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This page covers the ports used by Agent 5. For information on the latest version of the Agent, see Send a Flare.

Dockerdocker exec -it dd-agent /etc/init.d/datadog-agent flare <CASE_ID>
macOSdatadog-agent flare <CASE_ID>
CentOSsudo service datadog-agent flare <CASE_ID>
Debiansudo service datadog-agent flare <CASE_ID>
Kuberneteskubectl exec <POD_NAME> -it /etc/init.d/datadog-agent flare <CASE_ID>
Fedorasudo service datadog-agent flare <CASE_ID>
Redhatsudo service datadog-agent flare <CASE_ID>
SUSEsudo service datadog-agent flare <CASE_ID>
Sourcesudo ~/.datadog-agent/bin/agent flare <CASE_ID>
WindowsSee the Windows section

Note: If you are using a Linux based system and the service wrapper command is not available, consult the list of alternatives.


To send Datadog support a copy of your Windows logs and configurations, do the following:

  • Open the Datadog Agent Manager.

  • Select Actions.

  • Select Flare.

  • Enter your ticket number (if you don’t have one, leave the value as zero).

  • Enter the email address you use to log in to Datadog.

Windows Flare

The flare command is available for PowerShell:

& "$env:ProgramFiles\Datadog\Datadog Agent\embedded\python.exe" "$env:ProgramFiles\Datadog\Datadog Agent\agent\agent.py" flare <CASE_ID>

or cmd.exe:

"%ProgramFiles%\Datadog\Datadog Agent\embedded\python.exe" "%ProgramFiles%\Datadog\Datadog Agent\agent\agent.py" flare <CASE_ID>

Flare fails to upload

The output of the flare command tells you where the compressed flare archive is saved. In case the file fails to upload to Datadog, you can retrieve it from this directory and manually add as an attachment to an email. Common locations flare files are stored:

  • Linux: \tmp\
  • MacOS: $TMPDIR
  • Windows: C:\Users\<DDAGENTUSER>\AppData\Local\Temp\

For older Agent versions on Windows, you can find the location of this file by running the following from the Agent’s Python command prompt:

Step 1:

  • Agent v5.12+: "%ProgramFiles%\Datadog\Datadog Agent\dist\shell.exe" since

  • Older Agent versions: "%ProgramFiles%\Datadog\Datadog Agent\files\shell.exe"

Step 2:

import tempfile
print tempfile.gettempdir()


Flare Fail

For information on the latest version of the Agent, consult the Windows documentation.

PREVIEWING: aliciascott/DOCS-9725-Cloudcraft