Amazon RDS

RDS 대시보드


Amazon Relational Database Service(RDS)는 클라우드에서 관계형 데이터베이스를 설정, 운영 및 확장하는 데 사용되는 웹 서비스입니다. 이 통합을 활성화하면 Datadog에서 모든 RDS 메트릭을 볼 수 있습니다.

참고: 환경 변수 DD_SITE가 코드 외부의 리전 로 설정되었는지 확인하거나, 다음과 같이 코드에서 변수를 설정하세요:

DD_SITE = os.getenv("DD_SITE", default="")

RDS 인스턴스를 모니터링하는 옵션에는 Standard, Enhanced, Native 세 가지가 있습니다. 각 메트릭에는 해당 설정이 라벨로 표시되어 있으므로 설정을 선택하기 전에 전체 메트릭 목록을 검토하세요. 또한 아래 정보를 검토하여 각 설정의 요구 사항 및 프리셋 대시보드에 대해 자세히 알아보세요:

표준 통합을 위해서는 AWS 통합 페이지Metric Collection 탭에서 RDS를 활성화해야 합니다. 이를 통해 클라우드와치(CloudWatch) 통합이 허용하는 한 인스턴스에 대한 메트릭을 자주 수신할 수 있습니다. 모든 RDS 엔진 유형이 지원됩니다.

이 통합을 위한 프리셋 대시보드에는 다음 메트릭 정보가 포함됩니다: 연결, 복제 지연, 읽기 작업 및 대기 시간, 컴퓨터, RAM, 쓰기 작업 및 대기 시간, 디스크 메트릭.

향상된 통합에는 추가 설정이 필요하며 MySQL, Aurora, MariaDB, SQL Server, Oracle 및 PostgreSQL 엔진에서 사용할 수 있습니다. 추가 메트릭을 사용할 수 있지만 메트릭을 Datadog에 제출하려면 AWS Lambda가 필요합니다. 더 높은 세분성 및 추가 필수 서비스로 인해 추가적인 AWS 요금이 발생할 수 있습니다.

이 통합을 위한 프리셋 대시보드에는 다음 메트릭 정보가 포함됩니다: 로드, 가동 시간, CPU 사용률, 작업, 메모리, SWAP, 네트워크 수신, 네트워크 전송, 프로세스당 사용된 CPU, 프로세스당 사용된 메모리, 디스크 작업, 사용된 파일 시스템(pct), 실행 중인 작업 및 시스템 CPU 사용률.

네이티브 데이터베이스 통합은 부수적이며 MySQL, Aurora, MariaDB, SQL Server 및 PostgreSQL 엔진 유형에 사용할 수 있습니다. RDS의 메트릭과 네이티브 통합의 메트릭을 일치시키려면, RDS 인스턴스에 할당한 식별자를 기반으로 네이티브 통합에서 dbinstanceidentifier 태그를 사용하세요. RDS 인스턴스에 자동으로 태그가 할당됩니다.

이 설정에 사용할 수 있는 3개의 프리셋 대시보드가 있습니다: MySQL, Aurora, PostgreSQL. 각 대시보드에는 다음 메트릭 정보가 포함됩니다: 쿼리 볼륨, 디스크 I/O, 연결, 복제 및 AWS 리소스 메트릭.

참고: 이 대시보드는 AWS 클라우드와치(CloudWatch)와 개별 데이터베이스 엔진 자체의 메트릭을 모두 표시합니다. 모든 통합 메트릭을 위해 MySQL, Aurora 또는 PostgreSQL 통합 중 하나를 활성화합니다.



표준 RDS 통합을 위해 먼저 Amazon Web Services 통합을 설정합니다.

Instance Actions에서 Modify를 선택하여 인스턴스 생성 중 또는 이후에 RDS 인스턴스에 대한 향상된 모니터링을 활성화합니다. Monitoring Granularity에 대해서는 15를 권장합니다.

다음 지침에서는 KMS와 Lambda Management Console을 사용하여 RDS Enhanced Monitoring Lambda 함수에서만 사용할 수 있는 Datadog API 키의 암호화된 버전을 생성합니다. Log Forwarder와 같은 다른 Lambda의 암호화된 API 키가 이미 있는 경우 Lambda 함수의 README를 참조해 다른 옵션을 살펴보세요.

KMS 키 생성

  1.에서 KMS 홈페이지를 엽니다.
  2. Customer managed keys로 이동합니다.
  3. Create Key를 선택합니다.
  4. lambda-datadog-key와 같은 키의 별칭을 입력합니다. 참고: 별칭은 aws로 시작할 수 없습니다. aws로 시작하는 별칭은 사용자의 계정에서 AWS 관리형 CMKs를 나타내기 위해 Amazon Web Services에서 예약한 것입니다.
  5. 이 키를 관리할 수 있는 사람을 정하기 위해 적절한 관리자를 추가하세요.
  6. 역할을 추가할 필요는 없습니다.
  7. KMS 키를 저장합니다.

Lambda 함수 생성

  1. Lambda 관리 콘솔에서 새 Lambda 함수를 생성합니다. Lambda 함수는 생성된 KMS 키와 같은 리전에 있어야 합니다.
  2. Serverless Application Repository를 선택하고, Datadog-RDS-Enhanced를 검색 후 선택하세요.
  3. 애플리케이션에 고유한 이름을 지정합니다.
  4. KMSKeyId 파라미터의 이전 섹션에서 생성한 키의 Id를 붙여넣고 배포합니다.
  5. 애플리케이션이 배포되면, 새로 생성된 Lambda 함수를 엽니다(“Resource” 아래의 함수 클릭).
  6. Configuration 탭을 클릭하고 Environment variables 섹션으로 이동합니다. 환경 변수 kmsEncryptedKeys의 경우 다음과 같이 value 필드에 전체 JSON 형식의 Datadog API 키를 추가합니다. {"api_key":"<YOUR_API_KEY>"}.
  7. Encryption configuration 섹션을 열고 Enable helpers for encryption in transit을 선택합니다.
  8. KMS key to encrypt at rest 섹션에서 Use a customer master key를 선택하고 앞서 생성한 동일한 KMS 키를 입력합니다.
  9. 방금 입력한 JSON 블롭 옆에 있는 암호화 버튼을 누르고 이전에 생성한 동일한 KMS 키도 팝업에서 선택합니다.
  10. 저장을 누릅니다.
  11. RDSOSMetrics 클라우드와치(CloudWatch) 로그 그룹을 소스로 사용하여 새 트리거를 생성합니다.
  12. 필터에 이름과 부수적인 필터 패턴을 지정하고 저장을 누릅니다.

Lambda 함수에 대한 테스트 버튼을 클릭하면 다음 오류가 발생할 수 있습니다:

    "stackTrace": [
            "event = json.loads(gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=StringIO(event['awslogs']['data'].decode('base64'))).read())"
    "errorType": "KeyError",
    "errorMessage": "'awslogs'"

이것은 무시해도 됩니다. 이 설정에서는 테스트 버튼이 작동하지 않습니다.

  1. AWS 콘솔로 이동하고 RDS 섹션을 열어 모니터링하려는 인스턴스를 찾습니다.

    RDS console
  2. 예를 들어과 같은 Agent를 설정하는 데 사용되는 엔드포인트 URL을 기록해 두세요. mysqlrds와 같은 DB Instance identifier도 기록해 둡니다. 이는 그래프와 대시보드를 만드는 데 사용됩니다.


  1. AWS 통합 페이지에서 Metric Collection 탭 아래에 RDS가 활성화되어 있는지 확인합니다.

  2. Amazon RDS 메트릭을 수집하려면 Datadog IAM 정책에 다음 권한을 추가하세요. 자세한 내용은 AWS 웹사이트에서 RDS 정책을 참조하세요.

    AWS 권한설명
    rds:DescribeDBInstances태그를 추가할 RDS 인스턴스를 설명합니다.
    rds:ListTagsForResourceRDS 인스턴스에 커스텀 태그를 추가합니다.
    rds:DescribeEventsRDS 데이터베이스와 관련된 이벤트를 추가합니다.
  3. Datadog - Amazon RDS 통합을 설치합니다.

  1. AWS 통합 페이지에서 Metric Collection 탭 아래에 RDS가 활성화되어 있는지 확인합니다.

  2. Amazon RDS 메트릭을 수집하려면 Datadog IAM 정책에 다음 권한을 추가하세요. 자세한 내용은 AWS 웹 사이트의 RDS 정책을 참조하세요.

    AWS 권한설명
    rds:DescribeDBInstances태그를 추가할 RDS 인스턴스를 설명합니다.
    rds:ListTagsForResourceRDS 인스턴스에 커스텀 태그를 추가합니다.
    rds:DescribeEventsRDS 데이터베이스와 관련된 이벤트를 추가합니다.
  3. Datadog - Amazon RDS 통합을 설치합니다.

conf.d 디렉토리에서 적절한 yaml 파일을 편집하여 Agent를 설정하고 RDS 인스턴스에 연결한 다음 Agent를 다시 시작하세요:

RDS Aurora의 경우, 사용 중인 데이터베이스 플레이버의 YAML 파일을 편집합니다.

MySQL 또는 MariaDB를 사용하는 경우 mysql.yaml을 편집합니다:


    # AWS 콘솔의 엔드포인트 URL
    - server: ''
    user: '<USERNAME>'
    pass: '<PASSWORD>'
    port: 3306
        - 'dbinstanceidentifier:<INSTANCE_NAME>'

PostgreSQL을 사용하는 경우 postgres.yaml을 편집합니다:


    - host: ''
      port: 5432
      username: '<USERNAME>'
      password: '<PASSWORD>'
      dbname: '<DB_NAME>'
          - 'dbinstanceidentifier:<DB_INSTANCE_NAME>'

Microsoft SQL Server를 사용하는 경우 sqlserver.yaml를 편집합니다:


    - host: ',1433'
      username: '<USERNAME>'
      password: '<PASSWORD>'
          - 'dbinstanceidentifier:<DB_INSTANCE_NAME>'


Agent의 status 하위 명령을 실행하고 Checks 섹션에서 이와 같은 항목을 찾습니다:



      - instance #0 [OK]
      - Collected 8 metrics & 0 events


몇 분 후, RDS 메트릭 및 MySQL, Aurora, MariaDB, SQL Server, Oracle 또는 PostgreSQL의 메트릭은 Datadog의 메트릭 탐색기, 대시보드알림에서 액세스할 수 있습니다. 다음은 RDS와 MySQL 통합의 여러 메트릭을 표시하는 Aurora 대시보드의 예입니다. 인스턴스 quicktestrds에 대한 두 통합의 메트릭은 dbinstanceidentifier 태그를 사용하여 통합됩니다.

rds aurora dash

로그 수집

로깅 활성화

MySQL, MariaDB 및 Postgres 로그를 Amazon 클라우드와치(CloudWatch)로 전달할 수 있습니다. Amazon CloudWatch로 Amazon Aurora MySQL, MySQL용 Amazon RDS 및 MariaDB 로그 모니터링에 있는지침에 따라 클라우드와치(CloudWatch)로 RDS 로그 전송을 시작하세요.

Datadog에 로그 보내기

  1. 아직 설정하지 않았다면, Datadog 로그 수집 AWS Lambda 함수를 설정합니다.
  2. Lambda 함수가 설치되면 RDS 로그가 포함된 클라우드와치(CloudWatch) 로그 그룹에 트리거를 수동으로 추가합니다. 해당 클라우드와치(CloudWatch) 로그 그룹을 선택하고 필터 이름을 추가한 후(선택 사항) 트리거를 추가합니다.

완료되면, Datadog Log 섹션으로 이동하여 로그를 탐색합니다.

수집한 데이터

데이터베이스 엔진에서 수집된 메트릭 외에도 다음 RDS 메트릭을 수신합니다.


The average rate of current transactions executing on a DB instance. Only available for Aurora MySQL DBs.
Shown as transaction
The amount of time a replica DB cluster running on Aurora with MySQL compatibility lags behind the source DB cluster. Only available for Aurora MySQL DBs.
Shown as second
The average lag when replicating updates from the primary instance. Only available for Aurora DBs.
Shown as millisecond
The maximum amount of lag between the primary instance and each Aurora instance in the DB cluster. Only available for Aurora DBs.
Shown as millisecond
The minimum amount of lag between the primary instance and each Aurora instance in the DB cluster. Only available for Aurora DBs.
Shown as millisecond
The amount of backup storage used for storing continuous backups at the current time. Only available for Aurora DBs.
Shown as byte
Amount of disk space occupied by binary logs on the master. Only available for non-Aurora DBs.
Shown as byte
The average rate of transactions in the database that are blocked. Only available for Aurora MySQL DBs.
Shown as transaction
The percentage of requests that are served by the Buffer cache. Only available for Aurora DBs.
Shown as percent
The percent of General Purpose SSD (gp2) burst-bucket I/O credits available. Only available for non-Aurora DBs.
Shown as percent
The amount of latency for committed transactions. Only available for Aurora DBs.
Shown as millisecond
The average rate of committed transactions. Only available for Aurora DBs.
Shown as transaction
[T2 instances] Number of CPU credits that an instance has accumulated. Available for Aurora DBs.
[T2 instances] Number of CPU credits consumed. Available for Aurora DBs.
The number of surplus credits that have been spent by an unlimited instance when its CPUCreditBalance value is zero.
The number of spent surplus credits that are not paid down by earned CPU credits, and which thus incur an additional charge.
Percentage of CPU utilization. Recommended metric for standard monitoring. Available for Aurora DBs.
Shown as percent
The percentage of CPU in use by guest programs. (Enhanced)
Shown as percent
The percentage of CPU that is idle. (Enhanced)
Shown as percent
The percentage of CPU in use by software interrupts. (Enhanced)
Shown as percent
The percentage of CPU in use by the kernel. (Enhanced, SQL Server Only)
Shown as percent
The percentage of CPU in use by programs running at lowest priority. (Enhanced)
Shown as percent
The percentage of CPU in use by other virtual machines. (Enhanced)
Shown as percent
The percentage of CPU in use by the kernel. (Enhanced)
Shown as percent
The total percentage of the CPU in use. This value excludes the nice value. Recommended metric for enhanced monitoring. (Enhanced)
Shown as percent
The percentage of CPU in use by user programs. (Enhanced)
Shown as percent
The percentage of CPU unused while waiting for I/O access. (Enhanced)
Shown as percent
Number of database connections in use. Available for Aurora DBs.
Shown as connection
The number of active sessions for the DB engine (Performance Insights must be enabled).
Shown as session
The number of active sessions where the wait event type is CPU (Performance Insights must be enabled).
Shown as session
The number of active sessions where the wait event type is not CPU (Performance Insights must be enabled).
Shown as session
The ratio of the DB load to the number of virtual CPUs for the database.
Shown as percent
The amount of latency for DDL requests (create/alter/drop). Only available for Aurora MySQL DBs.
Shown as millisecond
The average rate of DDL requests per second. Only available for Aurora MySQL DBs.
Shown as request
The average number of deadlocks in the database per second. Only available for Aurora DBs.
Shown as lock
The average latency for delete queries. Only available for Aurora MySQL DBs.
Shown as millisecond
The average rate of delete queries. Only available for Aurora MySQL DBs.
Shown as query
Number of outstanding IOs (read/write requests) waiting to access the disk. Available for Aurora DBs.
Shown as request
The number of requests waiting in the I/O device's queue. This metric is not available for Amazon Aurora. (Enhanced)
Shown as request
The average request size. This metric is not available for Amazon Aurora. (Enhanced)
Shown as kibibyte
The number of milliseconds required to respond to requests including queue time and service time. This metric is not available for Amazon Aurora. (Enhanced)
Shown as millisecond
The rate of read operations. (Enhanced)
Shown as operation
The total amount of data read. This metric is not available for Amazon Aurora. (Enhanced)
Shown as kibibyte
The rate that data is read. This metric is not available for Amazon Aurora. (Enhanced)
Shown as kibibyte
The elapsed time between the submission of a read I/O request and its completion, in milliseconds. (Enhanced, Aurora Only)
Shown as millisecond
The amount of network throughput used by requests to the DB cluster, in bytes per second. (Enhanced, Aurora Only)
Shown as byte
The rate of merged read requests queue. This metric is not available for Amazon Aurora. (Enhanced)
Shown as request
The rate of I/O transactions. This metric is not available for Amazon Aurora. (Enhanced)
Shown as transaction
The percentage of CPU time during which requests were issued. The percentage of CPU time during which requests were issued. (Enhanced)
Shown as percent
The rate of write operations. (Enhanced)
Shown as operation
The total amount of data written. This metric is not available for Amazon Aurora. (Enhanced)
Shown as kibibyte
The rate that data is written. This metric is not available for Amazon Aurora. (Enhanced)
Shown as kibibyte
The average elapsed time between the submission of a write I/O request and its completion, in milliseconds. (Enhanced, Aurora Only)
Shown as millisecond
The amount of network throughput used by responses from the DB cluster, in bytes per second. (Enhanced, Aurora Only)
Shown as byte
The rate of merged write requests queue. This metric is not available for Amazon Aurora. (Enhanced)
Shown as request
The average latency for inserts and updates and deletes. Only available for Aurora MySQL DBs.
Shown as millisecond
The average rate of inserts and updates and deletes. Only available for Aurora MySQL DBs.
Shown as operation
The amount of time that the DB instance has been active. Only available for Aurora DBs.
Shown as second
The number of failed SQL Server Agent jobs during the last minute.
Shown as minute
The maximum number of files that can be created for the file system. (Enhanced)
Shown as file
The total amount of disk space available for the file system. (Enhanced)
Shown as kibibyte
The amount of disk space used by files in the file system. (Enhanced)
Shown as kibibyte
The percentage of available files in use. (Enhanced)
Shown as percent
The number of files in the file system. (Enhanced)
Shown as file
The percentage of the file-system disk space in use. (Enhanced)
Shown as percent
The amount of local storage that is free on an instance. Only available for Aurora DBs.
Shown as byte
Amount of available storage space.
Shown as byte
Amount of available random access memory. Available for Aurora DBs.
Shown as byte
The amount of latency for insert queries. Only available for Aurora MySQL DBs.
Shown as millisecond
The average rate of insert queries. Only available for Aurora MySQL DBs.
Shown as query
The number of processes requesting CPU time over the last minute. (Enhanced)
Shown as process
The number of processes requesting CPU time over the last 15 minutes. (Enhanced)
Shown as process
The number of processes requesting CPU time over the last 5 minutes. (Enhanced)
Shown as process
The average number of failed login attempts per second. Only available for Aurora MySQL DBs.
Shown as operation
The maximum transaction ID that has been used. Only available for Aurora PostgreSQL DBs.
The amount of assigned memory. (Enhanced)
Shown as kibibyte
The amount of memory used for buffering I/O requests prior to writing to the storage device. (Enhanced)
Shown as kibibyte
The amount of memory used for caching file system-based I/O. (Enhanced)
Shown as kibibyte
The maximum possible value for the commitTotKb metric. This value is the sum of the current pagefile size plus the physical memory available for pageable contents–excluding RAM that is assigned to non-pageable areas. (Enhanced, SQL Server Only)
Shown as kibibyte
The largest value of the commitTotKb metric since the operating system was last started. (Enhanced, SQL Server Only)
Shown as kibibyte
The amount of pagefile-backed virtual address space in use, that is, the current commit charge. This value is composed of main memory (RAM) and disk (pagefiles). (Enhanced, SQL Server Only)
Shown as kibibyte
The amount of memory pages in RAM that have been modified but not written to their related data block in storage. (Enhanced)
Shown as kibibyte
The amount of unassigned memory. (Enhanced)
Shown as kibibyte
The number of free huge pages. (Enhanced)
Shown as page
The number of committed huge pages. (Enhanced)
Shown as page
The size for each huge pages unit. (Enhanced)
Shown as kibibyte
The number of available surplus huge pages over the total. (Enhanced)
Shown as page
The total number of huge pages for the system. (Enhanced)
Shown as page
The amount of inactive memory (Enhanced)
Shown as kibibyte
The amount of memory in the non-paged kernel pool. (Enhanced, SQL Server Only)
Shown as kibibyte
The amount of memory in the paged kernel pool. (Enhanced, SQL Server Only)
Shown as kibibyte
The sum of the memory in the paged and non-paged kernel pools. (Enhanced, SQL Server Only)
Shown as kibibyte
The total amount of file-system contents that is memory mapped inside a process address space. (Enhanced)
Shown as kibibyte
The size of a page. (Enhanced, SQL Server Only)
Shown as byte
The amount of memory used by page tables. (Enhanced)
Shown as kibibyte
The amount of available physical memory. (Enhanced, SQL Server Only)
Shown as kibibyte
The amount of physical memory. (Enhanced, SQL Server Only)
Shown as kibibyte
The amount of reusable kernel data structures. (Enhanced)
Shown as kibibyte
The amount of memory committed to Microsoft SQL Server. (Enhanced, SQL Server Only)
Shown as kibibyte
The amount of system cache memory. (Enhanced, SQL Server Only)
Shown as kibibyte
The total amount of memory. (Enhanced)
Shown as kibibyte
The amount of dirty pages in RAM that are still being written to the backing storage. (Enhanced)
Shown as kibibyte
The number of bytes received per second. (Enhanced, SQL Server Only)
Shown as byte
The number of packets received. (Enhanced)
Shown as packet
The number of packets uploaded. (Enhanced)
Shown as packet
The number of bytes sent per second. (Enhanced, SQL Server Only)
Shown as byte
Incoming (Receive) network traffic on the DB instance. Available for Aurora DBs.
Shown as byte
The rate of network throughput sent and received from clients by each instance in the DB cluster. Only available for Aurora DBs.
Shown as byte
Outgoing (Transmit) network traffic on the DB instance. Available for Aurora DBs.
Shown as byte
The lagging size of the replica lagging the most in terms of WAL data received. Only available for Aurora PostgreSQL DBs.
Shown as byte
The percentage of CPU used by the process. (Enhanced)
Shown as percent
The percentage of total memory used by the process. (Enhanced, SQL Server Only)
Shown as percent
The percentage of memory used by the process. (Enhanced)
Shown as percent
The process identifier for the parent proces of the process. (Enhanced)
The identifier of the process. This value is not present for processes that are owned by Amazon RDS. (Enhanced, SQL Server Only)
The process identifier for the parent of this process. This value is only present for child processes. (Enhanced, SQL Server Only)
The amount of RAM allocated to the process. (Enhanced)
Shown as kibibyte
The thread group identifier which is a number representing the process ID to which a thread belongs. This identifier is used to group threads from the same process. (Enhanced)
The thread identifier. This value is only present for threads. The owning process can be identified by using the pid value. (Enhanced, SQL Server Only)
The amount of virtual address space the process is using. Use of virtual address space does not necessarily imply corresponding use of either disk or main memory pages. (Enhanced, SQL Server Only)
Shown as kibibyte
The amount of virtual memory allocated to the process. (Enhanced)
Shown as kibibyte
The amount of memory in the private working set plus the amount of memory that is in use by the process and can be shared with other processes. (Enhanced, SQL Server Only)
Shown as kibibyte
The amount of memory that is in use by a process, but can't be shared with other processes. (Enhanced, SQL Server Only)
Shown as kibibyte
The amount of memory that is in use by a process and can be shared with other processes. (Enhanced, SQL Server Only)
Shown as kibibyte
The average rate of queries. Only available for Aurora MySQL DBs.
Shown as query
The amount of lag in seconds when replicating updates from the primary RDS PostgreSQL instance to other nodes in the cluster. Only available for Aurora PostgreSQL DBs.
Shown as second
Average number of disk read I/O operations.
Shown as operation
Average amount of time taken per disk read I/O operation.
Shown as second
Average number of bytes read from disk.
Shown as byte
Amount of time a Read Replica DB Instance lags behind the source DB Instance.
Shown as second
The disk space used by replication slot files. Available for Aurora PostgreSQL DBs.
Shown as byte
The percentage of requests that are served by the Resultset cache. Only available for Aurora MySQL DBs.
Shown as percent
The average latency for select queries. Only available for Aurora MySQL DBs.
Shown as millisecond
The average rate of select queries. Only available for Aurora MySQL DBs.
Shown as query
The amount of backup storage used for storing manual snapshots beyond the backup retention period. Only available for Aurora DBs.
Shown as byte
The amount of swap memory used as cache memory. (Enhanced)
Shown as kibibyte
The total amount of swap memory free. (Enhanced)
Shown as kibibyte
The amount of memory swapped in from disk. (Enhanced)
Shown as kibibyte
The amount of memory swapped out from disk. (Enhanced)
Shown as kibibyte
The total amount of swap memory available. (Enhanced)
Shown as kibibyte
Amount of swap space used on the DB Instance. Available for Aurora DBs.
Shown as byte
The number of tasks that are blocked. (Enhanced)
Shown as task
The number of tasks that are running. (Enhanced)
Shown as task
The number of tasks that are sleeping. (Enhanced)
Shown as task
The number of tasks that are stopped. (Enhanced)
Shown as task
The total number of tasks. (Enhanced)
Shown as task
The number of child tasks that are inactive with an active parent task. (Enhanced)
Shown as task
The sum of BackupRetentionPeriodStorageUsed and SnapshotStorageUsed minus an amount of free backup storage which equals the size of the cluster volume for one day. Only available for Aurora DBs.
Shown as byte
Total amount of storage available on an instance.
Shown as byte
Amount of disk space occupied by transaction logs. Only available for Aurora PostgreSQL DBs.
Shown as byte
The size of transaction logs generated per second.
Shown as byte
The average latency for update queries. Only available for Aurora MySQL DBs.
Shown as millisecond
The average rate of update queries. Only available for Aurora MySQL DBs.
Shown as query
RDS instance uptime. (Enhanced)
Shown as second
The number of virtual CPUs for the DB instance. (Enhanced)
Shown as cpu
The amount of storage in bytes used by your Aurora database. Only available for Aurora DBs.
Shown as byte
The number of billed read I/O operations from a cluster volume, reported at 5-minute intervals. Only available for Aurora DBs.
Shown as operation
The average number of write disk I/O operations to the cluster volume reported at 5-minute intervals. Only available for Aurora DBs.
Shown as operation
Average number of disk write I/O operations per second.
Shown as operation
Average amount of time taken per disk write I/O operation.
Shown as second
Average number of bytes written.
Shown as byte

AWS에서 검색된 각 메트릭에는 AWS 콘솔에 나타나는 것과 동일한 태그가 할당됩니다, 호스트 이름, 보안 그룹 등을 포함하되 이에 국한되지 않습니다.


Amazon RDS 통합에는 DB 인스턴스, 보안 그룹, 스냅샷 및 파라미터 그룹과 관련된 이벤트가 포함됩니다. 아래 이벤트 예시를 참조하세요.

Amazon RDS 이벤트

서비스 점검

aws.rds.read_replica_status read replication 상태를 모니터링합니다. 이 검사는 다음 상태 중 하나를 반환합니다:

  • OK - 복제 또는 연결
  • CRITICAL - 오류 또는 종료
  • WARNING - 중지
  • UNKNOWN - 기타

즉시 사용 가능한 모니터링

Amazon RDS 통합은 즉시 사용 가능한 모니터링 기능을 제공하여 성능을 모니터링하고 최적화합니다.

  • Amazon RDS 대시보드: 즉시 사용 가능한 Amazon RDS 대시보드를 사용하여 RDS 인스턴스에 대한 포괄적인 개요를 확인해 보세요.
  • 권장 모니터링: 권장 Amazon RDS 모니터링을 활성화하여 문제를 사전에 감지하고 적시에 알림을 받습니다.

문제 해결

도움이 필요하신가요? Datadog 고객 지원팀에 문의하세요.

참고 자료

PREVIEWING: aliciascott/DOCS-9725-Cloudcraft