    # Target existing service’s routes
    curl https://your-application-url/existing-route -A dd-test-scanner-log;
    # Target non existing service’s routes
    curl https://your-application-url/non-existing-route -A dd-test-scanner-log;

    : dd-test-scanner-log の値は、最新のリリースでサポートされています。

    アプリケーションを有効にして実行すると、数分後に Application Signals Explorer に脅威情報が表示されVulnerability Explorer に脆弱性情報が表示されます**。

Datadog Go tracer and GCP Service Extensions

Note: The GCP Service Extensions integration is built on top of the Datadog Go Tracer. It follows the same release process as the tracer, and its Docker images are tagged with the corresponding tracer version.

The GCP Service Extensions integration uses the Datadog Go Tracer and inherits all environment variables from the tracer. You can find more information in Configuring the Go Tracing Library and ASM Library Configuration.


The available functionality for GCP Service Extensions version 1.71.0 has the following important limitations:

  • The request body is not inspected, regardless of its content type.

Further Reading

PREVIEWING: aliciascott/DOCS-9725-Cloudcraft